Ron Paul is the only one who will protect the Constitution

At this point, Ron Paul is all but a primary season after thought. To continue, he's far too old to ever try running for President again.

You Paulites can all sit down and STFU now.

What you and the other paul haters don't seem to get is that it isn't all about getting the nomination for a lot of us. We can see the writing on the wall. There is a movement afoot and support for it is rising. It may take some time but things are going to change.
There are things to admire about Paul.. namely his ideas on budget and reduction in govt... but he is a wackaloon when it comes to foreign policy... he is not viable
Because supporting 5 wars at one time is just great! Right!

Never said supporting 5 wars was viable... I said his particular stances on foreign policy are not inherently in line with the constitution and that he is simply not a viable candidate... even f I think a lot of his ideas on government reduction etc are very good
There are things to admire about Paul.. namely his ideas on budget and reduction in govt... but he is a wackaloon when it comes to foreign policy... he is not viable
Because supporting 5 wars at one time is just great! Right!

Never said supporting 5 wars was viable... I said his particular stances on foreign policy are not inherently in line with the constitution and that he is simply not a viable candidate... even f I think a lot of his ideas on government reduction etc are very good

Which of the foreign polices that we have are Constitutional?

He is kind of like Romney... been running for President FOREVER and he still cant get the support of 'The Right' or GOP voters.

Wonder why

Mainly because he would end war. Many people are under the impression that we need to maintain control of the world.

No way anybody will ever 'stop war'.
Maybe temporarily it will end, but only till the bad guys see we are out of the way.

Ron Paul is an isolationist and that is a recipe for destruction.

Ron Paul is not an isolationist he's a non-interventionist
At this point, Ron Paul is all but a primary season after thought. To continue, he's far too old to ever try running for President again.

You Paulites can all sit down and STFU now.

You want America fixed but yet you continue supporting the same old shit the party masters feed you.
Which of the foreign polices that we have are Constitutional?

And which aren't? Is there anything in the Constitution that forbids US to send troops in Iraq or Afghanistan?

Ron Paul is anti-war because he believes in a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world. He thinks that 911 was part of that conspiracy as are the wars.
This country has a long history of opposing central banks. the revolutionary war was fought to protect the nations ability to print interest free money.

In 1763, Benjamin Franklin was asked by the Bank of England why the colonies were so prosperous, and this was his response….

"That is simple. In the colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Script. We issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers.

In this manner, creating for ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to no one.”


The Currency Act of 1764 ordered the American Colonists to stop printing their own money. Colonial script (the money the colonists were using at the time) was to be exchanged at a two-to-one ratio for “notes” from the Bank of England.

Later, in his autobiography, Benjamin Franklin explained the impact that this currency change had on the colonies….

“In one year, the conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended, and a depression set in, to such an extent that the streets of the Colonies were filled with unemployed.”

In fact, Benjamin Franklin stated unequivocally in his autobiography that the power to issue currency was the primary reason for the Revolutionary War….

“The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction. The inability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III and the international bankers was the prime reason for the Revolutionary War.”

41 Facts About the History of Central Banks in America
Which of the foreign polices that we have are Constitutional?

And which aren't? Is there anything in the Constitution that forbids US to send troops in Iraq or Afghanistan?

Ron Paul is anti-war because he believes in a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world. He thinks that 911 was part of that conspiracy as are the wars.

We aren't supposed to have a standing army.
Which of the foreign polices that we have are Constitutional?

And which aren't? Is there anything in the Constitution that forbids US to send troops in Iraq or Afghanistan?

Ron Paul is anti-war because he believes in a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world. He thinks that 911 was part of that conspiracy as are the wars.

This entire post is bullshit.

Yes it is unconstitutional to be in Iraq. Congress never declared war. In afghanistan, Congress authorized the President to go after Osama Bin Laden but never voted to declare war.

Ron Paul support Israels right to strike at Iraq's nuclear program when no one else did. He has never said 9/11 was part of an international jewish conspiracy. Get your facts straight.
This country has a long history of opposing central banks. the revolutionary war was fought to protect the nations ability to print interest free money.

In 1763, Benjamin Franklin was asked by the Bank of England why the colonies were so prosperous, and this was his response….

"That is simple. In the colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Script. We issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers.

In this manner, creating for ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to no one.”


The Currency Act of 1764 ordered the American Colonists to stop printing their own money. Colonial script (the money the colonists were using at the time) was to be exchanged at a two-to-one ratio for “notes” from the Bank of England.

Later, in his autobiography, Benjamin Franklin explained the impact that this currency change had on the colonies….

“In one year, the conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended, and a depression set in, to such an extent that the streets of the Colonies were filled with unemployed.”

In fact, Benjamin Franklin stated unequivocally in his autobiography that the power to issue currency was the primary reason for the Revolutionary War….

“The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction. The inability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III and the international bankers was the prime reason for the Revolutionary War.”

41 Facts About the History of Central Banks in America

Amen to that.
Ron Paul is the only one who will protect the Constitution

That’s impossible given the fact Paul has exhibited comprehensive ignorance of the Constitution and, more importantly, its case law.

It sounds like you are saying that case law is more important than the constitution. :eek:

Case law evolves from the Constitution, and Ron Paul, like a good far right winger or libertarian, attempt to redefine the narrative and meaning of both. His problem remains that aware and informed people, who are in the great majority, know what he is doing and stop him every time.
Please...........can the Paul goofballs just go away now..........he's already a footnote in this primary season.

You're right. We should just sit back, shut up, and show our support for people who have no problem taking away our right to a fair trial.:cuckoo:

or better yet, and more appropriately, stop sounding like religious zealots and understand that the little weasel isn't the second coming.

just sayin
Ron Paul is the only one who will protect the Constitution

That’s impossible given the fact Paul has exhibited comprehensive ignorance of the Constitution and, more importantly, its case law.

It sounds like you are saying that case law is more important than the constitution. :eek:

case law is PART of the constitution because we live in a common law nation... not a code nation.

but then again, someone who actually knew as much as they pretended to would know that.
At this point, Ron Paul is all but a primary season after thought. To continue, he's far too old to ever try running for President again.

You Paulites can all sit down and STFU now.

What you and the other paul haters don't seem to get is that it isn't all about getting the nomination for a lot of us. We can see the writing on the wall. There is a movement afoot and support for it is rising. It may take some time but things are going to change.
I'm not a Ron Paul hater. I do in fact agree with virtually all of his financial views. It's his crazy ass legalize all drugs and pretend there are no terrorists that still would like to see every American dead thoughts that I don't like.

At this point, Ron Paul is all but a primary season after thought. To continue, he's far too old to ever try running for President again.

You Paulites can all sit down and STFU now.

You want America fixed but yet you continue supporting the same old shit the party masters feed you.
I want obama gone. That will be a big move in the right direction.
I'm not a Ron Paul hater. I do in fact agree with virtually all of his financial views. It's his crazy ass legalize all drugs and pretend there are no terrorists that still would like to see every American dead thoughts that I don't like.

More inaccuracies. It's always an uphill battle just to get the facts straight. I blame the yellow journalism of today for this. It'll never end though. People will continue to skew what he said into something he didn't and run with it all over town. It's a lost cause, really.
Which of the foreign polices that we have are Constitutional?

And which aren't? Is there anything in the Constitution that forbids US to send troops in Iraq or Afghanistan?

Ron Paul is anti-war because he believes in a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world. He thinks that 911 was part of that conspiracy as are the wars.

This entire post is bullshit.

Yes it is unconstitutional to be in Iraq. Congress never declared war. In afghanistan, Congress authorized the President to go after Osama Bin Laden but never voted to declare war.

Ron Paul support Israels right to strike at Iraq's nuclear program when no one else did. He has never said 9/11 was part of an international jewish conspiracy. Get your facts straight.

Ron Paul believes that 9/11 was a conspiracy:
[ame=]Ron Paul tells 9/11 Truther why he won't come out about the "truth" over 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

And he believes in a Jewish conspiracy -- it does take a genius to put two and two together.

Ron Paul's World -
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At this point, Ron Paul is all but a primary season after thought. To continue, he's far too old to ever try running for President again.

You Paulites can all sit down and STFU now.

What you and the other paul haters don't seem to get is that it isn't all about getting the nomination for a lot of us. We can see the writing on the wall. There is a movement afoot and support for it is rising. It may take some time but things are going to change.
I'm not a Ron Paul hater. I do in fact agree with virtually all of his financial views. It's his crazy ass legalize all drugs and pretend there are no terrorists that still would like to see every American dead thoughts that I don't like.

At this point, Ron Paul is all but a primary season after thought. To continue, he's far too old to ever try running for President again.

You Paulites can all sit down and STFU now.

You want America fixed but yet you continue supporting the same old shit the party masters feed you.
I want obama gone. That will be a big move in the right direction.

Brother, it's does not matter if obama is gone or not as long as his agenda remains.

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