Ron Paul just lost my vote.

Sumbitch from just sent me an email replete with scathing attacks on Newt Gingrich. I replied only to find that it was a no-reply address.

Jesus! All I said was that I'm betting her eyes are brown.

Any chickenshit that refuses to accept my reply to their email is a sleazy fuckin' coward!

Besides...Ron Paul couldn't win the election running against Howdy Doody!

I get emails from both parties. you can't properly reply to any of them.

And damn, if that's your reason for not voting for someone it's more than just a little week.

Exactly and it's stupid.
You've never heard of mass emails being sent from "non-respond" accounts?

Are you fucking serious???
You are clueless. I said nothing to indicate being a virgin. I get them daily. All from fuckin' chickenshit cowards.

Try it with a Newt email. You might as well stay home if that is your reason not to vote for someone, Hell they all do it.
Sumbitch from just sent me an email replete with scathing attacks on Newt Gingrich. I replied only to find that it was a no-reply address.

Jesus! All I said was that I'm betting her eyes are brown.

Any chickenshit that refuses to accept my reply to their email is a sleazy fuckin' coward!

Besides...Ron Paul couldn't win the election running against Howdy Doody!

Who's Ron Paul?
Who do you support?
Sumbitch from just sent me an email replete with scathing attacks on Newt Gingrich. I replied only to find that it was a no-reply address.

Jesus! All I said was that I'm betting her eyes are brown.

Any chickenshit that refuses to accept my reply to their email is a sleazy fuckin' coward!

Besides...Ron Paul couldn't win the election running against Howdy Doody!

The "no-reply email" and "computer phone call" are two pet-peeves of mine. Don't contact me unless I can talk to or correspond with a human.
Sumbitch from just sent me an email replete with scathing attacks on Newt Gingrich. I replied only to find that it was a no-reply address.

Jesus! All I said was that I'm betting her eyes are brown.

Any chickenshit that refuses to accept my reply to their email is a sleazy fuckin' coward!

Besides...Ron Paul couldn't win the election running against Howdy Doody!

The "no-reply email" and "computer phone call" are two pet-peeves of mine. Don't contact me unless I can talk to or correspond with a human.

They all do it
Sumbitch from just sent me an email replete with scathing attacks on Newt Gingrich. I replied only to find that it was a no-reply address.

Jesus! All I said was that I'm betting her eyes are brown.

Any chickenshit that refuses to accept my reply to their email is a sleazy fuckin' coward!

Besides...Ron Paul couldn't win the election running against Howdy Doody!

Jesus Christ. There's a reason that e-mail would be noreply. If you want to fucking contact, contact them via a contact e-mail address.

People these days... my god.
Sumbitch from just sent me an email replete with scathing attacks on Newt Gingrich. I replied only to find that it was a no-reply address.

Jesus! All I said was that I'm betting her eyes are brown.

Any chickenshit that refuses to accept my reply to their email is a sleazy fuckin' coward!

Besides...Ron Paul couldn't win the election running against Howdy Doody!

The "no-reply email" and "computer phone call" are two pet-peeves of mine. Don't contact me unless I can talk to or correspond with a human.

They all do it

Yes they do. But it still annoys me.

I listen to enough news and read enough that I don't need these candidates to contact me. But yes I know, they have no way of knowing that.
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I got a couple of robocalls from an Orlando area-code attacking Romney yesterday. I assume it was from Newt's campaign so I'm about to go vote for Ron Paul now because of it. [/DERP]
I got a couple of robocalls from an Orlando area-code attacking Romney yesterday. I assume it was from Newt's campaign so I'm about to go vote for Ron Paul now because of it. [/DERP]

That's a stupid reason to vote for anyone. Why can't you vote for a person because that is your conviction? Why can't you vote for a person because they have some values you do?
Did he have it to begin with? because if it's attacks on Newt that bothered you, than i have doubts.

No. The attacks don't concern me as much as the refusal of reply. They are rather adolescent when one expects candidates to run on issues. Character is important, but we have had some good Presidents that have been...shall we say, less then unblemished.

If the ability to lead the conservative cause (the never ending battle against socialism) is the only metric, Newt wins...hands down.

Ron Paul is a nice old man and has noble goals. He is not President material...for he has no balls.

In the bottom of the e-mail it contains contact information. All you need to do is copy that address and mail it to them. All campaigns use those type of marketing accounts.
I got a couple of robocalls from an Orlando area-code attacking Romney yesterday. I assume it was from Newt's campaign so I'm about to go vote for Ron Paul now because of it. [/DERP]

That's a stupid reason to vote for anyone. Why can't you vote for a person because that is your conviction? Why can't you vote for a person because they have some values you do?

It's called doing the right thing for the wrong reason... :cool:
You've never heard of mass emails being sent from "non-respond" accounts?

Are you fucking serious???
You are clueless. I said nothing to indicate being a virgin. I get them daily. All from fuckin' chickenshit cowards.

So you expect him to sit around and answer emails all day while he is busy campaigning? or just yours?

Since he doesn't sit around and SEND e-mails all day, I think she expected the same loser who spammed her to also answer e-mails.

And if he can't be bothered to have someone in his campaign communicate with and respond to potential voters, that doesn't speak well for his responsiveness to constituents should he win election, now does it?

It amazes me how Paulatics always defend their man's bad behavior by claiming he's an incompetent leader. It's an intriguing strategy, but I don't think it's effective.

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