Ron Paul Warns Of Dangers In America From Accelerated Middle East Intervention. [VIDEO]...

Ron Paul is STUPID------the USA did not invent ISIS------Isis was invented by muhummad 1400 years ago. -------It existed long before the USA existed
Tony Blair has already taken credit for the rise of ISIS with his and Gomer`s criminal invasion of Iraq. You really need to catch up.

Tony Blair admits "mistakes" in Iraq war, rise of ISIS - CBS News

There were no Terrorists in Iraq before the US invasion blunder. Hussein wouldn't tolerate it. He killed them every chance he got.
I know....everything's going so well in the Middle East, Europe, Scandinavia. Everyone's just getting along so well and then we go and knock out some planes and an ISIS stronghold. Upsetting.

Why are we there? Do we really belong in those lands?

No. And Trump promised we wouldn't be when he was campaigning. He said we just need to stay out and we would be fine. But that's just another flip-flop in the last week or so.

Well his defense would be that he also promised to go after ISIS 'Bigly.' And now he has the supposed 'Assad Chemical Attack' to guarantee more war. He's listening to his Neocon Warmonger advisors. He's basically dumped his 'Non-Intervention' advisors.

I think Trump's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' mentality. The Globalists have so much power in the world. I think he feels it's best to just work with them. Otherwise, they can really make his life miserable. Remember, he's a deal-maker. He's clearly made a deal with the Globalist Interventionists.
. So he's made a deal with the devil finally ?
Ron Paul, in a new interview with host Anand Naidoo at CGTN, discussed what Paul calls the “accelerated” and “dangerous” United States military actions in the Middle East. Pointing to the fact that there was no Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria until the US began intervening there in support of the ouster of the Syria government, Paul warns “there are a lot of unintended consequences, a lot of blowback” that comes when the US government carelessly intervenes overseas based on a loose “national security” justification...

Ron Paul Warns of Dangers in America from Accelerated Middle East Intervention

Finally watched all of it. Starts well and then fades in and out. Nut job? Maybe? Maybe not.
Ron Paul is STUPID------the USA did not invent ISIS------Isis was invented by muhummad 1400 years ago. -------It existed long before the USA existed
Tony Blair has already taken credit for the rise of ISIS with his and Gomer`s criminal invasion of Iraq. You really need to catch up.

Tony Blair admits "mistakes" in Iraq war, rise of ISIS - CBS News

There were no Terrorists in Iraq before the US invasion blunder. Hussein wouldn't tolerate it. He killed them every chance he got.
Iraq was a state sponsor of terrorism. They had training camps in Iraq.
Ron Paul is STUPID------the USA did not invent ISIS------Isis was invented by muhummad 1400 years ago. -------It existed long before the USA existed
Tony Blair has already taken credit for the rise of ISIS with his and Gomer`s criminal invasion of Iraq. You really need to catch up.

Tony Blair admits "mistakes" in Iraq war, rise of ISIS - CBS News

There were no Terrorists in Iraq before the US invasion blunder. Hussein wouldn't tolerate it. He killed them every chance he got.
Iraq was a state sponsor of terrorism. They had training camps in Iraq.

So the Warmongers claimed anyway. They made a whole lotta Bullshit claims leading up to their invasion blunder. They always Bullshit the People to get em on board supporting more War. This one's a 'Hitler', that one's a 'Hitler', and so on and so on...
Ron Paul is STUPID------the USA did not invent ISIS------Isis was invented by muhummad 1400 years ago. -------It existed long before the USA existed
Tony Blair has already taken credit for the rise of ISIS with his and Gomer`s criminal invasion of Iraq. You really need to catch up.

Tony Blair admits "mistakes" in Iraq war, rise of ISIS - CBS News

There were no Terrorists in Iraq before the US invasion blunder. Hussein wouldn't tolerate it. He killed them every chance he got.
Iraq was a state sponsor of terrorism. They had training camps in Iraq.

What's funny about terrorists?
The U.S. government classifies the Islamic Republic of Iran as the “most active state sponsor of terrorism.” The U.S. has designated Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism since 1984.

State-sponsored terrorism is a state’s deliberate use of terrorism or assistance to terrorist organizations as a foreign policy tool against other countries or groups of people. It can refer to either direct attacks by the state or support of terrorist organizations through the provision of weapons, funds, training, and sanctuary.

- See more at: Iran: The Most Active State Sponsor of Terrorism
Ron Paul is STUPID------the USA did not invent ISIS------Isis was invented by muhummad 1400 years ago. -------It existed long before the USA existed
Tony Blair has already taken credit for the rise of ISIS with his and Gomer`s criminal invasion of Iraq. You really need to catch up.

Tony Blair admits "mistakes" in Iraq war, rise of ISIS - CBS News

There were no Terrorists in Iraq before the US invasion blunder. Hussein wouldn't tolerate it. He killed them every chance he got.
Iraq was a state sponsor of terrorism. They had training camps in Iraq.

What's funny about terrorists?
The U.S. government classifies the Islamic Republic of Iran as the “most active state sponsor of terrorism.” The U.S. has designated Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism since 1984.

State-sponsored terrorism is a state’s deliberate use of terrorism or assistance to terrorist organizations as a foreign policy tool against other countries or groups of people. It can refer to either direct attacks by the state or support of terrorist organizations through the provision of weapons, funds, training, and sanctuary.

- See more at: Iran: The Most Active State Sponsor of Terrorism

Some would call the US a 'Terrorist Nation.' No other nation on earth invades and kills as much as the US does. From my years of observation, i've concluded that anyone or any nation that refuses to be an American Puppet, is marked for death. That's what it all comes down to in the end.

It's about being an Imperialist Empire. We're currently in an 'Empire-Building' phase. It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. All Empires fall. And we're already $20 Trillion in Debt and spread too thin. There will be a day of reckoning.
Ron Paul is STUPID------the USA did not invent ISIS------Isis was invented by muhummad 1400 years ago. -------It existed long before the USA existed
Tony Blair has already taken credit for the rise of ISIS with his and Gomer`s criminal invasion of Iraq. You really need to catch up.

Tony Blair admits "mistakes" in Iraq war, rise of ISIS - CBS News

There were no Terrorists in Iraq before the US invasion blunder. Hussein wouldn't tolerate it. He killed them every chance he got.
Iraq was a state sponsor of terrorism. They had training camps in Iraq.

an interesting factoid of life------Saddam----way back in the 1960s "invented" the
organization which is today CAIR. ---it's main function was to propagandize
against Israel -----back then------the mid 1960s. When Saddam established his power base in Iraq----(by murdering all of his opponents) one of his important
projects was the funding of bomb on ass suicide operatives. He was the
saint who paid the faimiles of the girls and boys who blew their asses to
Ron Paul is STUPID------the USA did not invent ISIS------Isis was invented by muhummad 1400 years ago. -------It existed long before the USA existed
Tony Blair has already taken credit for the rise of ISIS with his and Gomer`s criminal invasion of Iraq. You really need to catch up.

Tony Blair admits "mistakes" in Iraq war, rise of ISIS - CBS News

There were no Terrorists in Iraq before the US invasion blunder. Hussein wouldn't tolerate it. He killed them every chance he got.
Iraq was a state sponsor of terrorism. They had training camps in Iraq.

So the Warmongers claimed anyway. They made a whole lotta Bullshit claims leading up to their invasion blunder. They always Bullshit the People to get em on board supporting more War. This one's a 'Hitler', that one's a 'Hitler', and so on and so on...

a very big blunder was in not noticing that POL POT was HITLER
Ron Paul, in a new interview with host Anand Naidoo at CGTN, discussed what Paul calls the “accelerated” and “dangerous” United States military actions in the Middle East. Pointing to the fact that there was no Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria until the US began intervening there in support of the ouster of the Syria government, Paul warns “there are a lot of unintended consequences, a lot of blowback” that comes when the US government carelessly intervenes overseas based on a loose “national security” justification...

Ron Paul Warns of Dangers in America from Accelerated Middle East Intervention

Did we learn Nothing from the ancient Romans? Are we really, incorrigible?

Aqueducts and roads are a prerequisite for any form of Taxation.
Ron Paul, in a new interview with host Anand Naidoo at CGTN, discussed what Paul calls the “accelerated” and “dangerous” United States military actions in the Middle East. Pointing to the fact that there was no Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria until the US began intervening there in support of the ouster of the Syria government, Paul warns “there are a lot of unintended consequences, a lot of blowback” that comes when the US government carelessly intervenes overseas based on a loose “national security” justification...

Ron Paul Warns of Dangers in America from Accelerated Middle East Intervention

Did we learn Nothing from the ancient Romans? Are we really, incorrigible?

Aqueducts and roads are a prerequisite for any form of Taxation.

apparently not-----their public fountains were EXQUISITE

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