Ron Paul: 'Freedom Is A Young Idea And We're Throwing It Away'...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
[ame=]‪Ron Paul: 'Freedom Is a Young Idea and We're Throwing It Away'‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
"Old ideas and Totalitarianism." Does look like most current Politicians in both Parties are dragging us towards Totalitarianism. It's sad.
Why are so many people in such a rush to reach Totalitarianism? It always amazes me that so many support this rush. It really is perplexing.
Why are so many people in such a rush to reach Totalitarianism? It always amazes me that so many support this rush. It really is perplexing.

It is sad

A lot is due to the poor education in the US; the public school system is closer to a socialistic
entity than most things in the US. No surprise, it pushes those values or at least does not
teach the values important to our freedom.

As such, many want and desire certain ends with never understanding the means.

Also, it is mentally easy to be a liberal
and say the gov't should

-feed the poor
-spread the wealth
-make everyone have health care

Takes no brains for that and it makes them feel better about themselves
They are good people because they care

They may send their kids to private school, like Papa Obama, but he still cares
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Freedom is an old an idea as the Earth. It's a natural instinct, it's not something new and profound.
Freedom is an old an idea as the Earth. It's a natural instinct, it's not something new and profound.

Freedom is not an instinct.

It is a condition of the people in a society and it is more rare than you think.
Freedom is an old an idea as the Earth. It's a natural instinct, it's not something new and profound.

Freedom is not an instinct.

It is a condition of the people in a society and it is more rare than you think.

You don't know what I think.

It is a human instinct. I was born with it.

Sorry but freedom is not an instinct human or otherwise.

If you were born somewhere else and sold into slavery as a child you would have learned differently.

And I know you don't know what you're talking about.

An instinct is an unlearned, species specific set of rigid behavior patterns independent of learning or conditioning.

Since not all humans exhibit such a behavior pattern (species specific) and there is nothing we do that is independent of learning or conditioning there is no such thing as a human instinct

The very fact that people accept living in bondage or under oppressive rule negates your claim that freedom is an instinct.
Freedom is not an instinct.

It is a condition of the people in a society and it is more rare than you think.

You don't know what I think.

It is a human instinct. I was born with it.

Sorry but freedom is not an instinct human or otherwise.

If you were born somewhere else and sold into slavery as a child you would have learned differently.

And I know you don't know what you're talking about.

An instinct is an unlearned, species specific set of rigid behavior patterns independent of learning or conditioning.

Since not all humans exhibit such a behavior pattern (species specific) and there is nothing we do that is independent of learning or conditioning there is no such thing as a human instinct

The very fact that people accept living in bondage or under oppressive rule negates your claim that freedom is an instinct.

That's a relief. I guess since people born into slavery don't know any better the must be content.
Exactly, that argument is ridiculous.

"since people live oppressed, freedom isn't an instinct".....................gee, I wonder how many beers it takes to deduce that sort of logic.
You don't know what I think.

It is a human instinct. I was born with it.

Sorry but freedom is not an instinct human or otherwise.

If you were born somewhere else and sold into slavery as a child you would have learned differently.

And I know you don't know what you're talking about.

An instinct is an unlearned, species specific set of rigid behavior patterns independent of learning or conditioning.

Since not all humans exhibit such a behavior pattern (species specific) and there is nothing we do that is independent of learning or conditioning there is no such thing as a human instinct

The very fact that people accept living in bondage or under oppressive rule negates your claim that freedom is an instinct.

That's a relief. I guess since people born into slavery don't know any better the must be content.

He is right. ;)
Why are so many people in such a rush to reach Totalitarianism? It always amazes me that so many support this rush. It really is perplexing.

It is sad

A lot is due to the poor education in the US; the public school system is closer to a socialistic
entity than most things in the US. No surprise, it pushes those values or at least does not
teach the values important to our freedom.

As such, many want and desire certain ends with ever understanding the means.

Also, it is mentally easy to be a liberal
and say the gov't should

-feed the poor
-spread the wealth
-make everyone have health care

Takes no brains for that and it makes them feel better about themselves
They are good people because they care

They may send their kids to private school, like Papa Obama, but he still cares

Unfortunately what we are seeing today with the financial crisis and the ever continuing taking of our personal liberty's has been designed to happened. Implemented on us little by little since 1913 and the Federal Reserve Act.

The constant bickering between Democrat and Republican supporters seems to be non-stop, and yet none of that matters at all because there is NO difference between the two parties. It's all just setup that way to keep you from looking at the real power behind the curtain.

The Federal Reserve is not a government agency. It is owned by private banks and setup to simply print money out of thin air, loan it to our government, and get paid massive interest in return. All from nothing at all. Since it's creation it has become so powerful and has bought up the highest leveled politicians we have. There true goal is world government. It is they that freely use the term New World Order.

Right now the true goal is to bankrupt this country and it seems to be working rather well. In the end they will say the solution to the world financial crisis would be a world government with one world currency. Of course one world central bank which is them of course. If you control the worlds money than you control the worlds nations.

The best thing for us to do right now would be to end the FED, elect Ron Paul 2012, and get back to constitutional government.

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Exactly, that argument is ridiculous.

"since people live oppressed, freedom isn't an instinct".....................gee, I wonder how many beers it takes to deduce that sort of logic.

If you're going to quote me get it right.

That people ACCEPT living in bondage is what I said. If freedom were an instinct as you say it would be impossible for a human to accept that living condition by definition.

Instincts refer to behaviors and freedom is not a behavior it is a condition.
Exactly, that argument is ridiculous.

"since people live oppressed, freedom isn't an instinct".....................gee, I wonder how many beers it takes to deduce that sort of logic.

If you're going to quote me get it right.

That people ACCEPT living in bondage is what I said. If freedom were an instinct as you say it would be impossible for a human to accept that living condition by definition.

Instincts refer to behaviors and freedom is not a behavior it is a condition.

Instinct is avoidable through fear. People sometimes feel they HAVE accept a situation.

Many laws and Religions have teachings that are against natural instinct. Your argument is stupid, for lack of a better word.
I don't always eat when I'm hungry, or drink when I'm thirtsy.

Eating is not an instinct. If it were you would not have had to be taught what to eat and what not to eat. You would just know via genetic programming independent of learning or conditioning.

Freedom is not a behavior nor is it an action. It is an idea, a condition and nothing more.

If it were an instinct then you would be able to use freedom as a verb in a sentence. You can't unless you change the definition just as you are trying to change the definition if instinct.

You learned the concept of freedom and yet you think you were "born with it"

How many beers do you need to make that leap of deduction?
eating is not an instinct. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, haaaaaaaaaaa. You're an idiot. Babys cry when they're hungry because they were previously taught to eat......rye? rye. stfu dude, you're bloviating and blabbering
Indeed, the Left is concerned with these 400 who own half the wealth in the US
Like, it is their money to be concerned with....

But the "400 million" Chinese owning more than half of our future wealth that Papa Obama and the Left want to keep giving it to,

does not bother them

Funny how that works

Of course, if the Left and Papa Obama can sell enough of our future wealth to the Chinese
then we might be communist by default, since they will own us

This is actually dated, since the debt is even more now

[ame=]‪Child's Pay 2‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
eating is not an instinct. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, haaaaaaaaaaa. You're an idiot. Babys cry when they're hungry because they were previously taught to eat......rye? rye. stfu dude, you're bloviating and blabbering

An instinct is an unlearned behavior. If eating were indeed instinct then you would have no choice but to eat. The very fact that one can choose not to eat even up until death is proof that eating is not an instinctive behavior. It's the same with the so called survival instinct. That you could choose to jump off a bridge is proof you have no instinct to survive.

If babies had instincts to eat they would not have to learn how to eat.

Crying because in pain from hunger or gas is not the same thing as eating.

The crying might be argued to be an instinct as the suck reflex may be. But if they are instincts then they are temporary and that lack of permanence puts those behaviors in a different category.

You are a very simplistic thinker if you can't differentiate between learned and unlearned behavior patterns as they apply to a definition.
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eating is not an instinct. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, haaaaaaaaaaa. You're an idiot. Babys cry when they're hungry because they were previously taught to eat......rye? rye. stfu dude, you're bloviating and blabbering

An instinct is an unlearned behavior. If eating were indeed instinct then you would have no choice but to eat. The very fact that one can choose not to eat even up until death is proof that eating is not an instinctive behavior. It's the same with the so called survival instinct. That you could choose to jump off a bridge is proof you have no instinct to survive.

If babies had instincts to eat they would not have to learn how to eat.

Crying because in pain from hunger or gas is not the same thing as eating.

The crying might be argued to be an instinct as the suck reflex may be. But if they are instincts then they are temporary and that lack of permanence puts those behaviors in a different category.

You are a very simplistic thinker if you can't differentiate between learned and unlearned behavior patterns as they apply to a definition.

Umm, you know that babies eat fluid in the womb, don't you? Who taught them, jackass?

I actually watched my baby eat on an ultrasound a month ago. They do just like a fish does. It's pretty instinctual and pretty amazing.

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