Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Current events in Ukraine were set in motion twenty years ago; what's the human rights forecast for the next twenty if the Long War continues unabated?

"While the Guardian attempts to justify American meddling in multiple nations as an attempt to 'salvage rigged elections and topple unsavoury regimes,' it does not deny that the meddling took place and goes on to explain in great detail just how that meddling was carried out.

"The ultra-right Neo-Nazis now occupying Kiev in the wake of the so-called 'Euromaidan,' are the heirs of the 'Orange Revolution.' The parties that benefited from 2004′s unrest, including the 'Fatherland Party,' now hold power.

"While the 'Orange Revolution' was carried out more covertly, the 'Euromaidan' was openly backed by both the US and the European Union.

"At the height of the protests, US Senator John McCain would literally take the stage with the ultra-right, Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party leaders as well as meet with 'Fatherland Party' member and future 'prime minister,' Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

"Additionally, in mid-April, CIA director John Brennan was confirmed to have traveled to Kiev. Forbes in their article, 'Why CIA Director Brennan Visited Kiev: In Ukraine The Covert War Has Begun,' reported that..."

Is the West DIRECTLY Responsible for the Massacres In Ukraine? Washington's Blog

Blow Back. It's coming. Our meddling in places like Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Ukraine, and countless others, is gonna come back to bite us.
The millions who have been maimed, murdered, and displaced in Iraq since 2003 are bound to produce a martyr or two, willing to sacrifice everything for some 911-style payback, and that may put an end to conversations like this one?

Yeah unfortunately, America does have a lot to answer for. A whole lot of blood on its hands. And sadly, only average American Citizens will be the ones to suffer. The Globalist Elite scum will be just fine. They're incredibly wealthy and insulated. The 'little people' will pay for all this meddling. We need to seriously reconsider our aggressive Foreign Interventionist ways.
Shitstain....I have my DD214 after 20 years. I still help out with defending this country, unlike irrelevant piece of shit.
Congratulations dickbreath, you have proven you can leach off of the taxpayer for life without making even a minor productive improvement in the world.
Drunkenly muttering "Crank up the Enola Gay!" after last call passes for helping out?

So if China goes to war with Japan, Vietnam, the PI, or Taiwan in the next few years over islands and fishing grounds....are you going to blame the US GOV??? Is it Bush or Obama at fault? :cuckoo:
Shit happens, not everything is of our concern, and the conceit that it is has broken the bank.

How much of Europe do you think Russia can steal without punishment? You believe you are safe in your trailer park if Russia overruns Europe and China overruns Asia, eh hick?
That imaginary Russky boogerman moved in under your bed and dispossessed the phantom generic middle eastern guy. Putin hasn't the forces to overrun anything more than the near abroad. If he wants the headache of France, Greece, Italy etc. that's all on him, and its still not our problem.'re an idiot that knows nothing.
Who knows, that bad guy behind every tree nonsense worked for the last twelve years and broke the economy once, maybe your clown circus act can make it happen again.
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Shitstain....I have my DD214 after 20 years. I still help out with defending this country, unlike irrelevant piece of shit.
Congratulations dickbreath, you have proven you can leach off of the taxpayer for life without making even a minor productive improvement in the world.
Drunkenly muttering "Crank up the Enola Gay!" after last call passes for helping out?

So if China goes to war with Japan, Vietnam, the PI, or Taiwan in the next few years over islands and fishing grounds....are you going to blame the US GOV??? Is it Bush or Obama at fault? :cuckoo:
Shit happens, not everything is of our concern, and the conceit that it is has broken the bank.

How much of Europe do you think Russia can steal without punishment? You believe you are safe in your trailer park if Russia overruns Europe and China overruns Asia, eh hick?
That imaginary Russky boogerman moved in under your bed and dispossessed the phantom generic middle eastern guy. Putin hasn't the forces to overrun anything more than the near abroad. If he wants the headache of France, Greece, Italy etc. that's all on him, and its still not our problem.'re an idiot that knows nothing.
Who knows, that bad guy behind every tree nonsense worked for the last twelve years and broke the economy once, maybe your clown circus act can make it happen again.

Well said. Spot On.
Strange that the kooks believe Buffett and the Kochs are working together to destroy the world.
Paulbots are like Paul himself they think that if evil is done in the world the USA government ran by evil Jews are the cause

tapatalk post

With friends like thanatroll, the super secret ninja squirrel army shall command the world.
Blow Back. It's coming. Our meddling in places like Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Ukraine, and countless others, is gonna come back to bite us.
The millions who have been maimed, murdered, and displaced in Iraq since 2003 are bound to produce a martyr or two, willing to sacrifice everything for some 911-style payback, and that may put an end to conversations like this one?

Yeah unfortunately, America does have a lot to answer for. A whole lot of blood on its hands. And sadly, only average American Citizens will be the ones to suffer. The Globalist Elite scum will be just fine. They're incredibly wealthy and insulated. The 'little people' will pay for all this meddling. We need to seriously reconsider our aggressive Foreign Interventionist ways.
As I may have mentioned once or twice before... we have to stop "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat when we select our House and Senate members. The Internet and its social networking makes it possible to FLUSH dozens (hundreds:eek:) of incumbents from DC in a single news cycle; anything else is simply reproving what Einstein had to say about insanity.
Get back to fucking your dog, inbred. :cuckoo:

It says it all about a piece of shit like you to claim military Vets are leeches....

Shitstain....I have my DD214 after 20 years. I still help out with defending this country, unlike irrelevant piece of shit.
Congratulations dickbreath, you have proven you can leach off of the taxpayer for life without making even a minor productive improvement in the world.
Drunkenly muttering "Crank up the Enola Gay!" after last call passes for helping out?

So if China goes to war with Japan, Vietnam, the PI, or Taiwan in the next few years over islands and fishing grounds....are you going to blame the US GOV??? Is it Bush or Obama at fault? :cuckoo:
Shit happens, not everything is of our concern, and the conceit that it is has broken the bank.

How much of Europe do you think Russia can steal without punishment? You believe you are safe in your trailer park if Russia overruns Europe and China overruns Asia, eh hick?
That imaginary Russky boogerman moved in under your bed and dispossessed the phantom generic middle eastern guy. Putin hasn't the forces to overrun anything more than the near abroad. If he wants the headache of France, Greece, Italy etc. that's all on him, and its still not our problem.'re an idiot that knows nothing.
Who knows, that bad guy behind every tree nonsense worked for the last twelve years and broke the economy once, maybe your clown circus act can make it happen again.
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Nah...just picking apart you claims (DD214 30 years ago) and the analyzing your stupidity here that is either from inbreeding or brain damage caused after birth.

I'm guessing you were drafted during Vietnam to be a guinea pig for agent orange testing...too bad you survived to pollute this planet.
Guessing...that what passes for intel analysis among your drinking circle?
Nah...just picking apart you claims (DD214 30 years ago) and the analyzing your stupidity here that is either from inbreeding or brain damage caused after birth.

I'm guessing you were drafted during Vietnam to be a guinea pig for agent orange testing...too bad you survived to pollute this planet.
Guessing...that what passes for intel analysis among your drinking circle?

You have much in common with a Nazi...

The most succinct statement about how governments get their people to support war came from Hermann Goering at the Nuremberg trials after World War II:

Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.

It is rather frightening that a convicted Nazi war criminal latched onto an eternal truth!
For Once, Hermann Goering Was Right ?

Even after all the failed wars endured by the American people, at the deceitful hands of their leaders, one would think you would learn....but as Goering knew and the power elite of today know, your kind can always be counted on to be duped...repeatedly.
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Nah...just picking apart you claims (DD214 30 years ago) and the analyzing your stupidity here that is either from inbreeding or brain damage caused after birth.

LOL, you really are a funny sumbitch there dickbreath. So far the only talent for picking that you have demonstrated is picking your ass and analyzing your fingernails.
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Nah...just picking apart you claims (DD214 30 years ago) and the analyzing your stupidity here that is either from inbreeding or brain damage caused after birth.

Guessing...that what passes for intel analysis among your drinking circle?

You have much in common with a Nazi...

The most succinct statement about how governments get their people to support war came from Hermann Goering at the Nuremberg trials after World War II:

Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.

It is rather frightening that a convicted Nazi war criminal latched onto an eternal truth!
For Once, Hermann Goering Was Right ?

Even after all the failed wars endured by the American people, at the deceitful hands of their leaders, one would think you would learn....but as Goering knew and the power elite of today know, your kind can always be counted on to be duped...repeatedly.

You're projecting again

tapatalk post
This is what this intervention is all about. This is what American Taxpayers will be forced to pay for...


Paying to make Globalist Elite jerks like Biden and his brat richer.
This is what this intervention is all about. This is what American Taxpayers will be forced to pay for...


Paying to make Globalist Elite jerks like Biden and his brat richer.
"To Fight Russia, Ukraine Must Also Fight Corruption, Biden Says"

To Fight Russia, Ukraine Must Also Fight Corruption, Biden Says - Defense One

Seriously, Biden's kid becoming a Ukrainian big shot is totally unrelated to the putsch that replaced a non compliant corrupt government with a compliant corrupt government, otherwise the super secret ninja squirrels would be here decrying such.

They would, wouldn't they?

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