Ron Paul: Nevada Standoff A Symptom Of Increasing Authoritarianism...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Dr. Paul's Texas Straight Talk -- April 21, 2014

[ame=]Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 4/21/14: Nevada Standoff a Symptom of Increasing Authoritarianism - YouTube[/ame]

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The Al Sharpton of welfare cowboys.

Trying to stir up some contributions from the "paying what you owe is for pussies" crowd.
Yeah. The days of the "Law and Order" GOP are long gone. Hell, they don't even believe in paying their debts now. Just bitch about the government, and wave some guns and flags around, and all is right with the world.
Yeah. The days of the "Law and Order" GOP are long gone. Hell, they don't even believe in paying their debts now. Just bitch about the government, and wave some guns and flags around, and all is right with the world.

It is truly a sad day. I can remember when the GOP stood for conservative principles - like paying what you owe. Now the radical right has drug them into some weird, hybrid philosophy of "if a welfare recipient is white, it's Ok."
Yeah. The days of the "Law and Order" GOP are long gone. Hell, they don't even believe in paying their debts now. Just bitch about the government, and wave some guns and flags around, and all is right with the world.

The times, they are a changin. Blind loyal Goose Stepping for Big Brother is becoming an outdated concept. I'm sure our Founding Fathers would approve of this much-needed change.
Ron Paul says "don't pay what you owe - just pick up a gun."

No wonder everyone cackled at his economic theories.

That's exactly what our Founding Fathers told the British. I truly believe they would approve of this much-needed change.
Nevada Standoff A Symptom Of Increasing Far Right Reactionary Trollism...

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