Ronald Reagan phucked us over...big time!

Angry much, racist much? Hey, I'm all for a reasonable border policy, and agree we just can't let anybody wonder into our country, but dude, come on. If you want to change the immigration policy, you are not going to do it by sounding like an uneducated country bumpkin.

View attachment 123993
You scared much? Afraid to call it like it is? I know your type...afraid to view things in total clarity out of fear that you may be a racist. I know lots of pussies that blur issues for the same reason.
What did I imply that is inaccurate and that has you paranoid?

Well, first of all. Any 16 year old kid who wants to work at a fast food joint can easily get the job. They don't just hire illegal immigrants, and they all will likely start at minimum was ( and you called me paranoid). Second, if you want to work in the construction trade, you can do that too. You may have to compete with some guy from Mexico who will likely out work your lazy ass, that is really what has you upset.

You sound like a Union guy, a guy unable to compete, so you depend on a Union to "protect" your over paid, 40 hours per week, manual labor job. Skills and knowledge will eventually raise those who work to the top. Man up, instead of being a whinny little boi, why don't you go out and compete. Prove you're actually better than those "jibberish speaking filth" people. Or not, I really don't care. Folks like you get left behind, it's called survival of the fittest, and you're clearly not very fit.

Look bud, you couldn't be more wrong about me. I'm not the least bit concerned about beaners stealing my job as it requires communication skills, cash flow and an iQ.
You clearly aren't from Southern California or any other shithole that has been completely ruined by "southern filth". You're not in touch with what's really going on...and the truth is it sounds like you'll shield yourself from it all until you can pry yourself off the ballsack of beaners.
Kids here in Southern California aren't able to find "kid work" as fast food is dominated by 35-40 year old career burger flippers from the south. Good quality REAL American's can't send their good quality REAL American kids to public schools here as they've all been invaded by un-parented silver tooth anchor babies with a bad attitude, no family values and no moral compass. The laundry list of negative shit these third-worlders bring with them is endless but you'll have to pull your head from your ass and stop being scared to recognize what's really happening to see it.

Racist much? It's quite clear you don't know shit about Mexican's OR their culture. They're hard working, they pay their bills and their families are astonishingly tight nit. The problem isn't immigration, it's ILLEGAL immigration. If Cali would simply enforce existing laws the problem would be greatly lessened.’re lying to know this.
Do you need me to post per capita statistics such as welfare, criminality, incarceration, school dropout rate, teen pregnancy, abortions...etc
Let me know, I aim to enlighten the ignorant, scared and self manipulated.

LOL, tell Jerry to enforce the law, problem solved. I've no need to pay any attention a racist puke. Close the border, deport the illegals. Make EVERYONE who get's in legally learn the language. Print materials only in English. No teaching in Spanish or any other language than English. Crush sanctuary cities, no Federal Money, NONE. I've been around Hispanics my entire life, you don't know shit. "Cracka".
immigration of all types is the problem when it involves POOR third worlders from nasty countries . Mostly they just want to eat , be housed decently in subsidized housing and be treated for disease . There is no difference between a dirt poor legal or illegal immigrant . Both categories are the problem as they get into the USA and are given the ability to vote . Once in the USA and given RIGHTS they will vote for the FREE stuff as they vote for 'dems' DOC .
Last edited:
You scared much? Afraid to call it like it is? I know your type...afraid to view things in total clarity out of fear that you may be a racist. I know lots of pussies that blur issues for the same reason.
What did I imply that is inaccurate and that has you paranoid?

Well, first of all. Any 16 year old kid who wants to work at a fast food joint can easily get the job. They don't just hire illegal immigrants, and they all will likely start at minimum was ( and you called me paranoid). Second, if you want to work in the construction trade, you can do that too. You may have to compete with some guy from Mexico who will likely out work your lazy ass, that is really what has you upset.

You sound like a Union guy, a guy unable to compete, so you depend on a Union to "protect" your over paid, 40 hours per week, manual labor job. Skills and knowledge will eventually raise those who work to the top. Man up, instead of being a whinny little boi, why don't you go out and compete. Prove you're actually better than those "jibberish speaking filth" people. Or not, I really don't care. Folks like you get left behind, it's called survival of the fittest, and you're clearly not very fit.

Look bud, you couldn't be more wrong about me. I'm not the least bit concerned about beaners stealing my job as it requires communication skills, cash flow and an iQ.
You clearly aren't from Southern California or any other shithole that has been completely ruined by "southern filth". You're not in touch with what's really going on...and the truth is it sounds like you'll shield yourself from it all until you can pry yourself off the ballsack of beaners.
Kids here in Southern California aren't able to find "kid work" as fast food is dominated by 35-40 year old career burger flippers from the south. Good quality REAL American's can't send their good quality REAL American kids to public schools here as they've all been invaded by un-parented silver tooth anchor babies with a bad attitude, no family values and no moral compass. The laundry list of negative shit these third-worlders bring with them is endless but you'll have to pull your head from your ass and stop being scared to recognize what's really happening to see it.

Racist much? It's quite clear you don't know shit about Mexican's OR their culture. They're hard working, they pay their bills and their families are astonishingly tight nit. The problem isn't immigration, it's ILLEGAL immigration. If Cali would simply enforce existing laws the problem would be greatly lessened.’re lying to know this.
Do you need me to post per capita statistics such as welfare, criminality, incarceration, school dropout rate, teen pregnancy, abortions...etc
Let me know, I aim to enlighten the ignorant, scared and self manipulated.

LOL, tell Jerry to enforce the law, problem solved. I've no need to pay any attention a racist puke. Close the border, deport the illegals. Make EVERYONE who get's in legally learn the language. Print materials only in English. No teaching in Spanish or any other language than English. Crush sanctuary cities, no Federal Money, NONE. I've been around Hispanics my entire life, you don't know shit. "Cracka".
---------------------------------------------- you sound like a racist calling people 'cracka' but no big deal . Racist is not against the law in the USA Doc .
Reagan was fine except for his amnesty , imo . Trump is much better so far , imo Bootney . Oh . almost forgot , Reagan was BAD on guns meaning open carry in kalifornia and machine guns Bootney .
You scared much? Afraid to call it like it is? I know your type...afraid to view things in total clarity out of fear that you may be a racist. I know lots of pussies that blur issues for the same reason.
What did I imply that is inaccurate and that has you paranoid?

Well, first of all. Any 16 year old kid who wants to work at a fast food joint can easily get the job. They don't just hire illegal immigrants, and they all will likely start at minimum was ( and you called me paranoid). Second, if you want to work in the construction trade, you can do that too. You may have to compete with some guy from Mexico who will likely out work your lazy ass, that is really what has you upset.

You sound like a Union guy, a guy unable to compete, so you depend on a Union to "protect" your over paid, 40 hours per week, manual labor job. Skills and knowledge will eventually raise those who work to the top. Man up, instead of being a whinny little boi, why don't you go out and compete. Prove you're actually better than those "jibberish speaking filth" people. Or not, I really don't care. Folks like you get left behind, it's called survival of the fittest, and you're clearly not very fit.

Look bud, you couldn't be more wrong about me. I'm not the least bit concerned about beaners stealing my job as it requires communication skills, cash flow and an iQ.
You clearly aren't from Southern California or any other shithole that has been completely ruined by "southern filth". You're not in touch with what's really going on...and the truth is it sounds like you'll shield yourself from it all until you can pry yourself off the ballsack of beaners.
Kids here in Southern California aren't able to find "kid work" as fast food is dominated by 35-40 year old career burger flippers from the south. Good quality REAL American's can't send their good quality REAL American kids to public schools here as they've all been invaded by un-parented silver tooth anchor babies with a bad attitude, no family values and no moral compass. The laundry list of negative shit these third-worlders bring with them is endless but you'll have to pull your head from your ass and stop being scared to recognize what's really happening to see it.

Racist much? It's quite clear you don't know shit about Mexican's OR their culture. They're hard working, they pay their bills and their families are astonishingly tight nit. The problem isn't immigration, it's ILLEGAL immigration. If Cali would simply enforce existing laws the problem would be greatly lessened.’re lying to know this.
Do you need me to post per capita statistics such as welfare, criminality, incarceration, school dropout rate, teen pregnancy, abortions...etc
Let me know, I aim to enlighten the ignorant, scared and self manipulated.

LOL, tell Jerry to enforce the law, problem solved. I've no need to pay any attention a racist puke. Close the border, deport the illegals. Make EVERYONE who get's in legally learn the language. Print materials only in English. No teaching in Spanish or any other language than English. Crush sanctuary cities, no Federal Money, NONE. I've been around Hispanics my entire life, you don't know shit. "Cracka".

Haha...way to circle talk and back peddle...funny shit. I love semantics.
I’m born and raised in Southern Mexifornia...I’ve watched it turn to a shithole as its turned brown...I’m fully aware of the degradation caused by I said, this is not my opinion, I’ve seen and understand the facts, the statistics.
Fuck filthy about our Feds to the job they’re sworn in and elected to do...
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Well, first of all. Any 16 year old kid who wants to work at a fast food joint can easily get the job. They don't just hire illegal immigrants, and they all will likely start at minimum was ( and you called me paranoid). Second, if you want to work in the construction trade, you can do that too. You may have to compete with some guy from Mexico who will likely out work your lazy ass, that is really what has you upset.

You sound like a Union guy, a guy unable to compete, so you depend on a Union to "protect" your over paid, 40 hours per week, manual labor job. Skills and knowledge will eventually raise those who work to the top. Man up, instead of being a whinny little boi, why don't you go out and compete. Prove you're actually better than those "jibberish speaking filth" people. Or not, I really don't care. Folks like you get left behind, it's called survival of the fittest, and you're clearly not very fit.

Look bud, you couldn't be more wrong about me. I'm not the least bit concerned about beaners stealing my job as it requires communication skills, cash flow and an iQ.
You clearly aren't from Southern California or any other shithole that has been completely ruined by "southern filth". You're not in touch with what's really going on...and the truth is it sounds like you'll shield yourself from it all until you can pry yourself off the ballsack of beaners.
Kids here in Southern California aren't able to find "kid work" as fast food is dominated by 35-40 year old career burger flippers from the south. Good quality REAL American's can't send their good quality REAL American kids to public schools here as they've all been invaded by un-parented silver tooth anchor babies with a bad attitude, no family values and no moral compass. The laundry list of negative shit these third-worlders bring with them is endless but you'll have to pull your head from your ass and stop being scared to recognize what's really happening to see it.

Racist much? It's quite clear you don't know shit about Mexican's OR their culture. They're hard working, they pay their bills and their families are astonishingly tight nit. The problem isn't immigration, it's ILLEGAL immigration. If Cali would simply enforce existing laws the problem would be greatly lessened.’re lying to know this.
Do you need me to post per capita statistics such as welfare, criminality, incarceration, school dropout rate, teen pregnancy, abortions...etc
Let me know, I aim to enlighten the ignorant, scared and self manipulated.

LOL, tell Jerry to enforce the law, problem solved. I've no need to pay any attention a racist puke. Close the border, deport the illegals. Make EVERYONE who get's in legally learn the language. Print materials only in English. No teaching in Spanish or any other language than English. Crush sanctuary cities, no Federal Money, NONE. I've been around Hispanics my entire life, you don't know shit. "Cracka".
---------------------------------------------- you sound like a racist calling people 'cracka' but no big deal . Racist is not against the law in the USA Doc .

Ya caught me being racist to a racist. I should be spanked. You obviously don't may Hispanics either.
Well, first of all. Any 16 year old kid who wants to work at a fast food joint can easily get the job. They don't just hire illegal immigrants, and they all will likely start at minimum was ( and you called me paranoid). Second, if you want to work in the construction trade, you can do that too. You may have to compete with some guy from Mexico who will likely out work your lazy ass, that is really what has you upset.

You sound like a Union guy, a guy unable to compete, so you depend on a Union to "protect" your over paid, 40 hours per week, manual labor job. Skills and knowledge will eventually raise those who work to the top. Man up, instead of being a whinny little boi, why don't you go out and compete. Prove you're actually better than those "jibberish speaking filth" people. Or not, I really don't care. Folks like you get left behind, it's called survival of the fittest, and you're clearly not very fit.

Look bud, you couldn't be more wrong about me. I'm not the least bit concerned about beaners stealing my job as it requires communication skills, cash flow and an iQ.
You clearly aren't from Southern California or any other shithole that has been completely ruined by "southern filth". You're not in touch with what's really going on...and the truth is it sounds like you'll shield yourself from it all until you can pry yourself off the ballsack of beaners.
Kids here in Southern California aren't able to find "kid work" as fast food is dominated by 35-40 year old career burger flippers from the south. Good quality REAL American's can't send their good quality REAL American kids to public schools here as they've all been invaded by un-parented silver tooth anchor babies with a bad attitude, no family values and no moral compass. The laundry list of negative shit these third-worlders bring with them is endless but you'll have to pull your head from your ass and stop being scared to recognize what's really happening to see it.

Racist much? It's quite clear you don't know shit about Mexican's OR their culture. They're hard working, they pay their bills and their families are astonishingly tight nit. The problem isn't immigration, it's ILLEGAL immigration. If Cali would simply enforce existing laws the problem would be greatly lessened.’re lying to know this.
Do you need me to post per capita statistics such as welfare, criminality, incarceration, school dropout rate, teen pregnancy, abortions...etc
Let me know, I aim to enlighten the ignorant, scared and self manipulated.

LOL, tell Jerry to enforce the law, problem solved. I've no need to pay any attention a racist puke. Close the border, deport the illegals. Make EVERYONE who get's in legally learn the language. Print materials only in English. No teaching in Spanish or any other language than English. Crush sanctuary cities, no Federal Money, NONE. I've been around Hispanics my entire life, you don't know shit. "Cracka".

Haha...way to circle talk and back peddle...funny shit. I love semantics.
I’m born and raised in Southern Mexifornia...I’ve watched it turn to a shithole as its turned brown...I’m fully aware of the degradation caused by I said, this is not my opinion, I’ve seen and understand the facts, the statistics.
Fuck filthy about our Feds to the job they’re sworn in and elected to do...
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

What part of me saying repeatedly "enforce the law" is it that you don't understand? Cali is not cooperating with ICE, call our Governor. You've been a racist your entire life, nothing you have to say is worthwhile.
Look bud, you couldn't be more wrong about me. I'm not the least bit concerned about beaners stealing my job as it requires communication skills, cash flow and an iQ.
You clearly aren't from Southern California or any other shithole that has been completely ruined by "southern filth". You're not in touch with what's really going on...and the truth is it sounds like you'll shield yourself from it all until you can pry yourself off the ballsack of beaners.
Kids here in Southern California aren't able to find "kid work" as fast food is dominated by 35-40 year old career burger flippers from the south. Good quality REAL American's can't send their good quality REAL American kids to public schools here as they've all been invaded by un-parented silver tooth anchor babies with a bad attitude, no family values and no moral compass. The laundry list of negative shit these third-worlders bring with them is endless but you'll have to pull your head from your ass and stop being scared to recognize what's really happening to see it.

Racist much? It's quite clear you don't know shit about Mexican's OR their culture. They're hard working, they pay their bills and their families are astonishingly tight nit. The problem isn't immigration, it's ILLEGAL immigration. If Cali would simply enforce existing laws the problem would be greatly lessened.’re lying to know this.
Do you need me to post per capita statistics such as welfare, criminality, incarceration, school dropout rate, teen pregnancy, abortions...etc
Let me know, I aim to enlighten the ignorant, scared and self manipulated.

LOL, tell Jerry to enforce the law, problem solved. I've no need to pay any attention a racist puke. Close the border, deport the illegals. Make EVERYONE who get's in legally learn the language. Print materials only in English. No teaching in Spanish or any other language than English. Crush sanctuary cities, no Federal Money, NONE. I've been around Hispanics my entire life, you don't know shit. "Cracka".
---------------------------------------------- you sound like a racist calling people 'cracka' but no big deal . Racist is not against the law in the USA Doc .

Ya caught me being racist to a racist. I should be spanked. You obviously don't may Hispanics either.

Sack up and depussify bud...there is nothing defamatory or racist in acknowledging facts/truth. Stop being so paranoid...they are what they grade above Zulus in the jungles of Africa...which is fine...they just have no purpose in a first world society...sorry the truth hurts bud.
Reagan, with his "toe the line" bipartisan bullshit may be one of the most influential Democrats in history. He allowed himself to be conned by a Democratic congress in 1986 when he signed a bill granting amnesty to 3.5 million illegals. 3.5M hispanics quickly turned to 10M as they reproduce like rodents. Reagan essentially handed California to democrats on a silver platter, it's very doubtful that the GOP can ever win California moving forward.
So what if the bill was never signed?
What if the lines were never blurred and "illegal" still meant "illegal"?
What if construction trades were still dominated by REAL American's?
What if your REAL American child didn't have to go to school with all the poorly parented silver tooth anchor babies?
What if your teenage child could still get work experience at your local fast food joint?
What if emergency rooms weren't jam-packed with filth speaking jibberish?
What if California had 15 million less low grade citizens?

Why don't you tell everyone what deal was cut? And who backed out on the deal after getting their part?

Sounds to me like dealing with the NK. Oh yeah, they are a bunch of lying Leftists too!
Look bud, you couldn't be more wrong about me. I'm not the least bit concerned about beaners stealing my job as it requires communication skills, cash flow and an iQ.
You clearly aren't from Southern California or any other shithole that has been completely ruined by "southern filth". You're not in touch with what's really going on...and the truth is it sounds like you'll shield yourself from it all until you can pry yourself off the ballsack of beaners.
Kids here in Southern California aren't able to find "kid work" as fast food is dominated by 35-40 year old career burger flippers from the south. Good quality REAL American's can't send their good quality REAL American kids to public schools here as they've all been invaded by un-parented silver tooth anchor babies with a bad attitude, no family values and no moral compass. The laundry list of negative shit these third-worlders bring with them is endless but you'll have to pull your head from your ass and stop being scared to recognize what's really happening to see it.

Racist much? It's quite clear you don't know shit about Mexican's OR their culture. They're hard working, they pay their bills and their families are astonishingly tight nit. The problem isn't immigration, it's ILLEGAL immigration. If Cali would simply enforce existing laws the problem would be greatly lessened.’re lying to know this.
Do you need me to post per capita statistics such as welfare, criminality, incarceration, school dropout rate, teen pregnancy, abortions...etc
Let me know, I aim to enlighten the ignorant, scared and self manipulated.

LOL, tell Jerry to enforce the law, problem solved. I've no need to pay any attention a racist puke. Close the border, deport the illegals. Make EVERYONE who get's in legally learn the language. Print materials only in English. No teaching in Spanish or any other language than English. Crush sanctuary cities, no Federal Money, NONE. I've been around Hispanics my entire life, you don't know shit. "Cracka".

Haha...way to circle talk and back peddle...funny shit. I love semantics.
I’m born and raised in Southern Mexifornia...I’ve watched it turn to a shithole as its turned brown...I’m fully aware of the degradation caused by I said, this is not my opinion, I’ve seen and understand the facts, the statistics.
Fuck filthy about our Feds to the job they’re sworn in and elected to do...
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

What part of me saying repeatedly "enforce the law" is it that you don't understand? Cali is not cooperating with ICE, call our Governor. You've been a racist your entire life, nothing you have to say is worthwhile.

What part of me saying repeatedly "enforce the law" is it that you don't understand?”
Haha...I get it, that’s your new play now that I’ve made you look like the retard you are. Did you forget you just implied to us about how awesome illegals are for our society...right before you moved into “run them all out”?
Tsk, tsk...You must never speak ill of St Ronald of Reagan.


Even ronald Reagan isn't crazy enough for today's GOP.
Racist much? It's quite clear you don't know shit about Mexican's OR their culture. They're hard working, they pay their bills and their families are astonishingly tight nit. The problem isn't immigration, it's ILLEGAL immigration. If Cali would simply enforce existing laws the problem would be greatly lessened.’re lying to know this.
Do you need me to post per capita statistics such as welfare, criminality, incarceration, school dropout rate, teen pregnancy, abortions...etc
Let me know, I aim to enlighten the ignorant, scared and self manipulated.

LOL, tell Jerry to enforce the law, problem solved. I've no need to pay any attention a racist puke. Close the border, deport the illegals. Make EVERYONE who get's in legally learn the language. Print materials only in English. No teaching in Spanish or any other language than English. Crush sanctuary cities, no Federal Money, NONE. I've been around Hispanics my entire life, you don't know shit. "Cracka".

Haha...way to circle talk and back peddle...funny shit. I love semantics.
I’m born and raised in Southern Mexifornia...I’ve watched it turn to a shithole as its turned brown...I’m fully aware of the degradation caused by I said, this is not my opinion, I’ve seen and understand the facts, the statistics.
Fuck filthy about our Feds to the job they’re sworn in and elected to do...
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

What part of me saying repeatedly "enforce the law" is it that you don't understand? Cali is not cooperating with ICE, call our Governor. You've been a racist your entire life, nothing you have to say is worthwhile.

What part of me saying repeatedly "enforce the law" is it that you don't understand?”
Haha...I get it, that’s your new play now that I’ve made you look like the retard you are. Did you forget you just implied to us about how awesome illegals are for our society...right before you moved into “run them all out”?

Do you find that this type of silliness works for you? Point out one post where my point wasn't to enforce the law. You hate "beaners", I get it. But the ones I know are ten times the better person than you are my friend. I implied nothing, I was very straight forward in everything I said son. You aren't very good at this, I said deport the illegals.
Look bud, you couldn't be more wrong about me. I'm not the least bit concerned about beaners stealing my job as it requires communication skills, cash flow and an iQ.
You clearly aren't from Southern California or any other shithole that has been completely ruined by "southern filth". You're not in touch with what's really going on...and the truth is it sounds like you'll shield yourself from it all until you can pry yourself off the ballsack of beaners.
Kids here in Southern California aren't able to find "kid work" as fast food is dominated by 35-40 year old career burger flippers from the south. Good quality REAL American's can't send their good quality REAL American kids to public schools here as they've all been invaded by un-parented silver tooth anchor babies with a bad attitude, no family values and no moral compass. The laundry list of negative shit these third-worlders bring with them is endless but you'll have to pull your head from your ass and stop being scared to recognize what's really happening to see it.

Racist much? It's quite clear you don't know shit about Mexican's OR their culture. They're hard working, they pay their bills and their families are astonishingly tight nit. The problem isn't immigration, it's ILLEGAL immigration. If Cali would simply enforce existing laws the problem would be greatly lessened.’re lying to know this.
Do you need me to post per capita statistics such as welfare, criminality, incarceration, school dropout rate, teen pregnancy, abortions...etc
Let me know, I aim to enlighten the ignorant, scared and self manipulated.

LOL, tell Jerry to enforce the law, problem solved. I've no need to pay any attention a racist puke. Close the border, deport the illegals. Make EVERYONE who get's in legally learn the language. Print materials only in English. No teaching in Spanish or any other language than English. Crush sanctuary cities, no Federal Money, NONE. I've been around Hispanics my entire life, you don't know shit. "Cracka".
---------------------------------------------- you sound like a racist calling people 'cracka' but no big deal . Racist is not against the law in the USA Doc .

Ya caught me being racist to a racist. I should be spanked. You obviously don't may Hispanics either.
---------------------------------------- feck 'hispanics' , my only concern is FUTURE American youngsters and not 'hispanic' or other third worlders that don'understand that American installed toilet plumbing actually works as intended Doc .
Racist much? It's quite clear you don't know shit about Mexican's OR their culture. They're hard working, they pay their bills and their families are astonishingly tight nit. The problem isn't immigration, it's ILLEGAL immigration. If Cali would simply enforce existing laws the problem would be greatly lessened.’re lying to know this.
Do you need me to post per capita statistics such as welfare, criminality, incarceration, school dropout rate, teen pregnancy, abortions...etc
Let me know, I aim to enlighten the ignorant, scared and self manipulated.

LOL, tell Jerry to enforce the law, problem solved. I've no need to pay any attention a racist puke. Close the border, deport the illegals. Make EVERYONE who get's in legally learn the language. Print materials only in English. No teaching in Spanish or any other language than English. Crush sanctuary cities, no Federal Money, NONE. I've been around Hispanics my entire life, you don't know shit. "Cracka".
---------------------------------------------- you sound like a racist calling people 'cracka' but no big deal . Racist is not against the law in the USA Doc .

Ya caught me being racist to a racist. I should be spanked. You obviously don't may Hispanics either.
---------------------------------------- feck 'hispanics' , my only concern is FUTURE American youngsters and not 'hispanic' or other third worlders that don'understand that American installed toilet plumbing actually works as intended Doc .

Good for you, I hope one of your kids marries a "beaner".’re lying to know this.
Do you need me to post per capita statistics such as welfare, criminality, incarceration, school dropout rate, teen pregnancy, abortions...etc
Let me know, I aim to enlighten the ignorant, scared and self manipulated.

LOL, tell Jerry to enforce the law, problem solved. I've no need to pay any attention a racist puke. Close the border, deport the illegals. Make EVERYONE who get's in legally learn the language. Print materials only in English. No teaching in Spanish or any other language than English. Crush sanctuary cities, no Federal Money, NONE. I've been around Hispanics my entire life, you don't know shit. "Cracka".

Haha...way to circle talk and back peddle...funny shit. I love semantics.
I’m born and raised in Southern Mexifornia...I’ve watched it turn to a shithole as its turned brown...I’m fully aware of the degradation caused by I said, this is not my opinion, I’ve seen and understand the facts, the statistics.
Fuck filthy about our Feds to the job they’re sworn in and elected to do...
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

What part of me saying repeatedly "enforce the law" is it that you don't understand? Cali is not cooperating with ICE, call our Governor. You've been a racist your entire life, nothing you have to say is worthwhile.

What part of me saying repeatedly "enforce the law" is it that you don't understand?”
Haha...I get it, that’s your new play now that I’ve made you look like the retard you are. Did you forget you just implied to us about how awesome illegals are for our society...right before you moved into “run them all out”?

Do you find that this type of silliness works for you? Point out one post where my point wasn't to enforce the law. You hate "beaners", I get it. But the ones I know are ten times the better person than you are my friend. I implied nothing, I was very straight forward in everything I said son. You aren't very good at this, I said deport the illegals.
---------------------------------------------------------- deport the illegals and stop importing LEGAL Third worlders . Legal and illegal are the same thing except that the government says that there is a difference Doc .
LOL, tell Jerry to enforce the law, problem solved. I've no need to pay any attention a racist puke. Close the border, deport the illegals. Make EVERYONE who get's in legally learn the language. Print materials only in English. No teaching in Spanish or any other language than English. Crush sanctuary cities, no Federal Money, NONE. I've been around Hispanics my entire life, you don't know shit. "Cracka".

Haha...way to circle talk and back peddle...funny shit. I love semantics.
I’m born and raised in Southern Mexifornia...I’ve watched it turn to a shithole as its turned brown...I’m fully aware of the degradation caused by I said, this is not my opinion, I’ve seen and understand the facts, the statistics.
Fuck filthy about our Feds to the job they’re sworn in and elected to do...
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

What part of me saying repeatedly "enforce the law" is it that you don't understand? Cali is not cooperating with ICE, call our Governor. You've been a racist your entire life, nothing you have to say is worthwhile.

What part of me saying repeatedly "enforce the law" is it that you don't understand?”
Haha...I get it, that’s your new play now that I’ve made you look like the retard you are. Did you forget you just implied to us about how awesome illegals are for our society...right before you moved into “run them all out”?

Do you find that this type of silliness works for you? Point out one post where my point wasn't to enforce the law. You hate "beaners", I get it. But the ones I know are ten times the better person than you are my friend. I implied nothing, I was very straight forward in everything I said son. You aren't very good at this, I said deport the illegals.
---------------------------------------------------------- deport the illegals and stop importing LEGAL Third worlders . Legal and illegal are the same thing except that the government says that there is a difference Doc .

Nope, legal and illegal are well defined by current law.
Haha...way to circle talk and back peddle...funny shit. I love semantics.
I’m born and raised in Southern Mexifornia...I’ve watched it turn to a shithole as its turned brown...I’m fully aware of the degradation caused by I said, this is not my opinion, I’ve seen and understand the facts, the statistics.
Fuck filthy about our Feds to the job they’re sworn in and elected to do...
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

What part of me saying repeatedly "enforce the law" is it that you don't understand? Cali is not cooperating with ICE, call our Governor. You've been a racist your entire life, nothing you have to say is worthwhile.

What part of me saying repeatedly "enforce the law" is it that you don't understand?”
Haha...I get it, that’s your new play now that I’ve made you look like the retard you are. Did you forget you just implied to us about how awesome illegals are for our society...right before you moved into “run them all out”?

Do you find that this type of silliness works for you? Point out one post where my point wasn't to enforce the law. You hate "beaners", I get it. But the ones I know are ten times the better person than you are my friend. I implied nothing, I was very straight forward in everything I said son. You aren't very good at this, I said deport the illegals.
---------------------------------------------------------- deport the illegals and stop importing LEGAL Third worlders . Legal and illegal are the same thing except that the government says that there is a difference Doc .

Nope, legal and illegal are well defined by current law.
--------------------------------------- they are the same thing no matter what the law says . They both are an imported fifth column invading to take over for their kids and their blood Doc .
i mean , hey its simple , mexicans , hispanics can't build anything of worth so they invade with the help of YOU , the dem party and liberals Doc . ------------------- look at their societies like 'venezuela' where they are killing cows in farmers fields with rocks and sticks because they are starving . mexican drug cartels and 'spaniards' like 'shorty nieto' ruling over them , cartels stealing mexican gasolina , mexican marines killing possible [socalled American citizens . Then the culture of 'mordida' and worship of 'saint death' . Yeah , see hispanic built societies Doc .
Last edited:’re lying to know this.
Do you need me to post per capita statistics such as welfare, criminality, incarceration, school dropout rate, teen pregnancy, abortions...etc
Let me know, I aim to enlighten the ignorant, scared and self manipulated.

LOL, tell Jerry to enforce the law, problem solved. I've no need to pay any attention a racist puke. Close the border, deport the illegals. Make EVERYONE who get's in legally learn the language. Print materials only in English. No teaching in Spanish or any other language than English. Crush sanctuary cities, no Federal Money, NONE. I've been around Hispanics my entire life, you don't know shit. "Cracka".
---------------------------------------------- you sound like a racist calling people 'cracka' but no big deal . Racist is not against the law in the USA Doc .

Ya caught me being racist to a racist. I should be spanked. You obviously don't may Hispanics either.
---------------------------------------- feck 'hispanics' , my only concern is FUTURE American youngsters and not 'hispanic' or other third worlders that don'understand that American installed toilet plumbing actually works as intended Doc .

Good for you, I hope one of your kids marries a "beaner".

My girls aren’t really into 5’ tall silver tooth’s that smell like Modello and ass and I doubt many are into that 4” anteater either.

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