Rosanne lashes out at her costar son on sitcom

This is why I hate Twitter and Facebook, both are Totalitarian Censors.

I support Freedom of Speech which includes the right to offend, so Roseanne or anyone should be allowed to comment what they want to, far worse things have been Tweeted by others and nothing has been said, the situation is this is Political Censorship it's BECAUSE Roseanne supports The Donald and she's in the middle of a cesspit of Far Leftism SJW madness ie. Hollyweird, if she was hating The Donald and posted something vile about Melania on Twitter you ALL would be applauding her.

Sorry - But when you are in the public eye, racist rants are in bad form. If only Donnie Dumpster could be held to the same standard. Sadly, Congressional Republicans have sold their souls and become invertebrates.

Maybe ABC could kill her character off in a freaky, but globally warmed, super tornado. But she couldn't see it coming because she was too busy tweeting up a shitstorm.

Or get killed by the muslim neighbors!

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She's losing her mind - Time to put Rosie AND her Donald in straightjackets.
Trump defended Roseanne?

Well sorta - In a roundabout manner :wink:

UnbeLIEVable narcissism on display.
He had no reason to comment on this--Presidents don't have to comment on everything that happens in the country. But the left was hoping he'd say something they could tear him apart for and the right was ready to field whatever dung ball he threw their way. Instead he handled it by making it ENTIRELY about himself. Not a bad strategy, actually.
“Wow! Unreal,” Barr wrote in response to Sara Gilbert's thoughts, adding, “I understand her position and why she said what she said. I forgive her. It just shocked me a bit, but I indeed f—ed up.”

What's all this talk about forgiving Sara when there is nothing bad about how she feels in the first place? To me, the show's existence should've just been decided by the viewing public. If not enough people continue to watch it, just get rid of Roseanne and let the other cast members keep their jobs. Why should they have to pay for her complete and total lack of consideration for others?

God bless you and her former cast members always!!!


P.S. Roseanne lashing out at that boy who plays DJ in my opinion only digs her hole deeper.
What a great way for the pig to go out. Costing all of her co-workers and the crew members their jobs, and forever known as a racist jackass.
She's losing her mind - Time to put Rosie AND her Donald in straightjackets.
Trump defended Roseanne?

Well sorta - In a roundabout manner :wink:

UnbeLIEVable narcissism on display.
He had no reason to comment on this--Presidents don't have to comment on everything that happens in the country. But the left was hoping he'd say something they could tear him apart for and the right was ready to field whatever dung ball he threw their way. Instead he handled it by making it ENTIRELY about himself. Not a bad strategy, actually.

Donald Drumph's strategery is working. As you say OL - SCARY

If FOX does pick up this slug....I expect she will need to beg on Hollywood Blvd for sponsors. She has turned herself into. Pariah....which makes her called....president's hero.

What an ignorant woman...

How is what Roseanne Tweeted ANY worse than things that Hillary has commented? Why hasn't Hillary been thrown off the cliff? Oh that's right because she's a Leftist, so she gets awards from Harvard and they cheer for her.

Hypocrisy 101 from the SJW Leftist Bedwetters again:


Hearsay from a jilted lover and confirmed grifter trying to sell a crappy book.

Hillary Clinton referred to Jews as 'stupid k***s', Bill's ex-lover D…

I support Freedom of Speech which includes the right to offend, so Roseanne or anyone should be allowed to comment what they want to, far worse things have been Tweeted by others and nothing has been said, the situation is this is Political Censorship it's BECAUSE Roseanne supports The Donald and she's in the middle of a cesspit of Far Leftism SJW madness ie. Hollyweird, if she was hating The Donald and posted something vile about Melania on Twitter you ALL would be applauding her.

And Disney defends their right to fire the pig....
She's losing her mind - Time to put Rosie AND her Donald in straightjackets.
Trump defended Roseanne?

trump doesn't even try to conceal his racism anymore....His knuckle dragging Neanderthal followers love it...

^^^^ The Donald isn't a racist:

Memes will not save you or your Dotard Lucy - :(

I don't need saving because I do not give a crap what anyone thinks, I comment what I like and if Leftist Bedwetters don't like it then they can go and comfort themselves with some Play Doh.
She's losing her mind - Time to put Rosie AND her Donald in straightjackets.
Trump defended Roseanne?

trump doesn't even try to conceal his racism anymore....His knuckle dragging Neanderthal followers love it...

^^^^ The Donald isn't a racist:

Memes will not save you or your Dotard Lucy - :(

I don't need saving because I do not give a crap what anyone thinks, I comment what I like and if Leftist Bedwetters don't like it then they can go and comfort themselves with some Play Doh.

Yeah, Leftist Bedwetters .. Freaking AWESUM response (assuming responder is a fucking IDIOT)

Play Doh or PAY dough?

Yes, there were BOTH -- IDIOT

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