Rosanne lashes out at her costar son on sitcom

Barr is basically a socialist and Clinton is a capitalist, the two were not compatible.
And Trump is even more so, so that makes no sense.

No, it's pretty clear at this point: she voted for Trump because she perceived a brother in arms in the race war in her head.

You are so full of shit! Trump Didn’t have Wall Streets support, that was Clinton, Trump was viewed as an outsider and Clinton was capitalist with baggage. That said, I agree with you that lefts like Rosanne tend to be racist.
Another lefty not wanting to take responsibility? This isn't news.
Another white winger doubling down on stupid? This isn't news.

Rosanne is a progressive, she ran for president under the Green Party and she also ran for president under Peace and Freedom Party which was the same party Cindy Sheehan ran for president under. That Barr decided to vote for Trump because of his anti-establishment stands pisses you,left wing nuts off and it irritates you, if Joy Behar or Keith Olbermann said something similar to Ben Carson you’d be praising them. You assholes have a double standard and you and other left wing nuts have been outed.
I have a double standard? Huh? Stop yer whining, you insufferable little crybaby.

I always did find her support of Trump to be odd, given the fact that she is at odds with him on so many issues. I think the events of the last 2 days make it crystal clear why she supports Trump.

I think it is crystal clear why she voted for Trump, like many real liberals they couldn’t vote for Wall Street’s candidate Clinton. Barr is basically a socialist and Clinton is a capitalist, the two were not compatible. Maybe the Democratic Party will get smart next Presidential election and not nominate a person who had the same character flaws as the Republican candidate and thought she was entitled to the Presidency.

Barr is not a liberal....she is a trumpettes with the morals and the mouth to prove it....
Barr is basically a socialist and Clinton is a capitalist, the two were not compatible.
And Trump is even more so, so that makes no sense.

No, it's pretty clear at this point: she voted for Trump because she perceived a brother in arms in the race war in her head.
$50 says she didn't even know Valerie Jarrett had a drop of black blood in her.

Course that doesn't stop you cocksuckers from making shit up as you go.
Another lefty not wanting to take responsibility? This isn't news.
Another white winger doubling down on stupid? This isn't news.

Rosanne is a progressive, she ran for president under the Green Party and she also ran for president under Peace and Freedom Party which was the same party Cindy Sheehan ran for president under. That Barr decided to vote for Trump because of his anti-establishment stands pisses you,left wing nuts off and it irritates you, if Joy Behar or Keith Olbermann said something similar to Ben Carson you’d be praising them. You assholes have a double standard and you and other left wing nuts have been outed.
I have a double standard? Huh? Stop yer whining, you insufferable little crybaby.

I always did find her support of Trump to be odd, given the fact that she is at odds with him on so many issues. I think the events of the last 2 days make it crystal clear why she supports Trump.

I think it is crystal clear why she voted for Trump, like many real liberals they couldn’t vote for Wall Street’s candidate Clinton. Barr is basically a socialist and Clinton is a capitalist, the two were not compatible. Maybe the Democratic Party will get smart next Presidential election and not nominate a person who had the same character flaws as the Republican candidate and thought she was entitled to the Presidency.

Barr is not a liberal....she is a trumpettes with the morals and the mouth to prove it....
Actually she's a big-time liberal....but she's had a moment of truth and realizes that dickheads that follow the left are a bunch of mindless imbeciles.
Barr is basically a socialist and Clinton is a capitalist, the two were not compatible.
And Trump is even more so, so that makes no sense.

No, it's pretty clear at this point: she voted for Trump because she perceived a brother in arms in the race war in her head.

You are so full of shit! Trump Didn’t have Wall Streets support, that was Clinton, Trump was viewed as an outsider and Clinton was capitalist with baggage. That said, I agree with you that lefts like Rosanne tend to be racist.

Another lefty not wanting to take responsibility? This isn't news.
Another white winger doubling down on stupid? This isn't news.

Rosanne is a progressive, she ran for president under the Green Party and she also ran for president under Peace and Freedom Party which was the same party Cindy Sheehan ran for president under. That Barr decided to vote for Trump because of his anti-establishment stands pisses you,left wing nuts off and it irritates you, if Joy Behar or Keith Olbermann said something similar to Ben Carson you’d be praising them. You assholes have a double standard and you and other left wing nuts have been outed.
I have a double standard? Huh? Stop yer whining, you insufferable little crybaby.

I always did find her support of Trump to be odd, given the fact that she is at odds with him on so many issues. I think the events of the last 2 days make it crystal clear why she supports Trump.

I think it is crystal clear why she voted for Trump, like many real liberals they couldn’t vote for Wall Street’s candidate Clinton. Barr is basically a socialist and Clinton is a capitalist, the two were not compatible. Maybe the Democratic Party will get smart next Presidential election and not nominate a person who had the same character flaws as the Republican candidate and thought she was entitled to the Presidency.

Barr is not a liberal....she is a trumpettes with the morals and the mouth to prove it....
Moron detected...
Barr is basically a socialist and Clinton is a capitalist, the two were not compatible.
And Trump is even more so, so that makes no sense.

No, it's pretty clear at this point: she voted for Trump because she perceived a brother in arms in the race war in her head.

You are so full of shit! Trump Didn’t have Wall Streets support, that was Clinton, Trump was viewed as an outsider and Clinton was capitalist with baggage. That said, I agree with you that lefts like Rosanne tend to be racist.

Fake News lemming detected
Another white winger doubling down on stupid? This isn't news.

Rosanne is a progressive, she ran for president under the Green Party and she also ran for president under Peace and Freedom Party which was the same party Cindy Sheehan ran for president under. That Barr decided to vote for Trump because of his anti-establishment stands pisses you,left wing nuts off and it irritates you, if Joy Behar or Keith Olbermann said something similar to Ben Carson you’d be praising them. You assholes have a double standard and you and other left wing nuts have been outed.
I have a double standard? Huh? Stop yer whining, you insufferable little crybaby.

I always did find her support of Trump to be odd, given the fact that she is at odds with him on so many issues. I think the events of the last 2 days make it crystal clear why she supports Trump.

I think it is crystal clear why she voted for Trump, like many real liberals they couldn’t vote for Wall Street’s candidate Clinton. Barr is basically a socialist and Clinton is a capitalist, the two were not compatible. Maybe the Democratic Party will get smart next Presidential election and not nominate a person who had the same character flaws as the Republican candidate and thought she was entitled to the Presidency.

Barr is not a liberal....she is a trumpettes with the morals and the mouth to prove it....
Actually she's a big-time liberal....but she's had a moment of truth and realizes that dickheads that follow the left are a bunch of mindless imbeciles.

Oh....she's a liberal when she gets canned....she's a trumpettes when she is starring in a hit TV show.

You people are the most brazen hypocrites to each breath!
How is what Roseanne Tweeted ANY worse than things that Hillary has commented? Why hasn't Hillary been thrown off the cliff? Oh that's right because she's a Leftist, so she gets awards from Harvard and they cheer for her.

Hypocrisy 101 from the SJW Leftist Bedwetters again:


Hearsay from a jilted lover and confirmed grifter trying to sell a crappy book.

Hillary Clinton referred to Jews as 'stupid k***s', Bill's ex-lover D…

I support Freedom of Speech which includes the right to offend, so Roseanne or anyone should be allowed to comment what they want to, far worse things have been Tweeted by others and nothing has been said, the situation is this is Political Censorship it's BECAUSE Roseanne supports The Donald and she's in the middle of a cesspit of Far Leftism SJW madness ie. Hollyweird, if she was hating The Donald and posted something vile about Melania on Twitter you ALL would be applauding her.

And Disney defends their right to fire the pig....

Actually, it was more like an economic decision by Disney. Black Panther was one of the top all time grossing movies last year, and they decided to make a Black Panther 2. Because the primary audience was black people, Disney decided that if they didn't drop Roseanne, it would look like they supported her bullshit tweet by not firing her, which would alienate the black community and possibly have a negative impact on Black Panther 2.

Me personally? I think that instead of blaming Ambien for it, she should have just said she got drunk and in a moment of unthinking, tweeted out the racist tweet. Would have been more believable, she wouldn't have pissed off the pharma company, and everyone would have been able to relate. Why? How many of us out there have done or said something stupid while drunk?

Maybe I should go into the PR business......................

Rosamine and trump are famous for saying or doing something stupid and the blaming some else...
It is their MO....And the RWers just love it.

Like Hillary blaming sexism, Obama, Comey, Sanders, self hating women,the media, uninformed voters, voter suppression, Russia, the Democratic National Committee, Jill Stein, her own campaign staff, campaign finance laws, the Electoral College, Anthony Weiner and of course the deplorables.

Obama blamed Republicans, Bush, Fox News, for Solyndra he blamed China and it goes on and on, so complain about the right however you are hypocritical in doing so.
Barr is not a liberal....she is a trumpettes with the morals and the mouth to prove it....
1. Disrespected the flag and our anthem. Liberal or Trump?
2. Tweeted that she hoped Christians who supported Chick fil A die of cancer. Lib or Trump?
3. Said anyone worth over $100,000,000 should give it to the poor or be EXECUTED! One of you, or Trump?
Rosanne is a progressive, she ran for president under the Green Party and she also ran for president under Peace and Freedom Party which was the same party Cindy Sheehan ran for president under. That Barr decided to vote for Trump because of his anti-establishment stands pisses you,left wing nuts off and it irritates you, if Joy Behar or Keith Olbermann said something similar to Ben Carson you’d be praising them. You assholes have a double standard and you and other left wing nuts have been outed.
I have a double standard? Huh? Stop yer whining, you insufferable little crybaby.

I always did find her support of Trump to be odd, given the fact that she is at odds with him on so many issues. I think the events of the last 2 days make it crystal clear why she supports Trump.

I think it is crystal clear why she voted for Trump, like many real liberals they couldn’t vote for Wall Street’s candidate Clinton. Barr is basically a socialist and Clinton is a capitalist, the two were not compatible. Maybe the Democratic Party will get smart next Presidential election and not nominate a person who had the same character flaws as the Republican candidate and thought she was entitled to the Presidency.

Barr is not a liberal....she is a trumpettes with the morals and the mouth to prove it....
Actually she's a big-time liberal....but she's had a moment of truth and realizes that dickheads that follow the left are a bunch of mindless imbeciles.

Oh....she's a liberal when she gets canned....she's a trumpettes when she is starring in a hit TV show.

You people are the most brazen hypocrites to each breath!
Yeah....and racists *yawn*
Another lefty not wanting to take responsibility? This isn't news.
Another white winger doubling down on stupid? This isn't news.

Rosanne is a progressive, she ran for president under the Green Party and she also ran for president under Peace and Freedom Party which was the same party Cindy Sheehan ran for president under. That Barr decided to vote for Trump because of his anti-establishment stands pisses you,left wing nuts off and it irritates you, if Joy Behar or Keith Olbermann said something similar to Ben Carson you’d be praising them. You assholes have a double standard and you and other left wing nuts have been outed.
I have a double standard? Huh? Stop yer whining, you insufferable little crybaby.

I always did find her support of Trump to be odd, given the fact that she is at odds with him on so many issues. I think the events of the last 2 days make it crystal clear why she supports Trump.

I think it is crystal clear why she voted for Trump, like many real liberals they couldn’t vote for Wall Street’s candidate Clinton. Barr is basically a socialist and Clinton is a capitalist, the two were not compatible. Maybe the Democratic Party will get smart next Presidential election and not nominate a person who had the same character flaws as the Republican candidate and thought she was entitled to the Presidency.

Barr is not a liberal....she is a trumpettes with the morals and the mouth to prove it....

She belongs to the Peace and Freedom Party and before that the Green Party, those are left wing extreme parties. Go head look them up, I dare you.
Barr is basically a socialist and Clinton is a capitalist, the two were not compatible.
And Trump is even more so, so that makes no sense.

No, it's pretty clear at this point: she voted for Trump because she perceived a brother in arms in the race war in her head.

You are so full of shit! Trump Didn’t have Wall Streets support, that was Clinton, Trump was viewed as an outsider and Clinton was capitalist with baggage. That said, I agree with you that lefts like Rosanne tend to be racist.


Barr is basically a socialist and Clinton is a capitalist, the two were not compatible.
And Trump is even more so, so that makes no sense.

No, it's pretty clear at this point: she voted for Trump because she perceived a brother in arms in the race war in her head.

You are so full of shit! Trump Didn’t have Wall Streets support, that was Clinton, Trump was viewed as an outsider and Clinton was capitalist with baggage. That said, I agree with you that lefts like Rosanne tend to be racist.



That makes her a trumpette...THANKS FOR CLARIFYING THAT!
Barr is basically a socialist and Clinton is a capitalist, the two were not compatible.
And Trump is even more so, so that makes no sense.

No, it's pretty clear at this point: she voted for Trump because she perceived a brother in arms in the race war in her head.

You are so full of shit! Trump Didn’t have Wall Streets support, that was Clinton, Trump was viewed as an outsider and Clinton was capitalist with baggage. That said, I agree with you that lefts like Rosanne tend to be racist.

You have a tendency to think 2 dimensional in that only an extreme rightwinger would vote for Trump.
The reason Trump won is because enough Democrats couldn't stomach voting for that Bitch Hillary.....and instead chose to vote for Trump or not at all.
Barr is basically a socialist and Clinton is a capitalist, the two were not compatible.
And Trump is even more so, so that makes no sense.

No, it's pretty clear at this point: she voted for Trump because she perceived a brother in arms in the race war in her head.

You are so full of shit! Trump Didn’t have Wall Streets support, that was Clinton, Trump was viewed as an outsider and Clinton was capitalist with baggage. That said, I agree with you that lefts like Rosanne tend to be racist.



That makes her a trumpette...THANKS FOR CLARIFYING THAT!
Lots of Democrats voted for Trump. Maybe your party should be asking "why?"

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