Ron Paul skeptical about Trump's Syrian attack!

SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Wow so these childrens lungs were not really burned out

Ron Paul is retarded

I don't see any lungs in those pictures nor do I see an accompanying medical report.
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Wow so these childrens lungs were not really burned out

Ron Paul is retarded

I don't see any lungs in those pictures nor do I see an accompanying medical report.

So they are faking being dead in your opinion? Can you tell us again that the holocaust never happened
Thanks for the video. It shows clearly why no one took Ron Paul seriously when he ran for president.
Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
On the contrary, in the video Paul is not offering a simplistic explanation of what has transpired. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about.
You are obviously a true believer. He makes false statements about peace being at hand in order justify one of his rants about warmongers and perpetual war.
Why do you think Paul would lie about something like that? And what proof do you have to rebut his claim?
Faux news told him so!
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Wow so these childrens lungs were not really burned out

Ron Paul is retarded

Ordered Censored by Trump: Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos | Veterans Today

Also even if it WASN'T a staged attack what happens in ANY other country is NONE of our business!

I want to agree but I can't. Lots of things that happen in other countries do affect us. Syrian refugees are trying to make it here to escape what is happening in their country. Nuclear proliferation in other countries could affect us in myriad ways including contamination of the seas, the air and fresh water sources.,,not to mention the decimation of capitalism abroad.
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Wow so these childrens lungs were not really burned out

Ron Paul is retarded

Ordered Censored by Trump: Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos | Veterans Today

Also even if it WASN'T a staged attack what happens in ANY other country is NONE of our business!

I want to agree but I can't. Lots of things that happen in other countries do affect us. Syrian refugees are trying to make it here to escape what is happening in their country. Nuclear proliferation in other countries could affect us in myriad ways including contamination of the seas, the air and fresh water sources.,,not to mention the decimation of capitalism abroad.

So letting Russia kill kids with chemicals does not effect the USA?

fuck off retard, these people have to know that we can destroy them where they live 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in under 1 hour................
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Wow so these childrens lungs were not really burned out

Ron Paul is retarded

I don't see any lungs in those pictures nor do I see an accompanying medical report.

So they are faking being dead in your opinion? Can you tell us again that the holocaust never happened

I didn't say that. I'm saying if those are post mortem photos of kids we don't know where they were taken and we don't know what killed them.
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Wow so these childrens lungs were not really burned out

Ron Paul is retarded

Ordered Censored by Trump: Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos | Veterans Today

Also even if it WASN'T a staged attack what happens in ANY other country is NONE of our business!

I want to agree but I can't. Lots of things that happen in other countries do affect us. Syrian refugees are trying to make it here to escape what is happening in their country. Nuclear proliferation in other countries could affect us in myriad ways including contamination of the seas, the air and fresh water sources.,,not to mention the decimation of capitalism abroad.

So letting Russia kill kids with chemicals does not effect the USA?

fuck off retard, these people have to know that we can destroy them where they live 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in under 1 hour................

The word you are looking for is "affect" not "effect." Now that you have the right word are you sure you responed to the right person?
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Thanks for the video. It shows clearly why no one took Ron Paul seriously when he ran for president.

Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.

Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.

You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.

I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.

And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?
Sure it can. IF he wanted to he could have but it didn't happen so its a non starter.

Is this what you feel and see if you forget your pills

Poor propaganda believing fool. If I only had a billion dollar industry to brainwash people with.....

You have CNN and MSNBC
Not hardly. I don't trust ANY mainstream news source because they all lie.

I trust CNN to lie as well, that said I can listen then just reverse the story to have the truth
But by what media barometer do you measure the truth in your world? If you are a Trump-bot, the truth is framed by lies to begin with! That is the nature of the alt right where pseudo- truth is fabricated under the auspices of alt reality to suit an agenda!
Is this what you feel and see if you forget your pills

Poor propaganda believing fool. If I only had a billion dollar industry to brainwash people with.....

You have CNN and MSNBC
Not hardly. I don't trust ANY mainstream news source because they all lie.

I trust CNN to lie as well, that said I can listen then just reverse the story to have the truth
But by what media barometer do you measure the truth in your world? If you are a Trump-bot, the truth is framed by lies to begin with! That is the nature of the alt right where pseudo- truth is fabricated under the auspices of alt reality to suit an agenda!

Look fucktard, I challenge you to provide one full truth out of the mouth of Hillary Clinton in the past year............................................
Poor propaganda believing fool. If I only had a billion dollar industry to brainwash people with.....

You have CNN and MSNBC
Not hardly. I don't trust ANY mainstream news source because they all lie.

I trust CNN to lie as well, that said I can listen then just reverse the story to have the truth
But by what media barometer do you measure the truth in your world? If you are a Trump-bot, the truth is framed by lies to begin with! That is the nature of the alt right where pseudo- truth is fabricated under the auspices of alt reality to suit an agenda!

Look fucktard, I challenge you to provide one full truth out of the mouth of Hillary Clinton in the past year............................................
Sorry, the op isn't about Hillary...she is not even a speck on the political horizon...try again.
You have CNN and MSNBC
Not hardly. I don't trust ANY mainstream news source because they all lie.

I trust CNN to lie as well, that said I can listen then just reverse the story to have the truth
But by what media barometer do you measure the truth in your world? If you are a Trump-bot, the truth is framed by lies to begin with! That is the nature of the alt right where pseudo- truth is fabricated under the auspices of alt reality to suit an agenda!

Look fucktard, I challenge you to provide one full truth out of the mouth of Hillary Clinton in the past year............................................
Sorry, the op isn't about Hillary...she is not even a speck on the political horizon...try again.

So you can't find one thing Hillary said that was truthful.

Love you dude.
Thanks for the video. It shows clearly why no one took Ron Paul seriously when he ran for president.
Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?

The whole thing is a work. It makes zero sense for Assad to do this .

Assad was framed !
Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?

The whole thing is a work. It makes zero sense for Assad to do this .

Assad was framed !

And he is having his jets resume flights to demonstrate this?

Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?

The whole thing is a work. It makes zero sense for Assad to do this .

Assad was framed !
And as more people start to weigh the facts, more are raising the same questions you and I do.
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?

The whole thing is a work. It makes zero sense for Assad to do this .

Assad was framed !

And he is having his jets resume flights to demonstrate this?

If that is what you believe, go with it. I have no idea. BTW 59 missiles should have prevented any further use of that base...RIGHT?
Good sense and Trump's history of making things up advise any and every one to be skeptical of all Trump says and does, short of his saying his name, and even that isn't something he without exception utter truthfully when he speaks. My gut, however, says that the missile strike on the Syrian base was the right move.
Thanks for the video. It shows clearly why no one took Ron Paul seriously when he ran for president.
Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
On the contrary, in the video Paul is not offering a simplistic explanation of what has transpired. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about.
You are obviously a true believer. He makes false statements about peace being at hand in order justify one of his rants about warmongers and perpetual war.
"Things were going along reasonably well for the conditions" is not equal to "peace is at hand". Stop being so disingenuous.

Which statements were false in regards to the changing conditions?

1) trump said the let the Syrians decide who should run their country.
John McCain rips Trump administration over Syria policy -
"I'm sure they took note of what our Secretary of State (Rex Tillerson) said just the other day that the Syrian people would be determining their own future themselves -- one of the more incredible statements I've ever heard."

^^This is actually one of the more incredible statements I have ever heard coming from a U.S. Senator.

2) Peace talks were breaking out.
Iran's Rouhani says Syrian peace talks to continue in Kazakhstan

3) al Qaeda and ISIS were on the run, maybe defeated.
As caliphate dreams evaporate, ISIS hard up for cash
John McCain needs to be put in the nut house.
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?

The whole thing is a work. It makes zero sense for Assad to do this .

Assad was framed !

And he is having his jets resume flights to demonstrate this?


Ummm . Yeah ! What else would Assad do .

Here's the thing , Assad ain't in on the set up .

And the fact that the base is still operational is more proof the whole thing is a dog n pony show .
Thanks for the video. It shows clearly why no one took Ron Paul seriously when he ran for president.
Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?
As I pointed out previously, it was the words he said that led me to believe he was lying.

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