Ron Paul Warns Of Dangers In America From Accelerated Middle East Intervention. [VIDEO]...

Ron Paul is a kook and a crackpot. The reason ISIS exists is because we withdrew from Iraq prematurely. George W Bush predicted the rise of ISIS if we withdrew too soon and he turned out to be right. It demonstrates what happens when the US withdraws from the world, evil fills the vacuum.

SO SO SO TRUE------Isis is not the result of USA intervention -----it is the result of
USA LAISSEZ FAIRE. Same is true of the revolting shit that developed in IRAN.
Iranians do not hate us for "instituting the shah" (we didn't----they did) The hate us for stabbing the poor guy in the back
Ron Paul is STUPID------the USA did not invent ISIS------Isis was invented by muhummad 1400 years ago. -------It existed long before the USA existed

Watch the video, and then comment.

I watched it------he has nothing to say

How so?

he parroted current islamo Nazi propaganda---------DA USA MADE IT HAPPEN---------
they <sob> left they <sob> CREATED THE CIRCUMSTANCES.
^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^

nothing new------either the USA or the BRITISH EMPIRE------caused all the
misery in the world I first heard it when I came into contact with lots of
persons from south east asia and the Middle east------and then ---in
college I learned that all things bad-----from death to acne is a
Are you that disingenuous? The US meddling in Iran lead to the Ayatollahs there. Bush's invasion of Iraq lead directly to the formation of the radical militant group ISIL. It did not exist before US meddling in the Middle East.

Explains your hatred of Jews too. It matters not an iota when ISIS came to be. The fact is that whoever took on the name when they began wreaking horror on the world in the name of their god. This came about, as you know, right after petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, against all his militaries advice, pulled everyone out of Iraq. Leaving a vacuum soon filled by ISIS and followed by Russia.

Really? You gonna go with that? I'm no Obama fan, but he was right to try and get us the hell outta that hellhole. Bush signed the 'SOFA' with the Iraq Government. Obama was just following the agreement. He had the right idea.

That is what led to the rise of ISIS. Bush signed the SOFA because he did not want to tie Obama's hands. Bush predicted the rise of ISIS if we withdrew prematurely which shows that he did not want a withdrawal.

There were no Terrorists in Iraq before the US invasion blunder. Hussein didn't tolerate them. He killed them every chance he got. Iraq went the way of Iran did years ago when US meddling there led to the Islamic Revolution. The US helped overthrow the Democratically-elected Mossadegh, and installed the Shah as a Puppet.

But when the shit hit the fan, the US didn't even bother to defend him. It completely sold him out. And then the Mullahs seized power. But none of it would have happened if the US didn't meddle and overthrow Mossadegh. We need big change in our foreign policy. Time to disengage a bit from the Middle East especially.
Are you that disingenuous? The US meddling in Iran lead to the Ayatollahs there. Bush's invasion of Iraq lead directly to the formation of the radical militant group ISIL. It did not exist before US meddling in the Middle East.

Explains your hatred of Jews too. It matters not an iota when ISIS came to be. The fact is that whoever took on the name when they began wreaking horror on the world in the name of their god. This came about, as you know, right after petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, against all his militaries advice, pulled everyone out of Iraq. Leaving a vacuum soon filled by ISIS and followed by Russia.

Really? You gonna go with that? I'm no Obama fan, but he was right to try and get us the hell outta that hellhole. Bush signed the 'SOFA' with the Iraq Government. Obama was just following the agreement. He had the right idea.

That is what led to the rise of ISIS. Bush signed the SOFA because he did not want to tie Obama's hands. Bush predicted the rise of ISIS if we withdrew prematurely which shows that he did not want a withdrawal.

There were no Terrorists in Iraq before the US invasion blunder. Hussein didn't tolerate them. He killed them every chance he got. Iraq went the way of Iran did years ago when US meddling there led to the Islamic Revolution. The US helped overthrow the Democratically-elected Mossadegh, and installed the Shah as a Puppet.

But when the shit hit the fan, the US didn't even bother to defend him. It completely sold him out. And then the Mullahs seized power. But none of it would have happened if the US didn't meddle and overthrow Mossadegh. We need big change in our foreign policy. Time to disengage a bit from the Middle East especially.

wrong again------Saddam was a terrorist. He murdered Shiites, kurds, ---jews---until they all fled. He paid parents of kids outside of Iraq who were willing to tie
bombs on their asses.

The shah was put into power by ELEMENTS within Iran------not a single American boot was involved
Ron Paul is STUPID------the USA did not invent ISIS------Isis was invented by muhummad 1400 years ago. -------It existed long before the USA existed

Watch the video, and then comment.

I watched it------he has nothing to say

How so?

he parroted current islamo Nazi propaganda---------DA USA MADE IT HAPPEN---------
they <sob> left they <sob> CREATED THE CIRCUMSTANCES.
^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^

nothing new------either the USA or the BRITISH EMPIRE------caused all the
misery in the world I first heard it when I came into contact with lots of
persons from south east asia and the Middle east------and then ---in
college I learned that all things bad-----from death to acne is a

What?! Did you really listen to the interview? Have you ever listened to Michael Savage? I assure you, he's no 'islamo Nazi.'

that was not Michael Savage
Are you that disingenuous? The US meddling in Iran lead to the Ayatollahs there. Bush's invasion of Iraq lead directly to the formation of the radical militant group ISIL. It did not exist before US meddling in the Middle East.

Explains your hatred of Jews too. It matters not an iota when ISIS came to be. The fact is that whoever took on the name when they began wreaking horror on the world in the name of their god. This came about, as you know, right after petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, against all his militaries advice, pulled everyone out of Iraq. Leaving a vacuum soon filled by ISIS and followed by Russia.

Really? You gonna go with that? I'm no Obama fan, but he was right to try and get us the hell outta that hellhole. Bush signed the 'SOFA' with the Iraq Government. Obama was just following the agreement. He had the right idea.

That is what led to the rise of ISIS. Bush signed the SOFA because he did not want to tie Obama's hands. Bush predicted the rise of ISIS if we withdrew prematurely which shows that he did not want a withdrawal.

There were no Terrorists in Iraq before the US invasion blunder. Hussein didn't tolerate them. He killed them every chance he got. Iraq went the way of Iran did years ago when US meddling there led to the Islamic Revolution. The US helped overthrow the Democratically-elected Mossadegh, and installed the Shah as a Puppet.

But when the shit hit the fan, the US didn't even bother to defend him. It completely sold him out. And then the Mullahs seized power. But none of it would have happened if the US didn't meddle and overthrow Mossadegh. We need big change in our foreign policy. Time to disengage a bit from the Middle East especially.

wrong again------Saddam was a terrorist. He murdered Shiites, kurds, ---jews---until they all fled. He paid parents of kids outside of Iraq who were willing to tie
bombs on their asses.

The shah was put into power by ELEMENTS within Iran------not a single American boot was involved

The Shah was a US Puppet. He was installed by US/Western powers. They overthrew the Democratically-elected Mossadegh. And that eventually led to the Islamic Revolution. It was another example of awful 'Blow Back.'

And Hussein was never a threat to the US. He was completely contained. He barely had a military at the time of the US invasion. Once the US invaded, it opened the floodgates for the Terrorists. They flowed in by the Thousands. The situation was stable before the invasion. The US created horrific bloody instability. More ugly 'Blow Back.'
Watch the video, and then comment.

I watched it------he has nothing to say

How so?

he parroted current islamo Nazi propaganda---------DA USA MADE IT HAPPEN---------
they <sob> left they <sob> CREATED THE CIRCUMSTANCES.
^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^

nothing new------either the USA or the BRITISH EMPIRE------caused all the
misery in the world I first heard it when I came into contact with lots of
persons from south east asia and the Middle east------and then ---in
college I learned that all things bad-----from death to acne is a

What?! Did you really listen to the interview? Have you ever listened to Michael Savage? I assure you, he's no 'islamo Nazi.'

that was not Michael Savage

Oh, my bad. Wrong thread. ;)
The history of the Middle East is a litany of tribal/regional/sectarian warfare. There are no good guys, just various shades of bad guys, but it the an area of the world which seems to spawn the worst of the worst, the Shah of Iran stood out. Saddam Hussein was the Iraqi version of the Shah of Iran.

Americans put him on the Peacock Throne because the democratically elected President was suspected of being a communitst, or of having ties with Russia. I was a toddler at the time, and I'm too lazy to look it up at the moment. But fear of communism was the reason that the US was meddling with democratically elected governments around the world. "Better dead than red" pretty much described US foreign policy after WWII.

But in regards to the Middle East, these people have been fighting amongst themselves since before Jesus was born. The entire Old Testament is pretty much a history of the Jewish wars in the region before the Romans conquered the region. Many of these same tensions still exist. A pox on all of them.
There were no Terrorists in Iraq before the US invasion blunder. Hussein didn't tolerate them. He killed them every chance he got. Iraq went the way of Iran did years ago when US meddling there led to the Islamic Revolution. The US helped overthrow the Democratically-elected Mossadegh, and installed the Shah as a

wrong again------Saddam was a terrorist. He murdered Shiites, kurds, ---jews---until they all fled. He paid parents of kids outside of Iraq who were willing to tie
bombs on their asses.

The shah was put into power by ELEMENTS within Iran------not a single American boot was involved[/QUOTE]

The Shah was a US Puppet. He was installed by US/Western powers. They overthrew the Democratically-elected Mossadegh. And that eventually led to the Islamic Revolution. It was another example of awful 'Blow Back.'

And Hussein was never a threat to the US. He was completely contained. He barely had a military at the time of the US invasion. Once the US invaded, it opened the floodgates for the Terrorists. They flowed in by the Thousands. The situation was stable before the invasion. The US created horrific bloody instability. More ugly 'Blow Back.'[/QUOTE]

the shah was NEVER a US puppet ----he did all kinds of stuff AGAINST
the will of the USA-----he was a "KING" sorta accepted as such by lots
of Iranians------as being somehow IRANIAN ROYALTY. The Islamic revolution
was just that---------a violent bloody Islamic revival of the kind seen in Islamic
societies REGULARLY ------they happened even in muslim spain ----and Turkey and in the North African countries-------Morocco is on the edge right now. The
terrorists in Iraq now are just the SHIITE POPULATION that was there when saddam came to power------in fact the MAJORITY over the sunnis. Isis is mostly
left over sunnis responding now to SHIITE REVENGE OPPRESSION
Ron Paul is a kook and a crackpot. The reason ISIS exists is because we withdrew from Iraq prematurely. George W Bush predicted the rise of ISIS if we withdrew too soon and he turned out to be right. It demonstrates what happens when the US withdraws from the world, evil fills the vacuum.

SO SO SO TRUE------Isis is not the result of USA intervention -----it is the result of
USA LAISSEZ FAIRE. Same is true of the revolting shit that developed in IRAN.
Iranians do not hate us for "instituting the shah" (we didn't----they did) The hate us for stabbing the poor guy in the back

They rioted in the streets to get rid of him, all while holding signs that said "Death to America". He murdered members of his own family, had opponents and critics tortured and murdered, lived in oppulent luxury using his people's oil money. Americans urged him to leave to save lives.

Iranian Revolution - Wikipedia
Exporting ideas instead of military actions.

Exporting ideas to end the War is a fairy tale and nothing more. Appeasement and/or the exporting of ideas will not defeat ISIS. In regards working with Russia to defeat ISIS wasn't such a bad idea until the idiot Assad started using Nerve agents again.

The War in Syria will not end until one side or the other finally wins......................So that choice must be one that could sustain the win after. Who would that group be..............given so many players are now fighting there.
The history of the Middle East is a litany of tribal/regional/sectarian warfare. There are no good guys, just various shades of bad guys, but it the an area of the world which seems to spawn the worst of the worst, the Shah of Iran stood out. Saddam Hussein was the Iraqi version of the Shah of Iran.

Americans put him on the Peacock Throne because the democratically elected President was suspected of being a communitst, or of having ties with Russia. I was a toddler at the time, and I'm too lazy to look it up at the moment. But fear of communism was the reason that the US was meddling with democratically elected governments around the world. "Better dead than red" pretty much described US foreign policy after WWII.

But in regards to the Middle East, these people have been fighting amongst themselves since before Jesus was born. The entire Old Testament is pretty much a history of the Jewish wars in the region before the Romans conquered the region. Many of these same tensions still exist. A pox on all of them.

The USA military never entered Iran-----the COUP over there was accomplished by IRANIANS -------It is true that lots of Iranians hated shah "reza" (?) but now
they hate the government even more Lots of Iranians fled Iran as the stench of
ISLAMIC REVOLUTION met their nostrils I was an adolescent when the jewish
teenagers came FLOWING into my area-----and----almost 20 when I encountered
the Muslim Iranian professionals ALSO ON THE RUN------that was 20 years BEFORE the Islamic revolution-----actually happened. Just the smell was driving
people away. ALL of the Iranians I knew-----actually LOVED "OUR SHAH"---both
jews and muslims. It was the DANGEROUS FANATICS that bothered them.
The first person to tell me about the "dangerous fanatics" was a muslim surgeon who had fled. To his horror------one of his brothers had become FANATICISED
Ron Paul is a kook and a crackpot. The reason ISIS exists is because we withdrew from Iraq prematurely. George W Bush predicted the rise of ISIS if we withdrew too soon and he turned out to be right. It demonstrates what happens when the US withdraws from the world, evil fills the vacuum.

SO SO SO TRUE------Isis is not the result of USA intervention -----it is the result of
USA LAISSEZ FAIRE. Same is true of the revolting shit that developed in IRAN.
Iranians do not hate us for "instituting the shah" (we didn't----they did) The hate us for stabbing the poor guy in the back

They rioted in the streets to get rid of him, all while holding signs that said "Death to America". He murdered members of his own family, had opponents and critics tortured and murdered, lived in oppulent luxury using his people's oil money. Americans urged him to leave to save lives.

Iranian Revolution - Wikipedia
<<<< this part happened
in the mid to late 1970s when the ISLAMIST Iranians has stolen the minds of
the most naïve. My encounters with fleeing Iranians began in the early to mid
60s when islamization was picking up steam and the jews and the intelligentsia
began to RUN. The Shah should have left much earlier---he left for medical
reasons and was REBUFFED all over the world. "DEATH TO AMERICA" is
part and parcel of the ISLAMIC MOVEMENT over there-----it did not exist in the
I know....everything's going so well in the Middle East, Europe, Scandinavia. Everyone's just getting along so well and then we go and knock out some planes and an ISIS stronghold. Upsetting.

Why are we there? Do we really belong in those lands?

No. And Trump promised we wouldn't be when he was campaigning. He said we just need to stay out and we would be fine. But that's just another flip-flop in the last week or so.
When a doomsday cult meets our modern world

You have to wonder: Why would ISIS leaders provoke France, the U.S., and Russia into joining in "a grand coalition” to rain 500-pound bombs on their heads? ISIS is losing territory, and some experts speculate it needed a spectacular act of terrorism to boost its recruiting. But perhaps there is no rational explanation: ISIS is a doomsday cult, organized around the belief that it is engaged in a final, apocalyptic struggle with the Crusaders and their sinful modernity. This ideology may belong in the 7th century, but before it fades or is extinguished, it will leave the modern world greatly changed.
the shah was NEVER a US puppet ----he did all kinds of stuff AGAINST
the will of the USA-----he was a "KING" sorta accepted as such by lots
of Iranians------as being somehow IRANIAN ROYALTY. The Islamic revolution
was just that---------a violent bloody Islamic revival of the kind seen in Islamic
societies REGULARLY ------they happened even in muslim spain ----and Turkey and in the North African countries-------Morocco is on the edge right now. The
terrorists in Iraq now are just the SHIITE POPULATION that was there when saddam came to power------in fact the MAJORITY over the sunnis. Isis is mostly
left over sunnis responding now to SHIITE REVENGE OPPRESSION

There is almost nothing in your post that is true or correct in regards to the Shah of Iran or Iranian history. You need to study US foreign policy from WWII to the fall of the Berlin Wall.
I know....everything's going so well in the Middle East, Europe, Scandinavia. Everyone's just getting along so well and then we go and knock out some planes and an ISIS stronghold. Upsetting.

Why are we there? Do we really belong in those lands?

No. And Trump promised we wouldn't be when he was campaigning. He said we just need to stay out and we would be fine. But that's just another flip-flop in the last week or so.

Well his defense would be that he also promised to go after ISIS 'Bigly.' And now he has the supposed 'Assad Chemical Attack' to guarantee more war. He's listening to his Neocon Warmonger advisors. He's basically dumped his 'Non-Intervention' advisors.

I think Trump's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' mentality. The Globalists have so much power in the world. I think he feels it's best to just work with them. Otherwise, they can really make his life miserable. Remember, he's a deal-maker. He's clearly made a deal with the Globalist Interventionists.
I know....everything's going so well in the Middle East, Europe, Scandinavia. Everyone's just getting along so well and then we go and knock out some planes and an ISIS stronghold. Upsetting.

Why are we there? Do we really belong in those lands?

No. And Trump promised we wouldn't be when he was campaigning. He said we just need to stay out and we would be fine. But that's just another flip-flop in the last week or so.

Well his defense would be that he also promised to go after ISIS 'Bigly.' And now he has the supposed 'Assad Chemical Attack' to guarantee more war. He's listening to his Neocon Warmonger advisors. He's basically dumped his 'Non-Intervention' advisors.

I think Trump's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' mentality. The Globalists have so much power in the world. I think he feels it's best to just work with them. Otherwise, they can really make his life miserable. Remember, he's a deal-maker. He's clearly made a deal with the Globalist Interventionists.
Supposedly...........the world got Assad cold in 2013 on the use of Nerve agents...........and the world is in the position that he just used them again. Why do you deny that he used them and if so do you deny he used them in 2013.

Given that........the missile attack was a VERY limited attack. Designed to send a message and not destroy Assad's military. After the fact Trump said he didn't favor Regime change and that this action was done solely as a result of the Chemical Weapons being used.

If you want to know our reported escalation of attacks in the region.........if they are escalated as the video claims........then you will find it here...............


Every day since the beginning of this they have reported daily operations in the region. There you go if you want to look.
Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve Monthly Civilian Casualty Report > U.S. Central Command > Press Release View

To date, based on data between August 2014 and February 2017, the Coalition conducted a total of 18,645 strikes that included 42,089 separate engagements. During this period, the total number of reports of possible civilian casualties was 396. The total number of credible reports of civilian casualties during this period was 102. The percent of engagements that resulted in a report of possible civilian casualties
was .94%. The percent of engagements that resulted in a credible report of civilian casualties was .24%.

In Mosul, Iraq, since the start of operations to liberate the city on Oct. 17, 2016, to the liberation of the East side of Mosul on Feb. 18, 2017, the total number of reports of possible civilian casualties was 37. The total number of credible reports during this time period was 15. The percent of engagements in Mosul during this time period that resulted in a credible report of credible civilian casualties was .37%.

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