Ron Paul skeptical about Trump's Syrian attack!

SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Trump never seems to believe intel, unless he WANTS to believe them.

He really had a quick trigger on this one .
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Trump never seems to believe intel, unless he WANTS to believe them.

He really had a quick trigger on this one .

Hmmm you mean like Dems claiming the CIA was wrong about Saddam's Chemical weapons cache (WMD) which he transported over his border and hid in Syria, the same they claimed was removed from Syria and didn't exist there either now?
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Trump never seems to believe intel, unless he WANTS to believe them.

He really had a quick trigger on this one .

Hmmm you mean like Dems claiming the CIA was wrong about Saddam's Chemical weapons cache (WMD) which he transported over his border and hid in Syria, the same they claimed was removed from Syria and didn't exist there either now?

LOLOL that old story. Goddam it never ends.
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Thanks for the video. It shows clearly why no one took Ron Paul seriously when he ran for president.

On the contrary, I think Paul was one of the more viable candidates on the right.The video shows that he is a thinking man who skipped the kool-aid.

As a candidate he was a side show; perhaps you don't know what the word, viable, means. The video shows he is neither a thinking man nor an honest man. He makes bizarre claims such as "peace was at hand" or "everything was going so well" or claims there is some doubt about whether Assad did it. All of these are false claims he uses to provide some basis for his rants about warmongers and perpetual war. He is simply an isolationist by disposition making up stories to try to persuade others to follow him.

The Russian bombing has shifted the momentum of the war, but there are no indications the rebels or their supporters are about to be wiped out or will give up, so his claim that peace was at hand is a flat out lie. In fact, if Russia ever stops bombing, the momentum will shift again and Assad will be in danger of being overrun. His claim that everything was going so well is not only bizarre but sickening. The bombing by Assad and Russia has killed 200,000 civilians and created millions of homeless refugees and since Assad cannot be kept in power if the bombing ever stops, "everything going so well" means hundreds of thousands more dead civilians and millions more homeless refugees. What kind of a sick mind thinks these things are indications things are going well?

Before the attack, the US shared its evidence that Assad did it with all of its top allies in NATO and others like Australia, Japan and Israel, and not one of them expressed any doubt that Assad was guilty and all of them supported the US strike. So when Paul says there is doubt about Assad's guilt, he is suggesting the whole world is made up of warmongers who want perpetual war and only Assad, Iran, Russia and Ron Paul and his followers are the exceptions.

The guy sounds a lot more like a cult leader than a political leader.
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Thanks for the video. It shows clearly why no one took Ron Paul seriously when he ran for president.

Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.

Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.

Sounds like you are describing Trump rather than Ron Paul.

It sounds like I'm describing you.
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Thanks for the video. It shows clearly why no one took Ron Paul seriously when he ran for president.

Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.

Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.

On the contrary, in the video Paul is not offering a simplistic explanation of what has transpired. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about.

You are obviously a true believer. He makes false statements about peace being at hand in order justify one of his rants about warmongers and perpetual war.
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Wow so these childrens lungs were not really burned out

Ron Paul is retarded
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Thanks for the video. It shows clearly why no one took Ron Paul seriously when he ran for president.

Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.

Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.

You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
What's disturbing is he was convinced by his idiotic daughter to do this! WTF? We didn't elect her and her Jew democrat husband president. We elected an America First Candidate president who has now LIED about what he was going to do.

Trump is and always has been a con man. You got conned.
Will ALWAYS be better than that psycho Clinton. Hands down without a doubt.
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Wow so these childrens lungs were not really burned out

Ron Paul is retarded

Ordered Censored by Trump: Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos | Veterans Today

Also even if it WASN'T a staged attack what happens in ANY other country is NONE of our business!
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Wow so these childrens lungs were not really burned out

Ron Paul is retarded

Ordered Censored by Trump: Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos | Veterans Today

Also even if it WASN'T a staged attack what happens in ANY other country is NONE of our business!

So with that statement you believe that Hitler should have been allowed to burn Jews alive.

Go fuck your sheep
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Thanks for the video. It shows clearly why no one took Ron Paul seriously when he ran for president.

Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.

Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.

You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.

I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Wow so these childrens lungs were not really burned out

Ron Paul is retarded

Ordered Censored by Trump: Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos | Veterans Today

Also even if it WASN'T a staged attack what happens in ANY other country is NONE of our business!

So with that statement you believe that Hitler should have been allowed to burn Jews alive.

Go fuck your sheep

1. Holohoax didn't happen
2.Yes. If he wanted to it was none of our business snowflake.
Ron Paul skeptical about Trump's Syrian attack!
That's OK... America is skeptical about Ron Paul (and his old man), so... it's all evened-up... it's all good.
Ron IS the old man you fucking dolt. The idiocy of the right AND left is amazing.
Like anybody really cares... Ron... Rand... Ronald Phukking McDonald... whatever... nobody really gives a rat's ass what the old man or his spawn have to say...
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Wow so these childrens lungs were not really burned out

Ron Paul is retarded

Ordered Censored by Trump: Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos | Veterans Today

Also even if it WASN'T a staged attack what happens in ANY other country is NONE of our business!

So with that statement you believe that Hitler should have been allowed to burn Jews alive.

Go fuck your sheep

1. Holohoax didn't happen
2.Yes. If he wanted to it was none of our business snowflake.

Can't be both retard
SO far I haven't seen a clue as to where Trump got the information that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Knowing that Trump is a pathological liar, I wasn't about to take his word on anything.. I searched for any clue that any one of the 17 US intelligence agencies was involved with the report Trump received. The result? NADA. I listened to all the media coverage and not one asked who provided the Intel Trump used to make his strike. TO me, that omission was very suspicious but all I could do was continue to search for some validation of those suspicions. Shortly thereafter I found this:

Thanks for the video. It shows clearly why no one took Ron Paul seriously when he ran for president.

Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.

Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.

You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.

I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.

Assad is close to destroying ISIS in Syria and Iraqi army is destroying ISIS in their last stronghold so yes if the US warmongering would stop peace would be at hand but peace doesn't make people rich..war does.

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