Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Is Ukraine Round One in "Comrade Wolf's" plan to dominate Eurasia?

"Comrade Wolf knows who to eat, and he eats without listening to anyone.”

- Russian President Vladimir Putin referring to the United States"

Ziggy Brzezinski told us how Eurasia holds about 75% of the world's population and most of the world's physical wealth while accounting for about three-fourths of the planet's known energy reserves.

Any power that dominates Eurasia would control directly two of the world's three most and economically productive regions, and would also indirectly control Africa.

"Get the picture?

"It’s a gold rush!

"Having successfully looted every last farthing from the battered US middle class and left the economy in a ghastly shambles, Brzezinski, Clinton and Co. are headed for greener pastures in Central Asia, home of the world’s largest oil producing nation, boundless reserves in the Caspian Basin, and zillions of voracious consumers who’ll need everything from I Pads to leisure wear, all graciously provided by US-owned corporations.


"So don’t get tripped up on the daily events in Ukraine.

"This isn’t a clash between pro-government forces and anti-government activists.

"This is the next big phase of Washington’s plan to conquer the world, a plan that will inevitably pit Moscow against the amassed military power of the United States of America.

"This is David vs. Goliath, Mother Russia vs. the Great Satan, Vladie Putin vs. Comrade Wolf.

Ukraine is just Round 1."

Showdown in Ukraine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names is all about the money. Old story...happened before and will long as the people grant power to centralized governments.

The power elite in the West and the power elite in East are fighting for control of the wealth....both are terribly corrupt criminal operations....and likely more than willing to push the world to war. After all, only the little people die in war. The elites do very well in war.
So what does it all mean?

False East/West Paradigm Hides The Rise Of Global Currency

What is the goal? They’ve already told us, openly, on numerous occasions.

The first great prizes of the New World Order are a global currency and centralized economic control. The elites are not satisfied with quiet dominance of individual economies. They want complete political homogenization and the end of all sovereignty. Period. With a global currency in place, the steps towards global government become quick and small.

Heads of state from around the world, including Putin, as well as international bankers and IMF representatives have all publicly called for the IMF to take charge of the global economic system through its Special Drawing Rights currency program.

However, for the SDR to become a dominant currency, certain issues must be resolved. Here’s a short list.

The U.S. Dollar Must Fall

The dollar must lose its world reserve status, and most likely collapse in relative value, before the SDR can be elevated. This is where mainstream pundits lose track of the facts. For them, the dollar is an invincible monetary element, a currency product as infinite as time. Their normalcy bias prevents them from ever acknowledging the many weaknesses of the Federal Reserve note, including our country’s inability to ever service its more than $200 trillion debt. Others believe the dollar is the NWO currency, and that the globalists are somehow U.S.-centric. The evidence posted above suggests otherwise. Globalists have no loyalty to any nation or culture. Their only loyalty is to the progression of their own power. If sacrificing the dollar or the U.S. as a whole furthers that power, then they will have no problem cutting us loose like a rotting appendage.

A Liquidity Replacement Must Be Introduced

As my regular readers know, I have been covering China’s progression toward a decoupling from the U.S. economy for years. China, in my view, has always been the key to the elitist shift into a truly global currency mechanism. The primary argument in the mainstream against the idea of a dollar collapse is that there is no other currency with ample liquidity to take the dollar’s place. Well, in the past couple of years, this has changed.

China and the banks it controls have issued approximately $25 trillion in debt instruments and monetization. This is often referred to as a “debt bubble” created through panic and a weakness in China’s economy and a response to slowed quantitative easing in the United States. I would take a slightly different position. China began issuing Yuan denominated debt instruments in 2005, years before the mainstream had any inkling of the impending derivatives collapse. From then up to today, there has been no practical purpose for China to produce these Yuan denominated equities and securities, unless their target has always been to expand the Yuan market in a covert way.

I would say that China’s monetization has been carefully and deliberately engineered in order to lay the foundation for a massive liquidity spike in the Yuan. The argument that China’s incredible debt generation is a sign of impending collapse may be misguided. U.S. debt, including unfunded liabilities, absolutely dwarfs China’s $25 trillion. China's Yuan debt has barely had time to accrue concrete interest. The U.S., on the other hand, is caught in an endless cycle of interest payments that are slowly but surely eating away the skeleton of our fiscal structure. If any economy is on the verge of implosion, it is that of the United States, not of China.

The Chinese need exponential Yuan circulation. They do not want the Yuan to replace the dollar; instead, they are preparing it for induction into the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights basket. With China set to become the world largest economy this year according to World Bank, their inclusion is assured.

But, when might this occur? . . .

and. . .

A Cover Event Must Be Created

The centralization of power is best achieved during moments of bewildering calamity. The conjuring of crises is one of the oldest methods of elitist dominance. Not only can they confuse and frighten the masses into malleability, but they can also ride to the public’s rescue as heroes and saviors later on. The Hegelian dialectic is the mainstay of tyrants.

The destruction of the dollar and the institution of a global economic bureaucracy are not actions that can be executed openly by international financiers. These events will coincide with extreme catastrophe, likely worse than the Great Depression era, with millions upon millions of people losing the ability to financially support themselves and their families. Crime, death and public discontent will surely follow. People will be looking for someone to blame. This is where the false East/West paradigm comes in. . . . .

The Bank Cartels run it all. And they are evil institutions. Americans need to educate themselves on the Federal Reserve and how most of our Founding Fathers felt about its possible creation. All of our Presidents work for the same bosses. Americans just need to learn who those bosses are.

Hey Paulitician, you will appreciate this column...

Just Imagine... If Russia had Toppled the Canadian Government
By Neil Clark
Ron Paul Institute
May 22, 2014

Just imagine if the democratically-elected government of Canada had been toppled in a Russian-financed coup, in which far-right extremists and neo-Nazis played a prominent role.

That the new unelected ‘government’ in Ottawa cancelled the law giving the French language official status, appointed a billionaire oligarch to run Quebec and signed an association agreement with a Russian-led trade bloc.

Just imagine…

If Russia had spent $5 billion on regime change in Canada and then a leading Canadian energy firm had appointed to its board of directors the son of a top Russian government politician.
Just Imagine ?
The Bank Cartels run it all. And they are evil institutions. Americans need to educate themselves on the Federal Reserve and how most of our Founding Fathers felt about its possible creation. All of our Presidents work for the same bosses. Americans just need to learn who those bosses are.

I am sure we will break free of the evil Jew bankers of the illuminati

tapatalk post

One would some how assume that you would be one of the first. Guess both you and are are asses. But at least I'm not a poseur. :badgrin:


New World Order – Lyrics

Where hath the apostles gone?
Joining hands with wicked ones
Revelation has come to pass, New World Order
will hold the mass
A book written by the man
used to control and command
All rights will be denied,
without the mark you shall die

No confession, all is known, all is known
New world order, you shall be shown shall be shown

Monitoring all wages
New world order comes in stages
Currency is obsolete
Feel the agony of defeat

Symbol of society today,
A must have or you shall pay
As humans flesh leads the mind
Just as a pawn the last martyr dies

No confession, all is known, all is known
New world order, you shall be shown shall be shown

Where hath the apostles gone?
Joining hands with wicked ones
Revelation has come to pass, new world order,
will hold the mass

We The People – Lyrics

Secret bureaucracy, it’s just a lie
The devil’s henchmen, in suit and tie
A sacred brotherhood, an ancient rite
Politicians and the double lives they hide

Violate your rights, no more equality
Surrender freedom, your Social Security
We the people face unconstitutional lies
In greed we trust, in revolution we die

Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves
The land of liberty needs a regime change
Until you no longer know right from wrong
The constitution isn’t worth the paper it’s written on

Violate your rights, no more equality
Surrender freedom, your Social Security
We the people face unconstitutional lies
In greed we trust, in revolution we die
In revolution we die

Screams from the future, warn of calamity
The coming plagues of the new disease
The Illuminati, one world currency
One world religion, one world everything

[Solo - Mustaine]

Violate your rights, no more equality
Surrender freedom, your Social Security
We the people face unconstitutional lies
In greed we trust, in revolution we die

We the people face unconstitutional lies
In greed we trust, in revolution we die

Did you think you made a point?????? Maybe you need to loosen your tinfoil hate.
Last edited by a moderator:
I am sure we will break free of the evil Jew bankers of the illuminati

tapatalk post

One would some how assume that you would be one of the first. Guess both you and are are asses. But at least I'm not a poseur. :badgrin:


We The People – Lyrics

Secret bureaucracy, it’s just a lie
The devil’s henchmen, in suit and tie
A sacred brotherhood, an ancient rite
Politicians and the double lives they hide

Violate your rights, no more equality
Surrender freedom, your Social Security
We the people face unconstitutional lies
In greed we trust, in revolution we die

Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves
The land of liberty needs a regime change
Until you no longer know right from wrong
The constitution isn’t worth the paper it’s written on

Violate your rights, no more equality
Surrender freedom, your Social Security
We the people face unconstitutional lies
In greed we trust, in revolution we die
In revolution we die

Screams from the future, warn of calamity
The coming plagues of the new disease
The Illuminati, one world currency
One world religion, one world everything

[Solo - Mustaine]

Violate your rights, no more equality
Surrender freedom, your Social Security
We the people face unconstitutional lies
In greed we trust, in revolution we die

We the people face unconstitutional lies
In greed we trust, in revolution we die

Did you think you made a point?????? Maybe you need to loosen your tinfoil hate.

No, I KNOW I made you look like a first class fool.
Last edited by a moderator:
One would some how assume that you would be one of the first. Guess both you and are are asses. But at least I'm not a poseur. :badgrin:
Did you think you made a point?????? Maybe you need to loosen your tinfoil hate.

No, I KNOW I made you look like a first class fool.

By posting Megadeth Lyrics??????
So what does it all mean?

False East/West Paradigm Hides The Rise Of Global Currency

and. . .

The Bank Cartels run it all. And they are evil institutions. Americans need to educate themselves on the Federal Reserve and how most of our Founding Fathers felt about its possible creation. All of our Presidents work for the same bosses. Americans just need to learn who those bosses are.

I am sure we will break free of the evil Jew bankers of the illuminati

tapatalk post

They're not all Jewish. But the Bank Cartels do run the World. The Politicians bow and answer to them. The squabbling over things like Republican/Democrat, Abortion, and Gay Marriage are mere distractions. It keeps the little people busy. The Bank Cartels could care less about that stuff. It's business as usual for them. And business is very good.
The Bank Cartels run it all. And they are evil institutions. Americans need to educate themselves on the Federal Reserve and how most of our Founding Fathers felt about its possible creation. All of our Presidents work for the same bosses. Americans just need to learn who those bosses are.

I am sure we will break free of the evil Jew bankers of the illuminati

tapatalk post

They're not all Jewish. But the Bank Cartels do run the World. The Politicians bow and answer to them. The squabbling over things like Republican/Democrat, Abortion, and Gay Marriage are mere distractions. It keeps the little people busy. The Bank Cartels could care less about that stuff. It's business as usual for them. And business is very good.

You have not just went off into the deep in you fucking dived headlong in.
Wake up peeps, it's all about the cash. Just ask VP Biden and his little brat. It's just a squabble over money, between the Globalist Elites in the West and the Globalist Elites in the East. It has absolutely nothing to do with 'Freedom & Democracy.' Not one American life or Tax Dollar should be wasted over there. Period, end of story.
Wake up peeps, it's all about the cash. Just ask VP Biden and his little brat. It's just a squabble over money, between the Globalist Elites in the West and the Globalist Elites in the East. It has absolutely nothing to do with 'Freedom & Democracy.' Not one American life or Tax Dollar should be wasted over there. Period, end of story.

You been smoking dope I see.......Putin did not invade so Bidens son can make a buck.
I am sure we will break free of the evil Jew bankers of the illuminati

tapatalk post

They're not all Jewish. But the Bank Cartels do run the World. The Politicians bow and answer to them. The squabbling over things like Republican/Democrat, Abortion, and Gay Marriage are mere distractions. It keeps the little people busy. The Bank Cartels could care less about that stuff. It's business as usual for them. And business is very good.

You have not just went off into the deep in you fucking dived headlong in.

Nah, the Bank Cartels really do run it all. Politicians answer to them in the end. Our own Federal Reserve runs the show here. And it is an evil secretive institution.
Wake up peeps, it's all about the cash. Just ask VP Biden and his little brat. It's just a squabble over money, between the Globalist Elites in the West and the Globalist Elites in the East. It has absolutely nothing to do with 'Freedom & Democracy.' Not one American life or Tax Dollar should be wasted over there. Period, end of story.

You been smoking dope I see.......Putin did not invade so Bidens son can make a buck.

No, the Globalist Elites in the West did that. They funded and instigated the coup in Kiev so Elite assholes like Biden and his brat could make a buck. Putin invaded so he could preserve any chance of him making a buck there in the future. That's what this thing is all about.
Wake up peeps, it's all about the cash. Just ask VP Biden and his little brat. It's just a squabble over money, between the Globalist Elites in the West and the Globalist Elites in the East. It has absolutely nothing to do with 'Freedom & Democracy.' Not one American life or Tax Dollar should be wasted over there. Period, end of story.

You been smoking dope I see.......Putin did not invade so Bidens son can make a buck.

No, the Globalist Elites in the West did that. They funded and instigated the coup in Kiev so Elite assholes like Biden and his brat could make a buck. Putin invaded so he could preserve any chance of him making a buck there in the future. That's what this thing is all about.

And the Jews bombed the wtc and the moon landing was filmed in Arizona right?
You been smoking dope I see.......Putin did not invade so Bidens son can make a buck.

No, the Globalist Elites in the West did that. They funded and instigated the coup in Kiev so Elite assholes like Biden and his brat could make a buck. Putin invaded so he could preserve any chance of him making a buck there in the future. That's what this thing is all about.

And the Jews bombed the wtc and the moon landing was filmed in Arizona right?

Well, now you're just trying to marginalize by way of ridicule. It's an old tried and true tactic i guess. But i think it's becoming less effective these days. More & more people are beginning to see the light. I'm actually optimistic.
No, the Globalist Elites in the West did that. They funded and instigated the coup in Kiev so Elite assholes like Biden and his brat could make a buck. Putin invaded so he could preserve any chance of him making a buck there in the future. That's what this thing is all about.

And the Jews bombed the wtc and the moon landing was filmed in Arizona right?

Well, now you're just trying to marginalize by way of ridicule. It's an old tried and true tactic i guess. But i think it's becoming less effective these days. More & more people are beginning to see the light. I'm actually optimistic.
What i am doing is telling you you are a fucking maniac with delusions.
And the Jews bombed the wtc and the moon landing was filmed in Arizona right?

Well, now you're just trying to marginalize by way of ridicule. It's an old tried and true tactic i guess. But i think it's becoming less effective these days. More & more people are beginning to see the light. I'm actually optimistic.
What i am doing is telling you you are a fucking maniac with delusions.

Yes, you're attempting marginalization by way of ridicule and scorn. It's an old tactic. But it's not nearly as effective as it used to be. People are catching on.
They're not all Jewish. But the Bank Cartels do run the World. The Politicians bow and answer to them. The squabbling over things like Republican/Democrat, Abortion, and Gay Marriage are mere distractions. It keeps the little people busy. The Bank Cartels could care less about that stuff. It's business as usual for them. And business is very good.

You have not just went off into the deep in you fucking dived headlong in.

Nah, the Bank Cartels really do run it all. Politicians answer to them in the end. Our own Federal Reserve runs the show here. And it is an evil secretive institution.
"'Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.' Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild."

Famous Quotations on Banking

We are all pawns on the Rothschild chess board, and we can't change that by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.
You have not just went off into the deep in you fucking dived headlong in.

Nah, the Bank Cartels really do run it all. Politicians answer to them in the end. Our own Federal Reserve runs the show here. And it is an evil secretive institution.
"'Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.' Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild."

Famous Quotations on Banking

We are all pawns on the Rothschild chess board, and we can't change that by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

Oh that's definitely their philosophy. They don't care about what the little people squabble about. Their only concern is that it stays business as usual. Now, if their business gets interfered with? That's a whole other story. Heads would have to roll.
Well, now you're just trying to marginalize by way of ridicule. It's an old tried and true tactic i guess. But i think it's becoming less effective these days. More & more people are beginning to see the light. I'm actually optimistic.
What i am doing is telling you you are a fucking maniac with delusions.

Yes, you're attempting marginalization by way of ridicule and scorn. It's an old tactic. But it's not nearly as effective as it used to be. People are catching on.

It is of little consequence, thanatroll is far and away the dumbest fucktard on the interwebs.

ETA....its now a tie, TM is back.

ETA...thanatroll is back to #1, derp is pink again.
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Well, now you're just trying to marginalize by way of ridicule. It's an old tried and true tactic i guess. But i think it's becoming less effective these days. More & more people are beginning to see the light. I'm actually optimistic.
What i am doing is telling you you are a fucking maniac with delusions.

Yes, you're attempting marginalization by way of ridicule and scorn. It's an old tactic. But it's not nearly as effective as it used to be. People are catching on.

Even the purveyor of the "official truth," the New York Times has admitted they can no longer control the public perception of what is truth. It's sort of a running gag now. The clueless are those who depend on TV and radio for their news. :lol:

Exclusive: New York Times Internal Report Painted Dire Digital Picture
“Our journalism advantage is shrinking,” a committee led by the publisher’s son warned. A call to get rid of the metaphor of “Church and State.”
A 96-page internal New York Times report, sent to top executives last month by a committee led by the publisher’s son and obtained by BuzzFeed, paints a dark picture of a newsroom struggling more dramatically than is immediately visible to adjust to the digital world, a newsroom that is hampered primarily by its own storied culture.

The Times report was finalized March 24 by a committee of digitally oriented staffers led by reporter A.G. Sulzberger. His father, Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger, fired Executive Editor Jill Abramson Tuesday, a decision that doesn’t appear immediately related to the paper’s digital weaknesses.

The report largely ignores legacy competitors and focuses on the new wave of digital companies, including First Look Media, Vox, Huffington Post, Business Insider, and BuzzFeed.

and. . .

Brzezinski: ‘Global Political Awakening’ Making Syrian War Difficult
During a short interview with Germany’s DW News last Monday, former US National Security Adviser and Trilateral Commission co-founder Zbigniew Brzezinski commented on the growing inefficiency of war due to the increased political knowledge of the public.


“[The] major world powers, new and old, also face a novel reality: while the lethality of their military might is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low. To put it bluntly: in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people,” said Brzezinski during a 2010 Council on Foreign Relations speech in Montreal.
Nah, the Bank Cartels really do run it all. Politicians answer to them in the end. Our own Federal Reserve runs the show here. And it is an evil secretive institution.
"'Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.' Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild."

Famous Quotations on Banking

We are all pawns on the Rothschild chess board, and we can't change that by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

Oh that's definitely their philosophy. They don't care about what the little people squabble about. Their only concern is that it stays business as usual. Now, if their business gets interfered with? That's a whole other story. Heads would have to roll.
Which may explain why Obama and Putin have backed off recently in Ukraine?
Maybe their corporate central banker overlords are objecting?
Wall Street has been investing in Russia since Lenin came to power.
Maybe the Cold War was all Bull Shite?

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