Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

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Just follow the money people. And you'll quickly see who's benefiting from this. It always leads to Globalist Elite assholes like VP Biden and his little brat. I assure you the average American Taxpayer will see no benefit from this intervention. None whatsoever.

Has the USA taxpayers given some kind of financial aid to Ukraine? We gave them a billion dollar loan guarantee, but perhaps you are aware of some kind of actual investment?
It seems that Biden's kid was brought in by Ukraine business interest for the purpose of access and connections to western investors and to assist in making business deals with western business interest, specifically in the area of energy. That is the reality of how the world works.
Just follow the money people. And you'll quickly see who's benefiting from this. It always leads to Globalist Elite assholes like VP Biden and his little brat. I assure you the average American Taxpayer will see no benefit from this intervention. None whatsoever.

Has the USA taxpayers given some kind of financial aid to Ukraine? We gave them a billion dollar loan guarantee, but perhaps you are aware of some kind of actual investment?
It seems that Biden's kid was brought in by Ukraine business interest for the purpose of access and connections to western investors and to assist in making business deals with western business interest, specifically in the area of energy. That is the reality of how the world works.

Unlike you, i'm not a Globalist Elite asshole apologist. And yes, American Taxpayers will be forced to pay for Biden and his brat getting richer. To hell with em.
given you don't have a job and couldn't even qualify for the military.....:eusa_whistle:

Its a prerequisite for federal government employment.
As demonstrated by Dickbreath here, stupid is a prerequisite for all GS levels.

Ah, didn't take me long to read him. He's just a dishonest Entitlement Moocher hypocrite. He just hates those Moochers, yet he's one himself. He doesn't have much credibility.
Just follow the money people. And you'll quickly see who's benefiting from this. It always leads to Globalist Elite assholes like VP Biden and his little brat. I assure you the average American Taxpayer will see no benefit from this intervention. None whatsoever.

Has the USA taxpayers given some kind of financial aid to Ukraine? We gave them a billion dollar loan guarantee, but perhaps you are aware of some kind of actual investment?
It seems that Biden's kid was brought in by Ukraine business interest for the purpose of access and connections to western investors and to assist in making business deals with western business interest, specifically in the area of energy. That is the reality of how the world works.

Unlike you, i'm not a Globalist Elite asshole apologist. And yes, American Taxpayers will be forced to pay for Biden and his brat getting richer. To hell with em.

I don't like global elitist any more than you buddy. I just happen to be more realistic. The problems of the global elite are not going to be settled with attacking Joe Biden's kid and the Ukraine. And it is easy to say the taxpayer will have to pay for Biden's brat, but you give no explanation of how that will happen.
It isn't conservatives that want war it is you pussy paulogists who do.... because you would ignore a problem till it kills thousands.

tapatalk post

Apparently being anti-war means pro-war in your "mind."

And...being pro-war means anti-war in your "mind."

How can that be logical?

It is twisted illogic for sure. These people truly believe in 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace.' They deliver the War, but they never deliver the Peace. It's years & years of War propaganda indoctrination. It's all most Americans know now. We've been bombing & killing somewhere in the World for the last 70yrs. straight. It's gonna take quite an effort to change the illogical 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace' mentality. But i'm an optimist. I think more & more Americans are coming around. They're beginning to see the illogic in it. I have hope.

It is historical fact.

tapatalk post
Has the USA taxpayers given some kind of financial aid to Ukraine? We gave them a billion dollar loan guarantee, but perhaps you are aware of some kind of actual investment?
It seems that Biden's kid was brought in by Ukraine business interest for the purpose of access and connections to western investors and to assist in making business deals with western business interest, specifically in the area of energy. That is the reality of how the world works.

Unlike you, i'm not a Globalist Elite asshole apologist. And yes, American Taxpayers will be forced to pay for Biden and his brat getting richer. To hell with em.

I don't like global elitist any more than you buddy. I just happen to be more realistic. The problems of the global elite are not going to be settled with attacking Joe Biden's kid and the Ukraine. And it is easy to say the taxpayer will have to pay for Biden's brat, but you give no explanation of how that will happen.

Like i said, to hell with Biden and his little brat. And they'll spend the Taxpayer cash anyway they see fit. The American People won't see any profit in this intervention. Only Globalist Elite scum like Biden will. It is what it is.
Apparently being anti-war means pro-war in your "mind."

And...being pro-war means anti-war in your "mind."

How can that be logical?

It is twisted illogic for sure. These people truly believe in 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace.' They deliver the War, but they never deliver the Peace. It's years & years of War propaganda indoctrination. It's all most Americans know now. We've been bombing & killing somewhere in the World for the last 70yrs. straight. It's gonna take quite an effort to change the illogical 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace' mentality. But i'm an optimist. I think more & more Americans are coming around. They're beginning to see the illogic in it. I have hope.

It is historical fact.

tapatalk post

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace is a very flawed and illogical concept. It's a tragic 'Catch 22.' But i do think more & more Americans are catching on. They want change. I'm hopeful.
It is twisted illogic for sure. These people truly believe in 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace.' They deliver the War, but they never deliver the Peace. It's years & years of War propaganda indoctrination. It's all most Americans know now. We've been bombing & killing somewhere in the World for the last 70yrs. straight. It's gonna take quite an effort to change the illogical 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace' mentality. But i'm an optimist. I think more & more Americans are coming around. They're beginning to see the illogic in it. I have hope.

It is historical fact.

tapatalk post

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace is a very flawed and illogical concept. It's a tragic 'Catch 22.' But i do think more & more Americans are catching on. They want change. I'm hopeful.
Ignoring a situation like a coward does nothing but exacerbate the problem....I know you wish the USA to be the most evil country like your hero Paul does but that would just be a lie. The USA and its people have done more good in the world then ANY COUNTRY EVER. So please stop talking like a progressive and realize the true conspiracy is how Ron Paul lies to you.
It is historical fact.

tapatalk post

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace is a very flawed and illogical concept. It's a tragic 'Catch 22.' But i do think more & more Americans are catching on. They want change. I'm hopeful.
Ignoring a situation like a coward does nothing but exacerbate the problem....I know you wish the USA to be the most evil country like your hero Paul does but that would just be a lie. The USA and its people have done more good in the world then ANY COUNTRY EVER. So please stop talking like a progressive and realize the true conspiracy is how Ron Paul lies to you.

Well now you're just making shit up. I never claimed the USA was 'the most evil country.' And neither has Ron Paul. But if i showed you photos of Iraqi children and other innocents horrifically maimed and killed by our weapons, you would likely begin to have a different perspective on these interventions and War. Our Government does have a lot to answer for. A whole lot of blood on its hands. That's just the sad reality.
My question exactly. If the people vote to join Russia, who are we to tell them they cannot?

They voted at the point of a gun, stupid.

I guess the North Korean vote for Kim Jong Un with 100% in favor and 100% turnout is okey-doke with you, too?

I'm surrounded by imbeciles in here.....
No, you are the imbecile. More than 60% of the Crimean population has Russian ancestors. It is also true that people from Ukraine are not happy with their government, as you can see in East-Ukraine, where most people want to join Russia.
That the US opposes this is not because the elections were not democratic, but has underlying reasons. The US government is afraid to lose control and lose land to an enemy. This is not about democracy, but just about power.
The democracy thing is just a lie, so that the governments can invade Ukraine to "spread democracy" like in the Middle East without the US population opposing the attacks.
And I am not saying that only the US is wrong. The invasion of Crimea frim the Russian army is also very wrong. But just don't talk abot democracy. Both the Russian and American government are not opposing each other on democracy. This is just about power.
Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace is a very flawed and illogical concept. It's a tragic 'Catch 22.' But i do think more & more Americans are catching on. They want change. I'm hopeful.
Ignoring a situation like a coward does nothing but exacerbate the problem....I know you wish the USA to be the most evil country like your hero Paul does but that would just be a lie. The USA and its people have done more good in the world then ANY COUNTRY EVER. So please stop talking like a progressive and realize the true conspiracy is how Ron Paul lies to you.

Well now you're just making shit up. I never claimed the USA was 'the most evil country.' And neither has Ron Paul. But if i showed you photos of Iraqi children and other innocents horrifically maimed and killed by our weapons, you would likely begin to have a different perspective on these interventions and War. Our Government does have a lot to answer for. A whole lot of blood on its hands. That's just the sad reality.

For fucks sake! I have friends who fought and died in that war! You talk as if they are Gestapo ! You ignorantly talk out of your ass as if you know anything! people die in war! You belittle the great things they did because your fucking insane ideas that they are nothing more then pawns to great banks and evil fucking JEWS! I am so sick and tired of this BULLSHIT! Your great hero sent men and women to war and then REFUSED TO FUCKING FUND THEM! Your fucking hero is a scumbag!
Ignoring a situation like a coward does nothing but exacerbate the problem....I know you wish the USA to be the most evil country like your hero Paul does but that would just be a lie. The USA and its people have done more good in the world then ANY COUNTRY EVER. So please stop talking like a progressive and realize the true conspiracy is how Ron Paul lies to you.

Well now you're just making shit up. I never claimed the USA was 'the most evil country.' And neither has Ron Paul. But if i showed you photos of Iraqi children and other innocents horrifically maimed and killed by our weapons, you would likely begin to have a different perspective on these interventions and War. Our Government does have a lot to answer for. A whole lot of blood on its hands. That's just the sad reality.

For fucks sake! I have friends who fought and died in that war! You talk as if they are Gestapo ! You ignorantly talk out of your ass as if you know anything! people die in war! You belittle the great things they did because your fucking insane ideas that they are nothing more then pawns to great banks and evil fucking JEWS! I am so sick and tired of this BULLSHIT! Your great hero sent men and women to war and then REFUSED TO FUCKING FUND THEM! Your fucking hero is a scumbag!

Do you want to see the horrific photos of children around the world maimed and killed by our weapons? Because i will show you if i have to. Our Government does have a lot to answer for. So much blood on its hands. And yet we feel we have the moral authority to preach to others. Go check out the photos if you don't want to believe me. Do it...if you dare.
Well now you're just making shit up. I never claimed the USA was 'the most evil country.' And neither has Ron Paul. But if i showed you photos of Iraqi children and other innocents horrifically maimed and killed by our weapons, you would likely begin to have a different perspective on these interventions and War. Our Government does have a lot to answer for. A whole lot of blood on its hands. That's just the sad reality.

For fucks sake! I have friends who fought and died in that war! You talk as if they are Gestapo ! You ignorantly talk out of your ass as if you know anything! people die in war! You belittle the great things they did because your fucking insane ideas that they are nothing more then pawns to great banks and evil fucking JEWS! I am so sick and tired of this BULLSHIT! Your great hero sent men and women to war and then REFUSED TO FUCKING FUND THEM! Your fucking hero is a scumbag!

Do you want to see the horrific photos of children around the world maimed and killed by our weapons? Because i will show you if i have to. Our Government does have a lot to answer for. So much blood on its hands. And yet we feel we have the moral authority to preach to others. Go check out the photos if you don't want to believe me. Do it...if you dare.
we killed well over 47 million babies right here! Is that part of the Evil Jews plan? We have ghettos littered in dead children! Do you think Iraq would be different!? Maybe when you grow up some you will understand.
For fucks sake! I have friends who fought and died in that war! You talk as if they are Gestapo ! You ignorantly talk out of your ass as if you know anything! people die in war! You belittle the great things they did because your fucking insane ideas that they are nothing more then pawns to great banks and evil fucking JEWS! I am so sick and tired of this BULLSHIT! Your great hero sent men and women to war and then REFUSED TO FUCKING FUND THEM! Your fucking hero is a scumbag!

Do you want to see the horrific photos of children around the world maimed and killed by our weapons? Because i will show you if i have to. Our Government does have a lot to answer for. So much blood on its hands. And yet we feel we have the moral authority to preach to others. Go check out the photos if you don't want to believe me. Do it...if you dare.
we killed well over 47 million babies right here! Is that part of the Evil Jews plan? We have ghettos littered in dead children! Do you think Iraq would be different!? Maybe when you grow up some you will understand.

Check out the photos. Gruesome and unforgivable. We as Americans need to acknowledge what our Government is doing. And then we have to change things. But first, we have to acknowledge the atrocities. We can't move forward without first accepting the harsh realities of our Government's actions.
Ignoring a situation like a coward does nothing but exacerbate the problem....I know you wish the USA to be the most evil country like your hero Paul does but that would just be a lie. The USA and its people have done more good in the world then ANY COUNTRY EVER. So please stop talking like a progressive and realize the true conspiracy is how Ron Paul lies to you.

Well now you're just making shit up. I never claimed the USA was 'the most evil country.' And neither has Ron Paul. But if i showed you photos of Iraqi children and other innocents horrifically maimed and killed by our weapons, you would likely begin to have a different perspective on these interventions and War. Our Government does have a lot to answer for. A whole lot of blood on its hands. That's just the sad reality.

For fucks sake! I have friends who fought and died in that war! You talk as if they are Gestapo ! You ignorantly talk out of your ass as if you know anything! people die in war! You belittle the great things they did because your fucking insane ideas that they are nothing more then pawns to great banks and evil fucking JEWS! I am so sick and tired of this BULLSHIT! Your great hero sent men and women to war and then REFUSED TO FUCKING FUND THEM! Your fucking hero is a scumbag!
No, Ron Paul (if that is who you mean by his hero) did not send those men and did not even want to do that. That's the fault of the Bush and later the Obama administration. The blood of Iraqi civilians and US soldiers is on their hand.
Well now you're just making shit up. I never claimed the USA was 'the most evil country.' And neither has Ron Paul. But if i showed you photos of Iraqi children and other innocents horrifically maimed and killed by our weapons, you would likely begin to have a different perspective on these interventions and War. Our Government does have a lot to answer for. A whole lot of blood on its hands. That's just the sad reality.

For fucks sake! I have friends who fought and died in that war! You talk as if they are Gestapo ! You ignorantly talk out of your ass as if you know anything! people die in war! You belittle the great things they did because your fucking insane ideas that they are nothing more then pawns to great banks and evil fucking JEWS! I am so sick and tired of this BULLSHIT! Your great hero sent men and women to war and then REFUSED TO FUCKING FUND THEM! Your fucking hero is a scumbag!
No, Ron Paul (if that is who you mean by his hero) did not send those men and did not even want to do that. That's the fault of the Bush and later the Obama administration. The blood of Iraqi civilians and US soldiers is on their hand.

Are you telling me Ron Paul didn't vote to send troops into Afghanistan???? You better be careful because I actually know the truth....He also turned around that same year and refused to fund them..... He is a scumbag liar.
Do you want to see the horrific photos of children around the world maimed and killed by our weapons? Because i will show you if i have to. Our Government does have a lot to answer for. So much blood on its hands. And yet we feel we have the moral authority to preach to others. Go check out the photos if you don't want to believe me. Do it...if you dare.
we killed well over 47 million babies right here! Is that part of the Evil Jews plan? We have ghettos littered in dead children! Do you think Iraq would be different!? Maybe when you grow up some you will understand.

Check out the photos. Gruesome and unforgivable. We as Americans need to acknowledge what our Government is doing. And then we have to change things. But first, we have to acknowledge the atrocities. We can't move forward without first accepting the harsh realities of our Government's actions.

Then move you piece of shit!

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