Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

Reagan beat 1st term loser Jimmie Carter in a landslide after Carter bungled everything from foreign policy (the Iran hostages) to domestic issues (the misery index and long lines at the gas pumps). Reagan had his faults but damn he made us proud about our Country again. Democrats don't have it their genes to make us proud. Oh yeah, the Country prospered under Reagan.
Tell that to 241 Marines, sailors and soldiers....I don't think they "prospered".

That has got to be the lamest argument ever posted in this forum. I'll bet all the people who died from cancer during Obama's regime didn't prosper either. Does that sound stupid? Now you know what I thought when I read your post.
But he made Mere-kins feel good again. Who cares that he took the easy path as oppose to the hard path of energy independence that Carter was striving for? His policies wreaked the US Oil Exploration industry. But energy was cheap and cocaine was so abundant because of Raygun they had to market Free Base as Crack just to turn a profit(that went to the Contra Terrorist in CostaRica, thanks Ronnie).j

You had a Soviet beach head on the North American Continent. All of your dreams were on the verge of becoming reality, Up through Honduras and Guatemala, roll into Mexico and you would have the world you were fighting for.

Then Reagan came along and spoiled it all.

Contra TERRORIST, really traitor? What were you Communists? Did you fly down to kill Indians for Danny Ortega? But that wasn't really terrorism, because you were fighting for the USSR, right traitor? Yeah, Reagan helped insurgents fight you Soviets. But you acting like the Soviets were the good guys?

Really traitor?
When Reagan took office, America had just been through Vietnam, Watergate, the disastrous Carter Administration, 444 days of the Iranian hostage crisis, the near nuclear meltdown of Three Mile Island, and was experiencing double digit inflation. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union had a death grip on Eastern Europe and had invaded Afghanistan.

Then along came Reagan. Cheery, optimistic, bursting with solutions to our problems. He would be crucified by the GOP of today for not being a hateful whiner and for his willingness to work with Democrats.

When Reagan took office in January 1981, unemployment was 7.5%. At the end of his first term, in January 1985, it was 7.3% and falling. At the end of his second term in January 1989, it was 5.4%.

In the aggregate, Reagan's tax cuts were greater than his tax increases. He had the courage to admit his tax cuts were too deep, and he rolled them back a little.

Reagan also worked with his political opponents to reform the tax code and to reform welfare. He eliminated a great many tax expenditures that benefited the wealthy.

He also had the guts to stand firm on raising interest rates to end the runaway inflation he inherited, even though he was being attacked from all sides for doing so. But he was right and he saved the economy.

In January 1981, inflation stood at 11.8 percent. In January 1989, inflation was at 4.7 percent.

Reagan had balls. Huge balls of steel. He ramped up our defense posture in a big way. "Peace through strength."

This ramping up scared the bejeesus out of the obsequious lefties who felt we should suck the USSR's dick so as not to piss them off. There were protests all over Western Europer by the longhairs.

One of my favorite bands, Genesis, made a video called "Land of Confusion" which encapsulates the pants wetting of the liberals. The video portrayed Reagan as a guy who was going to get us all killed.

The libbies were wrong.

By esclating the arms race, Reagan broke the USSR's bank. They couldn't keep up.

You see, Reagan knew something. He knew the USSR's defense posture was all a huge sham. They were nowhere near the big badass they had the commie symps in the West believing they were.

Reagan had inside information to the contrary, and he had the balls to act on it.

So, yeah, Reagan spent money like crazy. Yes he did. But he did it to break the USSR. And it worked.

No retard will ever convince me Reagan was nothing other than one of our greatest Presidents.
But he made Mere-kins feel good again. Who cares that he took the easy path as oppose to the hard path of energy independence that Carter was striving for? His policies wreaked the US Oil Exploration industry. But energy was cheap and cocaine was so abundant because of Raygun they had to market Free Base as Crack just to turn a profit(that went to the Contra Terrorist in CostaRica, thanks Ronnie).j

You had a Soviet beach head on the North American Continent. All of your dreams were on the verge of becoming reality, Up through Honduras and Guatemala, roll into Mexico and you would have the world you were fighting for.

Then Reagan came along and spoiled it all.

Contra TERRORIST, really traitor? What were you Communists? Did you fly down to kill Indians for Danny Ortega? But that wasn't really terrorism, because you were fighting for the USSR, right traitor? Yeah, Reagan helped insurgents fight you Soviets. But you acting like the Soviets were the good guys?

Really traitor?

Libturds view the United States as the enemy, so they always hoot for any group that attacks America or Americans.
yeah its funny stuff that people dont think he was the worst president ever at the time.:rofl:

the giggles are you are in denial that you have been programmed your whole life. post # 16 of mine proves he is telling the truth,you might actually take the time to watch those video and get educated and look at those videos..:biggrin:

Yet another demonstration, proving that you can NOT hide the idiots.
And one came from the dailykos so that should tell you all you need to know

you'll find a bunch of hateful snots over there. so don't waste your time

and never heard of some consortium news or whatever it's called
So whether or not something is newsworthy is if an illiterate republican has heard of the website? Wow...
Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever? | Consortiumnews

No shit. Sad its taken almost 30 years to realize this. The man destroyed America for normal every day Americans and set it on a path for the rich and only the rich.
But he is not even Jewish! How could he be able to do such a thing as not be Jewish. Oh wait I bet you have a conspiracy theory behind it. Some Jews in congress used mind control on him or he was a closeted Jew!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
His closest Jewish advisor was Theodore E. Cummings of Los Angeles. Cummings served in the Reagan inner circle for a number of years. During the presidential campaign in 1980 Los Angeles businessman Albert Spiegel headed the Jewish Coalition for Reagan. Additional figures with access to Reagan were Max *Fisher , *Maxwell Rabb , George Klein, Gordon Zacks, and Jacob Stein. Neo-conservative Jewish intellectuals, such as Eugene V. Rostow, Max Kempelman, Irving Kristol, and Norman Podhoretz were active in the Reagan election campaign and many became influential in the Reagan Administration.
Well, if the DailyKos says so.......
They say so. As does the facts.
You'd have to wonder if who wrote that was even born yet during Reagan.

most of the people on that site are like a bunch of spoiled little snots

they are little slave to the Democrat party. It would be cute except they vote for our lives and who want's someone with that much hate voting for their life?
Born in 84. Old enough to remember my parents troubles thanks to that asshole.
Again I thought all the world's problems were caused by the Jew! Reagan must have been a Jew or how is you Jew obsessed and Jew hating mind going to rationalize this?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
His closest Jewish advisor was Theodore E. Cummings of Los Angeles. Cummings served in the Reagan inner circle for a number of years. During the presidential campaign in 1980 Los Angeles businessman Albert Spiegel headed the Jewish Coalition for Reagan. Additional figures with access to Reagan were Max *Fisher , *Maxwell Rabb , George Klein, Gordon Zacks, and Jacob Stein. Neo-conservative Jewish intellectuals, such as Eugene V. Rostow, Max Kempelman, Irving Kristol, and Norman Podhoretz were active in the Reagan election campaign and many became influential in the Reagan Administration.
Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever? | Consortiumnews

No shit. Sad its taken almost 30 years to realize this. The man destroyed America for normal every day Americans and set it on a path for the rich and only the rich.


Now THAT is adorable... it's as if you actually feel that the article rested in sound reasoning... YOU EVEN CITED THE ARTICLE. An article that is so fabulously flawed that the mere reading of it, is a serious threat to one's IQ.

Funny stuff... Thanks for the giggles.
Well then be my guest and tell us where its wrong.
But he made Mere-kins feel good again. Who cares that he took the easy path as oppose to the hard path of energy independence that Carter was striving for? His policies wreaked the US Oil Exploration industry. But energy was cheap and cocaine was so abundant because of Raygun they had to market Free Base as Crack just to turn a profit(that went to the Contra Terrorist in CostaRica, thanks Ronnie).j

You had a Soviet beach head on the North American Continent. All of your dreams were on the verge of becoming reality, Up through Honduras and Guatemala, roll into Mexico and you would have the world you were fighting for.

Then Reagan came along and spoiled it all.

Contra TERRORIST, really traitor? What were you Communists? Did you fly down to kill Indians for Danny Ortega? But that wasn't really terrorism, because you were fighting for the USSR, right traitor? Yeah, Reagan helped insurgents fight you Soviets. But you acting like the Soviets were the good guys?

Really traitor?

Nothing says Amerika like supporting dictators abroad! Do you still miss the General?
George Bush senior easily won the election after Reagan but democrats (and the media) skilfully rigged it so that a draft dodger would defeat a genuine WW2 hero after his first term and we ended up with a hick Arkansas pervert and his enabling wife. The first attack on the WTC happened early in Clinton's first term and he dismissed it. Democrats created the scam worthy of organized crime when they rigged it so that banks would be intimidated by threats of civil rights suits to make bad mortgage loans but the bad loans would be bundled with good loans and sold to lending institutions as good loans. The scam lasted into the Bush administration where a democrat told America that Fannie Mae was solvent when it was on the verge of collapse. When Bill was caught with the smoking gun (or dick) he convinced his socialist NATO friend to bomb freaking Yugoslavia. Meanwhile the same terrorist organization that was responsible for the first WTC attack was in freaking flight school in the U.S. and Clinton's A.G. told the CIA not to share information with the FBI or risk indictment and prison and meanwhile Enron was selling junk on the internet and Clinton pardoned one of the most notorious corporate pirates while he was on the FBI ten most wanted for allegedly a donation by his wife to the Clinton library. Which was worse the honest ineptness of the Carter years or the criminality of the Clinton years?
But he made Mere-kins feel good again. Who cares that he took the easy path as oppose to the hard path of energy independence that Carter was striving for? His policies wreaked the US Oil Exploration industry. But energy was cheap and cocaine was so abundant because of Raygun they had to market Free Base as Crack just to turn a profit(that went to the Contra Terrorist in CostaRica, thanks Ronnie).j

You had a Soviet beach head on the North American Continent. All of your dreams were on the verge of becoming reality, Up through Honduras and Guatemala, roll into Mexico and you would have the world you were fighting for.

Then Reagan came along and spoiled it all.

Contra TERRORIST, really traitor? What were you Communists? Did you fly down to kill Indians for Danny Ortega? But that wasn't really terrorism, because you were fighting for the USSR, right traitor? Yeah, Reagan helped insurgents fight you Soviets. But you acting like the Soviets were the good guys?

Really traitor?

Nothing says Amerika like supporting dictators abroad! Do you still miss the General?

You mean the way Jimmy Carter supported Ortega?
When Reagan took office, America had just been through Vietnam, Watergate, the disastrous Carter Administration, 444 days of the Iranian hostage crisis, the near nuclear meltdown of Three Mile Island, and was experiencing double digit inflation. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union had a death grip on Eastern Europe and had invaded Afghanistan.

Then along came Reagan. Cheery, optimistic, bursting with solutions to our problems. He would be crucified by the GOP of today for not being a hateful whiner and for his willingness to work with Democrats.

When Reagan took office in January 1981, unemployment was 7.5%. At the end of his first term, in January 1985, it was 7.3% and falling. At the end of his second term in January 1989, it was 5.4%.

In the aggregate, Reagan's tax cuts were greater than his tax increases. He had the courage to admit his tax cuts were too deep, and he rolled them back a little.

Reagan also worked with his political opponents to reform the tax code and to reform welfare. He eliminated a great many tax expenditures that benefited the wealthy.

He also had the guts to stand firm on raising interest rates to end the runaway inflation he inherited, even though he was being attacked from all sides for doing so. But he was right and he saved the economy.

In January 1981, inflation stood at 11.8 percent. In January 1989, inflation was at 4.7 percent.

Reagan had balls. Huge balls of steel. He ramped up our defense posture in a big way. "Peace through strength."

This ramping up scared the bejeesus out of the obsequious lefties who felt we should suck the USSR's dick so as not to piss them off. There were protests all over Western Europer by the longhairs.

One of my favorite bands, Genesis, made a video called "Land of Confusion" which encapsulates the pants wetting of the liberals. The video portrayed Reagan as a guy who was going to get us all killed.

The libbies were wrong.

By esclating the arms race, Reagan broke the USSR's bank. They couldn't keep up.

You see, Reagan knew something. He knew the USSR's defense posture was all a huge sham. They were nowhere near the big badass they had the commie symps in the West believing they were.

Reagan had inside information to the contrary, and he had the balls to act on it.

So, yeah, Reagan spent money like crazy. Yes he did. But he did it to break the USSR. And it worked.

No retard will ever convince me Reagan was nothing other than one of our greatest Presidents.
The best post of the week and we don't even like each other...

The OP was in diapers and don't know crap.
Ah, those Halycion days when a conservative President could fund a paramilitary group that tortured, raped and killed four American nuns and not get investigated.


There's nothing wrong with killing communists. You act as if they're human.
George Bush senior easily won the election after Reagan but democrats (and the media) skilfully rigged it so that a draft dodger would defeat a genuine WW2 hero after his first term and we ended up with a hick Arkansas pervert and his enabling wife. The first attack on the WTC happened early in Clinton's first term and he dismissed it. Democrats created the scam worthy of organized crime when they rigged it so that banks would be intimidated by threats of civil rights suits to make bad mortgage loans but the bad loans would be bundled with good loans and sold to lending institutions as good loans. The scam lasted into the Bush administration where a democrat told America that Fannie Mae was solvent when it was on the verge of collapse. When Bill was caught with the smoking gun (or dick) he convinced his socialist NATO friend to bomb freaking Yugoslavia. Meanwhile the same terrorist organization that was responsible for the first WTC attack was in freaking flight school in the U.S. and Clinton's A.G. told the CIA not to share information with the FBI or risk indictment and prison and meanwhile Enron was selling junk on the internet and Clinton pardoned one of the most notorious corporate pirates while he was on the FBI ten most wanted for allegedly a donation by his wife to the Clinton library. Which was worse the honest ineptness of the Carter years or the criminality of the Clinton years?

Agree with a majority of what you say. Couple of points. What was going on with China (via LIPPO and the Riaday's) was far more important than Clinton's messing with Monica, which is why I was against impeaching Clinton on those grounds. Secondly look up something called ABLE DANGER. It was potential black eye for both Clinton and Bush 43.
As for Bush 41 I was never a big fan (read my lips) for starters and Reagan picking him for VP I will always believe was a mistake.
You'd have to wonder if who wrote that was even born yet during Reagan.

most of the people on that site are like a bunch of spoiled little snots

they are little slave to the Democrat party. It would be cute except they vote for our lives and who want's someone with that much hate voting for their life?
Born in 84. Old enough to remember my parents troubles thanks to that asshole.

If not for Reagan you would be speaking Russian.
Well then be my guest and tell us where its wrong.

"It distorted our understanding of how to help low-income people..."

Didn't happen.

"it corroded the social contract that had prevailed since the New Deal."

There's no such thing as a social contract.

""Despite his reputation as a tax slasher, Reagan raised taxes three times, and tripled the deficit during his eight years in office."

That's an intentional deceit... Reagan agreed to tax increases, making a deal with Tip O'Neil for dollar for dollar (1:1) cuts in spending. O'Neil reneged, and the tax increases came without the cuts in spending. This of course was four years after Reagan had slashed taxes in his first term.

And so it goes with the rest of the Prog screed... it is a collection of the infamous Anti-American boilerplate and no more worthy of consideration than anything else that is offered up by the Left.
And one came from the dailykos so that should tell you all you need to know

you'll find a bunch of hateful snots over there. so don't waste your time

and never heard of some consortium news or whatever it's called
the reaganut apologist hard at work as usual.:blahblah:

wonder when crusader retard will come along and start tooting Reagans horn as well.That guy takes it so personal and goes into meltdown when the truth is exposed about his idol.Much worse than stephanie does.

Here are some pesky little facts that stephanie,crusader retard and the other reaganut worshippers cant get around.actual facts being reported back then from the 1980's how reagan ruined the economy.they can only whine and cry in defeat how their hero has been exposed.:up::rofl::lmao:

and here is a real in depth viewing of the most corrupt administration ever at the time in this one hour video.the author of this book really does an excellent job of exposing this fraud president.:beer:

Now show us a graph of the national debt under Obama.
Ah, those Halycion days when a conservative President could fund a paramilitary group that tortured, raped and killed four American nuns and not get investigated.


There's nothing wrong with killing communists. You act as if they're human.

Well, they are human, but they still deserve to be killed.

With regard to the former, I disagree. Communism is a function of Relativism... Relativism rejects the objectivity essential being a sound human being. Subsequently, the Communist is a sub-standard example of humanity, thus the lowly communist is, at best, sub-human.

With regard to the latter: Well said.

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