Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's while president, son says

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's while president, says son | World news | The Guardian

Ronald Reagan's sons have locked horns over the former president's political legacy after the younger brother, Ron, said his late father's battle with Alzheimer's began while he was in the White House.

The spat opens up a subject that has long been a talking point – when did the 40th president begin to become mentally impaired by the disease. He was formally diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 1994, five years after he left office. Reagan died 10 years later at 93.
Hard to say when the decline started. He did lose energy at the end of his presidency
Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's while president, says son | World news | The Guardian

Ronald Reagan's sons have locked horns over the former president's political legacy after the younger brother, Ron, said his late father's battle with Alzheimer's began while he was in the White House.

The spat opens up a subject that has long been a talking point – when did the 40th president begin to become mentally impaired by the disease. He was formally diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 1994, five years after he left office. Reagan died 10 years later at 93.

Little Ron has been an embarrassment and a thorn in the family side for decades. Nothing new here... he has always gone out of his way to sully his folks. Little sissy needs a good smack in the mouth if you ask me.
Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's while president, says son | World news | The Guardian

Ronald Reagan's sons have locked horns over the former president's political legacy after the younger brother, Ron, said his late father's battle with Alzheimer's began while he was in the White House.

The spat opens up a subject that has long been a talking point – when did the 40th president begin to become mentally impaired by the disease. He was formally diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 1994, five years after he left office. Reagan died 10 years later at 93.

That's the assumption. Alzheimers doesn't just show up out of nowhere.
Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's while president, says son | World news | The Guardian

Ronald Reagan's sons have locked horns over the former president's political legacy after the younger brother, Ron, said his late father's battle with Alzheimer's began while he was in the White House.

The spat opens up a subject that has long been a talking point – when did the 40th president begin to become mentally impaired by the disease. He was formally diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 1994, five years after he left office. Reagan died 10 years later at 93.

You're correct. My Mom died of dementia brought on by Alzheimer's. They signs were there but more often than not, it is just chalked up to getting older. It usually takes an event that makes you realize it is more than just forgetfulness.
As I recall Reagan promised to resign if his health became an issue during his second term.
This liberal Republican hates no one.
I might want to punch someone in the nose from time to time, but I hate no one.
Gay Ronnie strikes again. Lucky for democrats that FDR's medical files went missing shortly after his death or we might have found that a corpse was running the Country in his 4th term.
Gay Ronnie strikes again. Lucky for democrats that FDR's medical files went missing shortly after his death or we might have found that a corpse was running the Country in his 4th term.

Yea... I saw a movie like that

They got a look alike to act as the President and then he ran off with Sigourny Weaver
Gay Ronnie strikes again. Lucky for democrats that FDR's medical files went missing shortly after his death or we might have found that a corpse was running the Country in his 4th term.

And that has what to do with Reagan having altzheimers during his last term?

Ohh I see the "But mommy they get to do it, why can't I"?
I don't understand why so many RWers are clearly upset, stating that Ron should grow up already.

Is it not his father? Is he not his father's namesake?

Does he not KNOW his father's history and/or condition at any given time throughout his life?

The answer is yes.

I suspect that Ron's a big miffed, to say the least, of the diefication of his father in RW/Republican circles.

If Ron says the man had a touch of the Zheimer's I'm inclined to believe him.

From what I know the disease doesn't just spring up, it creeps up over the years, decades even until it finally consumes you.

Ron Reagan has all the right to express himself and divulge all the information HE feels he should about HIS OWN father.

Talk about needing to grow up.

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