Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

Reagan DID sell arms to Iran in exchange for them continuing to hold the prisoners to make Carter look bad so he could win the election. 5 minutes after he was sworn in, they released the hostage per agreement.


yeah the idiots like stephanine that ignore how reagan had the most corrupt administration at the time.:rofl:

Oh? Did Reagan use the IRS to audit political enemies? Did the Reagan DOJ serve harassment subpoenas on banks that had financial transactions with political enemies, though no claim of criminal acts by ANYONE was ever made? Did Reagan sell guns to Mexican drug lords resulting in the Death of American federal agents?

Was that Reagan, or your god Obama?

Fucking scumbag hack.

My goodness... the idiocy of this batch of hacks is astounding! This goes well beyond the ignorance typical of the average Leftist. These cranks are absolutely wrong on absolutely everything.
It's possible...Talk about blocking investigations, and of course Casey died (I just read Reagan)...BTW, your phony scandals (IRS, selling guns, harassment subpoenas) are total bs.
You know, I was young, and if you live long enough, you get older like I did, lol.

There are actually people in this country trying to convince people that the times of Reagan were bad? I don't believe it, I just don't! Especially some wet behind the ears university commie?

I am not going to sing the praises of Reagan, because that does little good. Instead, what I will do is ask the commie who he thinks is the best candidate for today! Tell us comrade, who is the best for America, we unwashed masses need to know.
Reagan DID sell arms to Iran in exchange for them continuing to hold the prisoners to make Carter look bad so he could win the election. 5 minutes after he was sworn in, they released the hostage per agreement.


yeah the idiots like stephanine that ignore how reagan had the most corrupt administration at the time.:rofl:

Oh? Did Reagan use the IRS to audit political enemies? Did the Reagan DOJ serve harassment subpoenas on banks that had financial transactions with political enemies, though no claim of criminal acts by ANYONE was ever made? Did Reagan sell guns to Mexican drug lords resulting in the Death of American federal agents?

Was that Reagan, or your god Obama?

Fucking scumbag hack.

My goodness... the idiocy of this batch of hacks is astounding! This goes well beyond the ignorance typical of the average Leftist. These cranks are absolutely wrong on absolutely everything.
It's possible...Talk about blocking investigations, and of course Casey died (I just read Reagan)...BTW, your phony scandals (IRS, selling guns, harassment subpoenas) are total bs.

Casey was campaign manager of the successful presidential campaign of Ronald Reagan in 1980, and served on the transition team following the election. After Reagan took office, Reagan named Casey to the post of Director of Central Intelligence.[6] Stansfield Turner dubbed it the "Resurrection of Wild Bill", referring to Bill Donovan, the brilliant and eccentric head of OSS in World War II whom Casey greatly admired.[7]
During his tenure at the CIA, Casey played a large part in the shaping of Reagan's foreign policy, particularly Reagan's approach to Soviet international activity. Based on the book, The Terror Network, Casey believed that the Soviet Union was the source of most worldwide terrorist activity in spite of CIA analysts providing evidence that this was in fact black propaganda by the CIA itself. Casey obtained a report from a professor who agreed with his view. Casey also turned to Defense Intelligence Agency for a competing analysis, that was ultimately reconciled with the CIA analysts to produce the estimate circulated within the government as "The Soviet Role in Revolutionary Violence."[8] This, in turn, convinced Reagan that there was a threat.[9] After records from the collapsed Communist governments became available in the 1990s it became clear that the disputed report overestimated Communist involvement in terrorist activity.[10]
Ronald Reagan used other prominent Catholics in his government to brief the pope during the Cold War. Casey would fly secretly to Rome in a windowless C-141 black jet and "be taken undercover to the Vatican.[11]
Casey oversaw the re-expansion of the Intelligence Community to funding and human resource levels greater than those existing before the preceding Carter Administration; in particular, he increased levels within the CIA. During his tenure, restrictions were lifted on the use of the CIA to directly and covertly influence the internal and foreign affairs of countries relevant to American policy. Notably, Casey articulated before Congress in December 1981 that covert operations in Nicaragua were in the interest of national security.[12][better source needed]
This period of the Cold War saw an increase in the Agency's global, anti-Soviet activities, which is started under the Carter Doctrine in late 1980.
Hours before Casey was scheduled to testify before Congress related to his knowledge of Iran-Contra, he was reported to have been rendered incapable of speech during an operation to remove a brain tumor. In a 1987 book, Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA 1981-1987, Washington Post reporter and biographer Bob Woodward, who had interviewed Casey on a number of occasions for the biography, said that he had gained entry into Casey's hospital room for a final, four-minute encounter—a claim which was met with disbelief in many quarters as well as an adamant denial from Casey's wife, Sofia. According to Woodward, when Casey was asked if he knew about the diversion of funds to the Nicaraguan Contras, "His head jerked up hard. He stared, and finally nodded yes."[13]
It's possible...Talk about blocking investigations, and of course Casey died (I just read Reagan)...BTW, your phony scandals (IRS, selling guns, harassment subpoenas) are total bs.

Really franco hater dupe?

Let's look, shall we?

{The general outline is the DOJ and bank regulators are putting the screws to banks and other third-party payment processors to refuse banking services to companies and industries that are deemed to pose a “reputation risk” to the bank. Most controversially, the list of dubious industries is populated by enterprises that are entirely, or at least generally, legal.}

“Operation Choke Point”

Wait a minute franco hater dupe, isn't that the text book definition of racketeering? So the corrupt DOJ is attacking legal business for doing business with other legal business? Isn't that EXACTLY the kind of shit Al Capone did? Is this an administration, or a Mafia family?

“We are especially troubled by reports that the DOJ and FDIC are intimidating some community banks and third party payment processors with threats of heightened regulatory scrutiny unless they cease doing business with online lenders,” the letter read. “As a result, many bank and payment processors are terminating relationships with many of their long-term customers who provide underserved consumers with short-term credit options,” it continued.

The members of Congress warned Holder and Gruenberg that these actions were undertaken by their respective agencies without statutory authority. “Your actions to ‘choke off’ short-term lenders by changing the structure of the financial system are outside your congressional mandate,” they wrote. “With the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act, Congress acknowledged the need for short-term credit products and did not try to limit online lender’s or storefront operators’ ability to offer such products.”}

Obama's 'Operation Choke Point' Seeks to Destroy Sectors of Private Lending Industry - Breitbart

Wait a fucking minute, this is the DOJ, not the Gambini crime family? Yeah, under fucking Obama it is.

during the fall, the Justice Department was pressuring banks that had received subpoenas to settle with the government. The strategy was to reach a settlement with one of the banks that could then be used as a template in talks with other banks, according to sources. At the same time, the Justice Department argued that its tactics were having their intended impact. “The system is working,” a Justice official said in September, “and as a result, banks are cutting off processors, processors are cutting off scammers, and scammers are starting to get desperate for a way to access consumers’ bank accounts.”

In January 2014, the Justice filed its first proposed settlement as part of Operation Choke Point. The tentative deal called for the $809 million-asset Four Oaks Bank in North Carolina to pay a $1.2 million fine, and to accept tight restrictions on its ability to do business with Internet consumer lenders. A 39-page complaint filed in federal court alleged that Four Oaks willfully ignored violations of the law in order to preserve a lucrative line of business. Four Oaks, headed by chief executive officer Ayden Lee, Jr., did not admit to any wrongdoing.}


So basically, the criminal Holder is saying "you do business with those we hate, we break your fucken legs and burn down your house."

Yeah fucking hater dupe "phoney" scandals.
You know, I was young, and if you live long enough, you get older like I did, lol.

There are actually people in this country trying to convince people that the times of Reagan were bad? I don't believe it, I just don't! Especially some wet behind the ears university commie?

I am not going to sing the praises of Reagan, because that does little good. Instead, what I will do is ask the commie who he thinks is the best candidate for today! Tell us comrade, who is the best for America, we unwashed masses need to know.
Yup, seemed great until the S+L scandal recession, the crack epidemic/CIA scandal, the 200 arrests of officials etc etc etc lol. And 20 more years of Reaganist bs propaganda and ruin of the nonrich and the country. And GORBY reformed the USSR out of existence duh. We're lucky Raygun didn't bring back their hard liners with his stupid bluster and huge defense spending.
Yup, great PR, and his best role. But total BS. Wrecking the nonrich and the country over time, propaganda and dupes, S+L and being pals with Saddam were his real legacy. see sig pp 1.

How did Reagan "wreck the country and the nonrich?" Did he do it by providing them with jobs? By making the economy grow faster than it had since the 60s?
See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees on the nonrich and cutting all kinds of investment in them and the country DUH. Stupid wars and covert horrors...see also 41 and 43, and all the Reaganist blocking of reform under Obama. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Aren't you turds always complaining that Reagan ruined America by cutting taxes? Which is it? Did he raise them or cut them? Also, didn't the increase in FICA taxes "save" Social Security?

What "fees" did Reagan increase?

BTW, Reagan didn't cut any social programs - none. Spending on social programs increased dramatically under his administration. That's the ransom he had to pay to Tip O'Neil to get his defense increases.
yeah its funny stuff that people dont think he was the worst president ever at the time.:rofl:

the giggles are you are in denial that you have been programmed your whole life. post # 16 of mine proves he is telling the truth,you might actually take the time to watch those video and get educated and look at those videos..:biggrin:

Yet another demonstration, proving that you can NOT hide the idiots.
yeah the idiots like stephanine that ignore how reagan had the most corrupt administration at the time.:rofl:

Obama has the most corrupt administration in history.

No argument there but what people CANT counter is that reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america which each president has continued and expanded upon failing to counter the facts that he was a traiter to americans.yes Obama has the most corrupt administration ever but AT THE TIME,Reagan had that honor.

each president that has got in staring with Reagan has been more corrupt than the previous one and always will as long as we have this corrupt one party system of demopublicans and reprocrats.
It's possible...Talk about blocking investigations, and of course Casey died (I just read Reagan)...BTW, your phony scandals (IRS, selling guns, harassment subpoenas) are total bs.

Really franco hater dupe?

Let's look, shall we?

{The general outline is the DOJ and bank regulators are putting the screws to banks and other third-party payment processors to refuse banking services to companies and industries that are deemed to pose a “reputation risk” to the bank. Most controversially, the list of dubious industries is populated by enterprises that are entirely, or at least generally, legal.}

“Operation Choke Point”

Wait a minute franco hater dupe, isn't that the text book definition of racketeering? So the corrupt DOJ is attacking legal business for doing business with other legal business? Isn't that EXACTLY the kind of shit Al Capone did? Is this an administration, or a Mafia family?

“We are especially troubled by reports that the DOJ and FDIC are intimidating some community banks and third party payment processors with threats of heightened regulatory scrutiny unless they cease doing business with online lenders,” the letter read. “As a result, many bank and payment processors are terminating relationships with many of their long-term customers who provide underserved consumers with short-term credit options,” it continued.

The members of Congress warned Holder and Gruenberg that these actions were undertaken by their respective agencies without statutory authority. “Your actions to ‘choke off’ short-term lenders by changing the structure of the financial system are outside your congressional mandate,” they wrote. “With the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act, Congress acknowledged the need for short-term credit products and did not try to limit online lender’s or storefront operators’ ability to offer such products.”}

Obama's 'Operation Choke Point' Seeks to Destroy Sectors of Private Lending Industry - Breitbart

Wait a fucking minute, this is the DOJ, not the Gambini crime family? Yeah, under fucking Obama it is.

during the fall, the Justice Department was pressuring banks that had received subpoenas to settle with the government. The strategy was to reach a settlement with one of the banks that could then be used as a template in talks with other banks, according to sources. At the same time, the Justice Department argued that its tactics were having their intended impact. “The system is working,” a Justice official said in September, “and as a result, banks are cutting off processors, processors are cutting off scammers, and scammers are starting to get desperate for a way to access consumers’ bank accounts.”

In January 2014, the Justice filed its first proposed settlement as part of Operation Choke Point. The tentative deal called for the $809 million-asset Four Oaks Bank in North Carolina to pay a $1.2 million fine, and to accept tight restrictions on its ability to do business with Internet consumer lenders. A 39-page complaint filed in federal court alleged that Four Oaks willfully ignored violations of the law in order to preserve a lucrative line of business. Four Oaks, headed by chief executive officer Ayden Lee, Jr., did not admit to any wrongdoing.}


So basically, the criminal Holder is saying "you do business with those we hate, we break your fucken legs and burn down your house."

Yeah fucking hater dupe "phoney" scandals.
Yup. RW BS. Duh
You know, I was young, and if you live long enough, you get older like I did, lol.

There are actually people in this country trying to convince people that the times of Reagan were bad? I don't believe it, I just don't! Especially some wet behind the ears university commie?

I am not going to sing the praises of Reagan, because that does little good. Instead, what I will do is ask the commie who he thinks is the best candidate for today! Tell us comrade, who is the best for America, we unwashed masses need to know.
Yup, seemed great until the S+L scandal recession, the crack epidemic/CIA scandal, the 200 arrests of officials etc etc etc lol. And 20 more years of Reaganist bs propaganda and ruin of the nonrich and the country. And GORBY reformed the USSR out of existence duh. We're lucky Raygun didn't bring back their hard liners with his stupid bluster and huge defense spending.

You didn't answer my question, and since you replied, I am guessing you want to.

So, who is the best today? Tell us; we do not want to make the same mistake again!
You'd have to wonder if who wrote that was even born yet during Reagan.

most of the people on that site are like a bunch of spoiled little snots

they are little slave to the Democrat party. It would be cute except they vote for our lives and who want's someone with that much hate voting for their life?
Born in 84. Old enough to remember my parents troubles thanks to that asshole.

Really? You were what? Five years old when he left office? Most likely four unless you were born in January...

I'm gonna call bullshit...

I was twenty in 1984. I remember the Reagan years well. I remember how well my folks were doing. I remember how well I was doing. I remember how well my friends and there families were doing...

Now, I'm not going to sit here a say Reagan was the "greatest President ever," he wasn't. But he is far from the worst...

Comparing to him to the presidents since then you are correct,each president since him has been more evil than he was however he was EASILY the worst ever at the TIME as my previous post proved the fact that he tripled the debt which was the worst ever for any president COMBINED.
I guess that is the only factor that a president needs to be measured against?

What do you think of Obama then?
Like I got done saying,Reagan got the ball started towards the destruction of america which each president has contiunued to expand upon.

as evil and corrupt mass murderer reagan was,each president has been more evil and corrupt than he was and it will continue that way as long as we have this corrupt two party system which in reality is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected not underatanding we dont elect these people and put them in office,that they are selected for us.

Obama has been the willing puppet of the bankers serving them just as reagan did and they are pleased with him just at they were with reagan and every president since him.
No argument there but what people CANT counter is that reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america which each president has continued and expanded upon failing to counter the facts that he was a traiter to americans.yes Obama has the most corrupt administration ever but AT THE TIME,Reagan had that honor.

each president that has got in staring with Reagan has been more corrupt than the previous one and always will as long as we have this corrupt one party system of demopublicans and reprocrats.

You are the poster child for the dangers of meth.

Yup, great PR, and his best role. But total BS. Wrecking the nonrich and the country over time, propaganda and dupes, S+L and being pals with Saddam were his real legacy. see sig pp 1.

How did Reagan "wreck the country and the nonrich?" Did he do it by providing them with jobs? By making the economy grow faster than it had since the 60s?
See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees on the nonrich and cutting all kinds of investment in them and the country DUH. Stupid wars and covert horrors...see also 41 and 43, and all the Reaganist blocking of reform under Obama. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Aren't you turds always complaining that Reagan ruined America by cutting taxes? Which is it? Did he raise them or cut them? Also, didn't the increase in FICA taxes "save" Social Security?

What "fees" did Reagan increase?

BTW, Reagan didn't cut any social programs - none. Spending on social programs increased dramatically under his administration. That's the ransom he had to pay to Tip O'Neil to get his defense increases.
He RAISED them on the non-rich, and CUT them on the rich DUH. iNCLUDING stiffing the nonrich on the SS/payroll taxes.
No argument there but what people CANT counter is that reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america ...

You truly are an imbecile. And I don't state that as a means to overstate your otherwise adequate but substandard intelligence as a rhetorical flourish... I state it as a means to convey that you present the intelligent potential common to the average house plant.
No argument there but what people CANT counter is that reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america ...

You truly are an imbecile. And I don't state that as a means to overstate your otherwise adequate but substandard intelligence as a rhetorical flourish... I state it as a means to convey that you present the intelligent potential common to the average house plant.

yep throw insults when backed up agains the wall and cant counter facts.the truth hurts.:biggrin:
Last edited:
Born in 84. Old enough to remember my parents troubles thanks to that asshole.

Really? You were what? Five years old when he left office? Most likely four unless you were born in January...

I'm gonna call bullshit...

I was twenty in 1984. I remember the Reagan years well. I remember how well my folks were doing. I remember how well I was doing. I remember how well my friends and there families were doing...

Now, I'm not going to sit here a say Reagan was the "greatest President ever," he wasn't. But he is far from the worst...

Comparing to him to the presidents since then you are correct,each president since him has been more evil than he was however he was EASILY the worst ever at the TIME as my previous post proved the fact that he tripled the debt which was the worst ever for any president COMBINED.
I guess that is the only factor that a president needs to be measured against?

What do you think of Obama then?
A scumbag that didn't do SHIT he said he was going to do.
Only brought us back to the best economy in the world, ended the stupidest wars ever, and gave us the greatest social reform in 80 years, all despite total mindless GOP obstruction.

you have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system and the lamestream media,stop playing dodgeball covering your eyes and closing your ears to those two videos i posted way back that prove otherwise.:lmao:
Yup, great PR, and his best role. But total BS. Wrecking the nonrich and the country over time, propaganda and dupes, S+L and being pals with Saddam were his real legacy. see sig pp 1.

How did Reagan "wreck the country and the nonrich?" Did he do it by providing them with jobs? By making the economy grow faster than it had since the 60s?
See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees on the nonrich and cutting all kinds of investment in them and the country DUH. Stupid wars and covert horrors...see also 41 and 43, and all the Reaganist blocking of reform under Obama. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Aren't you turds always complaining that Reagan ruined America by cutting taxes? Which is it? Did he raise them or cut them? Also, didn't the increase in FICA taxes "save" Social Security?

What "fees" did Reagan increase?

BTW, Reagan didn't cut any social programs - none. Spending on social programs increased dramatically under his administration. That's the ransom he had to pay to Tip O'Neil to get his defense increases.
He RAISED them on the non-rich, and CUT them on the rich DUH. iNCLUDING stiffing the nonrich on the SS/payroll taxes.
nice big lie there you fell for from our corrupt school system.:lmao:
No argument there but what people CANT counter is that reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america ...

You truly are an imbecile. And I don't state that as a means to overstate your otherwise adequate but substandard intelligence as a rhetorical flourish... I state it as a means to convey that you present the intelligent potential common to the average house plant.
the truth hurts the kid knowing he has been brainwashed his whole life so he is throwing a tantrem.poor baby.:lmao:

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