Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

As soon as I saw your link was the daily kos, I didn't even waste my time reading that communist diatribe. And yes, I purposely didn't capitalize the first letters in daily kos because it's not worthy of that respect. Where the daily kos belongs is at the bottom of a parrot's cage.

Worst presidents ever:

1. Teddy Roosevelt
2. Woodrow Wilson
3. Ayatollah Odumbo
4. George W. Bush
5 Lyndon B. Johnson
6. Jimmy Carter
7. Franklin D. Roosevelt
8. George H.W. Bush

  1. Abraham Lincoln
  2. FDR
  3. Woodrow Wilson
  4. Obomalini
  5. Jimmy Carter
  6. Lyndon Banes Johnson

Good list Bripat. I definitely would include Lincoln as one of the worst presidents as well, you and I both know that the civil war had nothing to do with slavery, and for that I know why you feel the way you do. While I wouldn't put Lincoln at #1, I know and respect your reasons why. Thank you for mentioning him, I should've had him on my list.
[QUOTE Other than voting for FDR, Reagan's secondary asset was his fear of nuclear weapons and nuclear war. With that fear, when Gorby talked of a nuclear deal, Reagan grabbed it. Were Stalin still in charge of the USSR, no way would there have been a deal, but both Gorby and Reagan were ready to talk business and the world made some small changes. Historians rate Reagan about average.

Historians are a bunch of pinkos, so their opinion isn't valid.
Good to know your opinions are irrelevant.
As soon as I saw your link was the daily kos, I didn't even waste my time reading that communist diatribe. And yes, I purposely didn't capitalize the first letters in daily kos because it's not worthy of that respect. Where the daily kos belongs is at the bottom of a parrot's cage.

Worst presidents ever:

1. Teddy Roosevelt
2. Woodrow Wilson
3. Ayatollah Odumbo
4. George W. Bush
5 Lyndon B. Johnson
6. Jimmy Carter
7. Franklin D. Roosevelt
8. George H.W. Bush

  1. Abraham Lincoln
  2. FDR
  3. Woodrow Wilson
  4. Obomalini
  5. Jimmy Carter
  6. Lyndon Banes Johnson

Good list Bripat. I definitely would include Lincoln as one of the worst presidents as well, you and I both know that the civil war had nothing to do with slavery, and for that I know why you feel the way you do. While I wouldn't put Lincoln at #1, I know and respect your reasons why. Thank you for mentioning him, I should've had him on my list.
Nothing to do with slavery? Absolute idiocy.
But he made Mere-kins feel good again. Who cares that he took the easy path as oppose to the hard path of energy independence that Carter was striving for? His policies wreaked the US Oil Exploration industry. But energy was cheap and cocaine was so abundant because of Raygun they had to market Free Base as Crack just to turn a profit(that went to the Contra Terrorist in CostaRica, thanks Ronnie).j

You had a Soviet beach head on the North American Continent. All of your dreams were on the verge of becoming reality, Up through Honduras and Guatemala, roll into Mexico and you would have the world you were fighting for.

Then Reagan came along and spoiled it all.

Contra TERRORIST, really traitor? What were you Communists? Did you fly down to kill Indians for Danny Ortega? But that wasn't really terrorism, because you were fighting for the USSR, right traitor? Yeah, Reagan helped insurgents fight you Soviets. But you acting like the Soviets were the good guys?

Really traitor?

Nothing says Amerika like supporting dictators abroad! Do you still miss the General?

You mean the way Jimmy Carter supported Ortega?

Carter renounced his policy of detente and started the covert action against Nicaragua.

ROFL! He did no such thing. All he ever did about communist expansion is whine like a petulant 5-year-old.

You come in first in the dumbass contest.
You had a Soviet beach head on the North American Continent. All of your dreams were on the verge of becoming reality, Up through Honduras and Guatemala, roll into Mexico and you would have the world you were fighting for.

Then Reagan came along and spoiled it all.

Contra TERRORIST, really traitor? What were you Communists? Did you fly down to kill Indians for Danny Ortega? But that wasn't really terrorism, because you were fighting for the USSR, right traitor? Yeah, Reagan helped insurgents fight you Soviets. But you acting like the Soviets were the good guys?

Really traitor?

Nothing says Amerika like supporting dictators abroad! Do you still miss the General?

You mean the way Jimmy Carter supported Ortega?

Carter renounced his policy of detente and started the covert action against Nicaragua.

ROFL! He did no such thing. All he ever did about communist expansion is whine like a petulant 5-year-old.

You come in first in the dumbass contest.
That certainly proved your point.

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They were killed by muslims, agreed.....but I see you want to pretend they are my "allies" again when it's pretty evident they are closer to your brand of politics/religion.

And then Reagan cut and run and another fellow political traveller of yours, OBL, learned a valuable lesson about GOP Presidents and their backbones.

The filthy democratic party promotes Islam at every turn.

Didn't your little tin god just call for brining in 10,000 new Muslims?

Obama Seeks Admission for 10,000 More Syrian Refugees

You're an idiot, shortbus. Your rabid partisanship and curdled bigotry against Christians doesn't change that.
Not too long after that, two of her best friends were murdered immediately after walking Jean home. She thought about leaving El Salvador. “I almost could,” she wrote, “except for the children, the poor, bruised victims of this insanity. Who would care for them? Whose heart could be so staunch as to favor the reasonable thing in a sea of their tears and loneliness? Not mine, dear friend, not mine.”

On the evening of December 2, 1980 Jean and Dorothy drove to Comalapa International Airport to pick up Maura and Ita, who were arriving from Nicaragua. On the way home the women were stopped by the National Guard, kidnapped at gunpoint, raped and executed. Their bodies were left to rot in a shallow roadside grave. The Salvadoran regime claimed that the women had been the victims of a robbery.

This was a very convenient lie for the incoming Reagan administration, which was obligated to prove to Congress that El Salvador was making progress on human rights as a condition for continued US aid. Reagan was unburdened by any of the human rights concerns that his predecessor Jimmy Carter claimed to care so much about, and the new president turned a blind eye to the most horrendous abuses as he ramped up military and economic aid to El Salvador. Secretary of State Alexander Haig even had the audacity to go before Congress and declare that the four American churchwomen may have been responsible for their own deaths.

'On This Day' 1980: American Nuns Kidnapped, Raped & Murdered by U.S.-Trained Salvadoran Death Squad | Moral Low Ground

Here is what you supported and promoted, traitor.

uly 19, 1983 TU SANDINISTA WAR ON HUMAN RIGHTS Four years ago today, the Sandinista revolution toppled the Somoza regime, which had ruled Nicaragua for 43 years. The rebels victory was widely hailed as a triumph over what was seen as one of t he worst violators of human rights in the Americas. Ironic ally--and tragically for the close to three million Nicaraguans the Sandinistas have proved that they surpass their predecessors in abusing the basic rights of their own people in Nicaragua is an a ll-out war on the human rights of all those who oppose the regime. The victims number in the thousands and include journalists, businessmen, politicians, Catholics, Moravians, the Miskito Indian tribes and even Nicaragua's entire Jewish community What has erupted Today's human rights violations affect all aspects of Nicara guan life. There are restrictions on free movement; torture; denial of due process; lack of freedom of thought, conscience and religion denial of the right of association and of free lab or unions.

Since the Marxists took over, Nicaraguan Jews have seen their human rights systematically violated. Their property has been confiscated and they have 'been arrested arbitrarily and physically harassed. Inspiring this sudden anti-Jewish campaign, in part is the intimate ideological relationship between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Sandinistas.

Catholics have been subject to similar attacks. Before their victory, the Sandinistas enjoyed the backing of Archbishop Miguel Oband o y Bravo, of Nicaragua. Once in power, the Sandinistas dis covered that the Archbishop's commitment to human rights, civil liberties and social justice was more than rhetoric. As a result according to official church reports, prominent clerics are defame d and attacked physically. Religious education is under siege.

The Moravian Church, too, is under assault,' particularly along Nicaragua's Eastern Atlantic coast, where it claims the loyalties of 80 percent of the population. The Sandinistas denounce this church as a center of counter-revolutionary activity. Some Moravian pastors now must submit their Sunday sermons for govern ment approval. One pastor reported that the censors asked him Why do you always preach on sad themes like sin and redemption?}

The Sandinista War on Human Rights
Ortega was a communist like Allende or Sanders. He was elected President and left when he lost an election, Reagan dupe.

Franco hater dupe, did your beloved Ortega have your beloved USSR set up a base in their Atlantic harbor? Was Nicaragua a forward base for the occupation of Central America by the USSR?

The answer to both is yes, in case you failed to grasp it.
Reagan was a TRAITOR to American working people.

He enacted the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN HISTORY on the middle and lower classes when he took away the Interest Deduction on most everything.

Prior to Reagan you could deduct EVERY PENNY you paid in interest, not just on your home.
And he < wanted > to take the home interest deduction away too but couldn't get away with it.
Too many Congressmen loved that deduction for their mansions.


Born in 84. Old enough to remember my parents troubles thanks to that asshole.
Scorn and smarm does NOT equal refutation of the points of the article.

Obviously you cannot refute it so you resort to vomiting scorn on the screen hoping no one will notice you didn't make ANY points --- didn't even try to.




Now THAT is adorable... it's as if you actually feel that the article rested in sound reasoning... YOU EVEN CITED THE ARTICLE. An article that is so fabulously flawed that the mere reading of it, is a serious threat to one's IQ.

Funny stuff... Thanks for the giggles.
yeah its funny stuff that people dont think he was the worst president ever at the time.:rofl:

the giggles are you are in denial that you have been programmed your whole life. post # 16 of mine proves he is telling the truth,you might actually take the time to watch those video and get educated and look at those videos..:biggrin:

Yet another demonstration, proving that you can NOT hide the idiots.
yeah the idiots like stephanine that ignore how reagan had the most corrupt administration at the time.:rofl:
Reagan was a TRAITOR to American working people.

He enacted the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN HISTORY on the middle and lower classes when he took away the Interest Deduction on most everything.

Prior to Reagan you could deduct EVERY PENNY you paid in interest, not just on your home.
And he < wanted > to take the home interest deduction away too but couldn't get away with it.
Too many Congressmen loved that deduction for their mansions.


Born in 84. Old enough to remember my parents troubles thanks to that asshole.
yeah only the delusional in denial such as stephanie and many others cannot accept pesky facts that he tripled the debt worse than all presidents COMBINED.pesky facts like that and that he was a traier and mass murderer are something they have no interest in hearing.:rolleyes-41::rofl:
Scorn and smarm does NOT equal refutation of the points of the article.

Obviously you cannot refute it so you resort to vomiting scorn on the screen hoping no one will notice you didn't make ANY points --- didn't even try to.




Now THAT is adorable... it's as if you actually feel that the article rested in sound reasoning... YOU EVEN CITED THE ARTICLE. An article that is so fabulously flawed that the mere reading of it, is a serious threat to one's IQ.

Funny stuff... Thanks for the giggles.
just as they LOSE when trying to refute the facts I posted in post # 16 here.

Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

they cant, they are speechless and have no answers so all they are capable of doing is slinging shit in defeat.:biggrin: doing this-:blahblah: for their rebuttals.
Scorn and smarm does NOT equal refutation of the points of the article.

Obviously you cannot refute it so you resort to vomiting scorn on the screen hoping no one will notice you didn't make ANY points --- didn't even try to.




Now THAT is adorable... it's as if you actually feel that the article rested in sound reasoning... YOU EVEN CITED THE ARTICLE. An article that is so fabulously flawed that the mere reading of it, is a serious threat to one's IQ.

Funny stuff... Thanks for the giggles.
just as they LOSE when trying to refute the facts I posted in post # 16 here.

Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

they cant, they are speechless and have no answers so all they are capable of doing is slinging shit in defeat.:biggrin: doing this-:blahblah: for their rebuttals.
Do you honestly think repeating nonsense is constructive? Do you honestly think that those of us who bore witness to the Reagan years, the fall of the Berlin Wall and to a period of a rejuvenated America in the wake of 4 failed administrations culminating in an America held hostage for 444 days by Iran and an inept president will take what you say seriously?

Maybe you should channel your energies in 9/11 conspiracy theories. You might have more luck.

simply stupid!
Yup, great PR, and his best role. But total BS. Wrecking the nonrich and the country over time, propaganda and dupes, S+L and being pals with Saddam were his real legacy. see sig pp 1.
Reagan was a TRAITOR to American working people.

Of course he was, he destroyed your beloved USSR that you thought would usher in a worker paradise.

He enacted the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN HISTORY on the middle and lower classes when he took away the Interest Deduction on most everything.

Prior to Reagan you could deduct EVERY PENNY you paid in interest, not just on your home.
And he < wanted > to take the home interest deduction away too but couldn't get away with it.
Too many Congressmen loved that deduction for their mansions.


The reason you're a lying fuck is simply because you are a leftist.

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