
Did YOU know the Massai gave the USA a gift of cows after 9/11 to show support and sympathy? Bet not. Yer too angry to know such things.
Did we take the cows? Yes, but our government told the Masai to keep them there and take care of them FOR us. Rude to not accept such a heartfelt gift since cattle are the lifeblood of the Masai's survival...yet where to put said cows and the big ol wealthy USA taking such a gift from such generosity....unheard of.

Tell THAT to your children. That yes, bad things happened and are still happening. But good things happen too.

BBC NEWS | Africa | Kenyan Masai donate cows to US
You talk a good game but it's not backed with any facts. I provided a pic showing them side by side which YOU SAID never happened.

How do you explain the difference between what you say and what's proven?
Given that TV is not a good source of accurate history, it is not a good idea to watch this show and think that anything you are watching reflects what really happened during the days of slavery.

In the 1930's, when Hollywood was pro-South, slavery was almost always portrayed as a benevolent institution, with happy-go-lucky darkies working for generous and kind-hearted white masters. Gone With The Wind portrayed slavery this way, and the North was portrayed as an evil aggressor for forcibly ending this "civilized" way of life.

The current Hollywood line that all blacks were miserable and beaten, and that all whites were cruel, heartless, abusive taskmasters who mercilessly whipped their slaves, is as much as a lie as the previous pro-slavery portrayal. I'm not saying that slavery is ever a good thing, but exaggerating and lying about slavery does not serve the greater truth, which is that slavery is always wrong even if the masters are trying their best to be good masters, and the slaves are happy in their enslaved condition.

And that's because slavery perpetuates the idea that a human being can ever be legally or morally treated as anything less than a human being, with full human rights, inalienable, endowed by our Creator, and guaranteed in the United States Constitution. The ideals of the Declaration of Independence, written by slave owner Thomas Jefferson, was the death knell of slavery. What it proves is that though the some of the Founding Fathers owned slaves, they knew it was wrong, and what's more important, they knew that slavery was a violation of everything the American Revolution stood for.

So what Roots is going to offer is "slavery porn." It will show black people getting beaten to an inch of their lives, and white people doing the whipping, and none of it will get us any closer to the answer we seek, which is that all human beings, regardless of age, sex, race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or status as born or unborn, is entitled to full rights under the U.S. Constitution, since we are all fully human and children of God. When Hollywood starts tackling current injustices, like abortion, with the bravery it tackles injustices that have already been resolved, then I will be impressed.
Very well said!

I watched the first episode of what clearly is an opportunistic effort to generate box-office profits while rubbing salt on an old wound and I thought it was a poorly crafted, poorly performed, often absurd waste of time. But I'm sure it will be a hit with a lot of mainly young Blacks who already are indoctrinated with hatred for Whites and undoubtedly will provoke a substantial increase in what already is a serious rate of Black on White crime.

Having read a few very good historical accounts of the slavery era in America and having watched several extremely well-made movies and televised documentaries of that shamefully cruel practice I feel justified in dismissing this amateurish production as comic-book level trash.
OMG! OMG!!! Historical drama, literature and art are "rubbing salt on an old wound"? We should never think about any historical events that make us feel bad, right? Only learn, teach, and think about the history that makes us feel good and look good, right? :rolleyes:
You talk a good game but it's not backed with any facts. I provided a pic showing them side by side which YOU SAID never happened.

How do you explain the difference between what you say and what's proven?
And you are still angry that someone (and there are many someones, actually) that didn't like the remake. So you provided a pic. Goody for you. I said SPOONING was used, and it was. Depends on the ship, the captain, and how many slaves they were transporting.
I am done talking to you about this. You want proof of something that is like a wisp of smoke. Like, describe the color of a rose. There are many colors of a rose but I could show you a variegated one and you would piss and moan it isn't one because to you, a rose is red.

Enjoy your remake and stay angry.
Hahaha so first you want facts. Claiming that they had to be shipped spooning or it was a lie. Now, not so much. 1st Fact yiu lose.

It's a good idea to repeat that someone is angry. It's better than trying to explain why your 2 "Facts" has been disproven. You go from saying
They also shot film of the slave ship. SPOONING is how they were transported. Not side by side shoulder to shoulder.

You said that filming them side by side was one of the lies you used to dismiss the entire story...until I told you that everyone had different methods of transport...then yiu correct yourself

I said SPOONING was used, and it was. Depends on the ship, the captain, and how many slaves they were transporting.

Then you admit spooning wasnt the only way! Now it depends on the ship....just what I said.

So far every "fact" you didn't like aren't facts and more butt hurt whining about a movie you didn't even watch.

Bigotry is funny that way.
Did you guys watch it? Did you watch the first one? Which one you prefer? Thoughts?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I thought it was well done

Not with well known actors like the first one, but very accurate
OMG! OMG!!! Historical drama, literature and art are "rubbing salt on an old wound"? We should never think about any historical events that make us feel bad, right? Only learn, teach, and think about the history that makes us feel good and look good, right? :rolleyes:
"Thinking about" historical events is quite a bit different from influencing thoughts and recollection of those events through misleading, fictional, theatrical productions which are fed to the public via the broadcast media. The technique is called brainwashing.

This is not to say the practice of slavery was not an horrific historical crime. But the fictional production, Roots, subtly conveys the impression that all Whites were (are) capable of the cruelty personified by that era -- which simply isn't true. The fact is were it not for the actions and efforts of anti-slavery Whites, some of whom suffered gravely for their actions in the matter, slavery either would still exist in America or all Blacks therein would have been eliminated via gradual genocide.

But I'm sure you don't wish to hear that.
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It sucked. I like Levar Burton, so I was surprised he is one of the producers. It is not factually based and it was poorly done.
The first one was better. And it showed the same amount of violence but without CPG's to enhance the torn backs and shit.
That tribe did NOT prance around on stallions and they damn sure didn't say "university" any more than a zulu warrior wanted to go to Oxford or Shaka Zulu wanted to twerk. It's ludicrous. And NOT a good film. Period.
What makes you think it wasnt factual? So far your assertion that Africans didnt go to universities has been proven untrue.
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OMG! OMG!!! Historical drama, literature and art are "rubbing salt on an old wound"? We should never think about any historical events that make us feel bad, right? Only learn, teach, and think about the history that makes us feel good and look good, right? :rolleyes:
"Thinking about" historical events is quite a bit different from influencing thoughts and recollection of those events through misleading fictional theatrical productions which are fed to the public via the broadcast media. The technique is called brainwashing.

This is not to say the practice of slavery was not an horrific historical crime. But the fictional production, Roots, subtly conveys the impression that all Whites were (are) capable of the cruelty personified by that era -- which simply isn't true. The fact is were it not for the actions and efforts of anti-slavery Whites, some of whom suffered gravely for their actions in the matter, slavery either would still exist in America or all Blacks therein would have been eliminated via gradual genocide.

But I'm sure you don't wish to hear that.

Everything is brainwashing. I dont understand your singling out Roots. Our school system taught that Blacks had done nothing. Turns out the truth is exactly the opposite. As far as the whites of that era, very few would give their lives for a Black person no matter how they felt about slavery. They were in no way representative of whites in general. There is a reason most Blacks dont trust whites. Its been proven time and time again they arent really all that trust worthy as a race.
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OMG! OMG!!! Historical drama, literature and art are "rubbing salt on an old wound"? We should never think about any historical events that make us feel bad, right? Only learn, teach, and think about the history that makes us feel good and look good, right? :rolleyes:
"Thinking about" historical events is quite a bit different from influencing thoughts and recollection of those events through misleading fictional theatrical productions which are fed to the public via the broadcast media. The technique is called brainwashing.

This is not to say the practice of slavery was not an horrific historical crime. But the fictional production, Roots, subtly conveys the impression that all Whites were (are) capable of the cruelty personified by that era -- which simply isn't true. The fact is were it not for the actions and efforts of anti-slavery Whites, some of whom suffered gravely for their actions in the matter, slavery either would still exist in America or all Blacks therein would have been eliminated via gradual genocide.

But I'm sure you don't wish to hear that.
You don't know what I wish to hear you fucking asshole.
OMG! OMG!!! Historical drama, literature and art are "rubbing salt on an old wound"? We should never think about any historical events that make us feel bad, right? Only learn, teach, and think about the history that makes us feel good and look good, right? :rolleyes:
"Thinking about" historical events is quite a bit different from influencing thoughts and recollection of those events through misleading fictional theatrical productions which are fed to the public via the broadcast media. The technique is called brainwashing.

This is not to say the practice of slavery was not an horrific historical crime. But the fictional production, Roots, subtly conveys the impression that all Whites were (are) capable of the cruelty personified by that era -- which simply isn't true. The fact is were it not for the actions and efforts of anti-slavery Whites, some of whom suffered gravely for their actions in the matter, slavery either would still exist in America or all Blacks therein would have been eliminated via gradual genocide.

But I'm sure you don't wish to hear that.

First, you didn't watch it so you're opinions of the show you didn't see is irrelevant. Second you called slavery a horrific crime. How do you make a movie during this horrific crime in a positive light? You cant, yet you demand it be so. Third, they showed "nice" slave owners too and even showed the war white people fought to end it.

So on 3 different points you are wrong. Again, because you didn't even see the movie. I watched Inglorious Bastards the other day and it was a good story. Did all of that actually happen the way they said? IDK, but it still was a good movie. If you want totally accurate movies then you don't like any movie, ever.
Given that TV is not a good source of accurate history, it is not a good idea to watch this show and think that anything you are watching reflects what really happened during the days of slavery.

In the 1930's, when Hollywood was pro-South, slavery was almost always portrayed as a benevolent institution, with happy-go-lucky darkies working for generous and kind-hearted white masters. Gone With The Wind portrayed slavery this way, and the North was portrayed as an evil aggressor for forcibly ending this "civilized" way of life.

The current Hollywood line that all blacks were miserable and beaten, and that all whites were cruel, heartless, abusive taskmasters who mercilessly whipped their slaves, is as much as a lie as the previous pro-slavery portrayal. I'm not saying that slavery is ever a good thing, but exaggerating and lying about slavery does not serve the greater truth, which is that slavery is always wrong even if the masters are trying their best to be good masters, and the slaves are happy in their enslaved condition.

And that's because slavery perpetuates the idea that a human being can ever be legally or morally treated as anything less than a human being, with full human rights, inalienable, endowed by our Creator, and guaranteed in the United States Constitution. The ideals of the Declaration of Independence, written by slave owner Thomas Jefferson, was the death knell of slavery. What it proves is that though the some of the Founding Fathers owned slaves, they knew it was wrong, and what's more important, they knew that slavery was a violation of everything the American Revolution stood for.

So what Roots is going to offer is "slavery porn." It will show black people getting beaten to an inch of their lives, and white people doing the whipping, and none of it will get us any closer to the answer we seek, which is that all human beings, regardless of age, sex, race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or status as born or unborn, is entitled to full rights under the U.S. Constitution, since we are all fully human and children of God. When Hollywood starts tackling current injustices, like abortion, with the bravery it tackles injustices that have already been resolved, then I will be impressed.
Very well said!

I watched the first episode of what clearly is an opportunistic effort to generate box-office profits while rubbing salt on an old wound and I thought it a poorly crafted, poorly performed, often absurd waste of time. But I'm sure it will be a hit with a lot of mainly young Blacks who already are indoctrinated with hatred for Whites and undoubtedly will provoke a substantial increase in what already is a serious rate of Black on White crime.

Having read a few very good historical accounts of the slavery era in America and having watched several extremely well-made movies and televised documentaries of that shamefully cruel practice I feel justified in dismissing this amateurish production as comic-book level trash.
OMG! OMG!!! Historical drama, literature and art are "rubbing salt on an old wound"? We should never think about any historical events that make us feel bad, right? Only learn, teach, and think about the history that makes us feel good and look good, right? :rolleyes:
Anything showing whites in a bad light racially becomes rubbing salt in a wound. I bet the jewish holocaust movies are just fine.
Given that TV is not a good source of accurate history, it is not a good idea to watch this show and think that anything you are watching reflects what really happened during the days of slavery.

In the 1930's, when Hollywood was pro-South, slavery was almost always portrayed as a benevolent institution, with happy-go-lucky darkies working for generous and kind-hearted white masters. Gone With The Wind portrayed slavery this way, and the North was portrayed as an evil aggressor for forcibly ending this "civilized" way of life.

The current Hollywood line that all blacks were miserable and beaten, and that all whites were cruel, heartless, abusive taskmasters who mercilessly whipped their slaves, is as much as a lie as the previous pro-slavery portrayal. I'm not saying that slavery is ever a good thing, but exaggerating and lying about slavery does not serve the greater truth, which is that slavery is always wrong even if the masters are trying their best to be good masters, and the slaves are happy in their enslaved condition.

And that's because slavery perpetuates the idea that a human being can ever be legally or morally treated as anything less than a human being, with full human rights, inalienable, endowed by our Creator, and guaranteed in the United States Constitution. The ideals of the Declaration of Independence, written by slave owner Thomas Jefferson, was the death knell of slavery. What it proves is that though the some of the Founding Fathers owned slaves, they knew it was wrong, and what's more important, they knew that slavery was a violation of everything the American Revolution stood for.

So what Roots is going to offer is "slavery porn." It will show black people getting beaten to an inch of their lives, and white people doing the whipping, and none of it will get us any closer to the answer we seek, which is that all human beings, regardless of age, sex, race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or status as born or unborn, is entitled to full rights under the U.S. Constitution, since we are all fully human and children of God. When Hollywood starts tackling current injustices, like abortion, with the bravery it tackles injustices that have already been resolved, then I will be impressed.
Very well said!

I watched the first episode of what clearly is an opportunistic effort to generate box-office profits while rubbing salt on an old wound and I thought it a poorly crafted, poorly performed, often absurd waste of time. But I'm sure it will be a hit with a lot of mainly young Blacks who already are indoctrinated with hatred for Whites and undoubtedly will provoke a substantial increase in what already is a serious rate of Black on White crime.

Having read a few very good historical accounts of the slavery era in America and having watched several extremely well-made movies and televised documentaries of that shamefully cruel practice I feel justified in dismissing this amateurish production as comic-book level trash.
OMG! OMG!!! Historical drama, literature and art are "rubbing salt on an old wound"? We should never think about any historical events that make us feel bad, right? Only learn, teach, and think about the history that makes us feel good and look good, right? :rolleyes:
Anything showing whites in a bad light racially becomes rubbing salt in a wound. I bet the jewish holocaust movies are just fine.

I can't stand racists. Hate them. Despicable. I don't know how they can live with themselves.
Remember all the Germans Americans complaining about how they were portrayed in Schindlers list? And how they demanded they show all the good Germans in Hitlers Germany?

No? Me neither, what could be the difference?
Given that TV is not a good source of accurate history, it is not a good idea to watch this show and think that anything you are watching reflects what really happened during the days of slavery.

In the 1930's, when Hollywood was pro-South, slavery was almost always portrayed as a benevolent institution, with happy-go-lucky darkies working for generous and kind-hearted white masters. Gone With The Wind portrayed slavery this way, and the North was portrayed as an evil aggressor for forcibly ending this "civilized" way of life.

The current Hollywood line that all blacks were miserable and beaten, and that all whites were cruel, heartless, abusive taskmasters who mercilessly whipped their slaves, is as much as a lie as the previous pro-slavery portrayal. I'm not saying that slavery is ever a good thing, but exaggerating and lying about slavery does not serve the greater truth, which is that slavery is always wrong even if the masters are trying their best to be good masters, and the slaves are happy in their enslaved condition.

And that's because slavery perpetuates the idea that a human being can ever be legally or morally treated as anything less than a human being, with full human rights, inalienable, endowed by our Creator, and guaranteed in the United States Constitution. The ideals of the Declaration of Independence, written by slave owner Thomas Jefferson, was the death knell of slavery. What it proves is that though the some of the Founding Fathers owned slaves, they knew it was wrong, and what's more important, they knew that slavery was a violation of everything the American Revolution stood for.

So what Roots is going to offer is "slavery porn." It will show black people getting beaten to an inch of their lives, and white people doing the whipping, and none of it will get us any closer to the answer we seek, which is that all human beings, regardless of age, sex, race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or status as born or unborn, is entitled to full rights under the U.S. Constitution, since we are all fully human and children of God. When Hollywood starts tackling current injustices, like abortion, with the bravery it tackles injustices that have already been resolved, then I will be impressed.
Very well said!

I watched the first episode of what clearly is an opportunistic effort to generate box-office profits while rubbing salt on an old wound and I thought it a poorly crafted, poorly performed, often absurd waste of time. But I'm sure it will be a hit with a lot of mainly young Blacks who already are indoctrinated with hatred for Whites and undoubtedly will provoke a substantial increase in what already is a serious rate of Black on White crime.

Having read a few very good historical accounts of the slavery era in America and having watched several extremely well-made movies and televised documentaries of that shamefully cruel practice I feel justified in dismissing this amateurish production as comic-book level trash.
OMG! OMG!!! Historical drama, literature and art are "rubbing salt on an old wound"? We should never think about any historical events that make us feel bad, right? Only learn, teach, and think about the history that makes us feel good and look good, right? :rolleyes:
Anything showing whites in a bad light racially becomes rubbing salt in a wound. I bet the jewish holocaust movies are just fine.

I can't stand racists. Hate them. Despicable. I don't know how they can live with themselves.
They rationalize it by telling themselves things like there is no way Africans went to universities prior to Harvard being built or that Columbus discovered america, or whites invented civilization. Once you brainwash yourself into believing these things it becomes easy to be racist. Thats why I am so happy my parents made sure I knew my Black and African history.
Given that TV is not a good source of accurate history, it is not a good idea to watch this show and think that anything you are watching reflects what really happened during the days of slavery.

In the 1930's, when Hollywood was pro-South, slavery was almost always portrayed as a benevolent institution, with happy-go-lucky darkies working for generous and kind-hearted white masters. Gone With The Wind portrayed slavery this way, and the North was portrayed as an evil aggressor for forcibly ending this "civilized" way of life.

The current Hollywood line that all blacks were miserable and beaten, and that all whites were cruel, heartless, abusive taskmasters who mercilessly whipped their slaves, is as much as a lie as the previous pro-slavery portrayal. I'm not saying that slavery is ever a good thing, but exaggerating and lying about slavery does not serve the greater truth, which is that slavery is always wrong even if the masters are trying their best to be good masters, and the slaves are happy in their enslaved condition.

And that's because slavery perpetuates the idea that a human being can ever be legally or morally treated as anything less than a human being, with full human rights, inalienable, endowed by our Creator, and guaranteed in the United States Constitution. The ideals of the Declaration of Independence, written by slave owner Thomas Jefferson, was the death knell of slavery. What it proves is that though the some of the Founding Fathers owned slaves, they knew it was wrong, and what's more important, they knew that slavery was a violation of everything the American Revolution stood for.

So what Roots is going to offer is "slavery porn." It will show black people getting beaten to an inch of their lives, and white people doing the whipping, and none of it will get us any closer to the answer we seek, which is that all human beings, regardless of age, sex, race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or status as born or unborn, is entitled to full rights under the U.S. Constitution, since we are all fully human and children of God. When Hollywood starts tackling current injustices, like abortion, with the bravery it tackles injustices that have already been resolved, then I will be impressed.
Very well said!

I watched the first episode of what clearly is an opportunistic effort to generate box-office profits while rubbing salt on an old wound and I thought it was a poorly crafted, poorly performed, often absurd waste of time. But I'm sure it will be a hit with a lot of mainly young Blacks who already are indoctrinated with hatred for Whites and undoubtedly will provoke a substantial increase in what already is a serious rate of Black on White crime.

Having read a few very good historical accounts of the slavery era in America and having watched several extremely well-made movies and televised documentaries of that shamefully cruel practice I feel justified in dismissing this amateurish production as comic-book level trash.
OMG! OMG!!! Historical drama, literature and art are "rubbing salt on an old wound"? We should never think about any historical events that make us feel bad, right? Only learn, teach, and think about the history that makes us feel good and look good, right? :rolleyes:
They are shitting their pants as a new generation is being made aware of what went on and now the demographic shift is taking place
Remember all the Germans Americans complaining about how they were portrayed in Schindlers list? And how they demanded they show all the good Germans in Hitlers Germany?

No? Me neither, what could be the difference?
In the German education system, they make sure their kids know what happened during WWII, during Hitler's Germany. They make sure their kids know not to ever let it happen again.

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