Ron Paul Warns Of Dangers In America From Accelerated Middle East Intervention. [VIDEO]...

the shah was NEVER a US puppet ----he did all kinds of stuff AGAINST
the will of the USA-----he was a "KING" sorta accepted as such by lots
of Iranians------as being somehow IRANIAN ROYALTY. The Islamic revolution
was just that---------a violent bloody Islamic revival of the kind seen in Islamic
societies REGULARLY ------they happened even in muslim spain ----and Turkey and in the North African countries-------Morocco is on the edge right now. The
terrorists in Iraq now are just the SHIITE POPULATION that was there when saddam came to power------in fact the MAJORITY over the sunnis. Isis is mostly
left over sunnis responding now to SHIITE REVENGE OPPRESSION

There is almost nothing in your post that is true or correct in regards to the Shah of Iran or Iranian history. You need to study US foreign policy from WWII to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

OH!!! just what do YOU imagine is not true in my post. I just re-read it. ALL
TRUE. ----I will make it easy for you------tell me three things that are not true
in my post
I know....everything's going so well in the Middle East, Europe, Scandinavia. Everyone's just getting along so well and then we go and knock out some planes and an ISIS stronghold. Upsetting.

Why are we there? Do we really belong in those lands?

No. And Trump promised we wouldn't be when he was campaigning. He said we just need to stay out and we would be fine. But that's just another flip-flop in the last week or so.

Well his defense would be that he also promised to go after ISIS 'Bigly.' And now he has the supposed 'Assad Chemical Attack' to guarantee more war. He's listening to his Neocon Warmonger advisors. He's basically dumped his 'Non-Intervention' advisors.

I think Trump's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' mentality. The Globalists have so much power in the world. I think he feels it's best to just work with them. Otherwise, they can really make his life miserable. Remember, he's a deal-maker. He's clearly made a deal with the Globalist Interventionists.
Supposedly...........the world got Assad cold in 2013 on the use of Nerve agents...........and the world is in the position that he just used them again. Why do you deny that he used them and if so do you deny he used them in 2013.

Given that........the missile attack was a VERY limited attack. Designed to send a message and not destroy Assad's military. After the fact Trump said he didn't favor Regime change and that this action was done solely as a result of the Chemical Weapons being used.

If you want to know our reported escalation of attacks in the region.........if they are escalated as the video claims........then you will find it here...............


Every day since the beginning of this they have reported daily operations in the region. There you go if you want to look.

Sadly, it looks like he's selling out to the Globalist Warmongers. He's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' philosophy. He is a deal-maker. Looks like he struck a deal with them.
I know....everything's going so well in the Middle East, Europe, Scandinavia. Everyone's just getting along so well and then we go and knock out some planes and an ISIS stronghold. Upsetting.

Why are we there? Do we really belong in those lands?

No. And Trump promised we wouldn't be when he was campaigning. He said we just need to stay out and we would be fine. But that's just another flip-flop in the last week or so.

Well his defense would be that he also promised to go after ISIS 'Bigly.' And now he has the supposed 'Assad Chemical Attack' to guarantee more war. He's listening to his Neocon Warmonger advisors. He's basically dumped his 'Non-Intervention' advisors.

I think Trump's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' mentality. The Globalists have so much power in the world. I think he feels it's best to just work with them. Otherwise, they can really make his life miserable. Remember, he's a deal-maker. He's clearly made a deal with the Globalist Interventionists.
Supposedly...........the world got Assad cold in 2013 on the use of Nerve agents...........and the world is in the position that he just used them again. Why do you deny that he used them and if so do you deny he used them in 2013.

Given that........the missile attack was a VERY limited attack. Designed to send a message and not destroy Assad's military. After the fact Trump said he didn't favor Regime change and that this action was done solely as a result of the Chemical Weapons being used.

If you want to know our reported escalation of attacks in the region.........if they are escalated as the video claims........then you will find it here...............


Every day since the beginning of this they have reported daily operations in the region. There you go if you want to look.
I know....everything's going so well in the Middle East, Europe, Scandinavia. Everyone's just getting along so well and then we go and knock out some planes and an ISIS stronghold. Upsetting.

Why are we there? Do we really belong in those lands?

No. And Trump promised we wouldn't be when he was campaigning. He said we just need to stay out and we would be fine. But that's just another flip-flop in the last week or so.

Well his defense would be that he also promised to go after ISIS 'Bigly.' And now he has the supposed 'Assad Chemical Attack' to guarantee more war. He's listening to his Neocon Warmonger advisors. He's basically dumped his 'Non-Intervention' advisors.

I think Trump's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' mentality. The Globalists have so much power in the world. I think he feels it's best to just work with them. Otherwise, they can really make his life miserable. Remember, he's a deal-maker. He's clearly made a deal with the Globalist Interventionists.
Supposedly...........the world got Assad cold in 2013 on the use of Nerve agents...........and the world is in the position that he just used them again. Why do you deny that he used them and if so do you deny he used them in 2013.

Given that........the missile attack was a VERY limited attack. Designed to send a message and not destroy Assad's military. After the fact Trump said he didn't favor Regime change and that this action was done solely as a result of the Chemical Weapons being used.

If you want to know our reported escalation of attacks in the region.........if they are escalated as the video claims........then you will find it here...............


Every day since the beginning of this they have reported daily operations in the region. There you go if you want to look.

Sadly, it looks like he's selling out to the Globalist Warmongers. He's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' philosophy. He is a deal-maker. Looks like he struck a deal with them.
I know....everything's going so well in the Middle East, Europe, Scandinavia. Everyone's just getting along so well and then we go and knock out some planes and an ISIS stronghold. Upsetting.

Why are we there? Do we really belong in those lands?

No. And Trump promised we wouldn't be when he was campaigning. He said we just need to stay out and we would be fine. But that's just another flip-flop in the last week or so.

Well his defense would be that he also promised to go after ISIS 'Bigly.' And now he has the supposed 'Assad Chemical Attack' to guarantee more war. He's listening to his Neocon Warmonger advisors. He's basically dumped his 'Non-Intervention' advisors.

I think Trump's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' mentality. The Globalists have so much power in the world. I think he feels it's best to just work with them. Otherwise, they can really make his life miserable. Remember, he's a deal-maker. He's clearly made a deal with the Globalist Interventionists.
Supposedly...........the world got Assad cold in 2013 on the use of Nerve agents...........and the world is in the position that he just used them again. Why do you deny that he used them and if so do you deny he used them in 2013.

Given that........the missile attack was a VERY limited attack. Designed to send a message and not destroy Assad's military. After the fact Trump said he didn't favor Regime change and that this action was done solely as a result of the Chemical Weapons being used.

If you want to know our reported escalation of attacks in the region.........if they are escalated as the video claims........then you will find it here...............


Every day since the beginning of this they have reported daily operations in the region. There you go if you want to look.
Point went right over your head. I agree with the missile strikes. I believe he used the Nerve agents and it was an appropriate response.

In regards to the Centcom combat press releases.............the targets are ISIS...........
Why are we there? Do we really belong in those lands?

No. And Trump promised we wouldn't be when he was campaigning. He said we just need to stay out and we would be fine. But that's just another flip-flop in the last week or so.

Well his defense would be that he also promised to go after ISIS 'Bigly.' And now he has the supposed 'Assad Chemical Attack' to guarantee more war. He's listening to his Neocon Warmonger advisors. He's basically dumped his 'Non-Intervention' advisors.

I think Trump's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' mentality. The Globalists have so much power in the world. I think he feels it's best to just work with them. Otherwise, they can really make his life miserable. Remember, he's a deal-maker. He's clearly made a deal with the Globalist Interventionists.
Supposedly...........the world got Assad cold in 2013 on the use of Nerve agents...........and the world is in the position that he just used them again. Why do you deny that he used them and if so do you deny he used them in 2013.

Given that........the missile attack was a VERY limited attack. Designed to send a message and not destroy Assad's military. After the fact Trump said he didn't favor Regime change and that this action was done solely as a result of the Chemical Weapons being used.

If you want to know our reported escalation of attacks in the region.........if they are escalated as the video claims........then you will find it here...............


Every day since the beginning of this they have reported daily operations in the region. There you go if you want to look.

Sadly, it looks like he's selling out to the Globalist Warmongers. He's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' philosophy. He is a deal-maker. Looks like he struck a deal with them.
Why are we there? Do we really belong in those lands?

No. And Trump promised we wouldn't be when he was campaigning. He said we just need to stay out and we would be fine. But that's just another flip-flop in the last week or so.

Well his defense would be that he also promised to go after ISIS 'Bigly.' And now he has the supposed 'Assad Chemical Attack' to guarantee more war. He's listening to his Neocon Warmonger advisors. He's basically dumped his 'Non-Intervention' advisors.

I think Trump's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' mentality. The Globalists have so much power in the world. I think he feels it's best to just work with them. Otherwise, they can really make his life miserable. Remember, he's a deal-maker. He's clearly made a deal with the Globalist Interventionists.
Supposedly...........the world got Assad cold in 2013 on the use of Nerve agents...........and the world is in the position that he just used them again. Why do you deny that he used them and if so do you deny he used them in 2013.

Given that........the missile attack was a VERY limited attack. Designed to send a message and not destroy Assad's military. After the fact Trump said he didn't favor Regime change and that this action was done solely as a result of the Chemical Weapons being used.

If you want to know our reported escalation of attacks in the region.........if they are escalated as the video claims........then you will find it here...............


Every day since the beginning of this they have reported daily operations in the region. There you go if you want to look.
Point went right over your head. I agree with the missile strikes. I believe he used the Nerve agents and it was an appropriate response.

In regards to the Centcom combat press releases.............the targets are ISIS...........

I disagree. I feel it was a Wag the Dog False Flag operation. I don't believe Assad ordered a chemical weapon attack. It makes no sense strategically. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be.

Assad was winning the war and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers couldn't have that. And Assad, Russia, and Iran were doing just fine exterminating ISIS. The US/West and others are there for 'Regime Change.' That's what it's always been about.
No. And Trump promised we wouldn't be when he was campaigning. He said we just need to stay out and we would be fine. But that's just another flip-flop in the last week or so.

Well his defense would be that he also promised to go after ISIS 'Bigly.' And now he has the supposed 'Assad Chemical Attack' to guarantee more war. He's listening to his Neocon Warmonger advisors. He's basically dumped his 'Non-Intervention' advisors.

I think Trump's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' mentality. The Globalists have so much power in the world. I think he feels it's best to just work with them. Otherwise, they can really make his life miserable. Remember, he's a deal-maker. He's clearly made a deal with the Globalist Interventionists.
Supposedly...........the world got Assad cold in 2013 on the use of Nerve agents...........and the world is in the position that he just used them again. Why do you deny that he used them and if so do you deny he used them in 2013.

Given that........the missile attack was a VERY limited attack. Designed to send a message and not destroy Assad's military. After the fact Trump said he didn't favor Regime change and that this action was done solely as a result of the Chemical Weapons being used.

If you want to know our reported escalation of attacks in the region.........if they are escalated as the video claims........then you will find it here...............


Every day since the beginning of this they have reported daily operations in the region. There you go if you want to look.

Sadly, it looks like he's selling out to the Globalist Warmongers. He's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' philosophy. He is a deal-maker. Looks like he struck a deal with them.
No. And Trump promised we wouldn't be when he was campaigning. He said we just need to stay out and we would be fine. But that's just another flip-flop in the last week or so.

Well his defense would be that he also promised to go after ISIS 'Bigly.' And now he has the supposed 'Assad Chemical Attack' to guarantee more war. He's listening to his Neocon Warmonger advisors. He's basically dumped his 'Non-Intervention' advisors.

I think Trump's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' mentality. The Globalists have so much power in the world. I think he feels it's best to just work with them. Otherwise, they can really make his life miserable. Remember, he's a deal-maker. He's clearly made a deal with the Globalist Interventionists.
Supposedly...........the world got Assad cold in 2013 on the use of Nerve agents...........and the world is in the position that he just used them again. Why do you deny that he used them and if so do you deny he used them in 2013.

Given that........the missile attack was a VERY limited attack. Designed to send a message and not destroy Assad's military. After the fact Trump said he didn't favor Regime change and that this action was done solely as a result of the Chemical Weapons being used.

If you want to know our reported escalation of attacks in the region.........if they are escalated as the video claims........then you will find it here...............


Every day since the beginning of this they have reported daily operations in the region. There you go if you want to look.
Point went right over your head. I agree with the missile strikes. I believe he used the Nerve agents and it was an appropriate response.

In regards to the Centcom combat press releases.............the targets are ISIS...........

I disagree. I feel it was a Wag the Dog False Flag operation. I don't believe Assad ordered a chemical weapon attack. It makes no sense strategically. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be.

Assad was winning the war and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers couldn't have that. And Assad, Russia, and Iran were doing just fine exterminating ISIS. The US/West and others are there for 'Regime Change.' That's what it's always been about.
We disagree, I believe Syria used them and the reponse was appropriate.

In regards to destroying ISIS we continue to kill ISIS targets everyday there.
Well his defense would be that he also promised to go after ISIS 'Bigly.' And now he has the supposed 'Assad Chemical Attack' to guarantee more war. He's listening to his Neocon Warmonger advisors. He's basically dumped his 'Non-Intervention' advisors.

I think Trump's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' mentality. The Globalists have so much power in the world. I think he feels it's best to just work with them. Otherwise, they can really make his life miserable. Remember, he's a deal-maker. He's clearly made a deal with the Globalist Interventionists.
Supposedly...........the world got Assad cold in 2013 on the use of Nerve agents...........and the world is in the position that he just used them again. Why do you deny that he used them and if so do you deny he used them in 2013.

Given that........the missile attack was a VERY limited attack. Designed to send a message and not destroy Assad's military. After the fact Trump said he didn't favor Regime change and that this action was done solely as a result of the Chemical Weapons being used.

If you want to know our reported escalation of attacks in the region.........if they are escalated as the video claims........then you will find it here...............


Every day since the beginning of this they have reported daily operations in the region. There you go if you want to look.

Sadly, it looks like he's selling out to the Globalist Warmongers. He's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' philosophy. He is a deal-maker. Looks like he struck a deal with them.
Well his defense would be that he also promised to go after ISIS 'Bigly.' And now he has the supposed 'Assad Chemical Attack' to guarantee more war. He's listening to his Neocon Warmonger advisors. He's basically dumped his 'Non-Intervention' advisors.

I think Trump's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' mentality. The Globalists have so much power in the world. I think he feels it's best to just work with them. Otherwise, they can really make his life miserable. Remember, he's a deal-maker. He's clearly made a deal with the Globalist Interventionists.
Supposedly...........the world got Assad cold in 2013 on the use of Nerve agents...........and the world is in the position that he just used them again. Why do you deny that he used them and if so do you deny he used them in 2013.

Given that........the missile attack was a VERY limited attack. Designed to send a message and not destroy Assad's military. After the fact Trump said he didn't favor Regime change and that this action was done solely as a result of the Chemical Weapons being used.

If you want to know our reported escalation of attacks in the region.........if they are escalated as the video claims........then you will find it here...............


Every day since the beginning of this they have reported daily operations in the region. There you go if you want to look.
Point went right over your head. I agree with the missile strikes. I believe he used the Nerve agents and it was an appropriate response.

In regards to the Centcom combat press releases.............the targets are ISIS...........

I disagree. I feel it was a Wag the Dog False Flag operation. I don't believe Assad ordered a chemical weapon attack. It makes no sense strategically. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be.

Assad was winning the war and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers couldn't have that. And Assad, Russia, and Iran were doing just fine exterminating ISIS. The US/West and others are there for 'Regime Change.' That's what it's always been about.
We disagree, I believe Syria used them and the reponse was appropriate.

In regards to destroying ISIS we continue to kill ISIS targets everyday there.

We don't belong in Syria. It was a never a threat to the US. We had no right declaring 'Regime Change.' That policy needs to end.
Supposedly...........the world got Assad cold in 2013 on the use of Nerve agents...........and the world is in the position that he just used them again. Why do you deny that he used them and if so do you deny he used them in 2013.

Given that........the missile attack was a VERY limited attack. Designed to send a message and not destroy Assad's military. After the fact Trump said he didn't favor Regime change and that this action was done solely as a result of the Chemical Weapons being used.

If you want to know our reported escalation of attacks in the region.........if they are escalated as the video claims........then you will find it here...............


Every day since the beginning of this they have reported daily operations in the region. There you go if you want to look.

Sadly, it looks like he's selling out to the Globalist Warmongers. He's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' philosophy. He is a deal-maker. Looks like he struck a deal with them.
Supposedly...........the world got Assad cold in 2013 on the use of Nerve agents...........and the world is in the position that he just used them again. Why do you deny that he used them and if so do you deny he used them in 2013.

Given that........the missile attack was a VERY limited attack. Designed to send a message and not destroy Assad's military. After the fact Trump said he didn't favor Regime change and that this action was done solely as a result of the Chemical Weapons being used.

If you want to know our reported escalation of attacks in the region.........if they are escalated as the video claims........then you will find it here...............


Every day since the beginning of this they have reported daily operations in the region. There you go if you want to look.
Point went right over your head. I agree with the missile strikes. I believe he used the Nerve agents and it was an appropriate response.

In regards to the Centcom combat press releases.............the targets are ISIS...........

I disagree. I feel it was a Wag the Dog False Flag operation. I don't believe Assad ordered a chemical weapon attack. It makes no sense strategically. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be.

Assad was winning the war and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers couldn't have that. And Assad, Russia, and Iran were doing just fine exterminating ISIS. The US/West and others are there for 'Regime Change.' That's what it's always been about.
We disagree, I believe Syria used them and the reponse was appropriate.

In regards to destroying ISIS we continue to kill ISIS targets everyday there.

We don't belong in Syria. It was a never a threat to the US. We had no right declaring 'Regime Change.' That policy needs to end.
Last time I heard........Trump stated he wasn't there for a Regime Change but Obama, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, England and France want him gone.

Trumps position is the destruction of ISIS and continued combat operations are against that group. Not Syrian positions........

If Assad is dumb enough to use the Nerve agents again you might very well see a regime change. The message with the Missile strike was knock it off or else..........
Sadly, it looks like he's selling out to the Globalist Warmongers. He's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' philosophy. He is a deal-maker. Looks like he struck a deal with them.
Point went right over your head. I agree with the missile strikes. I believe he used the Nerve agents and it was an appropriate response.

In regards to the Centcom combat press releases.............the targets are ISIS...........

I disagree. I feel it was a Wag the Dog False Flag operation. I don't believe Assad ordered a chemical weapon attack. It makes no sense strategically. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be.

Assad was winning the war and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers couldn't have that. And Assad, Russia, and Iran were doing just fine exterminating ISIS. The US/West and others are there for 'Regime Change.' That's what it's always been about.
We disagree, I believe Syria used them and the reponse was appropriate.

In regards to destroying ISIS we continue to kill ISIS targets everyday there.

We don't belong in Syria. It was a never a threat to the US. We had no right declaring 'Regime Change.' That policy needs to end.
Last time I heard........Trump stated he wasn't there for a Regime Change but Obama, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, England and France want him gone.

Trumps position is the destruction of ISIS and continued combat operations are against that group. Not Syrian positions........

If Assad is dumb enough to use the Nerve agents again you might very well see a regime change. The message with the Missile strike was knock it off or else..........

He's flip-flopped on 'Regime Change.' He's now all for it. And this supposed 'Chemical Attack' is just way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be. It makes no logical sense for Assad to have ordered it. I'm not buying it.
Point went right over your head. I agree with the missile strikes. I believe he used the Nerve agents and it was an appropriate response.

In regards to the Centcom combat press releases.............the targets are ISIS...........

I disagree. I feel it was a Wag the Dog False Flag operation. I don't believe Assad ordered a chemical weapon attack. It makes no sense strategically. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be.

Assad was winning the war and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers couldn't have that. And Assad, Russia, and Iran were doing just fine exterminating ISIS. The US/West and others are there for 'Regime Change.' That's what it's always been about.
We disagree, I believe Syria used them and the reponse was appropriate.

In regards to destroying ISIS we continue to kill ISIS targets everyday there.

We don't belong in Syria. It was a never a threat to the US. We had no right declaring 'Regime Change.' That policy needs to end.
Last time I heard........Trump stated he wasn't there for a Regime Change but Obama, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, England and France want him gone.

Trumps position is the destruction of ISIS and continued combat operations are against that group. Not Syrian positions........

If Assad is dumb enough to use the Nerve agents again you might very well see a regime change. The message with the Missile strike was knock it off or else..........

He's flip-flopped on 'Regime Change.' He's now all for it. And this supposed 'Chemical Attack' is just way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be. It makes no logical sense for Assad to have ordered it. I'm not buying it.
After the strike he stated the opposite, but left the option open if he used the weapons again. The strike was not a major strike, it was just a message and destroyed about 20 aircraft or so...............

Had it been a strike to bust him up it would have been far far worse.
I disagree. I feel it was a Wag the Dog False Flag operation. I don't believe Assad ordered a chemical weapon attack. It makes no sense strategically. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be.

Assad was winning the war and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers couldn't have that. And Assad, Russia, and Iran were doing just fine exterminating ISIS. The US/West and others are there for 'Regime Change.' That's what it's always been about.
We disagree, I believe Syria used them and the reponse was appropriate.

In regards to destroying ISIS we continue to kill ISIS targets everyday there.

We don't belong in Syria. It was a never a threat to the US. We had no right declaring 'Regime Change.' That policy needs to end.
Last time I heard........Trump stated he wasn't there for a Regime Change but Obama, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, England and France want him gone.

Trumps position is the destruction of ISIS and continued combat operations are against that group. Not Syrian positions........

If Assad is dumb enough to use the Nerve agents again you might very well see a regime change. The message with the Missile strike was knock it off or else..........

He's flip-flopped on 'Regime Change.' He's now all for it. And this supposed 'Chemical Attack' is just way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be. It makes no logical sense for Assad to have ordered it. I'm not buying it.
After the strike he stated the opposite, but left the option open if he used the weapons again. The strike was not a major strike, it was just a message and destroyed about 20 aircraft or so...............

Had it been a strike to bust him up it would have been far far worse.

Well, that's not what i saw being reported. The reports i saw, showed him stating that Assad has to be removed.

He called him an animal and hopes Russia will force Peace there.

Yes, he now fully supports 'Regime Change.' That's what i said.

We could blow away the Syrian army in a matter of weeks if we chose to...........Calling him an animal doesn't mean we are gonna take him out. Using those weapons.........Yeah.....he is an animal..............

but the broader picture is that ISIS is a Doomsday Cult and part of their beliefs is to remove Assad as well because it fulfills their prophecy. They are not there to win. They are there to start a War with the United States and Russia...............They militarily CAN'T WIN.......... It is only a question of time when they fold.....but a new group of fanatics will rise after to replace them as it has since 700

He called him an animal and hopes Russia will force Peace there.

Yes, he now fully supports 'Regime Change.' That's what i said.

We could blow away the Syrian army in a matter of weeks if we chose to...........Calling him an animal doesn't mean we are gonna take him out. Using those weapons.........Yeah.....he is an animal..............

but the broader picture is that ISIS is a Doomsday Cult and part of their beliefs is to remove Assad as well because it fulfills their prophecy. They are not there to win. They are there to start a War with the United States and Russia...............They militarily CAN'T WIN.......... It is only a question of time when they fold.....but a new group of fanatics will rise after to replace them as it has since 700

Trump's going over to the dark side. He's selling his soul to the Globalist Interventionist Devil. It's too bad, I really thought he would be different.
Supposedly...........the world got Assad cold in 2013 on the use of Nerve agents...........and the world is in the position that he just used them again. Why do you deny that he used them and if so do you deny he used them in 2013.

Given that........the missile attack was a VERY limited attack. Designed to send a message and not destroy Assad's military. After the fact Trump said he didn't favor Regime change and that this action was done solely as a result of the Chemical Weapons being used.

If you want to know our reported escalation of attacks in the region.........if they are escalated as the video claims........then you will find it here...............


Every day since the beginning of this they have reported daily operations in the region. There you go if you want to look.

Sadly, it looks like he's selling out to the Globalist Warmongers. He's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' philosophy. He is a deal-maker. Looks like he struck a deal with them.
Supposedly...........the world got Assad cold in 2013 on the use of Nerve agents...........and the world is in the position that he just used them again. Why do you deny that he used them and if so do you deny he used them in 2013.

Given that........the missile attack was a VERY limited attack. Designed to send a message and not destroy Assad's military. After the fact Trump said he didn't favor Regime change and that this action was done solely as a result of the Chemical Weapons being used.

If you want to know our reported escalation of attacks in the region.........if they are escalated as the video claims........then you will find it here...............


Every day since the beginning of this they have reported daily operations in the region. There you go if you want to look.
Point went right over your head. I agree with the missile strikes. I believe he used the Nerve agents and it was an appropriate response.

In regards to the Centcom combat press releases.............the targets are ISIS...........

I disagree. I feel it was a Wag the Dog False Flag operation. I don't believe Assad ordered a chemical weapon attack. It makes no sense strategically. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be.

Assad was winning the war and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers couldn't have that. And Assad, Russia, and Iran were doing just fine exterminating ISIS. The US/West and others are there for 'Regime Change.' That's what it's always been about.
We disagree, I believe Syria used them and the reponse was appropriate.

In regards to destroying ISIS we continue to kill ISIS targets everyday there.

We don't belong in Syria. It was a never a threat to the US. We had no right declaring 'Regime Change.' That policy needs to end.

how many times has the SCHUTE islamo Nazi repeated the SAME PLEDGE OF SUPPORT FOR THE RUSSIAN-SHIITE-IRANIAN AXIS?
Sadly, it looks like he's selling out to the Globalist Warmongers. He's adopted a 'If you can't beat em, join em' philosophy. He is a deal-maker. Looks like he struck a deal with them.
Point went right over your head. I agree with the missile strikes. I believe he used the Nerve agents and it was an appropriate response.

In regards to the Centcom combat press releases.............the targets are ISIS...........

I disagree. I feel it was a Wag the Dog False Flag operation. I don't believe Assad ordered a chemical weapon attack. It makes no sense strategically. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be.

Assad was winning the war and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers couldn't have that. And Assad, Russia, and Iran were doing just fine exterminating ISIS. The US/West and others are there for 'Regime Change.' That's what it's always been about.
We disagree, I believe Syria used them and the reponse was appropriate.

In regards to destroying ISIS we continue to kill ISIS targets everyday there.

We don't belong in Syria. It was a never a threat to the US. We had no right declaring 'Regime Change.' That policy needs to end.

how many times has the SCHUTE islamo Nazi repeated the SAME PLEDGE OF SUPPORT FOR THE RUSSIAN-SHIITE-IRANIAN AXIS?

Have some dignity. Don't be a stupid.
Point went right over your head. I agree with the missile strikes. I believe he used the Nerve agents and it was an appropriate response.

In regards to the Centcom combat press releases.............the targets are ISIS...........

I disagree. I feel it was a Wag the Dog False Flag operation. I don't believe Assad ordered a chemical weapon attack. It makes no sense strategically. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be.

Assad was winning the war and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers couldn't have that. And Assad, Russia, and Iran were doing just fine exterminating ISIS. The US/West and others are there for 'Regime Change.' That's what it's always been about.
We disagree, I believe Syria used them and the reponse was appropriate.

In regards to destroying ISIS we continue to kill ISIS targets everyday there.

We don't belong in Syria. It was a never a threat to the US. We had no right declaring 'Regime Change.' That policy needs to end.

how many times has the SCHUTE islamo Nazi repeated the SAME PLEDGE OF SUPPORT FOR THE RUSSIAN-SHIITE-IRANIAN AXIS?

Have some dignity. Don't be a stupid.

your allegiance to the AXIS powers is "stupid"?
I disagree. I feel it was a Wag the Dog False Flag operation. I don't believe Assad ordered a chemical weapon attack. It makes no sense strategically. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be.

Assad was winning the war and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers couldn't have that. And Assad, Russia, and Iran were doing just fine exterminating ISIS. The US/West and others are there for 'Regime Change.' That's what it's always been about.
We disagree, I believe Syria used them and the reponse was appropriate.

In regards to destroying ISIS we continue to kill ISIS targets everyday there.

We don't belong in Syria. It was a never a threat to the US. We had no right declaring 'Regime Change.' That policy needs to end.

how many times has the SCHUTE islamo Nazi repeated the SAME PLEDGE OF SUPPORT FOR THE RUSSIAN-SHIITE-IRANIAN AXIS?

Have some dignity. Don't be a stupid.

your allegiance to the AXIS powers is "stupid"?

You're still being a stupid.

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