Ron Paul vs Ralph Nader = finally sensible choices for voters

But the American people were fed up. They told their members of Congress – if you vote for the bailout, we will vote against you.

And now, the action is shifting from the corporate occupied territory of Washington, D.C., back to the country. Where the uprising continues. Nader/Gonzalez is taking the lead. Standing with the American people. Against the corporate Republicans and corporate Democrats.

From the beginning, we were against the McCain/Obama/Bush bailout. And now we stand with the American people, in the electoral arena, against the corporate campaigns of McCain and Obama.

The "sustained orgy of excess and reckless behavior" (as Dallas Federal Reserve chief Richard Fischer put it) would never have happened on our watch.

Nader for President
Two geriatric gas bags with little to show despite long careers. Yeah, we need more of that.
Quite the contrary...

Ralph Nader has a lively and illustrious career and is likely the best informed as to how government operates to include knowing about taxes than any declared candidate.

David Cay Johnston has been quoted as saying that very few elected politicians understand anything about taxes. Which is why most tax issues are passed without debate.
David Cay Johnston covered the issue of taxes for 20 years representing the New York Times.
Quite the contrary...

Ralph Nader has a lively and illustrious career and is likely the best informed as to how government operates to include knowing about taxes than any declared candidate.

David Cay Johnston has been quoted as saying that very few elected politicians understand anything about taxes. Which is why most tax issues are passed without debate.
David Cay Johnston covered the issue of taxes for 20 years representing the New York Times.

The blind leading the clueless.
Then comes along the dominating influence of the repub party which I believe neither Nader nor Paul support.

That dominating influence looks like this:

Top 1% economics: Over four generations, the Bush family has been involved with more than 20 securities firms, banks, brokerage houses and investment management firms, ranging from Wall Street giants like Brown Brothers Harriman and E.F. Hutton to small firms like J. Bush & Co. and Riggs Investment Management Corp.

This relentless record of handling money for rich people has bred a vocational hauteur. In their eyes, the economic top 1% of Americans are the ones who count. Investors and their inheritors are favored — a good explanation of why George W. Bush has cut taxes on both dividends and estates, where most of the benefit goes to the top 1%.

Over the course of George H.W. Bush's career, he was close to a number of the merger kings and leveraged-buyout specialists of the 1980s who came from Oklahoma and Texas: T. Boone Pickens, Henry Kravis and Hugh Liedtke. "Little guy" economics has almost no niche in the Bush economic worldview.

Debt and deficits: Whenever a Bush is president, private debt and government deficits seem to grow. Middle- and low-income Americans borrow to offset the income squeeze of recessions. The hallmark of Bush economics during both presidencies has been favoritism toward capital over workers.

Federal budget deficits have soared because of a combination of upper-bracket tax favors, middle-income job shrinkage, big federal spending to hype election-year economic growth, huge defense outlays and overseas military spending for the wars in Iraq and elsewhere. Imperial hubris costs a lot of money.

Politically, over four generations the Bush past has been prologue. Despite George W. Bush's new good ol' boy image — cowboy boots and born-again ties to the religious right — his basic tendencies go in the same directions — oil, crony capitalism, top 1% economics and military-industrial-establishment loyalties — that the previous Bush and Walker generations have traveled.

The old biases and loyalties seem ineradicable; so, too, for old grudges, like the two-generation fixation on Saddam Hussein.

Bush Family Values: War, Wealth, Oil
"This four-generation evolution of the Bushes involves multiple links that could become Bush's election-year Achilles' heel — if a clever and tough 2004 Democratic opponent can punch and slice at them.

"Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kerry, the clear Democratic front-runner, could be best positioned to do so.

"In the late 1980s and early 1990s, he investigated the Iran-Contra and Bank of Credit and Commerce International scandals, both of which touched George H.W. Bush's Saudi, Iraqi and Middle Eastern arms-deal entanglements."

Bush Family Values: War, Wealth, Oil

Kerry's campaign had pictures from 2000 of George W. with his arm draped over the shoulder of Enron's Ken Lay promising to run the country more like a corporation. Since Kerry comes from the same 1% as Bush does, the picture was never used.

Iran-Contra and BCCI should have ended the political careers of all the Bush clan, just as Silverado spelled the (political) end for Neil Bush.
Then comes along the dominating influence of the repub party which I believe neither Nader nor Paul support.

That dominating influence looks like this:

Top 1% economics: Over four generations, the Bush family has been involved with more than 20 securities firms, banks, brokerage houses and investment management firms, ranging from Wall Street giants like Brown Brothers Harriman and E.F. Hutton to small firms like J. Bush & Co. and Riggs Investment Management Corp.

This relentless record of handling money for rich people has bred a vocational hauteur. In their eyes, the economic top 1% of Americans are the ones who count. Investors and their inheritors are favored — a good explanation of why George W. Bush has cut taxes on both dividends and estates, where most of the benefit goes to the top 1%.

Over the course of George H.W. Bush's career, he was close to a number of the merger kings and leveraged-buyout specialists of the 1980s who came from Oklahoma and Texas: T. Boone Pickens, Henry Kravis and Hugh Liedtke. "Little guy" economics has almost no niche in the Bush economic worldview.

Debt and deficits: Whenever a Bush is president, private debt and government deficits seem to grow. Middle- and low-income Americans borrow to offset the income squeeze of recessions. The hallmark of Bush economics during both presidencies has been favoritism toward capital over workers.

Federal budget deficits have soared because of a combination of upper-bracket tax favors, middle-income job shrinkage, big federal spending to hype election-year economic growth, huge defense outlays and overseas military spending for the wars in Iraq and elsewhere. Imperial hubris costs a lot of money.

Politically, over four generations the Bush past has been prologue. Despite George W. Bush's new good ol' boy image — cowboy boots and born-again ties to the religious right — his basic tendencies go in the same directions — oil, crony capitalism, top 1% economics and military-industrial-establishment loyalties — that the previous Bush and Walker generations have traveled.

The old biases and loyalties seem ineradicable; so, too, for old grudges, like the two-generation fixation on Saddam Hussein.

Bush Family Values: War, Wealth, Oil
"This four-generation evolution of the Bushes involves multiple links that could become Bush's election-year Achilles' heel — if a clever and tough 2004 Democratic opponent can punch and slice at them.

"Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kerry, the clear Democratic front-runner, could be best positioned to do so.

"In the late 1980s and early 1990s, he investigated the Iran-Contra and Bank of Credit and Commerce International scandals, both of which touched George H.W. Bush's Saudi, Iraqi and Middle Eastern arms-deal entanglements."

Bush Family Values: War, Wealth, Oil

Kerry's campaign had pictures from 2000 of George W. with his arm draped over the shoulder of Enron's Ken Lay promising to run the country more like a corporation. Since Kerry comes from the same 1% as Bush does, the picture was never used.

Iran-Contra and BCCI should have ended the political careers of all the Bush clan, just as Silverado spelled the (political) end for Neil Bush.

Why do voters keep sending back these clowns back? Short memories or do not give a damn?

Nader would certainly have pushed for investigations to achieve justice. Sweeping matters under the rug promotes unethical behavior.
Good question.

The best chance I see for any third party candidate to break free of the Republican/Democrat stranglehold on US democracy is to convince millions of voters they are wasting their time "choosing" between the major parties when it comes to Wall Street or Pentagon issues.

Find a way to FLUSH hundreds of Republicans AND Democrats from DC in a single news cycle, and this country will Change in ways we haven't seen since 1860, at least.
Good question.

The best chance I see for any third party candidate to break free of the Republican/Democrat stranglehold on US democracy is to convince millions of voters they are wasting their time "choosing" between the major parties when it comes to Wall Street or Pentagon issues.

Find a way to FLUSH hundreds of Republicans AND Democrats from DC in a single news cycle, and this country will Change in ways we haven't seen since 1860, at least.

These two could turn the USA upside down in a positive manner by teaming up together.
They have two or three major issues in common...
Stop voting the biggest spenders into office. We know who is funding their campaigns and it ain't us taxpayers.
Stop voting the biggest spenders into office. We know who is funding their campaigns and it ain't us taxpayers.

Well, it should be. The only way out of this is public financing, IMO. If we ain't payin', they ain't listenin'.
These are people who talk issues not BS!

Was there a conspiracy involved in 9-11?

How in the world could 15 men living a few blocks from NSA headquarters for almost two years get by Big Brother to pull off this massive scheme of hijacking 4 big commercial jets without anyone not knowing?

Now really these 15 culprits were not that brilliant.

Bush Family Values: War, Wealth, Oil

We Arm the World -- In These Times

A perfect example of why voters should not vote in the largest spenders. There is likely an agenda behind all that corporate money that does not necessarily include 99% of the amercan people.
Surprise Ron Paul is hanging hanging in there so I say bring him on....

Nader Vs Paul = good idea!

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