Ron Paul Reveals The Real Fake News List...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Former congressman Ron Paul revealed a list of “fake news” journalists he claims are responsible for “bogus wars” and lies about Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning the election. Journalists from CNN, the New York Times, and the Guardian are included.

These are the news sources that told us ‘if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,’” he said. “They told us that Hillary Clinton had a 98% of winning the election. They tell us in a never-ending loop that ‘The economy is in great shape!’”

Paul’s list includes the full names of the “fake news” journalists as well as the publications they write for, with what appears to be hyperlinks to where the allegations are sourced from. In most cases, this is WikiLeaks, but none of the hyperlinks are working at present, leaving the exact sources of the list unknown.

CNN is Paul’s biggest alleged culprit, with nine entries, followed by the NY Times...
These are the news sources that told us ‘if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,’” he said. “They told us that Hillary Clinton had a 98% of winning the election. They tell us in a never-ending loop that ‘The economy is in great shape!’”

Paul’s list includes the full names of the “fake news” journalists as well as the publications they write for, with what appears to be hyperlinks to where the allegations are sourced from. In most cases, this is WikiLeaks, but none of the hyperlinks are working at present, leaving the exact sources of the list unknown.

CNN is Paul’s biggest alleged culprit, with nine entries, followed by the NY Times...

You can keep your doctor. No lie there.
I believe Ingraham and Hannity talk show did H. Clinton a lot of damage. Yes the Clinton foundation did well being she might of been the new Pres. and now Trumps foundation will do well. Watch.
Former congressman Ron Paul revealed a list of “fake news” journalists he claims are responsible for “bogus wars” and lies about Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning the election. Journalists from CNN, the New York Times, and the Guardian are included.


Sure, but Ron Paul is nuts.
This left wing "fake news" stuff is just another Alinsky scam. We know for a freaking fact that the mainstream news made up stories about Trump, skewed polls to reflect the results they wanted and deliberately tried to influence a presidential election in favor of Hillary. The ironic thing is that most of the high profile left wing pundits are former employees of democrat administrations.
Former congressman Ron Paul revealed a list of “fake news” journalists he claims are responsible for “bogus wars” and lies about Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning the election. Journalists from CNN, the New York Times, and the Guardian are included.


He tries so hard to be relevant and matter.

It only works when he goes after his own party.

Other then that, no one cares.
These are the news sources that told us ‘if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,’” he said. “They told us that Hillary Clinton had a 98% of winning the election. They tell us in a never-ending loop that ‘The economy is in great shape!’”

Paul’s list includes the full names of the “fake news” journalists as well as the publications they write for, with what appears to be hyperlinks to where the allegations are sourced from. In most cases, this is WikiLeaks, but none of the hyperlinks are working at present, leaving the exact sources of the list unknown.

CNN is Paul’s biggest alleged culprit, with nine entries, followed by the NY Times...

You can keep your doctor. No lie there.
Federal government is the very definition of lying
I believe Ingraham and Hannity talk show did H. Clinton a lot of damage. Yes the Clinton foundation did well being she might of been the new Pres. and now Trumps foundation will do well. Watch.
It's best if the Hildabeast is not seen, certainly not heard and absolutely not smelled, she is a colostomy bag in a pantsuit...
These are the news sources that told us ‘if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,’” he said. “They told us that Hillary Clinton had a 98% of winning the election. They tell us in a never-ending loop that ‘The economy is in great shape!’”

Paul’s list includes the full names of the “fake news” journalists as well as the publications they write for, with what appears to be hyperlinks to where the allegations are sourced from. In most cases, this is WikiLeaks, but none of the hyperlinks are working at present, leaving the exact sources of the list unknown.

CNN is Paul’s biggest alleged culprit, with nine entries, followed by the NY Times...

You can keep your doctor. No lie there.
Federal government is the very definition of lying

You know that's nuts, right?

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