Ron Paul Speaks on SOPA and NDAA

[ame=]Ron Paul NDAA And SOPA - YouTube[/ame]

Thank you Good Doctor!!

Get used to it liberals. Freedom will be restored. The rule of law and the constitution will be brought back as the core of our country's decision making. The plundering of the treasury by liberals on the left and on the right is coming to an end. No more stealing from one to give to another. No more wars for plunder. Torture is not acceptable. NDAA is not acceptable.

Accountability is on the rise.
[ame=]"America's Choice: Liberty or Death (Ron Paul 2012 Rap Song)" by Smiley Chris MUST SEE HD!!!! - YouTube[/ame]

Ron Paul is raising big bucks. Other than Mitt Romney, no candidate has more resources now to wage a drawn-out campaign.

The Ron Paul campaign reports raising $13 million for the fourth quarter of 2012.

Not all the campaigns have released 4Q numbers yet, but the only one likely to surpass that will be the Romney campaign, which has said it raised more than $20 million.

In addition to buying TV time in N.H. and S.C., the Paul campaign also tells me they have already spent money on direct mail in L.A., N.V., M.E., C.O., W.A., N.D. And he and Romney are the only candidates who will be on all the ballots. They clearly have a delegate-accumulation strategy designed to create a stir at the Republican Convention in Tampa at the very least.

Say hello to free markets. Say goodbye to runaway inflation. Say goodbye to debt based money. Say goodbye to the Federal Reserve. Say goodbye to massive unemployment. Say hello to rewarding hard work and responsible behavior.

Ron Paul is the only candidate with a real idea's on how to restore America to the the leading nation of the world. Not because we can build more bombs that we are more then willing to use, but because of economic strength and principled government.

This country does not belong to Exxon Mobile or Haliburton. It doesnt belong to Wal-Mart. This is a country of men and its high time that men received the benefits of the government that our ancestors died for. Its high time this government respect its citizens once again.
I love them chanting "President Paul, President Paul, President Paul."

"Stick to my guns and defend The Constitution"
Ron Paul's stance on these bills makes me really want to support him but I just don't know if his good parts outweigh the bad
Ron Paul's stance on these bills makes me really want to support him but I just don't know if his good parts outweigh the bad

Unfortunately, Ron Paul isn't the greatest speaker at delivering the core points of the principles we support and the pundits take full advantage of it. There is a reason we are so passionate not for just Ron Paul, but the principles he defended and championed.

If I were to try to sell you on Ron Paul I would tell you, "The only Presidential Candidate to warn of the financial crisis (2003), is the only one that understands how to get us out." In 2007/08 they laughed at him in the debates, but he was right. The biggest threat to our nation is our financial condition and Ron Paul knows what is going on, so I would say put your sound money on saving our economy. You may disagree with him on foreign policy, but it may not be relevant if we can't afford to fuel our fighters.

I recommend a book called Blowback by Chalmers Johnson it will be a nice introduction to the understanding of if we slap somebody they may slap back.
Ron Paul's stance on these bills makes me really want to support him but I just don't know if his good parts outweigh the bad

Your concerns are well founded. I do not know of to many people that agree with everything Ron Paul says.

Whats great about Ron Paul is you can count on him to not do anything that the constitution does not call for. In other words he has the utmost respect for the checks and balances. He is also the only candidate that wants to empower the states, he wants to surrender and veto the concentrated power within the executive branch.

Ron Paul on executive orders
Ron Paul about Executive Order danger - YouTube

You are not electing a dictator when you elect a president, you are electing leadership. I for one am sick of being led by moral midgets and corporate pawns.

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