Ron Paul just lost my vote.

Call me what you will. Eliminating a name from the list of candidates that I might vote for constitutes losing my vote. Quite obviously I never intended to vote for all of the candidates. I have not made up my mind yet...won't until the Georgia primaries...but it won't be Ron Paul.

I really think you need a reading comprehension refresher course. I have considered Ron Paul but never supported him over the others.

Ok fine. So it's still the shittiest reason I've ever heard for not voting for someone.

Own it bitch. :thup:
Silly fucker! The OP does not describe the ONLY reason I won't be voting for Ron. If he was the most qualified candidate you would be correct in your assessment of that being a shitty reason to eliminate him from consideration.

Oh, so you're just trolling then. Silly me indeed.

Carry on. :thup:
Here's the problem with your thread your title states "Ron Paul just lost my vote." How could he lose something when he never had it in the first place? That's like me saying I won the lottery, but I can't collect because I lost the ticket, but come to find out I never bought a ticket to begin with.

I haven't voted yet so no candidate "had" my vote. I suppose it would be easier for you to understand if I had said "Ron Paul just lost his chance at getting my vote."

OK fine I like your dog, but I don't care to much about your deceptive style thread.
Had we been talking politics over a beer in an Irish Pub, you would have clearly understood what I meant. Any deception you imagined was inferred, not intended.
Sumbitch from just sent me an email replete with scathing attacks on Newt Gingrich. I replied only to find that it was a no-reply address.

Jesus! All I said was that I'm betting her eyes are brown.

Any chickenshit that refuses to accept my reply to their email is a sleazy fuckin' coward!

Besides...Ron Paul couldn't win the election running against Howdy Doody!

For true take a breather.

I didn't think they'd start this till May or June.

Yikes they must be freaking. This should be September. It means the internal polling data is off the fucking charts if Axelrod is starting this crap now.

Oh crap I just wanted a couple of happy days. Okey dokey. Lets get ready to rock.

This is Axelrod 101. What Dave does is most interesting. We're talking Chicago here.
Sumbitch from just sent me an email replete with scathing attacks on Newt Gingrich. I replied only to find that it was a no-reply address.

Jesus! All I said was that I'm betting her eyes are brown.

Any chickenshit that refuses to accept my reply to their email is a sleazy fuckin' coward!

Besides...Ron Paul couldn't win the election running against Howdy Doody!

A no-reply email that you can't reply to? The OUTRAGE!

But you've now made it clear that he never had a chance at getting your vote before this.
Wrong. When he first came on the roster, I was encouraged by his statements. As time went on, I began to see him as noble but unelectable. At one time he had a chance of getting my vote.

Perhaps, but you have made it clear that you ruled him out as a candidate before this e-mail nonsense. You're right that this is all purely semantics, but you can see why people were confused.

Look what we have to find out here is who sent that fucking email NOW. Damage control.

And I want everyone else to recognize this. If they could do this to RP they can do it to every other R candidate.
So Ron Paul just lost a vote he never had? How does that work? The OP who started this thread has been busted big-time for lying. He or she never intended to vote for Ron Paul. So i must call BULLSHITE on this post.
Axelrod people is a fucking pro. At one point up here, there was a trinity of usurpers directed by David.

They literally tried to take over our government with a "more people voted against them than for them".

Did you guys even hear about it? They tried a huge coup up here with Axelrod aka Obamas dude directing this in FUCKING CANADA. Not a 3rd world country. Us the guys next door.
Wrong. When he first came on the roster, I was encouraged by his statements. As time went on, I began to see him as noble but unelectable. At one time he had a chance of getting my vote.

Perhaps, but you have made it clear that you ruled him out as a candidate before this e-mail nonsense. You're right that this is all purely semantics, but you can see why people were confused.

Look what we have to find out here is who sent that fucking email NOW. Damage control.

And I want everyone else to recognize this. If they could do this to RP they can do it to every other R candidate.

So Ron Paul just lost a vote he never had? How does that work? The OP who started this thread has been busted big-time for lying. He or she never intended to vote for Ron Paul. So i must call BULLSHITE on this post.

Hold steady. That's what they want you to do is break ranks. Don't. Honest. Please get hold of me on PM's.
Perhaps, but you have made it clear that you ruled him out as a candidate before this e-mail nonsense. You're right that this is all purely semantics, but you can see why people were confused.

Look what we have to find out here is who sent that fucking email NOW. Damage control.

And I want everyone else to recognize this. If they could do this to RP they can do it to every other R candidate.


What they want you to do is break ranks. I don't beleive one horrid word. Dr. Paul is and has been an honorable man for forever.

Oh cripes you don't know me. I have no player in this game. But we must not allow Axelrod to control this election.
Look what we have to find out here is who sent that fucking email NOW. Damage control.

And I want everyone else to recognize this. If they could do this to RP they can do it to every other R candidate.


What they want you to do is break ranks. I don't beleive one horrid word. Dr. Paul is and has been an honorable man for forever.

Oh cripes you don't know me. I have no player in this game. But we must not allow Axelrod to control this election.

I think you might be blowing this out of proportion.
OP by asaratis: Ron Paul just lost my vote.

Besides...Ron Paul couldn't win the election running against Howdy Doody!

Is it just me?...



No, Seriously...



Who is desperate. I love it. Trying a lawsuit against Newt now for bs on Eye of the Tiger.

I'm glad you're out there Mal. I'm just glad you exist. I'm glad there is another asshole like me in the universe.



What they want you to do is break ranks. I don't beleive one horrid word. Dr. Paul is and has been an honorable man for forever.

Oh cripes you don't know me. I have no player in this game. But we must not allow Axelrod to control this election.

I think you might be blowing this out of proportion.

I've been in politics for over four decades. Nothing is out of proportion. Combo rock and roll promo mind and politics means I'm really good at this shit.

One thing I will not happen is to allow Dr. Paul be smeared. Ever. I've played this game enough.

Dr. Paul is a good man. I won't have him smeared by the left.
So Ron Paul just lost a vote he never had? How does that work? The OP who started this thread has been busted big-time for lying. He or she never intended to vote for Ron Paul. So i must call BULLSHITE on this post.
You fail at comprehension. I have no intent yet to vote for any particular candidate. My intent is to vote on election day for the candidate I choose ON THAT DAY. I have merely eliminated Ron Paul. Perry, Bachman and Cain have eliminated themselves.

I have told no in this thread...yet!
So Ron Paul just lost a vote he never had? How does that work? The OP who started this thread has been busted big-time for lying. He or she never intended to vote for Ron Paul. So i must call BULLSHITE on this post.
You fail at comprehension. I have no intent yet to vote for any particular candidate. My intent is to vote on election day for the candidate I choose ON THAT DAY. I have merely eliminated Ron Paul. Perry, Bachman and Cain have eliminated themselves.

I have told no in this thread...yet!

So is it fair for me to assume that if you get spam mail that involves Newt or Mitt attacking Paul and you're unable to reply, that you'll also use that as a tool for judging their ability to run this country?
So Ron Paul just lost a vote he never had? How does that work? The OP who started this thread has been busted big-time for lying. He or she never intended to vote for Ron Paul. So i must call BULLSHITE on this post.
You fail at comprehension. I have no intent yet to vote for any particular candidate. My intent is to vote on election day for the candidate I choose ON THAT DAY. I have merely eliminated Ron Paul. Perry, Bachman and Cain have eliminated themselves.

I have told no in this thread...yet!

So is it fair for me to assume that if you get spam mail that involves Newt or Mitt attacking Paul and you're unable to reply, that you'll also use that as a tool for judging their ability to run this country?
You may assume what you wish...and you will. The no-reply email tells nothing of Paul's ability to run this country. Had I already judged him equally or more capable than Newt, Mitt or Rick to run this country, he might still be in contention for my vote. The negative attack on Newt and the fact that I could not reply directly to Allison G was the straw...just ticked me off, I suppose enough to withdraw his name from my consideration when viewed in light of his already deemed (by me) inadequate qualifications. He is not as qualified as Newt or Mitt. His intent to run on attacks rather than his own qualifications is not respectable (by me) AND the no-reply pissed me off. I wanted to reply to Allison G, whatever the "G" stands for...Gutless, I suppose.

I suppose a similar email from Newt or Mitt might piss me off just as much, but they each have redeeming value in their qualifications. I detest the attack war that is going on between them presently. Each is lying about the other.

Newt was exonerated of his one sticking ethics charge...Romney did not commit Medicare fraud. Both are lying.

and out of curiosity, what were the "attacks"?

Don't skip the last'll miss my point.
ronpaul2012 said:
Dear asaratis, (Of course, I inserted that in place of my name.)

If you didn't get a chance to take a look at this email Dr. Paul sent last week exposing Newt Gingrich for being a serial hypocrite, I hope you will take a few moments today to read it.

It's outrageous that Newt Gingrich is trying to claim the conservative mantle, when he turned his back on the Tea Party by championing the TARP bailouts, the individual mandate, and Cap and Tax.

Please take a minute to watch Dr. Paul's video and see for yourself what a serial hypocrite Newt Gingrich really is.

For Liberty,

Allison G

Dear asaratis,

If you watched last night's debate, you saw that Newt Gingrich is exactly what I claimed - a counterfeit conservative.

A serial hypocrite.

On every core Tea Party issue - the TARP bailout, Cap and Tax, and the individual mandate - Newt Gingrich cast his lot with bigger government, more spending, and less freedom.

My campaign team has put together a great video that tells you more about Gingrich and his liberal positions over the years. It tells you how he flip-flopped on a host of important issues.

And it shows, despite his claims, he is simply not a conservative.

You can take a look at the video HERE, which has spread like wildfire across the web, as it's received almost 1 million views!

You might have seen recently that Mr. Gingrich traded on his former political office to land a $1.8 million lobbying contract with Freddie Mac.

Why is this so disturbing?

Because while this out-of-control federal agency, along with Fannie Mae, was ruining the housing market and causing millions of homeowners to lose their homes and life savings, Newt Gingrich was earning millions advising it.

At that same exact time, I was publicly declaring they needed to be stopped before they ruined the economy.

I guess Newt Gingrich and I have a different idea of what to do with federal bureaucracies. I fight to rein them in and shut them down before they can do harm. He pads his personal bank account while they wreck our economy.

While I was fighting environmental extremists, the out-of-control EPA, and the Soros-funded green movement, Newt Gingrich was filming commercials with Nancy Pelosi.

While I was fighting government bailouts, Newt was saying he would have voted FOR them.

Don't be fooled by the words candidates use when they are running for office. Look hard at their records. My record is one of true limited government, anti-Washington, D.C. conservatism.

Newt Gingrich has a long record of liberal appeasement, flip-flopping on key issues, and lobbying for insider millions.

Millions. That's right. Remember the individual mandate I mentioned earlier that Newt supported? His health care group received nearly $40 MILLION in contributions from the healthcare industry.

I have rarely seen a candidate who represents so much of what is wrong with Washington and what is wrong with our political system.

We can and must demand better.

We must demand REAL conservative values. We must demand a person who puts faith, family, and freedom ahead of all else. And we must demand a candidate who has remained true to principle his entire career.

I believe I am that candidate, and I ask you to take a look at my Plan to Restore America at Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign Website.

You can tell I mean every word in it -- just as I've meant every word I have said in public life. And that's something that everyone will admit, whether they agree with all of my positions or not.

With me, what you see and hear is what you get. Wouldn't that be a nice change?

I am the only true conservative in the top tier of candidates running for the GOP nomination. And I ask for your support.

Together, we can stop the counterfeit conservatives AND the liberals in the White House. We can take back and Restore America Now.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. Whether it's flip-flopping on TARP, supporting the individual mandate that served as a model for "ObamaCare," joining with Nancy Pelosi in support of the global-warming crowd's radical agenda, or making millions off of Freddie Mac as it helped destroy our economy, Newt Gingrich is trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

He's what I call a "counterfeit conservative."

Here's an ad my campaign put together explaining his record of supporting liberal policies. Please take a moment to watch it.

So please click here to make your most generous contribution so my campaign has the resources necessary to blitz the airwaves in the coming primary and caucus states with the message of Newt Gingrich's serial hypocrisy.
Don't skip the last'll miss my point.
ronpaul2012 said:
Dear asaratis, (Of course, I inserted that in place of my name.)

If you didn't get a chance to take a look at this email Dr. Paul sent last week exposing Newt Gingrich for being a serial hypocrite, I hope you will take a few moments today to read it.

It's outrageous that Newt Gingrich is trying to claim the conservative mantle, when he turned his back on the Tea Party by championing the TARP bailouts, the individual mandate, and Cap and Tax.

Please take a minute to watch Dr. Paul's video and see for yourself what a serial hypocrite Newt Gingrich really is.

For Liberty,

Allison G

Dear asaratis,

If you watched last night's debate, you saw that Newt Gingrich is exactly what I claimed - a counterfeit conservative.

A serial hypocrite.

On every core Tea Party issue - the TARP bailout, Cap and Tax, and the individual mandate - Newt Gingrich cast his lot with bigger government, more spending, and less freedom.

My campaign team has put together a great video that tells you more about Gingrich and his liberal positions over the years. It tells you how he flip-flopped on a host of important issues.

And it shows, despite his claims, he is simply not a conservative.

You can take a look at the video HERE, which has spread like wildfire across the web, as it's received almost 1 million views!

You might have seen recently that Mr. Gingrich traded on his former political office to land a $1.8 million lobbying contract with Freddie Mac.

Why is this so disturbing?

Because while this out-of-control federal agency, along with Fannie Mae, was ruining the housing market and causing millions of homeowners to lose their homes and life savings, Newt Gingrich was earning millions advising it.

At that same exact time, I was publicly declaring they needed to be stopped before they ruined the economy.

I guess Newt Gingrich and I have a different idea of what to do with federal bureaucracies. I fight to rein them in and shut them down before they can do harm. He pads his personal bank account while they wreck our economy.

While I was fighting environmental extremists, the out-of-control EPA, and the Soros-funded green movement, Newt Gingrich was filming commercials with Nancy Pelosi.

While I was fighting government bailouts, Newt was saying he would have voted FOR them.

Don't be fooled by the words candidates use when they are running for office. Look hard at their records. My record is one of true limited government, anti-Washington, D.C. conservatism.

Newt Gingrich has a long record of liberal appeasement, flip-flopping on key issues, and lobbying for insider millions.

Millions. That's right. Remember the individual mandate I mentioned earlier that Newt supported? His health care group received nearly $40 MILLION in contributions from the healthcare industry.

I have rarely seen a candidate who represents so much of what is wrong with Washington and what is wrong with our political system.

We can and must demand better.

We must demand REAL conservative values. We must demand a person who puts faith, family, and freedom ahead of all else. And we must demand a candidate who has remained true to principle his entire career.

I believe I am that candidate, and I ask you to take a look at my Plan to Restore America at Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign Website.

You can tell I mean every word in it -- just as I've meant every word I have said in public life. And that's something that everyone will admit, whether they agree with all of my positions or not.

With me, what you see and hear is what you get. Wouldn't that be a nice change?

I am the only true conservative in the top tier of candidates running for the GOP nomination. And I ask for your support.

Together, we can stop the counterfeit conservatives AND the liberals in the White House. We can take back and Restore America Now.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. Whether it's flip-flopping on TARP, supporting the individual mandate that served as a model for "ObamaCare," joining with Nancy Pelosi in support of the global-warming crowd's radical agenda, or making millions off of Freddie Mac as it helped destroy our economy, Newt Gingrich is trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

He's what I call a "counterfeit conservative."

Here's an ad my campaign put together explaining his record of supporting liberal policies. Please take a moment to watch it.

So please click here to make your most generous contribution so my campaign has the resources necessary to blitz the airwaves in the coming primary and caucus states with the message of Newt Gingrich's serial hypocrisy.

That's not an attack, it's an indictment. Every fucking word is TRUE!

And since he's not taking a dime from the corporate cronies funding all the other candidates, I don't blame him for asking for a donation. You should send him one.

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