Ron Paul skeptical about Trump's Syrian attack!

You just admited the narative was merely your opinion. The narative was wrong, the methods you guys use to discern and deduce logic is conspiracy laced, the kind you make fun of as tin foil hat like conspiracy rants.
Notice none of your responses refute responses to your post, they are smokescreens and excuses.
Newsflash: We are all merely posting our opinions here. Generally we base those opinions on something we read somewhere.And, if we want to be courteous, we add a link supporting our opinions.

Stop reading liberal sources of disinformation.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?

The whole thing is a work. It makes zero sense for Assad to do this .

Assad was framed !

And he is having his jets resume flights to demonstrate this?


Ummm . Yeah ! What else would Assad do .

Here's the thing , Assad ain't in on the set up .

And the fact that the base is still operational is more proof the whole thing is a dog n pony show .

It makes it kind of difficult to fly a plane that is a couple of hundred pieces.
Ron Paul is basically an Isolationist he accomplished nothing noteworthy while he was a member of the House his runs for the Presidency went nowhere. He has a very small but loyal and loud group of followers but as far as having any impact on national policy he is irrelevant.
Thanks for the video. It shows clearly why no one took Ron Paul seriously when he ran for president.
Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
Assad is close to destroying ISIS in Syria and Iraqi army is destroying ISIS in their last stronghold so yes if the US warmongering would stop peace would be at hand but peace doesn't make people rich..war does.

BS. Assad and Putin have spent more time bombing their opponents than ISIS. We can always rely on propaganda from you. Ron Paul is a simplistic fool who thinks if we leave terrorists alone, they will leave us alone. Anyone who believes that is a fool.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?

The whole thing is a work. It makes zero sense for Assad to do this .

Assad was framed !
It makes perfect sense. The only way to end the war and keep Assad in power is to so demoralize the rebels that they give up and six years of bombing with conventional weapons doesn't seem to have effected their moral.

Umm no. Assads been winning . Why launch a Chem attack that not only gets the world mad at you , it humiliates your pals in Russia who vouched for your gas free existence ?
What was he winning? There were no indications the rebels or their supporters were willing to give up and that meant Assad couldn't lose as long as Russia continued bombing. But it also meant Assad would never be in control of most of Syria and his very existence would forever depend on how long Russia considered it in its interests to continue bombing. Since the rebels were not about to quit, it meant Russia would have to continue bombing for the foreseeable future. In other words, no final victory was possible unless the rebels could be so demoralized that they would give up. Assad and Russia both gambled on chemical attacks to so demoralize them.
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Good sense and Trump's history of making things up advise any and every one to be skeptical of all Trump says and does, short of his saying his name, and even that isn't something he without exception utter truthfully when he speaks. My gut, however, says that the missile strike on the Syrian base was the right move.
You agree that Trump is a liar. However, I'm not so sure the missile strike was right given the lack of validation. Now Assad has been accused of using chemical weapons before, so, logically,we tend to assume he used them again.But not so fast. He was purported to have used Chlorine gas the last time and now he's accused of using Sarin. Chlorine wasn't included on the international chemical weapons ban list but Sarin is.So I ask you why would Assad use Sarin now that Obama is gone.Surely he must have known the consequences of using a forbidden agent with Trump as President.
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Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?
As I pointed out previously, it was the words he said that led me to believe he was lying.
Please point to the alleged lie. This guessing what you mean is getting old.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?

The whole thing is a work. It makes zero sense for Assad to do this .

Assad was framed !

And he is having his jets resume flights to demonstrate this?

But with 20 fewer jets and a promise there will be fewer still if he uses chemical weapons again.
Or if someone can make it seem he used chemical weapons again.
You just admited the narative was merely your opinion. The narative was wrong, the methods you guys use to discern and deduce logic is conspiracy laced, the kind you make fun of as tin foil hat like conspiracy rants.
Notice none of your responses refute responses to your post, they are smokescreens and excuses.
Newsflash: We are all merely posting our opinions here. Generally we base those opinions on something we read somewhere.And, if we want to be courteous, we add a link supporting our opinions.

Stop reading liberal sources of disinformation.
I read info from both sides. That allows me to form an informed conclusion, unlike you apparently.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?

The whole thing is a work. It makes zero sense for Assad to do this .

Assad was framed !

And he is having his jets resume flights to demonstrate this?


Ummm . Yeah ! What else would Assad do .

Here's the thing , Assad ain't in on the set up .

And the fact that the base is still operational is more proof the whole thing is a dog n pony show .

It makes it kind of difficult to fly a plane that is a couple of hundred pieces.
There are reports circulating that the base is again operational and that plane ✈ traffic is picking up.
Syria 'chemical attack': What we know - BBC News

On Thursday, Turkey's health ministry said the initial results of post mortems carried out on three victims under WHO supervision suggested that they "were exposed to a chemical substance (Sarin)". They suffered "pulmonary oedema [build-up of fluid], increase in the lung weight and blood in the lungs", it added.

Deadly nerve agent sarin used in Syria attack, Turkish Health Ministry says


I have heard this several times now. That they were handling people without gloves on, that's not Serin gas. Serin gas requires full body suits as it absorbs through the skin.

I kind of agree too--that Assad was on the verge of peace talks--why would he order something like this? He's been great at blowing the crap out of Seria with bombs why would he use gas now--and bring this much anger and negative attention onto himself for using WMD. Maybe it was the rebels that didn't want to enter into peace talks.
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Good sense and Trump's history of making things up advise any and every one to be skeptical of all Trump says and does, short of his saying his name, and even that isn't something he without exception utter truthfully when he speaks. My gut, however, says that the missile strike on the Syrian base was the right move.
You agree that Trump is a liar. However, I'm not so sure the missile strike was right given the lack of validation. Now Assad has been accused of using chemical weapons before, so, logically,we tend to assume he used them again.But not so fast. He was purported to have used Chlorine gas the last time and now he's accused of using Sarin. Chlorine wasn't included on the international chemical weapons ban list but Sarin is.So I ask you why would Assad use Sarin now that Obama is gone.Surely he must have known the consequences of using a forbidden agent with Trump as President.

Whether Assad used Sarin or chlorine gas this time or last, or even whether he did either of those things is irrelevant. The man has been anything but part of the solution to squashing ISIS in Syria, and that makes him part of the problem whether he wants to be or not. As he's part of the problem, whatever happens to him and his resources is of no matter.

If and when he directs his attention to ISIS rather than those who are but his political opponents, he can become part of the solution for despite the Syrian so-called rebels' political opposition to Assad and his regime, they want and need ISIS' stronghold in Syria gone as much as Assad and the rest of the world does. With ISIS gone, he can then focus on whatever internal political problems he has with the "rebels."

Had Assad any sense and true concern for his countrymen and country, he'd align with his political foes at least long enough to drive ISIS out for he and the "rebels" need that more than either needs ISIS and it's clear that Assad cannot alone handle ISIS. Heck, he couldn't even deny ISIS the foothold they've gained in his country. His only real alternative re: ISIS is to cede them part of his nation.

As goes that, if he were of a mind to do so, he could have, in exchange for having the ceded lands returned to Syria, done it already and then granted the U.S. and others rights of passage through/over Syria to go in and "clean up" the officially ceded territory without the messiness of having to worry about intermingled Syrians, be they Assad loyalists or rebels.

That approach might also have provided an option -- one that likely would not work, but one that's worth proposing at least -- for him to solve another problem: giving the Palestinians a place of their own. Syria is clearly "getting by" without the lands that ISIS has usurped. Carving out a subset of that area to create a homeland for the Palestinians might be a big "win" that Assad could have created out of the mess Assad allowed to happen in his country.

Even if such an overture weren't accepted, merely making it would buy the man some serious "cred" as someone acting to, not just talking about, solve problems rather than allowing them to persist. "Cred" like that is very valuable for it creates a lot of discretionary leeway that allows other nations to discount many a transgression. That's something Assad desperately needs.

Absent offering the land to the Palestinians, it might instead be offered to Kurds who were already there anyway and who would definitely not look a gift horse in the mouth. That would increase the tension in U.S.-Turkish relations -- Turkey already wants the U.S. to binarily choose between it and the "alphabet soup" of Kurdish factions, and the U.S., for obvious reasons, has tried to "half step" it's relationship with Kurds and Turks -- which benefits Assad and Russia. The "Kurdish approach" may have been a better option than the "Palestinian" one for the latter doesn't really create leverage against the U.S., and it only buys tolerance if it's accepted by a band of intransigents who'd rather be victims than take a solution that sets them on the road to actually "being somebody."

Yet another option would be to simply give the area to the "rebels" and tell them "best of luck and don't let the door hit you on the way out." Frankly, were I Assad, I wouldn't choose this option as either of the other two would allow him to deal with his rebels as he sees fit, although merely being decent toward his own people would pretty well solve that problem, for he doesn't have to give them everything they want, only enough so they covert their anger to "lip service" rather than rebellion and revolt. After all, nobody having any sense really has problems with a benevolent dictator, and to be that, one need only demonstrate that one has at least as much concern for one's subjects as one has for oneself. That's not really all that hard to do when on is already a dictator.

Coming back to Trump's specific action....Trump campaigned in part on the "strongman" model. The missile strike was an "inexpensive" way to appear to be just that. It also was an act he could undertake that would shift the U.S. conversation away from the "Russia" problem his Administration faces. Assad was and remains an easy scapegoat/whipping boy. The DPRK's leader is another, although as a nuclear power so close to Japan and South Korea, launching a "one off" attack there isn't going to be nearly as inconsequential.

And, yes, I think Trump would do something like launch a military strike for the sake of bolstering his image. Sadly, he's never figured out that when one truly is in a strong position, one doesn't need to worry about whether one appears weak or not. When weak appearing strongmen are put to the test, it's generally not the "tester" who prevails. "Whispering with a big stick" just isn't Trump's way.
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Syria 'chemical attack': What we know - BBC News

On Thursday, Turkey's health ministry said the initial results of post mortems carried out on three victims under WHO supervision suggested that they "were exposed to a chemical substance (Sarin)". They suffered "pulmonary oedema [build-up of fluid], increase in the lung weight and blood in the lungs", it added.

Deadly nerve agent sarin used in Syria attack, Turkish Health Ministry says


Of course Turkey would say that, they are on the rebels side, and now I guess we are as well. Funny Trump doesn't give a rip about pics of women and children fleeing Syria, who are not rebels.
Turkey has been on Assad's side for months. Evidently if you read any news at all.
Syria 'chemical attack': What we know - BBC News

On Thursday, Turkey's health ministry said the initial results of post mortems carried out on three victims under WHO supervision suggested that they "were exposed to a chemical substance (Sarin)". They suffered "pulmonary oedema [build-up of fluid], increase in the lung weight and blood in the lungs", it added.

Deadly nerve agent sarin used in Syria attack, Turkish Health Ministry says


I have heard this several times now. That they were handling people without gloves on, that's not Serin gas. Serin gas requires full body suits as it absorbs through the skin.

I kind of agree too--that Assad was on the verge of peace talks--why would he order something like this? He's been great at blowing the crap out of Seria with bombs why would he use gas now--and bring this much anger and negative attention onto himself for using WMD. Maybe it was the rebels that didn't want to enter into peace talks.
Syria has never been close to peace talks. And Assad knows the rebels won't talk because they have refused dozens of times to negotiate with Assad. You know what would happen to the rebels if they do agree to that? At best, they'd be hanged immediately.:whip:
Is this a validation of something else then? What does this guy know?

The whoe world knows it's Assad and they don't need evidence to say so. On the other hand they don't give a crap of Trump's knowings either.
Whether Assad used Sarin or chlorine gas this time or last, or even whether he did either of those things is irrelevant.
The relevance I see is in the contextual sense of whether Assad was behind either chemical attack. We hear clues such as the ✈ that dropped the munitions was traced back to the Shayrat air base. But I remain skeptical of such reports from undisclosed sources.i shall hold this course until more facts indicating otherwise are revealed.

The man has been anything but part of the solution to squashing ISIS in Syria, and that makes him part of the problem
I have heard just the opposite. Some sources posit that the relative leniency of Trump's strike was predicated upon the notion of allowing Assad to keep most of his planes and runways intact so as not to hinder his fight against ISIS.
Whether Assad used Sarin or chlorine gas this time or last, or even whether he did either of those things is irrelevant.
The relevance I see is in the contextual sense of whether Assad was behind either chemical attack. We hear clues such as the ✈ that dropped the munitions was traced back to the Shayrat air base. But I remain skeptical of such reports from undisclosed sources.i shall hold this course until more facts indicating otherwise are revealed.

The man has been anything but part of the solution to squashing ISIS in Syria, and that makes him part of the problem
I have heard just the opposite. Some sources posit that the relative leniency of Trump's strike was predicated upon the notion of allowing Assad to keep most of his planes and runways intact so as not to hinder his fight against ISIS.
What fight against ISIS? If there really was a fight against ISIS it would in syria have died years ago. But ISIS is Assad's golden opportunity - he can slaughter hundreds of thousands of his own people to make sure his own round a-hole remains on the seat he was promised ages ago and now is denied.
Whether Assad used Sarin or chlorine gas this time or last, or even whether he did either of those things is irrelevant.
The relevance I see is in the contextual sense of whether Assad was behind either chemical attack. We hear clues such as the ✈ that dropped the munitions was traced back to the Shayrat air base. But I remain skeptical of such reports from undisclosed sources.i shall hold this course until more facts indicating otherwise are revealed.

The man has been anything but part of the solution to squashing ISIS in Syria, and that makes him part of the problem
I have heard just the opposite. Some sources posit that the relative leniency of Trump's strike was predicated upon the notion of allowing Assad to keep most of his planes and runways intact so as not to hinder his fight against ISIS.
I remain skeptical of such reports from undisclosed sources.

Well, we're talking about military action. Just how much specific source attribution do you expect to find disclosed in the public sphere? Especially from an Administration headed by a man who won't release his tax returns -- none of them, not even ones not under audit -- and populated by people who routinely as civilian, non-government employees/agents/representatives have had meetings with state actors that, when asked on the record whether they had any such interactions and what be the nature of them, failed to disclose so much as the mere fact that the interactions took place.

You can attribute your skepticism to the fact that sources are unnamed. That's your right. I'm not going to do that because "Deepthroat" was undisclosed too, yet we know he was thoroughly credible. Vetting the veracity of the information received from undisclosed sources is part and parcel of what the press has done for years. Speaking on condition of anonymity is what government and business leaders, administrators and officials routinely do, and they do it for a variety of reasons ranging from whistleblowing to "test floating" ideas to willful disinformation.

I have heard just the opposite.....Some sources posit...

Well, from whom? Just where is the rigorous "thoughtware" that gives credence to what you've heard and the resulting skepticism you have. The skepticism expressed in the popularly available news (not just the so-called mainstream media like the three major networks, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, et al) is all well and good, but for any of it to "hold water," there's got to be credible evidence and analysis to substantiate it.

I'm skeptical too, but absent any specific and credible information to support that skepticism, it's nothing more than what I noted in my first post in this thread. I know that; thus I know I better than to make more of it than just that.

Frankly, I've not seen reputable reports of Assad doing anything noteworthy to interdict and crush ISIS.
Everything I keep hearing about Assad's battle actions is that he's fighting the Syrian insurgency that has nothing to do with and wants no part of ISIS. If Assad has done anything against ISIS, it's only because he feels he's squashed the "rebel" movement against his government. And let's not pretend....The Syrian "rebels" are friend to neither Assad nor Russia, whereas ISIS doesn't generally rain terror in Russia or Syria. While not addressing the ISIS problem first is a lost opportunity for Assad, it's not hard to see why he didn't prioritize that effort over the "rebel" ouster.
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Whether Assad used Sarin or chlorine gas this time or last, or even whether he did either of those things is irrelevant.
The relevance I see is in the contextual sense of whether Assad was behind either chemical attack. We hear clues such as the ✈ that dropped the munitions was traced back to the Shayrat air base. But I remain skeptical of such reports from undisclosed sources.i shall hold this course until more facts indicating otherwise are revealed.

The man has been anything but part of the solution to squashing ISIS in Syria, and that makes him part of the problem
I have heard just the opposite. Some sources posit that the relative leniency of Trump's strike was predicated upon the notion of allowing Assad to keep most of his planes and runways intact so as not to hinder his fight against ISIS.
What fight against ISIS? If there really was a fight against ISIS it would in syria have died years ago. But ISIS is Assad's golden opportunity - he can slaughter hundreds of thousands of his own people to make sure his own round a-hole remains on the seat he was promised ages ago and now is denied.
What fight against ISIS?
I was going to ask that too, but since you beat me to it...LOL
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?
As I pointed out previously, it was the words he said that led me to believe he was lying.
Please point to the alleged lie. This guessing what you mean is getting old.
I have pointed out what Paul lied about. For one thing he claimed peace was at hand, and there is no basis for that statement. He also claimed it there wasn't evidence Assad was guilty, but the US shared its intelligence with all of its allies and not one of them expressed any doubt about Assad's guilt and all of them supported the missile strike. Knowing how outspoken our European allies are when they disagree with the US, this would be taken as strong evidence of Assad's guilt by any honest person.

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