Roosevelt: Cold Water Splashed In His Face!


March 3, 1945, FDR cables Stalin to request 'urgently' for American teams to evacuate American prisoners of war 'liberated' by the Red Army

March 5, 1945, Stalin replied: Nyet.
"...concerning the question of prisoners of war....on the territory of Poland and other places liberated by the Red Army, there are no groups of American prisoners of war...."
"My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin," by Susan Butler, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. p. 299

Stalin told the British the same thing about 20,000-30,000 British ex-prisoners. "The Iron Cage," by Nigel Cawthorne, p. 5
The west, including the US refused to repatriate Russians that were under the west's control from liberated POW camps. Discussions were just beginning and FDR died only a month after the letters you quote. How FDR would have acted or reacted is purely speculation.

I do so appreciate that you didn't debt that you are a Roosevelt boot-liker.

March 3, 1945, FDR cables Stalin to request 'urgently' for American teams to evacuate American prisoners of war 'liberated' by the Red Army

March 5, 1945, Stalin replied: Nyet.
"...concerning the question of prisoners of war....on the territory of Poland and other places liberated by the Red Army, there are no groups of American prisoners of war...."
"My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin," by Susan Butler, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. p. 299

Stalin told the British the same thing about 20,000-30,000 British ex-prisoners. "The Iron Cage," by Nigel Cawthorne, p. 5
The west, including the US refused to repatriate Russians that were under the west's control from liberated POW camps. Discussions were just beginning and FDR died only a month after the letters you quote. How FDR would have acted or reacted is purely speculation.

There is no speculation in stating that Roosevelt walked away from thousands of American soldiers' lives when Stalin refused to return them.

Is there.

And after all that Roosevelt did for his inamorata.

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I’ll no longer be a ......

You conveniently leave out the fact that thousands (2,687) American servicemen held in German POW camps and liberated by the Russian were repatriated during the time frame of the letters you speak of. You also fail to recognize that Moscow was claiming only 17 sick Americans were not included in the accounting of those being held.
It was Truman who decided not to make the repatriation issue a priority (April 23, 1945) and believed the stalling was tempory and could be worked out at a later date. The atomic bomb was months away from testing and Russia entering the war with Japan held priority. The only reliable figure for the number of Americans being held was 884 that the Russians acknowledged and were arranging for release.

There is no speculation in stating that Roosevelt walked away from thousands of American soldiers' lives when Stalin refused to return them.

Is there.

True or not.
Not true. You are promoting another conspiracy theory and trying to present it as factual history. A process of repatriation was in progress and hit a snag after thousands were repatriated. What you addressed was an intel report of eight Americans unlisted that had been liberated in Poland. The Russians admitted there were actually 17 who had not been listed because they were in Russian military hospitals. The conspiracy theory was further advanced with a British report of "5.000". With the return of 2,687, plus the 884 awaiting release, that added up to 2,571. The conspiracy theorist rounded the approximately 1,500 missing from the guestimate in the British report. Somewhere along the conspiracy that got rounded off to 2,000 and later, that turned into 20,000.
Fact remains that in the middle of the repatriation process while the war was still being fought, FDR died and at the close of the war he was not a factor. He was dead. If American servicemen were abandoned it was not FDR that abandoned them.


Disgusting, low-life Roosevelt gutter snipe.

Despite the total victory in Europe by Allied forces, thousands and thousands of US soldiers -- perhaps as many as 20,000 -- were never repatriated from prisoner of war (POW) camps, prisons and forced labor and concentration camps.

These American soldiers were being held in Nazi prison camps, along with other Allied POWs and some Nazi captives, when they were overrun by the Red Army. Thus, hundreds of thousands of Allied POWs who had been held by the Nazis, as well as millions of Western European citizens, or Displaced Persons, came under Red Army control. Indeed, this number increased because General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, decided to stop the US and British drive eastward into Germany, in order to wait for Soviet forces driving West, so that US and Soviet forces could meet in Berlin.

The Soviet rationale for not repatriating Allied soldiers and citizens, however, was motivated by more complex and more repugnant reasons than credits along. In the memoirs of former Secretary of State under President Truman, James F. Byrnes, there appears an illuminating conversation the Secretary had with Molotov, the Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs. In September, 1945, several weeks after Japan's surrender, Byrnes recounted that while in London:

Mr. Molotov came to see me, on instructions from Moscow... [Molotov] wanted to complain of the way in which the surrender terms [with Japan] were being carried out. He complained particularly about the way the Japanese Army was being demobilized. It was dangerous, he said, merely to disarm the Japanese and send them home; they should be held as prisoners of war. We should do what the Red Army was doing with the Japanese it had taken in Manchuria--make them work...No one can say accurately how many Japanese prisoners have been taken to the Soviet Union.

In mid-1947, the best guess was that approximately 500,000 were still there.
Our 20,000 Missing POW's of WWII

Whoever Stalin captured.....

....he had no intention of ever releasing.

He could do this because Franklin Roosevelt couldn't have cared less.
The west, including the US refused to repatriate Russians that were under the west's control from liberated POW camps. Discussions were just beginning and FDR died only a month after the letters you quote. How FDR would have acted or reacted is purely speculation.

I do so appreciate that you didn't debt that you are a Roosevelt boot-liker.
The west, including the US refused to repatriate Russians that were under the west's control from liberated POW camps. Discussions were just beginning and FDR died only a month after the letters you quote. How FDR would have acted or reacted is purely speculation.

There is no speculation in stating that Roosevelt walked away from thousands of American soldiers' lives when Stalin refused to return them.

Is there.

And after all that Roosevelt did for his inamorata.

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I’ll no longer be a ......

You conveniently leave out the fact that thousands (2,687) American servicemen held in German POW camps and liberated by the Russian were repatriated during the time frame of the letters you speak of. You also fail to recognize that Moscow was claiming only 17 sick Americans were not included in the accounting of those being held.
It was Truman who decided not to make the repatriation issue a priority (April 23, 1945) and believed the stalling was tempory and could be worked out at a later date. The atomic bomb was months away from testing and Russia entering the war with Japan held priority. The only reliable figure for the number of Americans being held was 884 that the Russians acknowledged and were arranging for release.

There is no speculation in stating that Roosevelt walked away from thousands of American soldiers' lives when Stalin refused to return them.

Is there.

True or not.
Not true. You are promoting another conspiracy theory and trying to present it as factual history. A process of repatriation was in progress and hit a snag after thousands were repatriated. What you addressed was an intel report of eight Americans unlisted that had been liberated in Poland. The Russians admitted there were actually 17 who had not been listed because they were in Russian military hospitals. The conspiracy theory was further advanced with a British report of "5.000". With the return of 2,687, plus the 884 awaiting release, that added up to 2,571. The conspiracy theorist rounded the approximately 1,500 missing from the guestimate in the British report. Somewhere along the conspiracy that got rounded off to 2,000 and later, that turned into 20,000.
Fact remains that in the middle of the repatriation process while the war was still being fought, FDR died and at the close of the war he was not a factor. He was dead. If American servicemen were abandoned it was not FDR that abandoned them.


Disgusting, low-life Roosevelt gutter snipe.

Despite the total victory in Europe by Allied forces, thousands and thousands of US soldiers -- perhaps as many as 20,000 -- were never repatriated from prisoner of war (POW) camps, prisons and forced labor and concentration camps.

These American soldiers were being held in Nazi prison camps, along with other Allied POWs and some Nazi captives, when they were overrun by the Red Army. Thus, hundreds of thousands of Allied POWs who had been held by the Nazis, as well as millions of Western European citizens, or Displaced Persons, came under Red Army control. Indeed, this number increased because General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, decided to stop the US and British drive eastward into Germany, in order to wait for Soviet forces driving West, so that US and Soviet forces could meet in Berlin.

The Soviet rationale for not repatriating Allied soldiers and citizens, however, was motivated by more complex and more repugnant reasons than credits along. In the memoirs of former Secretary of State under President Truman, James F. Byrnes, there appears an illuminating conversation the Secretary had with Molotov, the Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs. In September, 1945, several weeks after Japan's surrender, Byrnes recounted that while in London:

Mr. Molotov came to see me, on instructions from Moscow... [Molotov] wanted to complain of the way in which the surrender terms [with Japan] were being carried out. He complained particularly about the way the Japanese Army was being demobilized. It was dangerous, he said, merely to disarm the Japanese and send them home; they should be held as prisoners of war. We should do what the Red Army was doing with the Japanese it had taken in Manchuria--make them work...No one can say accurately how many Japanese prisoners have been taken to the Soviet Union.

In mid-1947, the best guess was that approximately 500,000 were still there.
Our 20,000 Missing POW's of WWII

Whoever Stalin captured.....

....he had no intention of ever releasing.

He could do this because Franklin Roosevelt couldn't have cared less.
Your entire post is based on events after the death of FDR. I am not the liar here, you are. Read your post and your link you dunce. Your own crap refutes your stupid claims.
LOL- the amount of historical revisionism by those who despise FDR for leading America to victory in World War 2, for establishing Social Security and the GI Bill and for establishing the Depositor Insurance Act is funny- in a very sad desperate way.
It's okay, we know Liberals have a hard time accepting the fact that FDR turned a recession into a depression, then extended it greatly. I'm not sure what else people would expect massive business taxes and regulations to accomplish. Compulsory unionism was probably the worst. Do you have any idea how many lawsuits he filed against businesses?

How much more ignorant can the crazy right wing be, than this ^^^ comment?

Character assassination is noted as a no-no in the bible, and the assassination of the character of those long, or not so long, dead is to be a bully on steroids. You people disgust me!
LOL- the amount of historical revisionism by those who despise FDR for leading America to victory in World War 2, for establishing Social Security and the GI Bill and for establishing the Depositor Insurance Act is funny- in a very sad desperate way.
It's okay, we know Liberals have a hard time accepting the fact that FDR turned a recession into a depression, then extended it greatly. I'm not sure what else people would expect massive business taxes and regulations to accomplish. Compulsory unionism was probably the worst. Do you have any idea how many lawsuits he filed against businesses?

How much more ignorant can the crazy right wing be, than this ^^^ comment?

Character assassination is noted as a no-no in the bible, and the assassination of the character of those long, or not so long, dead is to be a bully on steroids. You people disgust me!
You don't know if I follow the Bible's teachings or not. You also provided nothing to disprove my statement. Are you here to debate or whine? You can start by explaining how compulsory unionism, locking good and service prices high, and a massive wave of lawsuits against businesses actually improves unemployment. That or you can attempt to disprove any of PoliticalChic's statements.
The incoherent worship of FDR stems from the liberal media. As a matter of fact there was no other information available to Americans except FDR propaganda for the better part of two decades and longer. You almost gotta laugh that it was the media that ruined the Nixon administration over a 3rd rate burglary when FDR got away with ordering Americans arrested and placed in concentration camps without benefit of due process. The dirty little secret is that any affront to the Constitution is possible if the media condones it.
I do so appreciate that you didn't debt that you are a Roosevelt boot-liker.
There is no speculation in stating that Roosevelt walked away from thousands of American soldiers' lives when Stalin refused to return them.

Is there.

And after all that Roosevelt did for his inamorata.

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I’ll no longer be a ......

You conveniently leave out the fact that thousands (2,687) American servicemen held in German POW camps and liberated by the Russian were repatriated during the time frame of the letters you speak of. You also fail to recognize that Moscow was claiming only 17 sick Americans were not included in the accounting of those being held.
It was Truman who decided not to make the repatriation issue a priority (April 23, 1945) and believed the stalling was tempory and could be worked out at a later date. The atomic bomb was months away from testing and Russia entering the war with Japan held priority. The only reliable figure for the number of Americans being held was 884 that the Russians acknowledged and were arranging for release.

There is no speculation in stating that Roosevelt walked away from thousands of American soldiers' lives when Stalin refused to return them.

Is there.

True or not.
Not true. You are promoting another conspiracy theory and trying to present it as factual history. A process of repatriation was in progress and hit a snag after thousands were repatriated. What you addressed was an intel report of eight Americans unlisted that had been liberated in Poland. The Russians admitted there were actually 17 who had not been listed because they were in Russian military hospitals. The conspiracy theory was further advanced with a British report of "5.000". With the return of 2,687, plus the 884 awaiting release, that added up to 2,571. The conspiracy theorist rounded the approximately 1,500 missing from the guestimate in the British report. Somewhere along the conspiracy that got rounded off to 2,000 and later, that turned into 20,000.
Fact remains that in the middle of the repatriation process while the war was still being fought, FDR died and at the close of the war he was not a factor. He was dead. If American servicemen were abandoned it was not FDR that abandoned them.


Disgusting, low-life Roosevelt gutter snipe.

Despite the total victory in Europe by Allied forces, thousands and thousands of US soldiers -- perhaps as many as 20,000 -- were never repatriated from prisoner of war (POW) camps, prisons and forced labor and concentration camps.

These American soldiers were being held in Nazi prison camps, along with other Allied POWs and some Nazi captives, when they were overrun by the Red Army. Thus, hundreds of thousands of Allied POWs who had been held by the Nazis, as well as millions of Western European citizens, or Displaced Persons, came under Red Army control. Indeed, this number increased because General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, decided to stop the US and British drive eastward into Germany, in order to wait for Soviet forces driving West, so that US and Soviet forces could meet in Berlin.

The Soviet rationale for not repatriating Allied soldiers and citizens, however, was motivated by more complex and more repugnant reasons than credits along. In the memoirs of former Secretary of State under President Truman, James F. Byrnes, there appears an illuminating conversation the Secretary had with Molotov, the Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs. In September, 1945, several weeks after Japan's surrender, Byrnes recounted that while in London:

Mr. Molotov came to see me, on instructions from Moscow... [Molotov] wanted to complain of the way in which the surrender terms [with Japan] were being carried out. He complained particularly about the way the Japanese Army was being demobilized. It was dangerous, he said, merely to disarm the Japanese and send them home; they should be held as prisoners of war. We should do what the Red Army was doing with the Japanese it had taken in Manchuria--make them work...No one can say accurately how many Japanese prisoners have been taken to the Soviet Union.

In mid-1947, the best guess was that approximately 500,000 were still there.
Our 20,000 Missing POW's of WWII

Whoever Stalin captured.....

....he had no intention of ever releasing.

He could do this because Franklin Roosevelt couldn't have cared less.
Your entire post is based on events after the death of FDR. I am not the liar here, you are. Read your post and your link you dunce. Your own crap refutes your stupid claims.

Caught you lying again....

"Your entire post is based on events after the death of FDR."

Did Roosevelt send this cable to his pal postmortem????????

March 3, 1945, FDR cables Stalin to request 'urgently' for American teams to evacuate American prisoners of war 'liberated' by the Red Army

March 5, 1945, Stalin replied: Nyet.
"...concerning the question of prisoners of war....on the territory of Poland and other places liberated by the Red Army, there are no groups of American prisoners of war...."
"My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin," by Susan Butler, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. p. 299

Stalin told the British the same thing about 20,000-30,000 British ex-prisoners. "The Iron Cage," by Nigel Cawthorne, p. 5

Write soon, you lying gutter rat.
LOL- the amount of historical revisionism by those who despise FDR for leading America to victory in World War 2, for establishing Social Security and the GI Bill and for establishing the Depositor Insurance Act is funny- in a very sad desperate way.
It's okay, we know Liberals have a hard time accepting the fact that FDR turned a recession into a depression, then extended it greatly. I'm not sure what else people would expect massive business taxes and regulations to accomplish. Compulsory unionism was probably the worst. Do you have any idea how many lawsuits he filed against businesses?

How much more ignorant can the crazy right wing be, than this ^^^ comment?

Character assassination is noted as a no-no in the bible, and the assassination of the character of those long, or not so long, dead is to be a bully on steroids. You people disgust me!

She is absolutely correct, you moron.

1929....noted as the start of the Great Depression. wasn't.

"Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

FDR ran on a platform of balancing the budget, and cutting spending.
Really. He promised.

Of the 40-50 economic downturns.....none lasted even five years....until Roosevelt made one last a decade.

Know what a 'decade' is????????
The incoherent worship of FDR stems from the liberal media. As a matter of fact there was no other information available to Americans except FDR propaganda for the better part of two decades and longer. You almost gotta laugh that it was the media that ruined the Nixon administration over a 3rd rate burglary when FDR got away with ordering Americans arrested and placed in concentration camps without benefit of due process. The dirty little secret is that any affront to the Constitution is possible if the media condones it.

Some academicians are ready to write the truth abut Roosevelt....
  1. In an insightful analysis, John A. Garraty compared Roosevelt’s New Deal with aspects of the Third Reich: a strong leader; an ideology stressing the nation, the people and the land; state control of economic and social affairs; and the quality and quantity of government propaganda. Garraty, “The New Deal, National Socialism, and the Great Depression,” American Historical Review, vol. 78 (1973) p. 907ff.
  2. Garraty reminds that to compare is not the same as to equate. Yet, many still find Garraty’s analysis too hot to handle.
LOL- the amount of historical revisionism by those who despise FDR for leading America to victory in World War 2, for establishing Social Security and the GI Bill and for establishing the Depositor Insurance Act is funny- in a very sad desperate way.
It's okay, we know Liberals have a hard time accepting the fact that FDR turned a recession into a depression, then extended it greatly. I'm not sure what else people would expect massive business taxes and regulations to accomplish. Compulsory unionism was probably the worst. Do you have any idea how many lawsuits he filed against businesses?

How much more ignorant can the crazy right wing be, than this ^^^ comment?

Character assassination is noted as a no-no in the bible, and the assassination of the character of those long, or not so long, dead is to be a bully on steroids. You people disgust me!

She is absolutely correct, you moron.

1929....noted as the start of the Great Depression. wasn't.

"Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

FDR ran on a platform of balancing the budget, and cutting spending.
Really. He promised.

Of the 40-50 economic downturns.....none lasted even five years....until Roosevelt made one last a decade.

Know what a 'decade' is????????

I'm sorry, the party you have addressed has left the building, lies of omission, commission as well as half-truths and foolish efforts to rewrite history creates allergic globulars of bullshit in electronic forms on threads and comments associated with you and other nitwits.

Please try your party again, once you have been inoculated with ions of electricity to both sides of your head, effectively slowly the propagation of these globulars so as to not infect the biddable, as are those who bought the bullshit that the depression began Once Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929.

FDR has no playbook, no guidelines when he took office, on Black Tuesday the sky filled with brokers and investors who left tall building without the use of elevators or staircases and even efforts by President Hoover to fix what happened and what happened in the months and years following the crash did not prevent the apocalypse.
Last edited:
LOL- the amount of historical revisionism by those who despise FDR for leading America to victory in World War 2, for establishing Social Security and the GI Bill and for establishing the Depositor Insurance Act is funny- in a very sad desperate way.
It's okay, we know Liberals have a hard time accepting the fact that FDR turned a recession into a depression, then extended it greatly. I'm not sure what else people would expect massive business taxes and regulations to accomplish. Compulsory unionism was probably the worst. Do you have any idea how many lawsuits he filed against businesses?

How much more ignorant can the crazy right wing be, than this ^^^ comment?

Character assassination is noted as a no-no in the bible, and the assassination of the character of those long, or not so long, dead is to be a bully on steroids. You people disgust me!

She is absolutely correct, you moron.

1929....noted as the start of the Great Depression. wasn't.

"Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

FDR ran on a platform of balancing the budget, and cutting spending.
Really. He promised.

Of the 40-50 economic downturns.....none lasted even five years....until Roosevelt made one last a decade.

Know what a 'decade' is????????

I'm sorry, the party you have addressed has left the building, lies of omission, commission as well as half-truths and foolish efforts to rewrite history creates allergic globulars of bullshit in electronic forms on threads and comments associated with you and other nitwits.

Please try your party again, once you have been inoculated with ions of electricity to both sides of your head, effectively slowly the propagation of these globulars so as to not infect the biddable, as are those who bought the bullshit that the depression began Once Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929.

FDR has no playbook, no guidelines when he took office, on Black Tuesday the sky filled with brokers and investors who left tall building without the use of elevators or staircases and even efforts by President Hoover to fix what happened and what happened in the months and years did not prevent the apocalypse.

"....lies of omission, commission as well as half-truths and foolish efforts to rewrite history...."

1929....noted as the start of the Great Depression. wasn't.

"Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

FDR ran on a platform of balancing the budget, and cutting spending.
Really. He promised.

Of the 40-50 economic downturns.....none lasted even five years....until Roosevelt made one last a decade. forgot to list any lies, half-truths, or efforts to re-write history.

Must mean that either there are no lies, half-truths, or efforts to re-write history.....

i.e., you're lying... should rush off to be tested for early onset Alzheimer's Disease.

Let's hope it is simply the former.
LOL- the amount of historical revisionism by those who despise FDR for leading America to victory in World War 2, for establishing Social Security and the GI Bill and for establishing the Depositor Insurance Act is funny- in a very sad desperate way.
It's okay, we know Liberals have a hard time accepting the fact that FDR turned a recession into a depression, then extended it greatly. I'm not sure what else people would expect massive business taxes and regulations to accomplish. Compulsory unionism was probably the worst. Do you have any idea how many lawsuits he filed against businesses?

How much more ignorant can the crazy right wing be, than this ^^^ comment?

Character assassination is noted as a no-no in the bible, and the assassination of the character of those long, or not so long, dead is to be a bully on steroids. You people disgust me!

She is absolutely correct, you moron.

1929....noted as the start of the Great Depression. wasn't.

"Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

FDR ran on a platform of balancing the budget, and cutting spending.
Really. He promised.

Of the 40-50 economic downturns.....none lasted even five years....until Roosevelt made one last a decade.

Know what a 'decade' is????????

I'm sorry, the party you have addressed has left the building, lies of omission, commission as well as half-truths and foolish efforts to rewrite history creates allergic globulars of bullshit in electronic forms on threads and comments associated with you and other nitwits.

Please try your party again, once you have been inoculated with ions of electricity to both sides of your head, effectively slowly the propagation of these globulars so as to not infect the biddable, as are those who bought the bullshit that the depression began Once Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929.

FDR has no playbook, no guidelines when he took office, on Black Tuesday the sky filled with brokers and investors who left tall building without the use of elevators or staircases and even efforts by President Hoover to fix what happened and what happened in the months and years following the crash did not prevent the apocalypse.
So, we call you out to disprove what we said, or tell us what we're wrong about... and you do the equivalent of putting your hands on your ears and shouting "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!". Are you here to debate or not?
LOL- the amount of historical revisionism by those who despise FDR for leading America to victory in World War 2, for establishing Social Security and the GI Bill and for establishing the Depositor Insurance Act is funny- in a very sad desperate way.
It's okay, we know Liberals have a hard time accepting the fact that FDR turned a recession into a depression, then extended it greatly. I'm not sure what else people would expect massive business taxes and regulations to accomplish. Compulsory unionism was probably the worst. Do you have any idea how many lawsuits he filed against businesses?

How much more ignorant can the crazy right wing be, than this ^^^ comment?

Character assassination is noted as a no-no in the bible, and the assassination of the character of those long, or not so long, dead is to be a bully on steroids. You people disgust me!

She is absolutely correct, you moron.

1929....noted as the start of the Great Depression. wasn't.

"Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

FDR ran on a platform of balancing the budget, and cutting spending.
Really. He promised.

Of the 40-50 economic downturns.....none lasted even five years....until Roosevelt made one last a decade.

Know what a 'decade' is????????

I'm sorry, the party you have addressed has left the building, lies of omission, commission as well as half-truths and foolish efforts to rewrite history creates allergic globulars of bullshit in electronic forms on threads and comments associated with you and other nitwits.

Please try your party again, once you have been inoculated with ions of electricity to both sides of your head, effectively slowly the propagation of these globulars so as to not infect the biddable, as are those who bought the bullshit that the depression began Once Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929.

FDR has no playbook, no guidelines when he took office, on Black Tuesday the sky filled with brokers and investors who left tall building without the use of elevators or staircases and even efforts by President Hoover to fix what happened and what happened in the months and years following the crash did not prevent the apocalypse.
So, we call you out to disprove what we said, or tell us what we're wrong about... and you do the equivalent of putting your hands on your ears and shouting "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!". Are you here to debate or not?
How can you debate folks who claim the Great Depression did not begin in 1929 or blame FDR for events that occurred after his death? PoliticalChic goes beyond conspiracy theories and revisionism. She is in the world of ridiculousness and delusion. When poorly informed people attempt to support her dopey theories it just becomes a waste of time refuting the nonsense over and over.
It's okay, we know Liberals have a hard time accepting the fact that FDR turned a recession into a depression, then extended it greatly. I'm not sure what else people would expect massive business taxes and regulations to accomplish. Compulsory unionism was probably the worst. Do you have any idea how many lawsuits he filed against businesses?

How much more ignorant can the crazy right wing be, than this ^^^ comment?

Character assassination is noted as a no-no in the bible, and the assassination of the character of those long, or not so long, dead is to be a bully on steroids. You people disgust me!

She is absolutely correct, you moron.

1929....noted as the start of the Great Depression. wasn't.

"Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

FDR ran on a platform of balancing the budget, and cutting spending.
Really. He promised.

Of the 40-50 economic downturns.....none lasted even five years....until Roosevelt made one last a decade.

Know what a 'decade' is????????

I'm sorry, the party you have addressed has left the building, lies of omission, commission as well as half-truths and foolish efforts to rewrite history creates allergic globulars of bullshit in electronic forms on threads and comments associated with you and other nitwits.

Please try your party again, once you have been inoculated with ions of electricity to both sides of your head, effectively slowly the propagation of these globulars so as to not infect the biddable, as are those who bought the bullshit that the depression began Once Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929.

FDR has no playbook, no guidelines when he took office, on Black Tuesday the sky filled with brokers and investors who left tall building without the use of elevators or staircases and even efforts by President Hoover to fix what happened and what happened in the months and years following the crash did not prevent the apocalypse.
So, we call you out to disprove what we said, or tell us what we're wrong about... and you do the equivalent of putting your hands on your ears and shouting "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!". Are you here to debate or not?
How can you debate folks who claim the Great Depression did not begin in 1929 or blame FDR for events that occurred after his death? PoliticalChic goes beyond conspiracy theories and revisionism. She is in the world of ridiculousness and delusion. When poorly informed people attempt to support her dopey theories it just becomes a waste of time refuting the nonsense over and over.

She is obsessed with attacking FDR.

She just can't stand that FDR led America to victory in World War 2, and out of the Depression and was responsible for Americans having Social Security, the GI Bill and Bank Depositors insurance.
How much more ignorant can the crazy right wing be, than this ^^^ comment?

Character assassination is noted as a no-no in the bible, and the assassination of the character of those long, or not so long, dead is to be a bully on steroids. You people disgust me!

She is absolutely correct, you moron.

1929....noted as the start of the Great Depression. wasn't.

"Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

FDR ran on a platform of balancing the budget, and cutting spending.
Really. He promised.

Of the 40-50 economic downturns.....none lasted even five years....until Roosevelt made one last a decade.

Know what a 'decade' is????????

I'm sorry, the party you have addressed has left the building, lies of omission, commission as well as half-truths and foolish efforts to rewrite history creates allergic globulars of bullshit in electronic forms on threads and comments associated with you and other nitwits.

Please try your party again, once you have been inoculated with ions of electricity to both sides of your head, effectively slowly the propagation of these globulars so as to not infect the biddable, as are those who bought the bullshit that the depression began Once Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929.

FDR has no playbook, no guidelines when he took office, on Black Tuesday the sky filled with brokers and investors who left tall building without the use of elevators or staircases and even efforts by President Hoover to fix what happened and what happened in the months and years following the crash did not prevent the apocalypse.
So, we call you out to disprove what we said, or tell us what we're wrong about... and you do the equivalent of putting your hands on your ears and shouting "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!". Are you here to debate or not?
How can you debate folks who claim the Great Depression did not begin in 1929 or blame FDR for events that occurred after his death? PoliticalChic goes beyond conspiracy theories and revisionism. She is in the world of ridiculousness and delusion. When poorly informed people attempt to support her dopey theories it just becomes a waste of time refuting the nonsense over and over.

She is obsessed with attacking FDR.

She just can't stand that FDR led America to victory in World War 2, and out of the Depression and was responsible for Americans having Social Security, the GI Bill and Bank Depositors insurance.
We literally just explained how his policies created and extended the Great Depression. You're just repeating your Liberal propaganda, and not backing up your claim.

Explain to me how compulsory unionism, forced higher wages, locking good and service prices high, tripling taxes, and a massive wave of business lawsuits helps the economy. If you're not going to prove the policies actually SOMEHOW helped, then you should stop making the absurd claim that he actually lead us out of the Great Depression.
It's okay, we know Liberals have a hard time accepting the fact that FDR turned a recession into a depression, then extended it greatly. I'm not sure what else people would expect massive business taxes and regulations to accomplish. Compulsory unionism was probably the worst. Do you have any idea how many lawsuits he filed against businesses?

How much more ignorant can the crazy right wing be, than this ^^^ comment?

Character assassination is noted as a no-no in the bible, and the assassination of the character of those long, or not so long, dead is to be a bully on steroids. You people disgust me!

She is absolutely correct, you moron.

1929....noted as the start of the Great Depression. wasn't.

"Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

FDR ran on a platform of balancing the budget, and cutting spending.
Really. He promised.

Of the 40-50 economic downturns.....none lasted even five years....until Roosevelt made one last a decade.

Know what a 'decade' is????????

I'm sorry, the party you have addressed has left the building, lies of omission, commission as well as half-truths and foolish efforts to rewrite history creates allergic globulars of bullshit in electronic forms on threads and comments associated with you and other nitwits.

Please try your party again, once you have been inoculated with ions of electricity to both sides of your head, effectively slowly the propagation of these globulars so as to not infect the biddable, as are those who bought the bullshit that the depression began Once Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929.

FDR has no playbook, no guidelines when he took office, on Black Tuesday the sky filled with brokers and investors who left tall building without the use of elevators or staircases and even efforts by President Hoover to fix what happened and what happened in the months and years following the crash did not prevent the apocalypse.
So, we call you out to disprove what we said, or tell us what we're wrong about... and you do the equivalent of putting your hands on your ears and shouting "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!". Are you here to debate or not?
How can you debate folks who claim the Great Depression did not begin in 1929 or blame FDR for events that occurred after his death? PoliticalChic goes beyond conspiracy theories and revisionism. She is in the world of ridiculousness and delusion. When poorly informed people attempt to support her dopey theories it just becomes a waste of time refuting the nonsense over and over.
I cited actual policies and their effects. Are you claiming that he didn't create the NRA/NIRA?
LOL- the amount of historical revisionism by those who despise FDR for leading America to victory in World War 2, for establishing Social Security and the GI Bill and for establishing the Depositor Insurance Act is funny- in a very sad desperate way.
It's okay, we know Liberals have a hard time accepting the fact that FDR turned a recession into a depression, then extended it greatly. I'm not sure what else people would expect massive business taxes and regulations to accomplish. Compulsory unionism was probably the worst. Do you have any idea how many lawsuits he filed against businesses?

How much more ignorant can the crazy right wing be, than this ^^^ comment?

Character assassination is noted as a no-no in the bible, and the assassination of the character of those long, or not so long, dead is to be a bully on steroids. You people disgust me!

She is absolutely correct, you moron.

1929....noted as the start of the Great Depression. wasn't.

"Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

FDR ran on a platform of balancing the budget, and cutting spending.
Really. He promised.

Of the 40-50 economic downturns.....none lasted even five years....until Roosevelt made one last a decade.

Know what a 'decade' is????????

I'm sorry, the party you have addressed has left the building, lies of omission, commission as well as half-truths and foolish efforts to rewrite history creates allergic globulars of bullshit in electronic forms on threads and comments associated with you and other nitwits.

Please try your party again, once you have been inoculated with ions of electricity to both sides of your head, effectively slowly the propagation of these globulars so as to not infect the biddable, as are those who bought the bullshit that the depression began Once Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929.

FDR has no playbook, no guidelines when he took office, on Black Tuesday the sky filled with brokers and investors who left tall building without the use of elevators or staircases and even efforts by President Hoover to fix what happened and what happened in the months and years following the crash did not prevent the apocalypse.
So, we call you out to disprove what we said, or tell us what we're wrong about... and you do the equivalent of putting your hands on your ears and shouting "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!". Are you here to debate or not?

a statement of supposed fact was made; It is their job to prove that Black Tuesday was a product of FDR's lack of leadership and/or inability to control events which took place in the decade before he took office.
How much more ignorant can the crazy right wing be, than this ^^^ comment?

Character assassination is noted as a no-no in the bible, and the assassination of the character of those long, or not so long, dead is to be a bully on steroids. You people disgust me!

She is absolutely correct, you moron.

1929....noted as the start of the Great Depression. wasn't.

"Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

FDR ran on a platform of balancing the budget, and cutting spending.
Really. He promised.

Of the 40-50 economic downturns.....none lasted even five years....until Roosevelt made one last a decade.

Know what a 'decade' is????????

I'm sorry, the party you have addressed has left the building, lies of omission, commission as well as half-truths and foolish efforts to rewrite history creates allergic globulars of bullshit in electronic forms on threads and comments associated with you and other nitwits.

Please try your party again, once you have been inoculated with ions of electricity to both sides of your head, effectively slowly the propagation of these globulars so as to not infect the biddable, as are those who bought the bullshit that the depression began Once Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929.

FDR has no playbook, no guidelines when he took office, on Black Tuesday the sky filled with brokers and investors who left tall building without the use of elevators or staircases and even efforts by President Hoover to fix what happened and what happened in the months and years following the crash did not prevent the apocalypse.
So, we call you out to disprove what we said, or tell us what we're wrong about... and you do the equivalent of putting your hands on your ears and shouting "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!". Are you here to debate or not?
How can you debate folks who claim the Great Depression did not begin in 1929 or blame FDR for events that occurred after his death? PoliticalChic goes beyond conspiracy theories and revisionism. She is in the world of ridiculousness and delusion. When poorly informed people attempt to support her dopey theories it just becomes a waste of time refuting the nonsense over and over.
I cited actual policies and their effects. Are you claiming that he didn't create the NRA/NIRA?
How much more ignorant can the crazy right wing be, than this ^^^ comment?

Character assassination is noted as a no-no in the bible, and the assassination of the character of those long, or not so long, dead is to be a bully on steroids. You people disgust me!

She is absolutely correct, you moron.

1929....noted as the start of the Great Depression. wasn't.

"Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

FDR ran on a platform of balancing the budget, and cutting spending.
Really. He promised.

Of the 40-50 economic downturns.....none lasted even five years....until Roosevelt made one last a decade.

Know what a 'decade' is????????

I'm sorry, the party you have addressed has left the building, lies of omission, commission as well as half-truths and foolish efforts to rewrite history creates allergic globulars of bullshit in electronic forms on threads and comments associated with you and other nitwits.

Please try your party again, once you have been inoculated with ions of electricity to both sides of your head, effectively slowly the propagation of these globulars so as to not infect the biddable, as are those who bought the bullshit that the depression began Once Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929.

FDR has no playbook, no guidelines when he took office, on Black Tuesday the sky filled with brokers and investors who left tall building without the use of elevators or staircases and even efforts by President Hoover to fix what happened and what happened in the months and years following the crash did not prevent the apocalypse.
So, we call you out to disprove what we said, or tell us what we're wrong about... and you do the equivalent of putting your hands on your ears and shouting "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!". Are you here to debate or not?
How can you debate folks who claim the Great Depression did not begin in 1929 or blame FDR for events that occurred after his death? PoliticalChic goes beyond conspiracy theories and revisionism. She is in the world of ridiculousness and delusion. When poorly informed people attempt to support her dopey theories it just becomes a waste of time refuting the nonsense over and over.
I cited actual policies and their effects. Are you claiming that he didn't create the NRA/NIRA?
The NRA New Deal law was great. It put millions of people to work. Before the Title 1 part of NIRA was stricken down by SCOTUS it had already run it course and put 23 million workers under the protection of codes that made their jobs safer.
Citizens all over America continue to reap the benefits of NRA programs like the WPA. After 80 years America is still using hospitals, schools, public buildings, roads, bridges, airports, etc. built by FDR's NRA programs.
She is absolutely correct, you moron.

1929....noted as the start of the Great Depression. wasn't.

"Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

FDR ran on a platform of balancing the budget, and cutting spending.
Really. He promised.

Of the 40-50 economic downturns.....none lasted even five years....until Roosevelt made one last a decade.

Know what a 'decade' is????????

I'm sorry, the party you have addressed has left the building, lies of omission, commission as well as half-truths and foolish efforts to rewrite history creates allergic globulars of bullshit in electronic forms on threads and comments associated with you and other nitwits.

Please try your party again, once you have been inoculated with ions of electricity to both sides of your head, effectively slowly the propagation of these globulars so as to not infect the biddable, as are those who bought the bullshit that the depression began Once Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929.

FDR has no playbook, no guidelines when he took office, on Black Tuesday the sky filled with brokers and investors who left tall building without the use of elevators or staircases and even efforts by President Hoover to fix what happened and what happened in the months and years following the crash did not prevent the apocalypse.
So, we call you out to disprove what we said, or tell us what we're wrong about... and you do the equivalent of putting your hands on your ears and shouting "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!". Are you here to debate or not?
How can you debate folks who claim the Great Depression did not begin in 1929 or blame FDR for events that occurred after his death? PoliticalChic goes beyond conspiracy theories and revisionism. She is in the world of ridiculousness and delusion. When poorly informed people attempt to support her dopey theories it just becomes a waste of time refuting the nonsense over and over.

She is obsessed with attacking FDR.

She just can't stand that FDR led America to victory in World War 2, and out of the Depression and was responsible for Americans having Social Security, the GI Bill and Bank Depositors insurance.
We literally just explained how his policies created and extended the Great Depression. You're just repeating your Liberal propaganda, and not backing up your claim.

Explain to me how compulsory unionism, forced higher wages, locking good and service prices high, tripling taxes, and a massive wave of business lawsuits helps the economy. If you're not going to prove the policies actually SOMEHOW helped, then you should stop making the absurd claim that he actually lead us out of the Great Depression.

You believe that Franklin D. Roosevelt- who came into office on March 4, 1933- 'created' the Great Depression? The Great Depression that started in 1929?

Do you think that FDR had a time machine? That would be almost as delusional.

So sad that you are pissed off that FDR led America to victory in World War 2, and out of the Depression and was responsible for Americans having Social Security, the GI Bill and Bank Depositors insurance.
I'm sorry, the party you have addressed has left the building, lies of omission, commission as well as half-truths and foolish efforts to rewrite history creates allergic globulars of bullshit in electronic forms on threads and comments associated with you and other nitwits.

Please try your party again, once you have been inoculated with ions of electricity to both sides of your head, effectively slowly the propagation of these globulars so as to not infect the biddable, as are those who bought the bullshit that the depression began Once Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929.

FDR has no playbook, no guidelines when he took office, on Black Tuesday the sky filled with brokers and investors who left tall building without the use of elevators or staircases and even efforts by President Hoover to fix what happened and what happened in the months and years following the crash did not prevent the apocalypse.
So, we call you out to disprove what we said, or tell us what we're wrong about... and you do the equivalent of putting your hands on your ears and shouting "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!". Are you here to debate or not?
How can you debate folks who claim the Great Depression did not begin in 1929 or blame FDR for events that occurred after his death? PoliticalChic goes beyond conspiracy theories and revisionism. She is in the world of ridiculousness and delusion. When poorly informed people attempt to support her dopey theories it just becomes a waste of time refuting the nonsense over and over.

She is obsessed with attacking FDR.

She just can't stand that FDR led America to victory in World War 2, and out of the Depression and was responsible for Americans having Social Security, the GI Bill and Bank Depositors insurance.
We literally just explained how his policies created and extended the Great Depression. You're just repeating your Liberal propaganda, and not backing up your claim.

Explain to me how compulsory unionism, forced higher wages, locking good and service prices high, tripling taxes, and a massive wave of business lawsuits helps the economy. If you're not going to prove the policies actually SOMEHOW helped, then you should stop making the absurd claim that he actually lead us out of the Great Depression.

You believe that Franklin D. Roosevelt- who came into office on March 4, 1933- 'created' the Great Depression? The Great Depression that started in 1929?

Do you think that FDR had a time machine? That would be almost as delusional.

So sad that you are pissed off that FDR led America to victory in World War 2, and out of the Depression and was responsible for Americans having Social Security, the GI Bill and Bank Depositors insurance.

The question I have, Do those people who believe FDR was responsible for the Great Depression really believe what they post? Are they all challenged by reality, i.e. psychotic? Or are they professional liars, paid by a secret cabal in the mold of the Ministry of Truth ("1984")?
So, we call you out to disprove what we said, or tell us what we're wrong about... and you do the equivalent of putting your hands on your ears and shouting "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!". Are you here to debate or not?
How can you debate folks who claim the Great Depression did not begin in 1929 or blame FDR for events that occurred after his death? PoliticalChic goes beyond conspiracy theories and revisionism. She is in the world of ridiculousness and delusion. When poorly informed people attempt to support her dopey theories it just becomes a waste of time refuting the nonsense over and over.

She is obsessed with attacking FDR.

She just can't stand that FDR led America to victory in World War 2, and out of the Depression and was responsible for Americans having Social Security, the GI Bill and Bank Depositors insurance.
We literally just explained how his policies created and extended the Great Depression. You're just repeating your Liberal propaganda, and not backing up your claim.

Explain to me how compulsory unionism, forced higher wages, locking good and service prices high, tripling taxes, and a massive wave of business lawsuits helps the economy. If you're not going to prove the policies actually SOMEHOW helped, then you should stop making the absurd claim that he actually lead us out of the Great Depression.

You believe that Franklin D. Roosevelt- who came into office on March 4, 1933- 'created' the Great Depression? The Great Depression that started in 1929?

Do you think that FDR had a time machine? That would be almost as delusional.

So sad that you are pissed off that FDR led America to victory in World War 2, and out of the Depression and was responsible for Americans having Social Security, the GI Bill and Bank Depositors insurance.

The question I have, Do those people who believe FDR was responsible for the Great Depression really believe what they post? Are they all challenged by reality, i.e. psychotic? Or are they professional liars, paid by a secret cabal in the mold of the Ministry of Truth ("1984")?

I think that they are rabid idealogues who despise that a liberal like FDR was not only as successful as he was, but was as popular as we was.

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