Ron Paul just lost my vote.

Don't skip the last'll miss my point.
ronpaul2012 said:
Dear asaratis, (Of course, I inserted that in place of my name.)

If you didn't get a chance to take a look at this email Dr. Paul sent last week exposing Newt Gingrich for being a serial hypocrite, I hope you will take a few moments today to read it.

It's outrageous that Newt Gingrich is trying to claim the conservative mantle, when he turned his back on the Tea Party by championing the TARP bailouts, the individual mandate, and Cap and Tax.

Please take a minute to watch Dr. Paul's video and see for yourself what a serial hypocrite Newt Gingrich really is.

For Liberty,

Allison G

Dear asaratis,

If you watched last night's debate, you saw that Newt Gingrich is exactly what I claimed - a counterfeit conservative.

A serial hypocrite.

On every core Tea Party issue - the TARP bailout, Cap and Tax, and the individual mandate - Newt Gingrich cast his lot with bigger government, more spending, and less freedom.

My campaign team has put together a great video that tells you more about Gingrich and his liberal positions over the years. It tells you how he flip-flopped on a host of important issues.

And it shows, despite his claims, he is simply not a conservative.

You can take a look at the video HERE, which has spread like wildfire across the web, as it's received almost 1 million views!

You might have seen recently that Mr. Gingrich traded on his former political office to land a $1.8 million lobbying contract with Freddie Mac.

Why is this so disturbing?

Because while this out-of-control federal agency, along with Fannie Mae, was ruining the housing market and causing millions of homeowners to lose their homes and life savings, Newt Gingrich was earning millions advising it.

At that same exact time, I was publicly declaring they needed to be stopped before they ruined the economy.

I guess Newt Gingrich and I have a different idea of what to do with federal bureaucracies. I fight to rein them in and shut them down before they can do harm. He pads his personal bank account while they wreck our economy.

While I was fighting environmental extremists, the out-of-control EPA, and the Soros-funded green movement, Newt Gingrich was filming commercials with Nancy Pelosi.

While I was fighting government bailouts, Newt was saying he would have voted FOR them.

Don't be fooled by the words candidates use when they are running for office. Look hard at their records. My record is one of true limited government, anti-Washington, D.C. conservatism.

Newt Gingrich has a long record of liberal appeasement, flip-flopping on key issues, and lobbying for insider millions.

Millions. That's right. Remember the individual mandate I mentioned earlier that Newt supported? His health care group received nearly $40 MILLION in contributions from the healthcare industry.

I have rarely seen a candidate who represents so much of what is wrong with Washington and what is wrong with our political system.

We can and must demand better.

We must demand REAL conservative values. We must demand a person who puts faith, family, and freedom ahead of all else. And we must demand a candidate who has remained true to principle his entire career.

I believe I am that candidate, and I ask you to take a look at my Plan to Restore America at Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign Website.

You can tell I mean every word in it -- just as I've meant every word I have said in public life. And that's something that everyone will admit, whether they agree with all of my positions or not.

With me, what you see and hear is what you get. Wouldn't that be a nice change?

I am the only true conservative in the top tier of candidates running for the GOP nomination. And I ask for your support.

Together, we can stop the counterfeit conservatives AND the liberals in the White House. We can take back and Restore America Now.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. Whether it's flip-flopping on TARP, supporting the individual mandate that served as a model for "ObamaCare," joining with Nancy Pelosi in support of the global-warming crowd's radical agenda, or making millions off of Freddie Mac as it helped destroy our economy, Newt Gingrich is trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

He's what I call a "counterfeit conservative."

Here's an ad my campaign put together explaining his record of supporting liberal policies. Please take a moment to watch it.

So please click here to make your most generous contribution so my campaign has the resources necessary to blitz the airwaves in the coming primary and caucus states with the message of Newt Gingrich's serial hypocrisy.

That's not an attack, it's an indictment. Every fucking word is TRUE!

And since he's not taking a dime from the corporate cronies funding all the other candidates, I don't blame him for asking for a donation. You should send him one.
Indictments mean nothing. Show me a conviction! Your claim that every fuckin' word is true goes unsubstantiated.
Don't skip the last'll miss my point.

That's not an attack, it's an indictment. Every fucking word is TRUE!

And since he's not taking a dime from the corporate cronies funding all the other candidates, I don't blame him for asking for a donation. You should send him one.
Indictments mean nothing. Show me a conviction! Your claim that every fuckin' word is true goes unsubstantiated.

The statements are made. Point out the one(s) you feel are false.
That's not an attack, it's an indictment. Every fucking word is TRUE!

And since he's not taking a dime from the corporate cronies funding all the other candidates, I don't blame him for asking for a donation. You should send him one.
Indictments mean nothing. Show me a conviction! Your claim that every fuckin' word is true goes unsubstantiated.

The statements are made. Point out the one(s) you feel are false.

No. YOU prove that "every fucking word is true".
Have you contacted Dr. Paul's camp.?

I'm in the middle of trying to thank everyone who supported us on the Shafia trial and we got our conviction on honor killing. It's a biggie up here.

Aye carumba. Now this.

I'll come back to this shortly.I have more boards to thank right now.
That's not an attack, it's an indictment. Every fucking word is TRUE!

And since he's not taking a dime from the corporate cronies funding all the other candidates, I don't blame him for asking for a donation. You should send him one.
Indictments mean nothing. Show me a conviction! Your claim that every fuckin' word is true goes unsubstantiated.

The statements are made. Point out the one(s) you feel are false.

You're not a Paulite.

I'm back later. And I know what's going on. I just didn't think you guys would be weenie enough to do this so soon.
Heads up Paul supporters. They are going to try to take out Dr. Paul by lies. Cripes. I really do owe a ton of thanks to a ton of people over this Shafia trial up here.

I will be back and I'll try to keep on the nerve. The buzz is they are going to try to back door your man with all sorts of insane posts on boards and pretend to be Paulites. Like they did the last round.

Remember how they beat the band? You couldn't end up but hating Dr. Paul remember "chocolate milk"

These are not Paul supporters. It's an Axelrod trick designed to make anyone with any semblance of sanity run away from Dr. Paul though.
it seems like everyone is trying to take out one another with lies. it's pretty sad.
it seems like everyone is trying to take out one another with lies. it's pretty sad.

It's pretty bad. I'm desperately trying to attempt to give damage control info while trying to thank so many over the Shafia trial.

hell's bells I've got blisters on my fingers.

Even though I have no dog in this hunt it's horrid to watch what's happening now to Dr. Paul.

Just wrong.
it seems like everyone is trying to take out one another with lies. it's pretty sad.

It's standard operating procedure. Why would anyone in the current power structure want to see someone with a truly different point of view succeed? What better than to sew the seeds of distrust--and outright fear--of any real change?

It's not just sad, it may be permanent. I think it will be this way until we decide to stop electing different iterations of the same characters over and over again.

Eh, American Idol will be on tonight. That's some important stuff.

it seems like everyone is trying to take out one another with lies. it's pretty sad.

It's standard operating procedure. Why would anyone in the current power structure want to see someone with a truly different point of view succeed? What better than to sew the seeds of distrust--and outright fear--of any real change?

It's not just sad, it may be permanent. I think it will be this way until we decide to stop electing different iterations of the same characters over and over again.

Eh, American Idol will be on tonight. That's some important stuff.


The key is to attack the media and their families mercilessly sp?so they get a real taste of their own medicine.

It's the media not the politicians.

Back later. Trust me it works.
  • Thanks
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it seems like everyone is trying to take out one another with lies. it's pretty sad.

It's standard operating procedure. Why would anyone in the current power structure want to see someone with a truly different point of view succeed? What better than to sew the seeds of distrust--and outright fear--of any real change?

It's not just sad, it may be permanent. I think it will be this way until we decide to stop electing different iterations of the same characters over and over again.

Eh, American Idol will be on tonight. That's some important stuff.


The key is to attack the media and their families mercilessly sp?so they get a real taste of their own medicine.

It's the media not the politicians.

Back later. Trust me it works.
I have held the media in disdain for many years. Why should the American public be inundated with the political opinions of newspaper owners? (That was the beginning...who gives a shit who Rupert Murdock likes?) Now we have whole networks endorsing one candidate or another. Why should I care what the controller of NBC or ABC or any other media mogul thinks about the candidates. I am perfectly capable of forming my own opinion without their fucking interference and partisan opinions. They have the advantage of FREE DISTRIBUTION of their possibly fucked up ideas.
Sumbitch from just sent me an email replete with scathing attacks on Newt Gingrich. I replied only to find that it was a no-reply address.

Jesus! All I said was that I'm betting her eyes are brown.

Any chickenshit that refuses to accept my reply to their email is a sleazy fuckin' coward!

Besides...Ron Paul couldn't win the election running against Howdy Doody!

"Ron Paul just lost my vote."

And Mitt Romney just gained mine. :) He gave an acceptance speech and I believe his intentions were honorable, and Newt lately, has turned me off with his very "unpresidential" rhetoric and actions, even though I can understand his wrath, he just doesn't show grace, under fire, like our beautiful Gabby Giffords and others.

Newt is toast, imo. Romney as I have "felt" from the beginning of this fightfest, will be the one who can take on Obama and win. Hey, his past hasn't been perfect, but who are we to judge that, when we do not know the details of the circumstances. I believed in Romney over McCain, in `08, too.

I have to admire the wives of these traveling, hard-working candidates, with the load they have had to carry. I admire them. When my hubby ran for mayor, I told him I would leave him if he won. He lost by 4 votes, but that only bought us a year of more time. He was already the head of everything possible, in politics and civic participation. It is not a close marriage when the hubby is an absentee, one. Everything worked out for the better. :)
Sumbitch from just sent me an email replete with scathing attacks on Newt Gingrich. I replied only to find that it was a no-reply address.

Jesus! All I said was that I'm betting her eyes are brown.

Any chickenshit that refuses to accept my reply to their email is a sleazy fuckin' coward!

Besides...Ron Paul couldn't win the election running against Howdy Doody!

"Ron Paul just lost my vote."

And Mitt Romney just gained mine. :) He gave an acceptance speech and I believe his intentions were honorable, and Newt lately, has turned me off with his very "unpresidential" rhetoric and actions, even though I can understand his wrath, he just doesn't show grace, under fire, like our beautiful Gabby Giffords and others.

Newt is toast, imo. Romney as I have "felt" from the beginning of this fightfest, will be the one who can take on Obama and win. Hey, his past hasn't been perfect, but who are we to judge that, when we do not know the details of the circumstances. I believed in Romney over McCain, in `08, too.

I have to admire the wives of these traveling, hard-working candidates, with the load they have had to carry. I admire them. When my hubby ran for mayor, I told him I would leave him if he won. He lost by 4 votes, but that only bought us a year of more time. He was already the head of everything possible, in politics and civic participation. It is not a close marriage when the hubby is an absentee, one. Everything worked out for the better. :)
Right now? I am running with Santorum...
Sumbitch from just sent me an email replete with scathing attacks on Newt Gingrich. I replied only to find that it was a no-reply address.

Jesus! All I said was that I'm betting her eyes are brown.

Any chickenshit that refuses to accept my reply to their email is a sleazy fuckin' coward!

Besides...Ron Paul couldn't win the election running against Howdy Doody!

"Ron Paul just lost my vote."

And Mitt Romney just gained mine. :) He gave an acceptance speech and I believe his intentions were honorable, and Newt lately, has turned me off with his very "unpresidential" rhetoric and actions, even though I can understand his wrath, he just doesn't show grace, under fire, like our beautiful Gabby Giffords and others.

Newt is toast, imo. Romney as I have "felt" from the beginning of this fightfest, will be the one who can take on Obama and win. Hey, his past hasn't been perfect, but who are we to judge that, when we do not know the details of the circumstances. I believed in Romney over McCain, in `08, too.

I have to admire the wives of these traveling, hard-working candidates, with the load they have had to carry. I admire them. When my hubby ran for mayor, I told him I would leave him if he won. He lost by 4 votes, but that only bought us a year of more time. He was already the head of everything possible, in politics and civic participation. It is not a close marriage when the hubby is an absentee, one. Everything worked out for the better. :)
Right now? I am running with Santorum...
Ron Paul write in here.
You fail at comprehension. I have no intent yet to vote for any particular candidate. My intent is to vote on election day for the candidate I choose ON THAT DAY. I have merely eliminated Ron Paul. Perry, Bachman and Cain have eliminated themselves.

I have told no in this thread...yet!

So is it fair for me to assume that if you get spam mail that involves Newt or Mitt attacking Paul and you're unable to reply, that you'll also use that as a tool for judging their ability to run this country?
You may assume what you wish...and you will. The no-reply email tells nothing of Paul's ability to run this country. Had I already judged him equally or more capable than Newt, Mitt or Rick to run this country, he might still be in contention for my vote. The negative attack on Newt and the fact that I could not reply directly to Allison G was the straw...just ticked me off, I suppose enough to withdraw his name from my consideration when viewed in light of his already deemed (by me) inadequate qualifications. He is not as qualified as Newt or Mitt. His intent to run on attacks rather than his own qualifications is not respectable (by me) AND the no-reply pissed me off. I wanted to reply to Allison G, whatever the "G" stands for...Gutless, I suppose.

I suppose a similar email from Newt or Mitt might piss me off just as much, but they each have redeeming value in their qualifications. I detest the attack war that is going on between them presently. Each is lying about the other.

Newt was exonerated of his one sticking ethics charge...Romney did not commit Medicare fraud. Both are lying.

and out of curiosity, what were the "attacks"?

Don't skip the last'll miss my point.
ronpaul2012 said:
Dear asaratis, (Of course, I inserted that in place of my name.)

If you didn't get a chance to take a look at this email Dr. Paul sent last week exposing Newt Gingrich for being a serial hypocrite, I hope you will take a few moments today to read it.

It's outrageous that Newt Gingrich is trying to claim the conservative mantle, when he turned his back on the Tea Party by championing the TARP bailouts, the individual mandate, and Cap and Tax.

Please take a minute to watch Dr. Paul's video and see for yourself what a serial hypocrite Newt Gingrich really is.

For Liberty,

Allison G

Dear asaratis,

If you watched last night's debate, you saw that Newt Gingrich is exactly what I claimed - a counterfeit conservative.

A serial hypocrite.

On every core Tea Party issue - the TARP bailout, Cap and Tax, and the individual mandate - Newt Gingrich cast his lot with bigger government, more spending, and less freedom.

My campaign team has put together a great video that tells you more about Gingrich and his liberal positions over the years. It tells you how he flip-flopped on a host of important issues.

And it shows, despite his claims, he is simply not a conservative.

You can take a look at the video HERE, which has spread like wildfire across the web, as it's received almost 1 million views!

You might have seen recently that Mr. Gingrich traded on his former political office to land a $1.8 million lobbying contract with Freddie Mac.

Why is this so disturbing?

Because while this out-of-control federal agency, along with Fannie Mae, was ruining the housing market and causing millions of homeowners to lose their homes and life savings, Newt Gingrich was earning millions advising it.

At that same exact time, I was publicly declaring they needed to be stopped before they ruined the economy.

I guess Newt Gingrich and I have a different idea of what to do with federal bureaucracies. I fight to rein them in and shut them down before they can do harm. He pads his personal bank account while they wreck our economy.

While I was fighting environmental extremists, the out-of-control EPA, and the Soros-funded green movement, Newt Gingrich was filming commercials with Nancy Pelosi.

While I was fighting government bailouts, Newt was saying he would have voted FOR them.

Don't be fooled by the words candidates use when they are running for office. Look hard at their records. My record is one of true limited government, anti-Washington, D.C. conservatism.

Newt Gingrich has a long record of liberal appeasement, flip-flopping on key issues, and lobbying for insider millions.

Millions. That's right. Remember the individual mandate I mentioned earlier that Newt supported? His health care group received nearly $40 MILLION in contributions from the healthcare industry.

I have rarely seen a candidate who represents so much of what is wrong with Washington and what is wrong with our political system.

We can and must demand better.

We must demand REAL conservative values. We must demand a person who puts faith, family, and freedom ahead of all else. And we must demand a candidate who has remained true to principle his entire career.

I believe I am that candidate, and I ask you to take a look at my Plan to Restore America at Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign Website.

You can tell I mean every word in it -- just as I've meant every word I have said in public life. And that's something that everyone will admit, whether they agree with all of my positions or not.

With me, what you see and hear is what you get. Wouldn't that be a nice change?

I am the only true conservative in the top tier of candidates running for the GOP nomination. And I ask for your support.

Together, we can stop the counterfeit conservatives AND the liberals in the White House. We can take back and Restore America Now.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. Whether it's flip-flopping on TARP, supporting the individual mandate that served as a model for "ObamaCare," joining with Nancy Pelosi in support of the global-warming crowd's radical agenda, or making millions off of Freddie Mac as it helped destroy our economy, Newt Gingrich is trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

He's what I call a "counterfeit conservative."

Here's an ad my campaign put together explaining his record of supporting liberal policies. Please take a moment to watch it.

So please click here to make your most generous contribution so my campaign has the resources necessary to blitz the airwaves in the coming primary and caucus states with the message of Newt Gingrich's serial hypocrisy.

Newt's serial hypocrisy is the attack that offended you so deeply?

Well then the truth must be pretty offensive. Everything Paul listed is true, I'd love to hear your counter point as to how it's not true.

P.S. Whether it's flip-flopping on TARP true

, supporting the individual mandate that served as a model for "ObamaCare," true

joining with Nancy Pelosi in support of the global-warming crowd's radical agenda, true

or making millions off of Freddie Mac as it helped destroy our economy, true

Newt Gingrich is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. true
So is it fair for me to assume that if you get spam mail that involves Newt or Mitt attacking Paul and you're unable to reply, that you'll also use that as a tool for judging their ability to run this country?
You may assume what you wish...and you will. The no-reply email tells nothing of Paul's ability to run this country. Had I already judged him equally or more capable than Newt, Mitt or Rick to run this country, he might still be in contention for my vote. The negative attack on Newt and the fact that I could not reply directly to Allison G was the straw...just ticked me off, I suppose enough to withdraw his name from my consideration when viewed in light of his already deemed (by me) inadequate qualifications. He is not as qualified as Newt or Mitt. His intent to run on attacks rather than his own qualifications is not respectable (by me) AND the no-reply pissed me off. I wanted to reply to Allison G, whatever the "G" stands for...Gutless, I suppose.

I suppose a similar email from Newt or Mitt might piss me off just as much, but they each have redeeming value in their qualifications. I detest the attack war that is going on between them presently. Each is lying about the other.

Newt was exonerated of his one sticking ethics charge...Romney did not commit Medicare fraud. Both are lying.

Don't skip the last'll miss my point.
ronpaul2012 said:
Dear asaratis, (Of course, I inserted that in place of my name.)

If you didn't get a chance to take a look at this email Dr. Paul sent last week exposing Newt Gingrich for being a serial hypocrite, I hope you will take a few moments today to read it.

It's outrageous that Newt Gingrich is trying to claim the conservative mantle, when he turned his back on the Tea Party by championing the TARP bailouts, the individual mandate, and Cap and Tax.

Please take a minute to watch Dr. Paul's video and see for yourself what a serial hypocrite Newt Gingrich really is.

For Liberty,

Allison G

Dear asaratis,

If you watched last night's debate, you saw that Newt Gingrich is exactly what I claimed - a counterfeit conservative.

A serial hypocrite.

On every core Tea Party issue - the TARP bailout, Cap and Tax, and the individual mandate - Newt Gingrich cast his lot with bigger government, more spending, and less freedom.

My campaign team has put together a great video that tells you more about Gingrich and his liberal positions over the years. It tells you how he flip-flopped on a host of important issues.

And it shows, despite his claims, he is simply not a conservative.

You can take a look at the video HERE, which has spread like wildfire across the web, as it's received almost 1 million views!

You might have seen recently that Mr. Gingrich traded on his former political office to land a $1.8 million lobbying contract with Freddie Mac.

Why is this so disturbing?

Because while this out-of-control federal agency, along with Fannie Mae, was ruining the housing market and causing millions of homeowners to lose their homes and life savings, Newt Gingrich was earning millions advising it.

At that same exact time, I was publicly declaring they needed to be stopped before they ruined the economy.

I guess Newt Gingrich and I have a different idea of what to do with federal bureaucracies. I fight to rein them in and shut them down before they can do harm. He pads his personal bank account while they wreck our economy.

While I was fighting environmental extremists, the out-of-control EPA, and the Soros-funded green movement, Newt Gingrich was filming commercials with Nancy Pelosi.

While I was fighting government bailouts, Newt was saying he would have voted FOR them.

Don't be fooled by the words candidates use when they are running for office. Look hard at their records. My record is one of true limited government, anti-Washington, D.C. conservatism.

Newt Gingrich has a long record of liberal appeasement, flip-flopping on key issues, and lobbying for insider millions.

Millions. That's right. Remember the individual mandate I mentioned earlier that Newt supported? His health care group received nearly $40 MILLION in contributions from the healthcare industry.

I have rarely seen a candidate who represents so much of what is wrong with Washington and what is wrong with our political system.

We can and must demand better.

We must demand REAL conservative values. We must demand a person who puts faith, family, and freedom ahead of all else. And we must demand a candidate who has remained true to principle his entire career.

I believe I am that candidate, and I ask you to take a look at my Plan to Restore America at Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign Website.

You can tell I mean every word in it -- just as I've meant every word I have said in public life. And that's something that everyone will admit, whether they agree with all of my positions or not.

With me, what you see and hear is what you get. Wouldn't that be a nice change?

I am the only true conservative in the top tier of candidates running for the GOP nomination. And I ask for your support.

Together, we can stop the counterfeit conservatives AND the liberals in the White House. We can take back and Restore America Now.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. Whether it's flip-flopping on TARP, supporting the individual mandate that served as a model for "ObamaCare," joining with Nancy Pelosi in support of the global-warming crowd's radical agenda, or making millions off of Freddie Mac as it helped destroy our economy, Newt Gingrich is trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

He's what I call a "counterfeit conservative."

Here's an ad my campaign put together explaining his record of supporting liberal policies. Please take a moment to watch it.

So please click here to make your most generous contribution so my campaign has the resources necessary to blitz the airwaves in the coming primary and caucus states with the message of Newt Gingrich's serial hypocrisy.

Newt's serial hypocrisy is the attack that offended you so deeply?

Well then the truth must be pretty offensive. Everything Paul listed is true, I'd love to hear your counter point as to how it's not true.

P.S. Whether it's flip-flopping on TARP true

, supporting the individual mandate that served as a model for "ObamaCare," true

joining with Nancy Pelosi in support of the global-warming crowd's radical agenda, true

or making millions off of Freddie Mac as it helped destroy our economy, true

Newt Gingrich is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. true

Don't cunfuse the issue with facts. How can we have faux rage when you are spouting out facts?
You may assume what you wish...and you will. The no-reply email tells nothing of Paul's ability to run this country. Had I already judged him equally or more capable than Newt, Mitt or Rick to run this country, he might still be in contention for my vote. The negative attack on Newt and the fact that I could not reply directly to Allison G was the straw...just ticked me off, I suppose enough to withdraw his name from my consideration when viewed in light of his already deemed (by me) inadequate qualifications. He is not as qualified as Newt or Mitt. His intent to run on attacks rather than his own qualifications is not respectable (by me) AND the no-reply pissed me off. I wanted to reply to Allison G, whatever the "G" stands for...Gutless, I suppose.

I suppose a similar email from Newt or Mitt might piss me off just as much, but they each have redeeming value in their qualifications. I detest the attack war that is going on between them presently. Each is lying about the other.

Newt was exonerated of his one sticking ethics charge...Romney did not commit Medicare fraud. Both are lying.

Don't skip the last'll miss my point.

Newt's serial hypocrisy is the attack that offended you so deeply?

Well then the truth must be pretty offensive. Everything Paul listed is true, I'd love to hear your counter point as to how it's not true.

P.S. Whether it's flip-flopping on TARP true

, supporting the individual mandate that served as a model for "ObamaCare," true

joining with Nancy Pelosi in support of the global-warming crowd's radical agenda, true

or making millions off of Freddie Mac as it helped destroy our economy, true

Newt Gingrich is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. true

Don't cunfuse the issue with facts. How can we have faux rage when you are spouting out facts?

I hear ya man.

Most of your standard republicans, when asked if Mitt or Newt is a conservative will say no. Same thing they said about McCain, if you press them hard enough.

So basically their story is that they're a conservative, but they don't ever vote for conservatives.

Very odd, to just openly admit you're voting for people who don't share your principles.
So is it fair for me to assume that if you get spam mail that involves Newt or Mitt attacking Paul and you're unable to reply, that you'll also use that as a tool for judging their ability to run this country?
You may assume what you wish...and you will. The no-reply email tells nothing of Paul's ability to run this country. Had I already judged him equally or more capable than Newt, Mitt or Rick to run this country, he might still be in contention for my vote. The negative attack on Newt and the fact that I could not reply directly to Allison G was the straw...just ticked me off, I suppose enough to withdraw his name from my consideration when viewed in light of his already deemed (by me) inadequate qualifications. He is not as qualified as Newt or Mitt. His intent to run on attacks rather than his own qualifications is not respectable (by me) AND the no-reply pissed me off. I wanted to reply to Allison G, whatever the "G" stands for...Gutless, I suppose.

I suppose a similar email from Newt or Mitt might piss me off just as much, but they each have redeeming value in their qualifications. I detest the attack war that is going on between them presently. Each is lying about the other.

Newt was exonerated of his one sticking ethics charge...Romney did not commit Medicare fraud. Both are lying.

Don't skip the last'll miss my point.
ronpaul2012 said:
Dear asaratis, (Of course, I inserted that in place of my name.)

If you didn't get a chance to take a look at this email Dr. Paul sent last week exposing Newt Gingrich for being a serial hypocrite, I hope you will take a few moments today to read it.

It's outrageous that Newt Gingrich is trying to claim the conservative mantle, when he turned his back on the Tea Party by championing the TARP bailouts, the individual mandate, and Cap and Tax.

Please take a minute to watch Dr. Paul's video and see for yourself what a serial hypocrite Newt Gingrich really is.

For Liberty,

Allison G

Dear asaratis,

If you watched last night's debate, you saw that Newt Gingrich is exactly what I claimed - a counterfeit conservative.

A serial hypocrite.

On every core Tea Party issue - the TARP bailout, Cap and Tax, and the individual mandate - Newt Gingrich cast his lot with bigger government, more spending, and less freedom.

My campaign team has put together a great video that tells you more about Gingrich and his liberal positions over the years. It tells you how he flip-flopped on a host of important issues.

And it shows, despite his claims, he is simply not a conservative.

You can take a look at the video HERE, which has spread like wildfire across the web, as it's received almost 1 million views!

You might have seen recently that Mr. Gingrich traded on his former political office to land a $1.8 million lobbying contract with Freddie Mac.

Why is this so disturbing?

Because while this out-of-control federal agency, along with Fannie Mae, was ruining the housing market and causing millions of homeowners to lose their homes and life savings, Newt Gingrich was earning millions advising it.

At that same exact time, I was publicly declaring they needed to be stopped before they ruined the economy.

I guess Newt Gingrich and I have a different idea of what to do with federal bureaucracies. I fight to rein them in and shut them down before they can do harm. He pads his personal bank account while they wreck our economy.

While I was fighting environmental extremists, the out-of-control EPA, and the Soros-funded green movement, Newt Gingrich was filming commercials with Nancy Pelosi.

While I was fighting government bailouts, Newt was saying he would have voted FOR them.

Don't be fooled by the words candidates use when they are running for office. Look hard at their records. My record is one of true limited government, anti-Washington, D.C. conservatism.

Newt Gingrich has a long record of liberal appeasement, flip-flopping on key issues, and lobbying for insider millions.

Millions. That's right. Remember the individual mandate I mentioned earlier that Newt supported? His health care group received nearly $40 MILLION in contributions from the healthcare industry.

I have rarely seen a candidate who represents so much of what is wrong with Washington and what is wrong with our political system.

We can and must demand better.

We must demand REAL conservative values. We must demand a person who puts faith, family, and freedom ahead of all else. And we must demand a candidate who has remained true to principle his entire career.

I believe I am that candidate, and I ask you to take a look at my Plan to Restore America at Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign Website.

You can tell I mean every word in it -- just as I've meant every word I have said in public life. And that's something that everyone will admit, whether they agree with all of my positions or not.

With me, what you see and hear is what you get. Wouldn't that be a nice change?

I am the only true conservative in the top tier of candidates running for the GOP nomination. And I ask for your support.

Together, we can stop the counterfeit conservatives AND the liberals in the White House. We can take back and Restore America Now.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. Whether it's flip-flopping on TARP, supporting the individual mandate that served as a model for "ObamaCare," joining with Nancy Pelosi in support of the global-warming crowd's radical agenda, or making millions off of Freddie Mac as it helped destroy our economy, Newt Gingrich is trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

He's what I call a "counterfeit conservative."

Here's an ad my campaign put together explaining his record of supporting liberal policies. Please take a moment to watch it.

So please click here to make your most generous contribution so my campaign has the resources necessary to blitz the airwaves in the coming primary and caucus states with the message of Newt Gingrich's serial hypocrisy.

Newt's serial hypocrisy is the attack that offended you so deeply?

Well then the truth must be pretty offensive. Everything Paul listed is true, I'd love to hear your counter point as to how it's not true.

P.S. Whether it's flip-flopping on TARP true

, supporting the individual mandate that served as a model for "ObamaCare," true

joining with Nancy Pelosi in support of the global-warming crowd's radical agenda, true

or making millions off of Freddie Mac as it helped destroy our economy, true

Newt Gingrich is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. true
ouchy that has got too hurt.
So is it fair for me to assume that if you get spam mail that involves Newt or Mitt attacking Paul and you're unable to reply, that you'll also use that as a tool for judging their ability to run this country?
You may assume what you wish...and you will. The no-reply email tells nothing of Paul's ability to run this country. Had I already judged him equally or more capable than Newt, Mitt or Rick to run this country, he might still be in contention for my vote. The negative attack on Newt and the fact that I could not reply directly to Allison G was the straw...just ticked me off, I suppose enough to withdraw his name from my consideration when viewed in light of his already deemed (by me) inadequate qualifications. He is not as qualified as Newt or Mitt. His intent to run on attacks rather than his own qualifications is not respectable (by me) AND the no-reply pissed me off. I wanted to reply to Allison G, whatever the "G" stands for...Gutless, I suppose.

I suppose a similar email from Newt or Mitt might piss me off just as much, but they each have redeeming value in their qualifications. I detest the attack war that is going on between them presently. Each is lying about the other.

Newt was exonerated of his one sticking ethics charge...Romney did not commit Medicare fraud. Both are lying.

Don't skip the last'll miss my point.
ronpaul2012 said:
Dear asaratis, (Of course, I inserted that in place of my name.)

If you didn't get a chance to take a look at this email Dr. Paul sent last week exposing Newt Gingrich for being a serial hypocrite, I hope you will take a few moments today to read it.

It's outrageous that Newt Gingrich is trying to claim the conservative mantle, when he turned his back on the Tea Party by championing the TARP bailouts, the individual mandate, and Cap and Tax.

Please take a minute to watch Dr. Paul's video and see for yourself what a serial hypocrite Newt Gingrich really is.

For Liberty,

Allison G

Dear asaratis,

If you watched last night's debate, you saw that Newt Gingrich is exactly what I claimed - a counterfeit conservative.

A serial hypocrite.

On every core Tea Party issue - the TARP bailout, Cap and Tax, and the individual mandate - Newt Gingrich cast his lot with bigger government, more spending, and less freedom.

My campaign team has put together a great video that tells you more about Gingrich and his liberal positions over the years. It tells you how he flip-flopped on a host of important issues.

And it shows, despite his claims, he is simply not a conservative.

You can take a look at the video HERE, which has spread like wildfire across the web, as it's received almost 1 million views!

You might have seen recently that Mr. Gingrich traded on his former political office to land a $1.8 million lobbying contract with Freddie Mac.

Why is this so disturbing?

Because while this out-of-control federal agency, along with Fannie Mae, was ruining the housing market and causing millions of homeowners to lose their homes and life savings, Newt Gingrich was earning millions advising it.

At that same exact time, I was publicly declaring they needed to be stopped before they ruined the economy.

I guess Newt Gingrich and I have a different idea of what to do with federal bureaucracies. I fight to rein them in and shut them down before they can do harm. He pads his personal bank account while they wreck our economy.

While I was fighting environmental extremists, the out-of-control EPA, and the Soros-funded green movement, Newt Gingrich was filming commercials with Nancy Pelosi.

While I was fighting government bailouts, Newt was saying he would have voted FOR them.

Don't be fooled by the words candidates use when they are running for office. Look hard at their records. My record is one of true limited government, anti-Washington, D.C. conservatism.

Newt Gingrich has a long record of liberal appeasement, flip-flopping on key issues, and lobbying for insider millions.

Millions. That's right. Remember the individual mandate I mentioned earlier that Newt supported? His health care group received nearly $40 MILLION in contributions from the healthcare industry.

I have rarely seen a candidate who represents so much of what is wrong with Washington and what is wrong with our political system.

We can and must demand better.

We must demand REAL conservative values. We must demand a person who puts faith, family, and freedom ahead of all else. And we must demand a candidate who has remained true to principle his entire career.

I believe I am that candidate, and I ask you to take a look at my Plan to Restore America at Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign Website.

You can tell I mean every word in it -- just as I've meant every word I have said in public life. And that's something that everyone will admit, whether they agree with all of my positions or not.

With me, what you see and hear is what you get. Wouldn't that be a nice change?

I am the only true conservative in the top tier of candidates running for the GOP nomination. And I ask for your support.

Together, we can stop the counterfeit conservatives AND the liberals in the White House. We can take back and Restore America Now.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. Whether it's flip-flopping on TARP, supporting the individual mandate that served as a model for "ObamaCare," joining with Nancy Pelosi in support of the global-warming crowd's radical agenda, or making millions off of Freddie Mac as it helped destroy our economy, Newt Gingrich is trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

He's what I call a "counterfeit conservative."

Here's an ad my campaign put together explaining his record of supporting liberal policies. Please take a moment to watch it.

So please click here to make your most generous contribution so my campaign has the resources necessary to blitz the airwaves in the coming primary and caucus states with the message of Newt Gingrich's serial hypocrisy.

Newt's serial hypocrisy is the attack that offended you so deeply?

Well then the truth must be pretty offensive. Everything Paul listed is true, I'd love to hear your counter point as to how it's not true.

P.S. Whether it's flip-flopping on TARP true

, supporting the individual mandate that served as a model for "ObamaCare," true

joining with Nancy Pelosi in support of the global-warming crowd's radical agenda, true

or making millions off of Freddie Mac as it helped destroy our economy, true

Newt Gingrich is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. true
You just do not comprehend very well, do you. Read the OP again and show me where I said the attack on Newt pissed me off. I expect attacks on each candidate to go on until election day. I said that the refusal to accept a direct email reply from me is what triggered the OP. Ron's vowing to run on attacks (of anybody) also matter who he plans to attack. Each candidate should run on his own qualifications and quit slinging mud at the others as if it makes themselves a better person.

There are still months of campaigning to go. I am leaning toward Santorum, have Newt and Mitt on a balance scale and under surveillance and MAY....just MAY relent and vote for Ron Paul if all three of the others die before the election.
You may assume what you wish...and you will. The no-reply email tells nothing of Paul's ability to run this country. Had I already judged him equally or more capable than Newt, Mitt or Rick to run this country, he might still be in contention for my vote. The negative attack on Newt and the fact that I could not reply directly to Allison G was the straw...just ticked me off, I suppose enough to withdraw his name from my consideration when viewed in light of his already deemed (by me) inadequate qualifications. He is not as qualified as Newt or Mitt. His intent to run on attacks rather than his own qualifications is not respectable (by me) AND the no-reply pissed me off. I wanted to reply to Allison G, whatever the "G" stands for...Gutless, I suppose.

I suppose a similar email from Newt or Mitt might piss me off just as much, but they each have redeeming value in their qualifications. I detest the attack war that is going on between them presently. Each is lying about the other.

Newt was exonerated of his one sticking ethics charge...Romney did not commit Medicare fraud. Both are lying.

Don't skip the last'll miss my point.

Newt's serial hypocrisy is the attack that offended you so deeply?

Well then the truth must be pretty offensive. Everything Paul listed is true, I'd love to hear your counter point as to how it's not true.

P.S. Whether it's flip-flopping on TARP true

, supporting the individual mandate that served as a model for "ObamaCare," true

joining with Nancy Pelosi in support of the global-warming crowd's radical agenda, true

or making millions off of Freddie Mac as it helped destroy our economy, true

Newt Gingrich is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. true
You just do not comprehend very well, do you. Read the OP again and show me where I said the attack on Newt pissed me off. I expect attacks on each candidate to go on until election day. I said that the refusal to accept a direct email reply from me is what triggered the OP. Ron's vowing to run on attacks (of anybody) also matter who he plans to attack. Each candidate should run on his own qualifications and quit slinging mud at the others as if it makes themselves a better person.

There are still months of campaigning to go. I am leaning toward Santorum, have Newt and Mitt on a balance scale and under surveillance and MAY....just MAY relent and vote for Ron Paul if all three of the others die before the election.

Stating truths aren't attacks or slinging mud. Again if you can go through and tell me what in the email is factually incorrect, I'd love to hear it.

Newt is a lib, in every way. I can't vote for libs, and I like when the truths about their liberal record are highlighted for all to see, even if that truth offends you. Like it did in this case.

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