Ron Paul: 'I'd Like To Think Of Myself As The Flavor Of The Decade'


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Ron Paul is no flavor of the month.

Asked on CNN’s “State of the Union” about Saturday’s Des Moines Register poll showing him surging into second place in Iowa, the Texas congressman and GOP presidential hopeful said the survey reflects that his positions on economic and foreign policy issues have been “striking a chord with the people."

“Of course it is very encouraging because we’re getting pretty close to it being within the margin of error,” Paul said. “So, I think we continue to do what we’re doing. We’ve had the flavors of the month up and down so far in this campaign. I’d like to think of myself as the flavor of the decade.”

The Des Moines Register poll showed former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) taking first in Iowa with 25 percent of likely Republican caucus goers. Paul took second with 18 percent, and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney (R) came in third with 16 percent.

In the newspaper’s October poll, former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain (R) and Romney were in a dead heat for first place with 23 and 22 percent, respectively. Paul took third with 12 percent, and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) placed fourth with 8 percent.

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I hope Paul changes the Party, the US could use some conservatives, the Neocons and Progressives have destroyed this country with debt.
Flavor of the Decade and more...

[ame=]Joe Scarborough Credits Ron Paul for Predicting the Housing Bubble - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Ron Paul Predicts EVERYTHING Happening to America and Around the World, EVERYTHING!! - YouTube[/ame]
I hope Paul changes the Party, the US could use some conservatives, the Neocons and Progressives have destroyed this country with debt.

They sure have. I think he is helping to change the party. Many wont admit that but i think it is happening. He's the conscience of the Republican Party.
I hope Paul changes the Party, the US could use some conservatives, the Neocons and Progressives have destroyed this country with debt.

They sure have. I think he is helping to change the party. Many wont admit that but i think it is happening. He's the conscience of the Republican Party.

Oh, that much is obvious. Watching the other candidates parroting many of Paul's positions makes that abundantly clear. It's thoroughgoing bullshit, of course, but they clearly understand that his views are gaining traction with the electorate.
I hope Paul changes the Party, the US could use some conservatives, the Neocons and Progressives have destroyed this country with debt.

They sure have. I think he is helping to change the party. Many wont admit that but i think it is happening. He's the conscience of the Republican Party.

Oh, that much is obvious. Watching the other candidates parroting many of Paul's positions makes that abundantly clear. It's thoroughgoing bullshit, of course, but they clearly understand that his views are gaining traction with the electorate.

Well the Neocons have been lying to voters for years pretending to be Conservatives. Ron Paul's just trying to bring the Republican Party back to its Conservative roots. I truly respect the man.
Too bad his ideas are not much better than the neocons at being historical failures

Please enlighten us with some examples. I can prove you wrong on several points.

Paul opposed the taxpayer-backed bailouts of Wall Street, the auto industry, the banks etc. We were told by figures on both sides that the bailouts were necessary to at least avoid a depression. Too bad no one told Iceland...

Iceland’s recovery provides lessons for eurozone plans - Hurriyet Daily News

IMF Survey: Iceland's Recovery: Can the Lessons Be Applied Elsewhere?

(how did those bailouts do for our economy, anyway?)

And the doctor's philosophy that the U.S should dismantle its military empire around the world before we crumble under its weight? History has backed him up repeatedly on this subject: Napoleonic France, Roman Empire, Soviet Union just to name a few. Compare those examples to 19th-20th Century Great Britain, which managed to liquidate its worldwide empire and prevent a painful internal collapse that would have been a burden on its citizens.
Hey... I like Paul as far as his take on personal freedoms. I dislike his stance on the Class warfare against working people though. In that respect... he's no different than a Republican.
Hey... I like Paul as far as his take on personal freedoms. I dislike his stance on the Class warfare against working people though. In that respect... he's no different than a Republican.

I'm not sure specifically what you're talking about here. His anti-corporatist views tend to strike me as being pro-working class, but perhaps I am mistaken? :confused:

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