RonReagan calling his father impaired during his presidency

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there is no average span for this disease.....

i read that you can cut the expected life span after diagnosis in half.....if you are 80 when you develop it and a normal 80 yr old would live to be can expect to live to 83
all part of the historical lib campaign to call conservatives stupid.
That's BULLSHIT....twice.

Ron Reagan never said that....or, you'd have posted proof o' that....right?? :rolleyes:

Ron Reagan (on Hardball) - HERE

Secondly.....there is no historical lib campaign to call conservatives matter what you heard on the playground, today, Skippy.​

Excellent link. I didn't expect such pleasantry considering all the hubbub around the book.

.....Or, the claims by FAUX Noise that "THE LEFT DOES IT, TOO!!!!"

there is no average span for this disease.....

i read that you can cut the expected life span after diagnosis in half.....if you are 80 when you develop it and a normal 80 yr old would live to be can expect to live to 83

When I received mental health and dementia training, to you know take care of people with the disease, they said the average life span is 9 to 12 years.
I highly doubt Ronald Reagan was showing any signs of the disease while President, and if he did, they would not have been noticable to most people.
I think the myth that the Republican party is for big business and the Democrats are for the little guy died when it was the Democrats in the Congress in 2008 who bailed out wall street and the Republicans voted to let them die.

Face it, you socialists may hate corporations but obviously it is people like you who serve them. Big corporations really hate us Republicans..... must be a PoliSci Major. :rolleyes:

November 16, 2005

"A White House document shows that executives from big oil companies met with Vice President Cheney's energy task force in 2001 -- something long suspected by environmentalists but denied as recently as last week by industry officials testifying before Congress.

The document, obtained this week by The Washington Post, shows that officials from Exxon Mobil Corp., Conoco (before its merger with Phillips), Shell Oil Co. and BP America Inc. met in the White House complex with the Cheney aides who were developing a national energy policy, parts of which became law and parts of which are still being debated."

Save some cash, GOP_John, and change your Major to Cluelessness.

Ya' might-as-well have your natural-tendencies certified.

What son would try to destroy his father's memory? A psychologist could write a book about Ron Jr's hatred toward his father. Is left wing's political loyalty so strong that it would cause a son to try to tear down his father's legacy for political reasons? Is it about money? You gotta wonder.
Ron Reagan isn't claiming to be a doctor, he merely mentioned his own observations and feelings along with facts

gawd, you people are pathetic in the extreme. since when has discussion of Reagan's diseased mind while in office become such a subject to hide and attack people over?

facts suck...Reagan suffered during his later years in office.

If he did, it would not been enough to effect is day to day life, or his job. If he did have it and he lived for almost twenty years with the disease. I doubt he could have been that bad, or Nancy kept him on machines for a few years.

Taking notes here, Alzheimers does not effect peoples day to day life. This is interesting stuff here. Forwarding this on to the Alzheimers Association.
What son would try to destroy his father's memory? A psychologist could write a book about Ron Jr's hatred toward his father. Is left wing's political loyalty so strong that it would cause a son to try to tear down his father's legacy for political reasons? Is it about money? You gotta wonder.
Yeah....why couldn't the Reagans have had a sitcom-style family, huh??



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Ike, Ford, Reagan, both Bushes were called stupid by the far-left.

They didnt know what to do with Nixon until Watergate.

Called him Tricky Dick.

Would never know he won 49 out of 50 states in 1972.

you are aware that this is 2011, right?

doesn't matter, though. nixon couldn't get past the rightwingnuts in the primary. you would call him a RINO now. the nerve of him creating the EPA, opening China (which may or may not be a good thing now) and getting our troops out of Vietnam.

no one called ford stupid... they made fun of his being a klutz.

daddy bush wasn't stupid... his VP was.

facts matter.
Ike, Ford, Reagan, both Bushes were called stupid by the far-left.

They didnt know what to do with Nixon until Watergate.

Called him Tricky Dick.

Would never know he won 49 out of 50 states in 1972.

you are aware that this is 2011, right?

doesn't matter, though. nixon couldn't get past the rightwingnuts in the primary. you would call him a RINO now. the nerve of him creating the EPA, opening China (which may or may not be a good thing now) and getting our troops out of one called ford stupid... they made fun of his being a klutz.

daddy bush wasn't stupid... his VP was.

facts matter.

Not to mention Wage and Price Controls. Yikes, what a Socialist!
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