Roosevelt: Cold Water Splashed In His Face!

Welcome to government 'education'.
Did FDR go to government schools for his education?

You did, didn't you.

Now, to the point.....the impjort of your post is that, once again.....the truth hurts.

I know you'd love to be able to deny anything.....

....any single thing.... my posts...

....but you can't.
I know so much more than you, and I am not burdened by the biases that you work under, so that, once'd love to be able to shield Roosevelt.....

....but you cannot.

My posts say much about Roosevelt....
...your post says volumes about you.
FDR doesn't need much shielding from posters, the people of FDR's period voted for him four times, that's four, no one else comes close? The historians that write our history books and lecture in the universities have never placed FDR lower than third or fifth greatest-you pick. The people that lived during that period and the historians who studied that period, agree on FDR, some posters do not.
Did you know that he funneled resources into the states that kept voting for him, while ignoring ones that didn't?

like the GOP congress taking its sweet time to give NYC money for Sandy? or 9/11 first responders?
Did we suddenly stop talking about FDR? Pretty sure that's not only deflecting, but your claim isn't even that it didn't happen, just that it was slow.
Did FDR go to government schools for his education?

You did, didn't you.

Now, to the point.....the impjort of your post is that, once again.....the truth hurts.

I know you'd love to be able to deny anything.....

....any single thing.... my posts...

....but you can't.
I know so much more than you, and I am not burdened by the biases that you work under, so that, once'd love to be able to shield Roosevelt.....

....but you cannot.

My posts say much about Roosevelt....
...your post says volumes about you.
FDR doesn't need much shielding from posters, the people of FDR's period voted for him four times, that's four, no one else comes close? The historians that write our history books and lecture in the universities have never placed FDR lower than third or fifth greatest-you pick. The people that lived during that period and the historians who studied that period, agree on FDR, some posters do not.
Did you know that he funneled resources into the states that kept voting for him, while ignoring ones that didn't?

like the GOP congress taking its sweet time to give NYC money for Sandy? or 9/11 first responders?
Did we suddenly stop talking about FDR? Pretty sure that's not only deflecting, but your claim isn't even that it didn't happen, just that it was slow.

I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of ranting about FDR.

or were you not clear on that?
A google search result of "greatest U.S. Presidents"

Good luck finding a list without FDR in the top 5

greatest u.s. presidents - Google Search
Welcome to government 'education'.
Did FDR go to government schools for his education?

You did, didn't you.

Now, to the point.....the impjort of your post is that, once again.....the truth hurts.

I know you'd love to be able to deny anything.....

....any single thing.... my posts...

....but you can't.
I know so much more than you, and I am not burdened by the biases that you work under, so that, once'd love to be able to shield Roosevelt.....

....but you cannot.

My posts say much about Roosevelt....
...your post says volumes about you.
FDR doesn't need much shielding from posters, the people of FDR's period voted for him four times, that's four, no one else comes close? The historians that write our history books and lecture in the universities have never placed FDR lower than third or fifth greatest-you pick. The people that lived during that period and the historians who studied that period, agree on FDR, some posters do not.
Did you know that he funneled resources into the states that kept voting for him, while ignoring ones that didn't?
Which state or states did he ignore? A list of projects for each individual state is readily available. Name the state or states and I will look them up and check to see if you are correct or just trash talking.
A google search result of "greatest U.S. Presidents"

Good luck finding a list without FDR in the top 5

greatest u.s. presidents - Google Search
Welcome to government 'education'.
Did FDR go to government schools for his education?

You did, didn't you.

Now, to the point.....the impjort of your post is that, once again.....the truth hurts.

I know you'd love to be able to deny anything.....

....any single thing.... my posts...

....but you can't.
I know so much more than you, and I am not burdened by the biases that you work under, so that, once'd love to be able to shield Roosevelt.....

....but you cannot.

My posts say much about Roosevelt....
...your post says volumes about you.
FDR doesn't need much shielding from posters, the people of FDR's period voted for him four times, that's four, no one else comes close? The historians that write our history books and lecture in the universities have never placed FDR lower than third or fifth greatest-you pick. The people that lived during that period and the historians who studied that period, agree on FDR, some posters do not.

1. "FDR doesn't need much shielding from posters,..."
Yet, here you are in a vapid attempt to do just that.

2. Nowhere do I claim that FDR wasn't elected four times, nor that Leftist historians and academics...whose careers are based and rated on their proclamation that expanding the federal government is the basis for their opinion of Roosevelt...and every other Leftist politician (read 'Democrat.')

3.What I do claim....and in effect, you that he obsequiously followed all of Joseph Stalin's wishes.....demands....and cared not the costs in American blood and treasure....

....and....specifically.....he humbly accepted Stalin's imprisonment, and, essentially, the slaughter of American soldiers.

So....every time you attempt an 'I don't care what you say' post...... are admitting that you care deeply.

In've given me the impetus for yet another revealing thread about your demigod.

Stay tuned.
Last edited:
OK....let's get back to today's lesson: FDR did everything........EVERYTHING......he could to support, facilitate, advance, Joseph Stalin and Soviet Communism.

Suddenly......he found that Stalin imprisoned thousands of American soldiers......but ignored pleas from FDR to give them back!!!!!!

None even recall the thousands of Americans that Franklin Roosevelt abandoned to slow, torturous deaths in the Gulags.

FDR was not in office when the war ended and prisoner exchanges and transfers were supposed to take place. He was deceased. That scandal lays squarely with Truman and Eisenhower. The anti-FDR fanatic often blames FDR for things that happened after his death.


March 3, 1945, FDR cables Stalin to request 'urgently' for American teams to evacuate American prisoners of war 'liberated' by the Red Army

March 5, 1945, Stalin replied: Nyet.
"...concerning the question of prisoners of war....on the territory of Poland and other places liberated by the Red Army, there are no groups of American prisoners of war...."
"My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin," by Susan Butler, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. p. 299

Stalin told the British the same thing about 20,000-30,000 British ex-prisoners. "The Iron Cage," by Nigel Cawthorne, p. 5
LOL- the amount of historical revisionism by those who despise FDR for leading America to victory in World War 2, for establishing Social Security and the GI Bill and for establishing the Depositor Insurance Act is funny- in a very sad desperate way.
It's not revision, it's facts and you're not entitled to your own. FDR was a fucking scumbag, a despicable fucking scumbag, that's what the facts tell us. That he's your hero tells a lot about you
FDR cuddled up to Uncle Joe AFTER his Uncle starved 6MM people, including 3MM children to death in the Ukraine

A sicker, more immoral fuck never existed

Met with a shrug by our 'rezidents.'

When I pointed out the iniquity of his antecedents, the communists, who slaughtered 100 million men, women and children.....he sneered at the deaths this way:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society

because people only post to you to make fun of you. no one except your fellow wingers are interested in your cut and pastes.

"....because people only post to you to make fun of you. no one except your fellow wingers are interested in your cut and pastes."

Let's cut to the chase:
While everyone knows you are a fool, let me give you the opportunity to show otherwise:

Can you find anything in my posts that isn't true, accurate, and correct?


If serve as verification for my every contention.

Welcome to government 'education'.
Did FDR go to government schools for his education?

You did, didn't you.

Now, to the point.....the impjort of your post is that, once again.....the truth hurts.

I know you'd love to be able to deny anything.....

....any single thing.... my posts...

....but you can't.
I know so much more than you, and I am not burdened by the biases that you work under, so that, once'd love to be able to shield Roosevelt.....

....but you cannot.

My posts say much about Roosevelt....
...your post says volumes about you.
FDR doesn't need much shielding from posters, the people of FDR's period voted for him four times, that's four, no one else comes close? The historians that write our history books and lecture in the universities have never placed FDR lower than third or fifth greatest-you pick. The people that lived during that period and the historians who studied that period, agree on FDR, some posters do not.
Did you know that he funneled resources into the states that kept voting for him, while ignoring ones that didn't?

like the GOP congress taking its sweet time to give NYC money for Sandy? or 9/11 first responders?

Can you find anything in my posts that isn't true, accurate, and correct?


If serve as verification for my every contention.
You did, didn't you.

Now, to the point.....the impjort of your post is that, once again.....the truth hurts.

I know you'd love to be able to deny anything.....

....any single thing.... my posts...

....but you can't.
I know so much more than you, and I am not burdened by the biases that you work under, so that, once'd love to be able to shield Roosevelt.....

....but you cannot.

My posts say much about Roosevelt....
...your post says volumes about you.
FDR doesn't need much shielding from posters, the people of FDR's period voted for him four times, that's four, no one else comes close? The historians that write our history books and lecture in the universities have never placed FDR lower than third or fifth greatest-you pick. The people that lived during that period and the historians who studied that period, agree on FDR, some posters do not.
Did you know that he funneled resources into the states that kept voting for him, while ignoring ones that didn't?

like the GOP congress taking its sweet time to give NYC money for Sandy? or 9/11 first responders?
Did we suddenly stop talking about FDR? Pretty sure that's not only deflecting, but your claim isn't even that it didn't happen, just that it was slow.

I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of ranting about FDR.

or were you not clear on that?

Can you find anything in my posts that isn't true, accurate, and correct?


If serve as verification for my every contention.
Welcome to government 'education'.
Did FDR go to government schools for his education?

You did, didn't you.

Now, to the point.....the impjort of your post is that, once again.....the truth hurts.

I know you'd love to be able to deny anything.....

....any single thing.... my posts...

....but you can't.
I know so much more than you, and I am not burdened by the biases that you work under, so that, once'd love to be able to shield Roosevelt.....

....but you cannot.

My posts say much about Roosevelt....
...your post says volumes about you.
FDR doesn't need much shielding from posters, the people of FDR's period voted for him four times, that's four, no one else comes close? The historians that write our history books and lecture in the universities have never placed FDR lower than third or fifth greatest-you pick. The people that lived during that period and the historians who studied that period, agree on FDR, some posters do not.
Did you know that he funneled resources into the states that kept voting for him, while ignoring ones that didn't?
Which state or states did he ignore? A list of projects for each individual state is readily available. Name the state or states and I will look them up and check to see if you are correct or just trash talking.

Pumpkin was, of course, correct.

You....a lying Roosevelt boot-licker.

Let me prove it.

Economist Jim Powell, in “FDR’s Folly,” notes that a disproportionate amount of FDR’s relief and public works spending “went not to the poorest states such as the South, but to western states were people were better off , apparently because there were ‘swing’ states which could yield FDR more votes in the next election.”

In your face, boooyyyyyyeeeeeee!!!!
You did, didn't you.

Now, to the point.....the impjort of your post is that, once again.....the truth hurts.

I know you'd love to be able to deny anything.....

....any single thing.... my posts...

....but you can't.
I know so much more than you, and I am not burdened by the biases that you work under, so that, once'd love to be able to shield Roosevelt.....

....but you cannot.

My posts say much about Roosevelt....
...your post says volumes about you.
FDR doesn't need much shielding from posters, the people of FDR's period voted for him four times, that's four, no one else comes close? The historians that write our history books and lecture in the universities have never placed FDR lower than third or fifth greatest-you pick. The people that lived during that period and the historians who studied that period, agree on FDR, some posters do not.
Did you know that he funneled resources into the states that kept voting for him, while ignoring ones that didn't?

like the GOP congress taking its sweet time to give NYC money for Sandy? or 9/11 first responders?
Did we suddenly stop talking about FDR? Pretty sure that's not only deflecting, but your claim isn't even that it didn't happen, just that it was slow.

I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of ranting about FDR.

or were you not clear on that?
There's no hypocrisy here. FDR extended the great depression, and ignored states that didn't support him during a national crisis. "Republican" Congress was slow in delivering aid to ONE state. There's no parallel here, just you deflecting in an attempt to defend the Socialist Savior of the Democratic Party.
LOL- the amount of historical revisionism by those who despise FDR for leading America to victory in World War 2, for establishing Social Security and the GI Bill and for establishing the Depositor Insurance Act is funny- in a very sad desperate way.

Gave you this chance yesterday...
Can you find anything in any of my post in this thread, to which you have voluntarily subscribed, that isn't true?

Lot of pressure here...because if you can't do any better than 'is not, issss nootttttttt!!," well, then, you have inadvertently supported everything I've posted.

And by you silence, we learn that, can't find a single thing that I've posted that isn't true, accurate, and correct. did serve your purpose in life.
Last edited:
FDR doesn't need much shielding from posters, the people of FDR's period voted for him four times, that's four, no one else comes close? The historians that write our history books and lecture in the universities have never placed FDR lower than third or fifth greatest-you pick. The people that lived during that period and the historians who studied that period, agree on FDR, some posters do not.
Did you know that he funneled resources into the states that kept voting for him, while ignoring ones that didn't?

like the GOP congress taking its sweet time to give NYC money for Sandy? or 9/11 first responders?
Did we suddenly stop talking about FDR? Pretty sure that's not only deflecting, but your claim isn't even that it didn't happen, just that it was slow.

I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of ranting about FDR.

or were you not clear on that?
There's no hypocrisy here. FDR extended the great depression, and ignored states that didn't support him during a national crisis. "Republican" Congress was slow in delivering aid to ONE state. There's no parallel here, just you deflecting in an attempt to defend the Socialist Savior of the Democratic Party.

"...the Socialist Savior of the Democratic Party."

I like that!

Very catchy....and very true.

It fits with Coulter's description of that religion.....

From the Amazon review of Godless, by Coulter…

Though liberalism rejects the idea of God and reviles people of faith, it bears all the attributes of a religion.
In Godless, Coulter throws open the doors of the Church of Liberalism, showing us its sacraments (abortion), its holy writ (Roe v. Wade), its martyrs (from Soviet spy Alger Hiss to cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal), its clergy (public school teachers), its churches (government schools, where prayer is prohibited but condoms are free), its doctrine of infallibility (as manifest in the "absolute moral authority" of spokesmen from Cindy Sheehan to Max Cleland), and its cosmology (in which mankind is an inconsequential accident).

Then, of course, there's the liberal creation myth: Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

For liberals, evolution is the touchstone that separates the enlightened from the benighted.

And....Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "...the Socialist Savior of the Democratic Party."
OK....let's get back to today's lesson: FDR did everything........EVERYTHING......he could to support, facilitate, advance, Joseph Stalin and Soviet Communism.

Suddenly......he found that Stalin imprisoned thousands of American soldiers......but ignored pleas from FDR to give them back!!!!!!

None even recall the thousands of Americans that Franklin Roosevelt abandoned to slow, torturous deaths in the Gulags.

FDR was not in office when the war ended and prisoner exchanges and transfers were supposed to take place. He was deceased. That scandal lays squarely with Truman and Eisenhower. The anti-FDR fanatic often blames FDR for things that happened after his death.


March 3, 1945, FDR cables Stalin to request 'urgently' for American teams to evacuate American prisoners of war 'liberated' by the Red Army

March 5, 1945, Stalin replied: Nyet.
"...concerning the question of prisoners of war....on the territory of Poland and other places liberated by the Red Army, there are no groups of American prisoners of war...."
"My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin," by Susan Butler, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. p. 299

Stalin told the British the same thing about 20,000-30,000 British ex-prisoners. "The Iron Cage," by Nigel Cawthorne, p. 5
The west, including the US refused to repatriate Russians that were under the west's control from liberated POW camps. Discussions were just beginning and FDR died only a month after the letters you quote. How FDR would have acted or reacted is purely speculation.
Did FDR go to government schools for his education?

You did, didn't you.

Now, to the point.....the impjort of your post is that, once again.....the truth hurts.

I know you'd love to be able to deny anything.....

....any single thing.... my posts...

....but you can't.
I know so much more than you, and I am not burdened by the biases that you work under, so that, once'd love to be able to shield Roosevelt.....

....but you cannot.

My posts say much about Roosevelt....
...your post says volumes about you.
FDR doesn't need much shielding from posters, the people of FDR's period voted for him four times, that's four, no one else comes close? The historians that write our history books and lecture in the universities have never placed FDR lower than third or fifth greatest-you pick. The people that lived during that period and the historians who studied that period, agree on FDR, some posters do not.
Did you know that he funneled resources into the states that kept voting for him, while ignoring ones that didn't?
Which state or states did he ignore? A list of projects for each individual state is readily available. Name the state or states and I will look them up and check to see if you are correct or just trash talking.

Pumpkin was, of course, correct.

You....a lying Roosevelt boot-licker.

Let me prove it.

Economist Jim Powell, in “FDR’s Folly,” notes that a disproportionate amount of FDR’s relief and public works spending “went not to the poorest states such as the South, but to western states were people were better off , apparently because there were ‘swing’ states which could yield FDR more votes in the next election.”

In your face, boooyyyyyyeeeeeee!!!!
Yet you can not give an example of one of these states.
OK....let's get back to today's lesson: FDR did everything........EVERYTHING......he could to support, facilitate, advance, Joseph Stalin and Soviet Communism.

Suddenly......he found that Stalin imprisoned thousands of American soldiers......but ignored pleas from FDR to give them back!!!!!!

None even recall the thousands of Americans that Franklin Roosevelt abandoned to slow, torturous deaths in the Gulags.

FDR was not in office when the war ended and prisoner exchanges and transfers were supposed to take place. He was deceased. That scandal lays squarely with Truman and Eisenhower. The anti-FDR fanatic often blames FDR for things that happened after his death.


March 3, 1945, FDR cables Stalin to request 'urgently' for American teams to evacuate American prisoners of war 'liberated' by the Red Army

March 5, 1945, Stalin replied: Nyet.
"...concerning the question of prisoners of war....on the territory of Poland and other places liberated by the Red Army, there are no groups of American prisoners of war...."
"My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin," by Susan Butler, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. p. 299

Stalin told the British the same thing about 20,000-30,000 British ex-prisoners. "The Iron Cage," by Nigel Cawthorne, p. 5
The west, including the US refused to repatriate Russians that were under the west's control from liberated POW camps. Discussions were just beginning and FDR died only a month after the letters you quote. How FDR would have acted or reacted is purely speculation.

I do so appreciate that you didn't debt that you are a Roosevelt boot-liker.
OK....let's get back to today's lesson: FDR did everything........EVERYTHING......he could to support, facilitate, advance, Joseph Stalin and Soviet Communism.

Suddenly......he found that Stalin imprisoned thousands of American soldiers......but ignored pleas from FDR to give them back!!!!!!

None even recall the thousands of Americans that Franklin Roosevelt abandoned to slow, torturous deaths in the Gulags.

FDR was not in office when the war ended and prisoner exchanges and transfers were supposed to take place. He was deceased. That scandal lays squarely with Truman and Eisenhower. The anti-FDR fanatic often blames FDR for things that happened after his death.


March 3, 1945, FDR cables Stalin to request 'urgently' for American teams to evacuate American prisoners of war 'liberated' by the Red Army

March 5, 1945, Stalin replied: Nyet.
"...concerning the question of prisoners of war....on the territory of Poland and other places liberated by the Red Army, there are no groups of American prisoners of war...."
"My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin," by Susan Butler, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. p. 299

Stalin told the British the same thing about 20,000-30,000 British ex-prisoners. "The Iron Cage," by Nigel Cawthorne, p. 5
The west, including the US refused to repatriate Russians that were under the west's control from liberated POW camps. Discussions were just beginning and FDR died only a month after the letters you quote. How FDR would have acted or reacted is purely speculation.

There is no speculation in stating that Roosevelt walked away from thousands of American soldiers' lives when Stalin refused to return them.

Is there.

And after all that Roosevelt did for his inamorata.

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I’ll no longer be a ......

OK....let's get back to today's lesson: FDR did everything........EVERYTHING......he could to support, facilitate, advance, Joseph Stalin and Soviet Communism.

Suddenly......he found that Stalin imprisoned thousands of American soldiers......but ignored pleas from FDR to give them back!!!!!!

None even recall the thousands of Americans that Franklin Roosevelt abandoned to slow, torturous deaths in the Gulags.

FDR was not in office when the war ended and prisoner exchanges and transfers were supposed to take place. He was deceased. That scandal lays squarely with Truman and Eisenhower. The anti-FDR fanatic often blames FDR for things that happened after his death.


March 3, 1945, FDR cables Stalin to request 'urgently' for American teams to evacuate American prisoners of war 'liberated' by the Red Army

March 5, 1945, Stalin replied: Nyet.
"...concerning the question of prisoners of war....on the territory of Poland and other places liberated by the Red Army, there are no groups of American prisoners of war...."
"My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin," by Susan Butler, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. p. 299

Stalin told the British the same thing about 20,000-30,000 British ex-prisoners. "The Iron Cage," by Nigel Cawthorne, p. 5
The west, including the US refused to repatriate Russians that were under the west's control from liberated POW camps. Discussions were just beginning and FDR died only a month after the letters you quote. How FDR would have acted or reacted is purely speculation.

I do so appreciate that you didn't debt that you are a Roosevelt boot-liker.
OK....let's get back to today's lesson: FDR did everything........EVERYTHING......he could to support, facilitate, advance, Joseph Stalin and Soviet Communism.

Suddenly......he found that Stalin imprisoned thousands of American soldiers......but ignored pleas from FDR to give them back!!!!!!

None even recall the thousands of Americans that Franklin Roosevelt abandoned to slow, torturous deaths in the Gulags.

FDR was not in office when the war ended and prisoner exchanges and transfers were supposed to take place. He was deceased. That scandal lays squarely with Truman and Eisenhower. The anti-FDR fanatic often blames FDR for things that happened after his death.


March 3, 1945, FDR cables Stalin to request 'urgently' for American teams to evacuate American prisoners of war 'liberated' by the Red Army

March 5, 1945, Stalin replied: Nyet.
"...concerning the question of prisoners of war....on the territory of Poland and other places liberated by the Red Army, there are no groups of American prisoners of war...."
"My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin," by Susan Butler, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. p. 299

Stalin told the British the same thing about 20,000-30,000 British ex-prisoners. "The Iron Cage," by Nigel Cawthorne, p. 5
The west, including the US refused to repatriate Russians that were under the west's control from liberated POW camps. Discussions were just beginning and FDR died only a month after the letters you quote. How FDR would have acted or reacted is purely speculation.

There is no speculation in stating that Roosevelt walked away from thousands of American soldiers' lives when Stalin refused to return them.

Is there.

And after all that Roosevelt did for his inamorata.

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I’ll no longer be a ......

You conveniently leave out the fact that thousands (2,687) American servicemen held in German POW camps and liberated by the Russian were repatriated during the time frame of the letters you speak of. You also fail to recognize that Moscow was claiming only 17 sick Americans were not included in the accounting of those being held.
It was Truman who decided not to make the repatriation issue a priority (April 23, 1945) and believed the stalling was tempory and could be worked out at a later date. The atomic bomb was months away from testing and Russia entering the war with Japan held priority. The only reliable figure for the number of Americans being held was 884 that the Russians acknowledged and were arranging for release.
OK....let's get back to today's lesson: FDR did everything........EVERYTHING......he could to support, facilitate, advance, Joseph Stalin and Soviet Communism.

Suddenly......he found that Stalin imprisoned thousands of American soldiers......but ignored pleas from FDR to give them back!!!!!!

None even recall the thousands of Americans that Franklin Roosevelt abandoned to slow, torturous deaths in the Gulags.

FDR was not in office when the war ended and prisoner exchanges and transfers were supposed to take place. He was deceased. That scandal lays squarely with Truman and Eisenhower. The anti-FDR fanatic often blames FDR for things that happened after his death.


March 3, 1945, FDR cables Stalin to request 'urgently' for American teams to evacuate American prisoners of war 'liberated' by the Red Army

March 5, 1945, Stalin replied: Nyet.
"...concerning the question of prisoners of war....on the territory of Poland and other places liberated by the Red Army, there are no groups of American prisoners of war...."
"My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin," by Susan Butler, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. p. 299

Stalin told the British the same thing about 20,000-30,000 British ex-prisoners. "The Iron Cage," by Nigel Cawthorne, p. 5
The west, including the US refused to repatriate Russians that were under the west's control from liberated POW camps. Discussions were just beginning and FDR died only a month after the letters you quote. How FDR would have acted or reacted is purely speculation.

I do so appreciate that you didn't debt that you are a Roosevelt boot-liker.
OK....let's get back to today's lesson: FDR did everything........EVERYTHING......he could to support, facilitate, advance, Joseph Stalin and Soviet Communism.

Suddenly......he found that Stalin imprisoned thousands of American soldiers......but ignored pleas from FDR to give them back!!!!!!

None even recall the thousands of Americans that Franklin Roosevelt abandoned to slow, torturous deaths in the Gulags.

FDR was not in office when the war ended and prisoner exchanges and transfers were supposed to take place. He was deceased. That scandal lays squarely with Truman and Eisenhower. The anti-FDR fanatic often blames FDR for things that happened after his death.


March 3, 1945, FDR cables Stalin to request 'urgently' for American teams to evacuate American prisoners of war 'liberated' by the Red Army

March 5, 1945, Stalin replied: Nyet.
"...concerning the question of prisoners of war....on the territory of Poland and other places liberated by the Red Army, there are no groups of American prisoners of war...."
"My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin," by Susan Butler, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. p. 299

Stalin told the British the same thing about 20,000-30,000 British ex-prisoners. "The Iron Cage," by Nigel Cawthorne, p. 5
The west, including the US refused to repatriate Russians that were under the west's control from liberated POW camps. Discussions were just beginning and FDR died only a month after the letters you quote. How FDR would have acted or reacted is purely speculation.

There is no speculation in stating that Roosevelt walked away from thousands of American soldiers' lives when Stalin refused to return them.

Is there.

And after all that Roosevelt did for his inamorata.

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I’ll no longer be a ......

You conveniently leave out the fact that thousands (2,687) American servicemen held in German POW camps and liberated by the Russian were repatriated during the time frame of the letters you speak of. You also fail to recognize that Moscow was claiming only 17 sick Americans were not included in the accounting of those being held.
It was Truman who decided not to make the repatriation issue a priority (April 23, 1945) and believed the stalling was tempory and could be worked out at a later date. The atomic bomb was months away from testing and Russia entering the war with Japan held priority. The only reliable figure for the number of Americans being held was 884 that the Russians acknowledged and were arranging for release.

There is no speculation in stating that Roosevelt walked away from thousands of American soldiers' lives when Stalin refused to return them.

Is there.

True or not.
FDR was not in office when the war ended and prisoner exchanges and transfers were supposed to take place. He was deceased. That scandal lays squarely with Truman and Eisenhower. The anti-FDR fanatic often blames FDR for things that happened after his death.


March 3, 1945, FDR cables Stalin to request 'urgently' for American teams to evacuate American prisoners of war 'liberated' by the Red Army

March 5, 1945, Stalin replied: Nyet.
"...concerning the question of prisoners of war....on the territory of Poland and other places liberated by the Red Army, there are no groups of American prisoners of war...."
"My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin," by Susan Butler, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. p. 299

Stalin told the British the same thing about 20,000-30,000 British ex-prisoners. "The Iron Cage," by Nigel Cawthorne, p. 5
The west, including the US refused to repatriate Russians that were under the west's control from liberated POW camps. Discussions were just beginning and FDR died only a month after the letters you quote. How FDR would have acted or reacted is purely speculation.

I do so appreciate that you didn't debt that you are a Roosevelt boot-liker.
FDR was not in office when the war ended and prisoner exchanges and transfers were supposed to take place. He was deceased. That scandal lays squarely with Truman and Eisenhower. The anti-FDR fanatic often blames FDR for things that happened after his death.


March 3, 1945, FDR cables Stalin to request 'urgently' for American teams to evacuate American prisoners of war 'liberated' by the Red Army

March 5, 1945, Stalin replied: Nyet.
"...concerning the question of prisoners of war....on the territory of Poland and other places liberated by the Red Army, there are no groups of American prisoners of war...."
"My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin," by Susan Butler, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. p. 299

Stalin told the British the same thing about 20,000-30,000 British ex-prisoners. "The Iron Cage," by Nigel Cawthorne, p. 5
The west, including the US refused to repatriate Russians that were under the west's control from liberated POW camps. Discussions were just beginning and FDR died only a month after the letters you quote. How FDR would have acted or reacted is purely speculation.

There is no speculation in stating that Roosevelt walked away from thousands of American soldiers' lives when Stalin refused to return them.

Is there.

And after all that Roosevelt did for his inamorata.

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I’ll no longer be a ......

You conveniently leave out the fact that thousands (2,687) American servicemen held in German POW camps and liberated by the Russian were repatriated during the time frame of the letters you speak of. You also fail to recognize that Moscow was claiming only 17 sick Americans were not included in the accounting of those being held.
It was Truman who decided not to make the repatriation issue a priority (April 23, 1945) and believed the stalling was tempory and could be worked out at a later date. The atomic bomb was months away from testing and Russia entering the war with Japan held priority. The only reliable figure for the number of Americans being held was 884 that the Russians acknowledged and were arranging for release.

There is no speculation in stating that Roosevelt walked away from thousands of American soldiers' lives when Stalin refused to return them.

Is there.

True or not.
Not true. You are promoting another conspiracy theory and trying to present it as factual history. A process of repatriation was in progress and hit a snag after thousands were repatriated. What you addressed was an intel report of eight Americans unlisted that had been liberated in Poland. The Russians admitted there were actually 17 who had not been listed because they were in Russian military hospitals. The conspiracy theory was further advanced with a British report of "5.000". With the return of 2,687, plus the 884 awaiting release, that added up to 2,571. The conspiracy theorist rounded the approximately 1,500 missing from the guestimate in the British report. Somewhere along the conspiracy that got rounded off to 2,000 and later, that turned into 20,000.
Fact remains that in the middle of the repatriation process while the war was still being fought, FDR died and at the close of the war he was not a factor. He was dead. If American servicemen were abandoned it was not FDR that abandoned them.

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