Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Of course shitstain....all the leaders in Russia right now were part of the USSR apparatus and today acting like their past leadership.....but this is all bogus to a retard like you.

Russia (the USSR) never went away, asswipe. They still kept their nukes pointed at us, kept doing bad stuff in other countries to harm the US and west, etc.

You are probably a 25 year old out of work because your JUCO electronics degree doesn't work in Obama's economy, so you hate him but you don't hate Putin because you have no clue about the USSR, Putin, KGB/FSB, etc......

:cuckoo: Yeah kook.....people here in the US, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Japan, etc are equally worse off or worse off than people living behind the Iron Curtain.

The whole fucking world is rigged by rich people according to you, because you need excuses for your dead end life of being a loser.

We get it, you like seeing other people suffer in Ukraine because you suffer in bumfuck USA when your neighbor does bad things to you in the outhouse each's all "Obama's fault." :badgrin:

You prove yourself a hypocrite, but are unable to recognize why.

Of course Putin is all about scheming to generate wealth for himself. I am glad you can comprehend that....but apparently you are blind to the West's schemes for wealth.

Once you educate yourself, if that is possible, you will realize there is little difference between Putin and Obama.

Iron Curtain...really?

NEWSFLASH: The Iron Curtain no longer exists. The USSR dissolved decades ago...except in small minds that need a yours.

To think the Ukraine will be better off, if the USA goes to war to "liberate" it, again proves you are most delusional.
Yes, you're attempting marginalization by way of ridicule and scorn. It's an old tactic. But it's not nearly as effective as it used to be. People are catching on.

Even the purveyor of the "official truth," the New York Times has admitted they can no longer control the public perception of what is truth. It's sort of a running gag now. The clueless are those who depend on TV and radio for their news. :lol:

Exclusive: New York Times Internal Report Painted Dire Digital Picture
“Our journalism advantage is shrinking,” a committee led by the publisher’s son warned. A call to get rid of the metaphor of “Church and State.”

and. . .

Brzezinski: ‘Global Political Awakening’ Making Syrian War Difficult


“[The] major world powers, new and old, also face a novel reality: while the lethality of their military might is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low. To put it bluntly: in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people,” said Brzezinski during a 2010 Council on Foreign Relations speech in Montreal.

Yeah, things are changing. The Government/Media Complex has lost some control. But they're still firmly in control. Most people still get their 'News' information from the handful of large Corporate/Government-run Media Outlets. But alternative news sources are becoming more popular. So the Dinosaur MSM is dying, but it's still far from becoming extinct. With that kind of power & money behind it, it's not going away anytime soon.
And it isn't as if big government/business isn't taking dead aim at the Internet:

"Net neutrality (also network neutrality or Internet neutrality) is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, and modes of communication. The term was coined by Columbia media law professor Tim Wu in 2003 as an extension of the longstanding concept of a common carrier."

Net neutrality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What are the losertarian kooks and socialists going to say when Russia/Putin loses in this weekend's election "in Ukraine?"

We know Putin and his goons inside Ukraine will claim the people in the eastern and southern parts were screwed (aka Democrap tactic of voter oppression claims while stuffing the ballot boxes).

What are your excuses and new lies going to be when Ukraine doesn't want to align with Russia.....
Even the purveyor of the "official truth," the New York Times has admitted they can no longer control the public perception of what is truth. It's sort of a running gag now. The clueless are those who depend on TV and radio for their news. :lol:

Exclusive: New York Times Internal Report Painted Dire Digital Picture
“Our journalism advantage is shrinking,” a committee led by the publisher’s son warned. A call to get rid of the metaphor of “Church and State.”

and. . .

Brzezinski: ‘Global Political Awakening’ Making Syrian War Difficult


Yeah, things are changing. The Government/Media Complex has lost some control. But they're still firmly in control. Most people still get their 'News' information from the handful of large Corporate/Government-run Media Outlets. But alternative news sources are becoming more popular. So the Dinosaur MSM is dying, but it's still far from becoming extinct. With that kind of power & money behind it, it's not going away anytime soon.
And it isn't as if big government/business isn't taking dead aim at the Internet:

"Net neutrality (also network neutrality or Internet neutrality) is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, and modes of communication. The term was coined by Columbia media law professor Tim Wu in 2003 as an extension of the longstanding concept of a common carrier."

Net neutrality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, I know. They're censorship of the web has already started. It explains why consumers like 1776 and Thanatos are so ignorant. Any company that is mainstream is a part of the CFR. Whether it be Time-Warner/AOL, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, etc.

So for instance, any REALLY revealing and informative piece of information is hard to come by or removed from places like Youtube. You take a poster like 9/11 inside job, he'll get a lot of information from approved sites, and not dig very deep. Even the "alternative" paradigm could be considered a construct. Elites can do this to feed disinformation and create a "truth" movement in order to distract the population from what in fact might be the truth.

Here is a good example. Most folks suspect that Hillary Clinton is going to try to run for president.

Here is a video that is easily searchable on YouTube, which of course is owned by Google, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations on which she is a member.

Now, here is a video, also from RT, which, no matter how hard you search, you cannot find on any CFR member website. This is a statement from the Clinton dynasty. I wonder why this is not common knowledge, especially so few years before her expected run for POTUS?

(If your browser has a hard time linking this video site, do a Google video search for "Welcome to 1984: Bill Clinton calls for a Ministry of Truth") Then you will be able to view the video. A lot of the time people's ISPs De-prioritize certain websites.)
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:badgrin: Idiot peons like you that believe you know more than me....:eusa_clap:

Yeah, things are changing. The Government/Media Complex has lost some control. But they're still firmly in control. Most people still get their 'News' information from the handful of large Corporate/Government-run Media Outlets. But alternative news sources are becoming more popular. So the Dinosaur MSM is dying, but it's still far from becoming extinct. With that kind of power & money behind it, it's not going away anytime soon.
And it isn't as if big government/business isn't taking dead aim at the Internet:

"Net neutrality (also network neutrality or Internet neutrality) is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, and modes of communication. The term was coined by Columbia media law professor Tim Wu in 2003 as an extension of the longstanding concept of a common carrier."

Net neutrality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, I know. They're censorship of the web has already started. It explains why consumers like 1776 and Thanatos are so ignorant. Any company that is mainstream is a part of the CFR. Whether it be Time-Warner/AOL, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, etc.

So for instance, any REALLY revealing and informative piece of information is hard to come by or removed from places like Youtube. You take a poster like 9/11 inside job, he'll get a lot of information from approved sites, and not dig very deep. Even the "alternative" paradigm could be considered a construct. Elites can do this to feed disinformation and create a "truth" movement in order to distract the population from what in fact might be the truth.

Here is a good example. Most folks suspect that Hillary Clinton is going to try to run for president.

Here is a video that is easily searchable on YouTube, which of course is owned by Google, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations on which she is a member.

Now, here is a video, also from RT, which, no matter how hard you search, you cannot find on any CFR member website. This is a statement from the Clinton dynasty. I wonder why this is not common knowledge, especially so few years before her expected run for POTUS?
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What are the losertarian kooks and socialists going to say when Russia/Putin loses in this weekend's election "in Ukraine?"

We know Putin and his goons inside Ukraine will claim the people in the eastern and southern parts were screwed (aka Democrap tactic of voter oppression claims while stuffing the ballot boxes).

What are your excuses and new lies going to be when Ukraine doesn't want to align with Russia.....

If Putin invades Ukraine, the USA should not go to war over it. Doing so would be dumb, but then Neocons and Progressives always do dumb things that often result in death and destruction.

Our government officials and pols, which BTW are primarily liars, thieves, and criminals should strongly condemn the aggression and work diplomatically to find a solution that prevents death and destruction. Nothing more. But I have little faith in them actually doing the right thing, since they KNOW WAR IS HEALTH OF THE STATE....progressives and neocons love a healthy state.
:badgrin: Idiot peons like you that believe you know more than me....:eusa_clap:

And it isn't as if big government/business isn't taking dead aim at the Internet:

"Net neutrality (also network neutrality or Internet neutrality) is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, and modes of communication. The term was coined by Columbia media law professor Tim Wu in 2003 as an extension of the longstanding concept of a common carrier."

Net neutrality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, I know. They're censorship of the web has already started. It explains why consumers like 1776 and Thanatos are so ignorant. Any company that is mainstream is a part of the CFR. Whether it be Time-Warner/AOL, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, etc.

So for instance, any REALLY revealing and informative piece of information is hard to come by or removed from places like Youtube. You take a poster like 9/11 inside job, he'll get a lot of information from approved sites, and not dig very deep. Even the "alternative" paradigm could be considered a construct. Elites can do this to feed disinformation and create a "truth" movement in order to distract the population from what in fact might be the truth.

Here is a good example. Most folks suspect that Hillary Clinton is going to try to run for president.

Here is a video that is easily searchable on YouTube, which of course is owned by Google, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations on which she is a member.

Now, here is a video, also from RT, which, no matter how hard you search, you cannot find on any CFR member website. This is a statement from the Clinton dynasty. I wonder why this is not common knowledge, especially so few years before her expected run for POTUS?

It's not logical to make that assessment, b/c you haven't posted anything. I can't really tell where you stand on the issue. Perhaps from the neg. rep you deal out, I can surmise I hit a raw nerve? :itsok:
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:badgrin: Idiot peons like you that believe you know more than me....:eusa_clap:

And it isn't as if big government/business isn't taking dead aim at the Internet:

"Net neutrality (also network neutrality or Internet neutrality) is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, and modes of communication. The term was coined by Columbia media law professor Tim Wu in 2003 as an extension of the longstanding concept of a common carrier."

Net neutrality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, I know. They're censorship of the web has already started. It explains why consumers like 1776 and Thanatos are so ignorant. Any company that is mainstream is a part of the CFR. Whether it be Time-Warner/AOL, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, etc.

So for instance, any REALLY revealing and informative piece of information is hard to come by or removed from places like Youtube. You take a poster like 9/11 inside job, he'll get a lot of information from approved sites, and not dig very deep. Even the "alternative" paradigm could be considered a construct. Elites can do this to feed disinformation and create a "truth" movement in order to distract the population from what in fact might be the truth.

Here is a good example. Most folks suspect that Hillary Clinton is going to try to run for president.

Here is a video that is easily searchable on YouTube, which of course is owned by Google, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations on which she is a member.

Now, here is a video, also from RT, which, no matter how hard you search, you cannot find on any CFR member website. This is a statement from the Clinton dynasty. I wonder why this is not common knowledge, especially so few years before her expected run for POTUS?

Your link worked fine on both of my PCs, but I have to tell you, for a few seconds I thought I was listening to a ghost when I heard Aaron Swartz responding to Bubba's Great Plan for Truth:

"Aaron Hillel Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) was an American computer programmer, writer, political organizer and Internet Hacktivist..."

"On January 6, 2011, Swartz was arrested by MIT police on state breaking-and-entering charges, after systematically downloading academic journal articles from JSTOR.[10][11]

"Federal prosecutors later charged him with two counts of wire fraud and 11 violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act,[12] carrying a cumulative maximum penalty of $1 million in fines, 35 years in prison, asset forfeiture, restitution and supervised release.[13]

"Two years later, two days after the prosecution denied his lawyer's second offer of a plea bargain, Swartz was found dead in his Brooklyn, New York apartment, where he had hanged himself.[14][15]

"In June 2013, Swartz was posthumously inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame."

Aaron Swartz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some thing tells me Bill and Hill aren't destined for the Internet Hall of Fame.
Leavenworth, maybe?
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Dumbfuck....nobody has said "go to war" over Ukraine, only assholes like you inventing shit about our strong anti-Putin stance to create your strawman argument.

Your losertarian strategy of pulling away from Europe and Asia would actually increase these type of invasions by Russia and China, which shows your stupidity. Having the US military in Europe and Asia to act like the police with those evil countries keeps the peace outside some random occurrence like Ukraine, see history post-WW2.

If the US followed your pussy strategy of surrendering Europe to Russia....Putin would then move into the Balkans, Baltics, etc just like Hitler did to eastern Europe in the late 1930s. I don't recall the US military being stationed in Europe back in the 1930s....

What are the losertarian kooks and socialists going to say when Russia/Putin loses in this weekend's election "in Ukraine?"

We know Putin and his goons inside Ukraine will claim the people in the eastern and southern parts were screwed (aka Democrap tactic of voter oppression claims while stuffing the ballot boxes).

What are your excuses and new lies going to be when Ukraine doesn't want to align with Russia.....

If Putin invades Ukraine, the USA should not go to war over it. Doing so would be dumb, but then Neocons and Progressives always do dumb things that often result in death and destruction.

Our government officials and pols, which BTW are primarily liars, thieves, and criminals should strongly condemn the aggression and work diplomatically to find a solution that prevents death and destruction. Nothing more. But I have little faith in them actually doing the right thing, since they KNOW WAR IS HEALTH OF THE STATE....progressives and neocons love a healthy state.
Right now the Globalist Elite assholes are in the process of hammering out a deal to divvy up the spoils in Ukraine. The West will get some cash, and so will Putin and Russia. VP Biden and his little brat will get richer while American Taxpayer suckers get forced to fork over $Billions. Just another day in NWO Paradise. :(
Right now the Globalist Elite assholes are in the process of hammering out a deal to divvy up the spoils in Ukraine. The West will get some cash, and so will Putin and Russia. VP Biden and his little brat will get richer while American Taxpayer suckers get forced to fork over $Billions. Just another day in NWO Paradise. :(
We also should keep in mind how these same elites have not forgotten about Syria and Libya:

"The latest DEBKA Weekly out Friday homes in on the Obama administration’s seminal Middle East policy turnabout, performed unannounced almost overnight: The quiet switch from military withdrawal to proactive military intervention – based mainly on the CIA – is already impacting the Libyan and Syrian crises.

"Exclusive insights and fresh data will reveal how this extraordinary change is manifested in US-UAE backing for Gen. Khalifa Haftar’s nascent operation in Libya, compared with reliance on the strong Israeli and Jordanian armies to achieve US goals in Syria"

Revived US military intervention in Mid East flashpoints is heralded by active steps in Syria and Libya

Another Debka report (also behind a paywall) has alleged Israeli and Saudi aircraft are covering US boots on the ground moving weapons into southern Syria.

Hot summer coming?
Look at the kooks digging their holes deeper....
When are you planning to fill the holes in Iraq?

"The United States recently sent a small number of special forces soldiers to Jordan to train with counterparts from Iraq and Jordan, a new step in the Obama administration's effort to help Baghdad stamp out a resurgent al Qaeda threat, a U.S. defense official said on Friday.

"The U.S. contingent was dispatched to take part in a training exchange with counterterrorism forces from Iraq and Jordan, allowing the administration to provide a modest new measure of support to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki."

Still can't finish anything you start?

U.S. special forces sent to train Iraqi special forces in Jordan | Reuters

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