Ron Paul's New Ad: Catchy, but will it resinate or turn off voters?


Apr 22, 2007
I think it's an edgy and well put together and quick ad. It will keep the viewers attention that is fore-sure. But will it resonate with people. His supporters will obviously love it. But will independents (who will vote in both the primary and general election) approve of it.

Main theme: Ron Paul will cut $1 trillion year one, by getting rid of the Department of Education, Interior, Energy, Commerce and HUD (Housing and Urban Development)?

[ame=]New Ron Paul Ad - BIG DOG - YouTube[/ame]

We need to cut no doubt, but I think his stance will turn off alot of people. First, the Republicans will turned off by his defense cuts (CIA, FBI, DHS, INS, DEA, ISA etc). Second, I think the one's listed in the ad will turn off Independents.
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It will do both. It will resonate but it will also turn off some voters. It's a great ad. I love it.
In fact I really don't liek it... But It will prolly grab many peoples attention that like the WWF style politics that otherwise wouldn't like Paul. The "IN YO FACE SUCKA!!!!!" or "Cain Train!!" politic style ain't for me.
You hate the guy so why the fuck do you even care?

Because I am warming up to him. I think he has a lot of great ideas. It's hard to get past his getting rid of the CIA. FBI, DHS, ISA etc, but I fear deficit killing us. I think taxation, over-regulation and uncheck Unions are making American busines uncompetitive. I don't like NAFTA or the WTO. I actually think he would dramatically cut spending, regulations, taxation, Union power and he is against NAFTA and the WTO.

Since Cain is out I have been looking for a new candidate to support!
You hate the guy so why the fuck do you even care?

Because I am warming up to him. I think he has a lot of great ideas. It's hard to get past his getting rid of the CIA. FBI, DHS, ISA etc, but I fear deficit killing us. I think taxation, over-regulation and uncheck Unions are making American busines uncompetitive. I don't like NAFTA or the WTO. I actually think he would dramatically cut spending, regulations, taxation, Union power and he is against NAFTA and the WTO.

Since Cain is out I have been looking for a new candidate to support!

Well I hope it works out. What made you not just shift over to Newt like so many others did?
It will do both. It will resonate but it will also turn off some voters. It's a great ad. I love it.

His ads are the best, and he is unwavering in his ideology but some of the Exec Dept's he wants to axe will likely turn away a sizable # of Independents
You hate the guy so why the fuck do you even care?

Because I am warming up to him. I think he has a lot of great ideas. It's hard to get past his getting rid of the CIA. FBI, DHS, ISA etc, but I fear deficit killing us. I think taxation, over-regulation and uncheck Unions are making American busines uncompetitive. I don't like NAFTA or the WTO. I actually think he would dramatically cut spending, regulations, taxation, Union power and he is against NAFTA and the WTO.

Since Cain is out I have been looking for a new candidate to support!

Unions??? Again? gimme a fucking break. Unionized employees make up approximately 7% of the workforce and largely in the Public Sector. Next to no impact on business whatsoever.

Just keep listening to Beckbaugh... He'll tell you how it is. They "business Community" won't be happy until they are paying us all peanuts and taking our benefits out of our checks to boot.

You know what's making American Business uncompetitive? Nothing.... Well there is this little issue of demand... but that's because they went full retard and decided to go with slave labor to manufacture the goods they make, busted the vast majority of the unions in the 80's, and then either bottom lined or laid off workers and sucked up all those "savings" it wasn't done out of survival... it was done to grab MORE at the expense of the labor force. because if it were about Survival and Competitiveness, you'd think that the prices for goods would have come down. Oh... you can point to electronics... but that's just one area and the only thing that has come down is yesterday's technology.

As a result of that greed, we now have Chronic unemployment, underemployment, stagnant wages, and huge tax breaks for the people that did the damage. But yeah... it's all about government...
You hate the guy so why the fuck do you even care?

Because I am warming up to him. I think he has a lot of great ideas. It's hard to get past his getting rid of the CIA. FBI, DHS, ISA etc, but I fear deficit killing us. I think taxation, over-regulation and uncheck Unions are making American busines uncompetitive. I don't like NAFTA or the WTO. I actually think he would dramatically cut spending, regulations, taxation, Union power and he is against NAFTA and the WTO.

Since Cain is out I have been looking for a new candidate to support!

Well I hope it works out. What made you not just shift over to Newt like so many others did?

Something about him doesn't sit with me. If people look at the mortgage meltdown it can come down to a few action which occurred during the Clinton years. (1) Community Reinvestment Act (forced banks to lend a percentage of their portfolio to lower spectrum people - meaning banks had to be creatively STUPID and offer the 0 down, stated loans),
(2) Granting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Power to Create a 2nd market (Mostly Frank and Dodds that pushed this, but banks could make highly risky loans and sell them off in the 2ndary market instantly getting the gains without the risk).
(3) GLB (Got rid G-S Act and allowed the conflict of interest of Banks, brokeages and insurance companies forming under one company; that is how banks tossed toxic loans together and traded them as security instruments called CDOs and why AIG when bankrupt via toxic mortgage backed insurance) - Although I think RP probably supported this.
Then you have NAFTA and tearing down the trade barriers with China. This further eroded our manufacturing base.
Then college tuitions SHOT through the roof with the law making student loans non-dischargable.

I blame Clinton for this, but you also have to blame Newt, since he was the most powerful Republican at the time as Speaker of the House, he deserves a lot of blame also!
I honestly think the target audience is the mouth breathing sector of the GOP constituancy. You know, the ones who don't take notice of anything unless it's accompanied by rock and roll and shit getting blown up.
Where are the Unions? Public sector! They hurt all the tax payors because 60% of the budget goes to retired teachers pensions. Teacher unions! Schools are failing our children, what of the money went to lower teacher per student ratios, TAs in the classroom, tutors etc! Nope it goes to paying for over-burdened pensions the private sector doesn't have, and to full healthcare benefits the private sector doesn't get.

Carpenters, Steel workers, AMERICAN Auto manufacturers (note: Japanese Auto workers do pretty well without Unions), teamsters, SEIU (most corrupt union of all time), Airlines and through out the manufacturing sector.

The public ones drive up the deficits, hurt education and the private ones dismantle our manufacturing sector to the point its year after year going over-seas!

You hate the guy so why the fuck do you even care?

Because I am warming up to him. I think he has a lot of great ideas. It's hard to get past his getting rid of the CIA. FBI, DHS, ISA etc, but I fear deficit killing us. I think taxation, over-regulation and uncheck Unions are making American busines uncompetitive. I don't like NAFTA or the WTO. I actually think he would dramatically cut spending, regulations, taxation, Union power and he is against NAFTA and the WTO.

Since Cain is out I have been looking for a new candidate to support!

Unions??? Again? gimme a fucking break. Unionized employees make up approximately 7% of the workforce and largely in the Public Sector. Next to no impact on business whatsoever.

Just keep listening to Beckbaugh... He'll tell you how it is. They "business Community" won't be happy until they are paying us all peanuts and taking our benefits out of our checks to boot.

You know what's making American Business uncompetitive? Nothing.... Well there is this little issue of demand... but that's because they went full retard and decided to go with slave labor to manufacture the goods they make, busted the vast majority of the unions in the 80's, and then either bottom lined or laid off workers and sucked up all those "savings" it wasn't done out of survival... it was done to grab MORE at the expense of the labor force. because if it were about Survival and Competitiveness, you'd think that the prices for goods would have come down. Oh... you can point to electronics... but that's just one area and the only thing that has come down is yesterday's technology.

As a result of that greed, we now have Chronic unemployment, underemployment, stagnant wages, and huge tax breaks for the people that did the damage. But yeah... it's all about government...
It will do both. It will resonate but it will also turn off some voters. It's a great ad. I love it.

Yeah. I didn't like it at all. But then I don't watch TV, so maybe that kind of over-the-top junk is what sells these days.
You hate the guy so why the fuck do you even care?

Because I am warming up to him. I think he has a lot of great ideas. It's hard to get past his getting rid of the CIA. FBI, DHS, ISA etc, but I fear deficit killing us. I think taxation, over-regulation and uncheck Unions are making American busines uncompetitive. I don't like NAFTA or the WTO. I actually think he would dramatically cut spending, regulations, taxation, Union power and he is against NAFTA and the WTO.

Since Cain is out I have been looking for a new candidate to support!

from one loser to another, eh?
The ad doesn't turn me off. Ron Paul turned me off a long time ago...
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Because I am warming up to him. I think he has a lot of great ideas. It's hard to get past his getting rid of the CIA. FBI, DHS, ISA etc, but I fear deficit killing us. I think taxation, over-regulation and uncheck Unions are making American busines uncompetitive. I don't like NAFTA or the WTO. I actually think he would dramatically cut spending, regulations, taxation, Union power and he is against NAFTA and the WTO.

Since Cain is out I have been looking for a new candidate to support!

Well I hope it works out. What made you not just shift over to Newt like so many others did?

Something about him doesn't sit with me. If people look at the mortgage meltdown it can come down to a few action which occurred during the Clinton years. (1) Community Reinvestment Act (forced banks to lend a percentage of their portfolio to lower spectrum people - meaning banks had to be creatively STUPID and offer the 0 down, stated loans),
That is the favorite lie of all racists. The CRA stopped banks from refusing loans to QUALIFIED minorities, but to racists all minorities are "lower spectrum people" and are never qualified for a loan.

It was Bush's Dec 2003 American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI) that changed the rules to allow no down payment loans for more than the house was worth to people with bad credit who could not keep up with the payments and who were at least 20% below the standard of living for the neighborhood they were buying into. Bush owns the housing melt down and the timeline proves it. Subprime mortgages accounted for 9 percent of all mortgage originations from 1996 through 2004. But that 9% became 21% from 2004 to 2006, 21% of all mortgages were subprime. Twenty-one percent of all mortgages were essentially money given away to people because they were loans made to people that everybody knew going in would never pay them back.
Where are the Unions? Public sector! They hurt all the tax payors because 60% of the budget goes to retired teachers pensions. Teacher unions! Schools are failing our children, what of the money went to lower teacher per student ratios, TAs in the classroom, tutors etc! Nope it goes to paying for over-burdened pensions the private sector doesn't have, and to full healthcare benefits the private sector doesn't get.

Carpenters, Steel workers, AMERICAN Auto manufacturers (note: Japanese Auto workers do pretty well without Unions), teamsters, SEIU (most corrupt union of all time), Airlines and through out the manufacturing sector.

The public ones drive up the deficits, hurt education and the private ones dismantle our manufacturing sector to the point its year after year going over-seas!

Yep... it's always the working class stiff's fault isn't it? Overburdened pensions? Gimme a fuckin' break. I pay in 6.2% of my gross and the Commonwealth of PA started matching it after I had 15 years of service. Stop talking of shit you know nothing about, but insist that it's true because some right wing pundit told you that it was. I don't know how teachers' retirement works in PA, because I am not a teacher.

Sure Japanese Auto workers do pretty well... they aren't working for AMERICAN companies and have a higher standard that the money grab that AMERICAN Companies are famous for.

I love the way those of us on the progressive side of things get accused of "parroting", but when you guys do it... It's "factual". As if there isn't an agenda on your side to fuck every single working person over and then take away all of those safety nets on top of it... so everyone will have to bow down at the feet of their corporate masters.
You hate the guy so why the fuck do you even care?

Because I am warming up to him. I think he has a lot of great ideas. It's hard to get past his getting rid of the CIA. FBI, DHS, ISA etc, but I fear deficit killing us. I think taxation, over-regulation and uncheck Unions are making American busines uncompetitive. I don't like NAFTA or the WTO. I actually think he would dramatically cut spending, regulations, taxation, Union power and he is against NAFTA and the WTO.

Since Cain is out I have been looking for a new candidate to support!

Well this is good to hear. I think more Cain supporters will come to Paul because a lot of them were looking for something other than establishment in the first place.

I like the reasons you like him, because you know damn well he's the only one in the field who would actually make an attempt at it. You know that because you've watched the establishment do nothing more than pay lip service to it for decades.

Don't be afraid of the other cuts he wants to make, because you also know that he'll never be able to accomplish cutting that many agencies. He's the best chance we have at getting rid of the Dept of Education though.
He has said he would not cut all services of these departments and that some of the services would be transferred over to other agencies. These cuts are more about increasing efficiency and cutting waste than anything else.

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