Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

And the Jews bombed the wtc and the moon landing was filmed in Arizona right?

Well, now you're just trying to marginalize by way of ridicule. It's an old tried and true tactic i guess. But i think it's becoming less effective these days. More & more people are beginning to see the light. I'm actually optimistic.
What i am doing is telling you you are a fucking maniac with delusions.

You are a perfect example of a large segment of the American population. You are the SHEEPLE!!!

Big government controlled by a small corrupt criminal elite, will ALWAYS lie...and sadly some like you, chose to believe the lies, even though the TRUTH is right in front of you.

It use to be that most Americans knew to distrust big government, but after decades of brainwashing by the State and it's allies, millions of Americans have become useful idiots for the State.

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And the Jews bombed the wtc and the moon landing was filmed in Arizona right?

Well, now you're just trying to marginalize by way of ridicule. It's an old tried and true tactic i guess. But i think it's becoming less effective these days. More & more people are beginning to see the light. I'm actually optimistic.
What i am doing is telling you you are a fucking maniac with delusions.
What i am doing is telling you you are a fucking imbecile with internet access.
Well, now you're just trying to marginalize by way of ridicule. It's an old tried and true tactic i guess. But i think it's becoming less effective these days. More & more people are beginning to see the light. I'm actually optimistic.
What i am doing is telling you you are a fucking maniac with delusions.

You are a perfect example of a large segment of the American population. You are the SHEEPLE!!!

Big government controlled by a small corrupt criminal elite, will ALWAYS lie...and sadly some like you, chose to believe the lies, even though the TRUTH is right in front of you.

It use to be that most Americans knew to distrust big government, but after decades of brainwashing by the State and it's allies, millions of Americans have become useful idiots for the State.

Just because I dont buy into your fucking crackpot delusions does not make me sheeple...No that would go to you idiots who worship Paul
What i am doing is telling you you are a fucking maniac with delusions.

Yes, you're attempting marginalization by way of ridicule and scorn. It's an old tactic. But it's not nearly as effective as it used to be. People are catching on.

Even the purveyor of the "official truth," the New York Times has admitted they can no longer control the public perception of what is truth. It's sort of a running gag now. The clueless are those who depend on TV and radio for their news. :lol:

Exclusive: New York Times Internal Report Painted Dire Digital Picture
“Our journalism advantage is shrinking,” a committee led by the publisher’s son warned. A call to get rid of the metaphor of “Church and State.”

and. . .

Brzezinski: ‘Global Political Awakening’ Making Syrian War Difficult
During a short interview with Germany’s DW News last Monday, former US National Security Adviser and Trilateral Commission co-founder Zbigniew Brzezinski commented on the growing inefficiency of war due to the increased political knowledge of the public.


“[The] major world powers, new and old, also face a novel reality: while the lethality of their military might is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low. To put it bluntly: in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people,” said Brzezinski during a 2010 Council on Foreign Relations speech in Montreal.

Yeah, things are changing. The Government/Media Complex has lost some control. But they're still firmly in control. Most people still get their 'News' information from the handful of large Corporate/Government-run Media Outlets. But alternative news sources are becoming more popular. So the Dinosaur MSM is dying, but it's still far from becoming extinct. With that kind of power & money behind it, it's not going away anytime soon.
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"'Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.' Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild."

Famous Quotations on Banking

We are all pawns on the Rothschild chess board, and we can't change that by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

Oh that's definitely their philosophy. They don't care about what the little people squabble about. Their only concern is that it stays business as usual. Now, if their business gets interfered with? That's a whole other story. Heads would have to roll.
Which may explain why Obama and Putin have backed off recently in Ukraine?
Maybe their corporate central banker overlords are objecting?
Wall Street has been investing in Russia since Lenin came to power.
Maybe the Cold War was all Bull Shite?

I think they're just working out the details of an agreement. They'll likely agree to divvy up the spoils in Ukraine. In the end, it'll be a Win/Win for the NWO Globalist Elites. They'll all get paid.
The fucktards are still babbling here about their support for Putin????

Putin must be paying them off to supplement their welfare checks.
The fucktards are still babbling here about their support for Putin????

Putin must be paying them off to supplement their welfare checks.

Cool, the staff let you play with the computer in the common room again. Best chill, or they'll hit you with the geodon again. Here's hoping your DT hallucinations are starting to fade.
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I'm off from work today.....(hint, hint Federal 4 day weekend), while you (welfare scum) are here as usual.

The fucktards are still babbling here about their support for Putin????

Putin must be paying them off to supplement their welfare checks.

Cool, the staff let you play with the computer in the common room again. Best chill, or they'll hit you with the geodon again. Here's hoping your DT hallucinations are starting to fade.
I'm off from work today.....(hint, hint Federal 4 day weekend), while you (welfare scum) are here as usual.

The fucktards are still babbling here about their support for Putin????

Putin must be paying them off to supplement their welfare checks.

Cool, the staff let you play with the computer in the common room again. Best chill, or they'll hit you with the geodon again. Here's hoping your DT hallucinations are starting to fade.

Ah, get a real job. Stop mooching off the Taxpayers. ;)
Read a report this week about Putin's illegal wealth.....would destroy your fairytales...

Well how about that? I did not think you were literate.:D

You recognize Putin's ill gotten gains, while completely ignoring those of the western power elite.

Do you understand the meaning of the word hypocrisy...or should I explain it to you?
Shitstain....Putin's actions in Ukraine (that you defend) are directly tied to keeping his money making schemes operational.

Russia is run by criminals that use other countries and Russians to make money just for their inner circles, yet you defend them here doing it to Ukraine.

I see that as you being a demented piece of shit.

Read a report this week about Putin's illegal wealth.....would destroy your fairytales...

Well how about that? I did not think you were literate.:D

You recognize Putin's ill gotten gains, while completely ignoring those of the western power elite.

Do you understand the meaning of the word hypocrisy...or should I explain it to you?
...coming from someone on welfare. :cuckoo:

I'm off from work today.....(hint, hint Federal 4 day weekend), while you (welfare scum) are here as usual.

Cool, the staff let you play with the computer in the common room again. Best chill, or they'll hit you with the geodon again. Here's hoping your DT hallucinations are starting to fade.

Ah, get a real job. Stop mooching off the Taxpayers. ;)
Shitstain....Putin's actions in Ukraine (that you defend) are directly tied to keeping his money making schemes operational.

Russia is run by criminals that use other countries and Russians to make money just for their inner circles, yet you defend them here doing it to Ukraine.

I see that as you being a demented piece of shit.

Read a report this week about Putin's illegal wealth.....would destroy your fairytales...

Well how about that? I did not think you were literate.:D

You recognize Putin's ill gotten gains, while completely ignoring those of the western power elite.

Do you understand the meaning of the word hypocrisy...or should I explain it to you?

You prove yourself a hypocrite, but are unable to recognize why.

Of course Putin is all about scheming to generate wealth for himself. I am glad you can comprehend that....but apparently you are blind to the West's schemes for wealth.

Once you educate yourself, if that is possible, you will realize there is little difference between Putin and Obama.
:cuckoo: Yeah kook.....people here in the US, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Japan, etc are equally worse off or worse off than people living behind the Iron Curtain.

The whole fucking world is rigged by rich people according to you, because you need excuses for your dead end life of being a loser.

We get it, you like seeing other people suffer in Ukraine because you suffer in bumfuck USA when your neighbor does bad things to you in the outhouse each's all "Obama's fault." :badgrin:

Shitstain....Putin's actions in Ukraine (that you defend) are directly tied to keeping his money making schemes operational.

Russia is run by criminals that use other countries and Russians to make money just for their inner circles, yet you defend them here doing it to Ukraine.

I see that as you being a demented piece of shit.

Well how about that? I did not think you were literate.:D

You recognize Putin's ill gotten gains, while completely ignoring those of the western power elite.

Do you understand the meaning of the word hypocrisy...or should I explain it to you?

You prove yourself a hypocrite, but are unable to recognize why.

Of course Putin is all about scheming to generate wealth for himself. I am glad you can comprehend that....but apparently you are blind to the West's schemes for wealth.

Once you educate yourself, if that is possible, you will realize there is little difference between Putin and Obama.
:cuckoo: Yeah kook.....people here in the US, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Japan, etc are equally worse off or worse off than people living behind the Iron Curtain.

The whole fucking world is rigged by rich people according to you, because you need excuses for your dead end life of being a loser.

We get it, you like seeing other people suffer in Ukraine because you suffer in bumfuck USA when your neighbor does bad things to you in the outhouse each's all "Obama's fault." :badgrin:

Shitstain....Putin's actions in Ukraine (that you defend) are directly tied to keeping his money making schemes operational.

Russia is run by criminals that use other countries and Russians to make money just for their inner circles, yet you defend them here doing it to Ukraine.

I see that as you being a demented piece of shit.

You prove yourself a hypocrite, but are unable to recognize why.

Of course Putin is all about scheming to generate wealth for himself. I am glad you can comprehend that....but apparently you are blind to the West's schemes for wealth.

Once you educate yourself, if that is possible, you will realize there is little difference between Putin and Obama.

Iron Curtain...really?

NEWSFLASH: The Iron Curtain no longer exists. The USSR dissolved decades ago...except in small minds that need a yours.

To think the Ukraine will be better off, if the USA goes to war to "liberate" it, again proves you are most delusional.

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