Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

No argument there but what people CANT counter is that reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america ...

You truly are an imbecile. And I don't state that as a means to overstate your otherwise adequate but substandard intelligence as a rhetorical flourish... I state it as a means to convey that you present the intelligent potential common to the average house plant.

yep throw insults when backed up agains the wall and cant counter facts.the truth hurts.:biggrin:

That wasn't an insult... it was an accurate assessment of your starkly limited intellectual means.

You weren't required to offer that validation... but it was very sweet of ya. And don't think I don't appreciate it.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Yup, great PR, and his best role. But total BS. Wrecking the nonrich and the country over time, propaganda and dupes, S+L and being pals with Saddam were his real legacy. see sig pp 1.

How did Reagan "wreck the country and the nonrich?" Did he do it by providing them with jobs? By making the economy grow faster than it had since the 60s?
See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees on the nonrich and cutting all kinds of investment in them and the country DUH. Stupid wars and covert horrors...see also 41 and 43, and all the Reaganist blocking of reform under Obama. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Aren't you turds always complaining that Reagan ruined America by cutting taxes? Which is it? Did he raise them or cut them? Also, didn't the increase in FICA taxes "save" Social Security?

What "fees" did Reagan increase?

BTW, Reagan didn't cut any social programs - none. Spending on social programs increased dramatically under his administration. That's the ransom he had to pay to Tip O'Neil to get his defense increases.
Nobody said anything about fees, but state and local fees have gotten ridiculous to make up for federal cuts in aid.

And BS. google Reagan social program cuts.
yeah its funny stuff that people dont think he was the worst president ever at the time.:rofl:

the giggles are you are in denial that you have been programmed your whole life. post # 16 of mine proves he is telling the truth,you might actually take the time to watch those video and get educated and look at those videos..:biggrin:

Yet another demonstration, proving that you can NOT hide the idiots.

ahh:lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl: you looked in the mirror.
  1. The Reagan Administration’s Budget Cuts
  3. poverty, inequality, urban decay, and limited access to health care and education were the focal points of a con- certed federal effort. The Reagan budget cuts
  4. Ronald Reagan on Welfare & Poverty
  5. Ronald Reagan on Welfare ... were cut back far more than programs such as Social Security. As a result of cuts in such targeted programs-including school ...
  6. Domestic policy of the Ronald Reagan...
  7. The domestic policy of the Ronald Reagan administration was the domestic policy in the United States from 1981 to 1989 under President Ronald Reagan.
  8. Reagan's Legacy: Homelessness in America
  9. As some Americans mourn the death of Ronald Reagan, ... The only “urban” program that survived the cuts was federal ... a dozen social security cards and four ...
what still burns the people like those sheep/snots over at kos and the other sheep followers of the Democrat party. They've never had anyone who pulled off what Reagan did. and probably never will because they aren't that liked. they win mostly from their dirty politics like this ranting about Reagan, Bush, Trump, Sarah Palin and on and on.

look at their supposed historic win with Obama and then in the first midterm election they got a historic ass kicking and lost the House. doesn't that scream we LOVE YOU MAN.

and the next midterms under that thug Obama they lost the Senate in another historic ass kicking. Doesn't that scream: we love you man.

yep like I said, they aren't all that liked especially under that Obama I think they are hated. but their base still wants to act like they are THE ONE and only THE ONE people want in their lives. so out comes the claws for Reagan in between their hate about all the candidates running for President. you have to feel sorry for them in a way. reality sucks. and they should pass this around at the Kosbehive. they could learn a thing or two about our history

Besides JFK no other President was as admired as Reagan was and still is.

read it and weep.
Landslide Victory by Reagan Underscores Democratic Ills
An article from CQ Almanac 1984

Document Outline

Walter F. Mondale frequently asked during the primary season, “Where's the beef?” But many Democrats may be wondering after his lopsided loss to President Reagan Nov. 6, 1984, “Where's the base?”

Reagan's win was about as sweeping as they come, exposing again the Democrats' limited appeal in presidential voting. Reagan drew 59 percent of the popular vote — just shy of the 61 percent standard established by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964. He won all but one state, a feat performed previously only by Richard M. Nixon in 1972, and won a record 525 electoral votes. That left 13 electoral votes for Mondale, who carried the District of Columbia and his home state of Minnesota. (Past landslides, p. 4-B)

In spite of the magnitude of Reagan's victory, hardly anyone was surprised. The pollsters had been predicting a massive Reagan sweep since late summer, with final election-eve surveys showing him far ahead. Unlike the 1980 presidential race, which had a volatile finish that propelled Reagan to a decisive victory over President Jimmy Carter, most voters seemed to have had their minds made up in 1984 long before Election Day.

By early November, the only question was whether Reagan would become the first presidential candidate to sweep every state since the national popular vote tally was instituted in the early 1800s. He just missed achieving that distinction; despite a late campaign stop in Mondale's home state, Reagan lost Minnesota — but only by less than 35,000 votes. (Results, p. 6-B)

For the Democrats, the 1984 election was another in their growing string of presidential election drubbings. At no time in this century has a major party gone through a series of electoral debacles as one-sided as the Democrats have experienced in the last 12 years. In two of the last four contests they have carried only one state. In three of the last four races, they have carried no more than six states.

In recent years it has taken unusual circumstances for the Democratic presidential ticket to be competitive. Carter capitalized on public disfavor with the Republicans generated by the Watergate scandal to win in 1976. Yet even then his victory margin was just 2 percentage points. In the other three elections since 1968, the Democrats have lost by margins of 23, 10 and now 18 percentage points.

1984 was not a particularly auspicious year for the Democrats to break the GOP's recent White House dominance. Reagan is one of the most popular of recent presidents, and the perceived economic upswing served to underscore his themes of peace and prosperity. Adding to the Republican advantage was Mondale's relative unpopularity even within his own party. In the Democratic primaries, more than three out of every five voters cast ballots for a candidate other than the former vice president.

CQ Almanac Online Edition

if reaganut worshipper stephanie knew that here hero is iactually NOT admired today like JFK is she would start crying.Looks like thousands to me in this pic here who dont admire reagan.:lmao:

unlike the reaganut worshippers,they dont ignore facts what a mass murderer he was and are telling the truth about him here in this pic and the reaganut worshippers can only sling shit in defeat liek the moneky trolls they are and go into meltdown mode like they are since the truth hurts them so much.:lmao:

Ronald Reagan: Guilty of Treason & War Crimes
Accepting facts really seems to not be a real strong point for most conservatives. Shoe fits! Doesn't it.

Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever? | Consortiumnews

No shit. Sad its taken almost 30 years to realize this. The man destroyed America for normal every day Americans and set it on a path for the rich and only the rich.

You poor girl.

yep accepting facts that reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever seems to be a problem with the reaganut worhsippers.:lmao:
Yup. RW BS. Duh

That's your answer, franco hater dupe?

Yeah, you're a dumb fucker. If you can't cut and paste shit from a leftist hate site, you have no ability to comment at all.

Fucking moron.
Listen, jackass, that's just another "huge scandal" that means nothing, and nobody cares but FoxRush WHATEVER and silly hater dupes like you. AND NO< just because the Post printed it doesn't mean a gd thing. It's called a non-propaganda online fair and balanced etc. It's still CRUD, for hater dupes ONLY.
Yup, great PR, and his best role. But total BS. Wrecking the nonrich and the country over time, propaganda and dupes, S+L and being pals with Saddam were his real legacy. see sig pp 1.

How did Reagan "wreck the country and the nonrich?" Did he do it by providing them with jobs? By making the economy grow faster than it had since the 60s?
See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees on the nonrich and cutting all kinds of investment in them and the country DUH. Stupid wars and covert horrors...see also 41 and 43, and all the Reaganist blocking of reform under Obama. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Aren't you turds always complaining that Reagan ruined America by cutting taxes? Which is it? Did he raise them or cut them? Also, didn't the increase in FICA taxes "save" Social Security?

What "fees" did Reagan increase?

BTW, Reagan didn't cut any social programs - none. Spending on social programs increased dramatically under his administration. That's the ransom he had to pay to Tip O'Neil to get his defense increases.
Nobody said anything about fees, but state and local fees have gotten ridiculous to make up for federal cuts in aid.

And BS. google Reagan social program cuts.

Allow me to quote you:

"See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees."

Federal aid hasn't been cut, so that claim it bullshit as well.
Listen, jackass, that's just another "huge scandal" that means nothing, and nobody cares but FoxRush WHATEVER and silly hater dupes like you. AND NO< just because the Post printed it doesn't mean a gd thing. It's called a non-propaganda online fair and balanced etc. It's still CRUD, for hater dupes ONLY.

Listen retard, I laid out chapter and verse for you, but you were left pissing yourself because you had no hate mantra from KOS to post.

You make all kinds of claims, Masters in history, all that shit, but you have zero ability to think or discuss actual issues. You're a fucking hack with a sub-par intellect who lacks the wits to recognize legitimate points, much less to discuss them.
Yup, great PR, and his best role. But total BS. Wrecking the nonrich and the country over time, propaganda and dupes, S+L and being pals with Saddam were his real legacy. see sig pp 1.

How did Reagan "wreck the country and the nonrich?" Did he do it by providing them with jobs? By making the economy grow faster than it had since the 60s?
See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees on the nonrich and cutting all kinds of investment in them and the country DUH. Stupid wars and covert horrors...see also 41 and 43, and all the Reaganist blocking of reform under Obama. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Aren't you turds always complaining that Reagan ruined America by cutting taxes? Which is it? Did he raise them or cut them? Also, didn't the increase in FICA taxes "save" Social Security?

What "fees" did Reagan increase?

BTW, Reagan didn't cut any social programs - none. Spending on social programs increased dramatically under his administration. That's the ransom he had to pay to Tip O'Neil to get his defense increases.
Nobody said anything about fees, but state and local fees have gotten ridiculous to make up for federal cuts in aid.

And BS. google Reagan social program cuts.

Allow me to quote you:

"See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees."

Federal aid hasn't been cut, so that claim it bullshit as well.
Federal aid to states and localities hasn't been cut under Reaganism? Everything BUT SS hasn't been cut? WRONG.
  1. The Reagan Administration’s Budget Cuts
  3. poverty, inequality, urban decay, and limited access to health care and education were the focal points of a con- certed federal effort. The Reagan budget cuts
  4. Ronald Reagan on Welfare & Poverty
  5. Ronald Reagan on Welfare ... were cut back far more than programs such as Social Security. As a result of cuts in such targeted programs-including school ...
  6. Domestic policy of the Ronald Reagan...
  7. The domestic policy of the Ronald Reagan administration was the domestic policy in the United States from 1981 to 1989 under President Ronald Reagan.
  8. Reagan's Legacy: Homelessness in America
  9. As some Americans mourn the death of Ronald Reagan, ... The only “urban” program that survived the cuts was federal ... a dozen social security cards and four ...
Everything BUT SS was cut, dupe. And THAT was paid for by rises in payroll taxes and raising the age of retirement. While the rich got away with murder, and still are.
Listen, jackass, that's just another "huge scandal" that means nothing, and nobody cares but FoxRush WHATEVER and silly hater dupes like you. AND NO< just because the Post printed it doesn't mean a gd thing. It's called a non-propaganda online fair and balanced etc. It's still CRUD, for hater dupes ONLY.

Listen retard, I laid out chapter and verse for you, but you were left pissing yourself because you had no hate mantra from KOS to post.

You make all kinds of claims, Masters in history, all that shit, but you have zero ability to think or discuss actual issues. You're a fucking hack with a sub-par intellect who lacks the wits to recognize legitimate points, much less to discuss them.
Listen hater dupe of the greedy idiot rich, that is another bs scandal that will have no result, just like IRS, Bengazi, FBI, Gunwalking, and all the others, brainwashed functional idiot. But thanks for 9/11, the depression, the stupidest wars ever, and 7 years of mindless obstruction.
Listen, jackass, that's just another "huge scandal" that means nothing, and nobody cares but FoxRush WHATEVER and silly hater dupes like you. AND NO< just because the Post printed it doesn't mean a gd thing. It's called a non-propaganda online fair and balanced etc. It's still CRUD, for hater dupes ONLY.

Listen retard, I laid out chapter and verse for you, but you were left pissing yourself because you had no hate mantra from KOS to post.

You make all kinds of claims, Masters in history, all that shit, but you have zero ability to think or discuss actual issues. You're a fucking hack with a sub-par intellect who lacks the wits to recognize legitimate points, much less to discuss them.
It's a bs RW opinion piece, dildo. lol
How did Reagan "wreck the country and the nonrich?" Did he do it by providing them with jobs? By making the economy grow faster than it had since the 60s?
See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees on the nonrich and cutting all kinds of investment in them and the country DUH. Stupid wars and covert horrors...see also 41 and 43, and all the Reaganist blocking of reform under Obama. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Aren't you turds always complaining that Reagan ruined America by cutting taxes? Which is it? Did he raise them or cut them? Also, didn't the increase in FICA taxes "save" Social Security?

What "fees" did Reagan increase?

BTW, Reagan didn't cut any social programs - none. Spending on social programs increased dramatically under his administration. That's the ransom he had to pay to Tip O'Neil to get his defense increases.
Nobody said anything about fees, but state and local fees have gotten ridiculous to make up for federal cuts in aid.

And BS. google Reagan social program cuts.

Allow me to quote you:

"See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees."

Federal aid hasn't been cut, so that claim it bullshit as well.
Federal aid to states and localities hasn't been cut under Reaganism? Everything BUT SS hasn't been cut? WRONG.

Now it's "under Reaganism" rather than "under Reagan" Why is no one surprised that you are moving the goal posts?
And one came from the dailykos so that should tell you all you need to know

you'll find a bunch of hateful snots over there. so don't waste your time

and never heard of some consortium news or whatever it's called
the reaganut apologist hard at work as usual.:blahblah:

wonder when crusader retard will come along and start tooting Reagans horn as well.That guy takes it so personal and goes into meltdown when the truth is exposed about his idol.Much worse than stephanie does.

Here are some pesky little facts that stephanie,crusader retard and the other reaganut worshippers cant get around.actual facts being reported back then from the 1980's how reagan ruined the economy.they can only whine and cry in defeat how their hero has been exposed.:up::rofl::lmao:

and here is a real in depth viewing of the most corrupt administration ever at the time in this one hour video.the author of this book really does an excellent job of exposing this fraud president.:beer:

That's awful!!!! Reagan added $1.6 trillion to the debt. Awful!

Obama added $7.5 trillion, so far. No big deal, eh comrade?

About the same in 2015 dollars DUH, and Reagan did it in "Good times". In fact that's how he did it, dumbass. ANOTHER fake Pub success...heard of S+L scandal bust/recession? Brainwashed functional MORONS.

About the same in 2015 dollars DUH, and Reagan did it in "Good times".

Not even close. Duh. And for Reagan's spending, we won the Cold War.
All of Obama's spending and he lost the ME to ISIS.
Great job, moron.
Listen, jackass, that's just another "huge scandal" that means nothing, and nobody cares but FoxRush WHATEVER and silly hater dupes like you. AND NO< just because the Post printed it doesn't mean a gd thing. It's called a non-propaganda online fair and balanced etc. It's still CRUD, for hater dupes ONLY.

Listen retard, I laid out chapter and verse for you, but you were left pissing yourself because you had no hate mantra from KOS to post.

You make all kinds of claims, Masters in history, all that shit, but you have zero ability to think or discuss actual issues. You're a fucking hack with a sub-par intellect who lacks the wits to recognize legitimate points, much less to discuss them.
It's a bs RW opinion piece, dildo. lol

You seem to have stumbled into a couple of the MOST dishonest of the right wingers, you're just missing Kaz? lol
See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees on the nonrich and cutting all kinds of investment in them and the country DUH. Stupid wars and covert horrors...see also 41 and 43, and all the Reaganist blocking of reform under Obama. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Aren't you turds always complaining that Reagan ruined America by cutting taxes? Which is it? Did he raise them or cut them? Also, didn't the increase in FICA taxes "save" Social Security?

What "fees" did Reagan increase?

BTW, Reagan didn't cut any social programs - none. Spending on social programs increased dramatically under his administration. That's the ransom he had to pay to Tip O'Neil to get his defense increases.
Nobody said anything about fees, but state and local fees have gotten ridiculous to make up for federal cuts in aid.

And BS. google Reagan social program cuts.

Allow me to quote you:

"See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees."

Federal aid hasn't been cut, so that claim it bullshit as well.
Federal aid to states and localities hasn't been cut under Reaganism? Everything BUT SS hasn't been cut? WRONG.

Now it's "under Reaganism" rather than "under Reagan" Why is no one surprised that you are moving the goal posts?


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