Rosanne lashes out at her costar son on sitcom

Another lefty not wanting to take responsibility? This isn't news.
Roseanne isn't a lefty. Try to keep up.
Political party: Green (2008–2012); Peace and Freedom (2012–2013)

Bill Maher questioned her on her socialist views her support for Trump because of her views.

She is a nutcase....perfect for the trumpette cult.
It's hilarious how hard these guys are trying to disown her right now.

Running from a lunatic that they created....FUNNY
Another lefty not wanting to take responsibility? This isn't news.
Roseanne isn't a lefty. Try to keep up.
Political party: Green (2008–2012); Peace and Freedom (2012–2013)

Bill Maher questioned her on her socialist views her support for Trump because of her views.
all you conservatives we're thrilled with her conservative values on her show. ""Finally, a conservative celebrity on prime time" you all cried.

She's a racist tRump supporting republican. Try to keep up.

I didn’t watch her show, I don’t care for her and never have, Tom she is a blow hard use like Trump, Joy Behar and Wanda Sikes. I note that you had nothing to prove she is a Republican other than your worthless opinion while I offered facts to prove otherwise. I do however realize that you lefties are all emotion so it’s ok.
Tough noogies kid, she's a racist, tRump supporting republican.
Another lefty not wanting to take responsibility? This isn't news.
Roseanne isn't a lefty. Try to keep up.
Political party: Green (2008–2012); Peace and Freedom (2012–2013)

Bill Maher questioned her on her socialist views her support for Trump because of her views.

She is a nutcase....perfect for the trumpette cult.

She is a nut case that’s is for sure, that I shy her running mate was left winger Cindy Sheehan. Let me know when you have proof other than one vote for Trump, she also has voted for Obama. Why can’t you accept the fact that Clinton was a terrible and I mean terrible candidate, she was so bad a buffoon like Trump beat her ass. Let me know when you get some facts cupcake.
Roseanne isn't a lefty. Try to keep up.
Political party: Green (2008–2012); Peace and Freedom (2012–2013)

Bill Maher questioned her on her socialist views her support for Trump because of her views.
all you conservatives we're thrilled with her conservative values on her show. ""Finally, a conservative celebrity on prime time" you all cried.

She's a racist tRump supporting republican. Try to keep up.

I didn’t watch her show, I don’t care for her and never have, Tom she is a blow hard use like Trump, Joy Behar and Wanda Sikes. I note that you had nothing to prove she is a Republican other than your worthless opinion while I offered facts to prove otherwise. I do however realize that you lefties are all emotion so it’s ok.
Tough noogies kid, she's a racist, tRump supporting republican.

You are certainly entitled to your uninformed opinion, I can’t stop you from being a dumb fuck, that’s on you.
Another lefty not wanting to take responsibility? This isn't news.
Roseanne isn't a lefty. Try to keep up.
Political party: Green (2008–2012); Peace and Freedom (2012–2013)

Bill Maher questioned her on her socialist views her support for Trump because of her views.

She is a nutcase....perfect for the trumpette cult.

She is a nut case that’s is for sure, that I shy her running mate was left winger Cindy Sheehan. Let me know when you have proof other than one vote for Trump, she also has voted for Obama. Why can’t you accept the fact that Clinton was a terrible and I mean terrible candidate, she was so bad a buffoon like Trump beat her ass. Let me know when you get some facts cupcake.

Trump drooled over her racism and low life readiness....she is a trumpette....for sure.
Roseanne isn't a lefty. Try to keep up.
Political party: Green (2008–2012); Peace and Freedom (2012–2013)

Bill Maher questioned her on her socialist views her support for Trump because of her views.

She is a nutcase....perfect for the trumpette cult.

She is a nut case that’s is for sure, that I shy her running mate was left winger Cindy Sheehan. Let me know when you have proof other than one vote for Trump, she also has voted for Obama. Why can’t you accept the fact that Clinton was a terrible and I mean terrible candidate, she was so bad a buffoon like Trump beat her ass. Let me know when you get some facts cupcake.

Trump drooled over her racism and low life readiness....she is a trumpette....for sure.

Yep, you go with that and Hillary is going to win in 2016. :5_1_12024::dance:
Another lefty not wanting to take responsibility? This isn't news.
Roseanne isn't a lefty. Try to keep up.
Political party: Green (2008–2012); Peace and Freedom (2012–2013)

Bill Maher questioned her on her socialist views her support for Trump because of her views.

She is a nutcase....perfect for the trumpette cult.

She is a nut case that’s is for sure, that I shy her running mate was left winger Cindy Sheehan. Let me know when you have proof other than one vote for Trump, she also has voted for Obama. Why can’t you accept the fact that Clinton was a terrible and I mean terrible candidate, she was so bad a buffoon like Trump beat her ass. Let me know when you get some facts cupcake.
She's a rwnj racist tRump supporter.

How Roseanne Barr Abandoned All Reason and Embraced the Alt-Right

Sorry kid, you guys are stuck with her.

If FOX does pick up this slug....I expect she will need to beg on Hollywood Blvd for sponsors. She has turned herself into. Pariah....which makes her called....president's hero.

What an ignorant woman...

How is what Roseanne Tweeted ANY worse than things that Hillary has commented? Why hasn't Hillary been thrown off the cliff? Oh that's right because she's a Leftist, so she gets awards from Harvard and they cheer for her.

Hypocrisy 101 from the SJW Leftist Bedwetters again:


Hearsay from a jilted lover and confirmed grifter trying to sell a crappy book.

Hillary Clinton referred to Jews as 'stupid k***s', Bill's ex-lover D…

I support Freedom of Speech which includes the right to offend, so Roseanne or anyone should be allowed to comment what they want to, far worse things have been Tweeted by others and nothing has been said, the situation is this is Political Censorship it's BECAUSE Roseanne supports The Donald and she's in the middle of a cesspit of Far Leftism SJW madness ie. Hollyweird, if she was hating The Donald and posted something vile about Melania on Twitter you ALL would be applauding her.
Way to support her.
Roseanne isn't a lefty. Try to keep up.
Political party: Green (2008–2012); Peace and Freedom (2012–2013)

Bill Maher questioned her on her socialist views her support for Trump because of her views.

She is a nutcase....perfect for the trumpette cult.

She is a nut case that’s is for sure, that I shy her running mate was left winger Cindy Sheehan. Let me know when you have proof other than one vote for Trump, she also has voted for Obama. Why can’t you accept the fact that Clinton was a terrible and I mean terrible candidate, she was so bad a buffoon like Trump beat her ass. Let me know when you get some facts cupcake.
She's a rwnj racist tRump supporter.

How Roseanne Barr Abandoned All Reason and Embraced the Alt-Right

Sorry kid, you guys are stuck with her.

Op’Ed piece? Lol! Nothing factual just opinions, you are emotional.
Political party: Green (2008–2012); Peace and Freedom (2012–2013)

Bill Maher questioned her on her socialist views her support for Trump because of her views.

She is a nutcase....perfect for the trumpette cult.

She is a nut case that’s is for sure, that I shy her running mate was left winger Cindy Sheehan. Let me know when you have proof other than one vote for Trump, she also has voted for Obama. Why can’t you accept the fact that Clinton was a terrible and I mean terrible candidate, she was so bad a buffoon like Trump beat her ass. Let me know when you get some facts cupcake.
She's a rwnj racist tRump supporter.

How Roseanne Barr Abandoned All Reason and Embraced the Alt-Right

Sorry kid, you guys are stuck with her.

Op’Ed piece? Lol! Nothing factual just opinions, you are emotional.
Sorry kid, you guys own her. Get used to it.
She's an American Jew. You know how those people are.

No...tell us how they are....
According to many people in this thread, they're racists.

But u aren't......:spinner:
No, I'm a Christian. But you said all Jews are racists like Roseanne told a joke about all black people. :) said lots of people on here say Jews are racist. I am a Christian. I know most Jews are NOT racists. Don't claim I said that.

Most Jewish people I know are good community minded people....most are very respected and hold high morals.
She's an American Jew. You know how those people are.

No...tell us how they are....
According to many people in this thread, they're racists.

But u aren't......:spinner:
No, I'm a Christian. But you said all Jews are racists like Roseanne told a joke about all black people. :) said lots of people on here say Jews are racist. I am a Christian. I know most Jews are NOT racists. Don't claim I said that.

Most Jewish people I know are good community minded people....most are very respected and hold high morals.
What one Jewish woman said applies to all black people. But she doesn't represent all Jews.

Interesting viewpoint.

If FOX does pick up this slug....I expect she will need to beg on Hollywood Blvd for sponsors. She has turned herself into. Pariah....which makes her called....president's hero.

What an ignorant woman...

Roseanne has always been a very crude, crass comedian in real life and her character was just loosely based on her! And her views, her tweets, that is just more of her incendiary style that has been the foundation of her career for thirty years. I only started watching her a few months ago, last winter, but she portrayed the lower middle class of white America and they related to her, whether accurate or not. Her tweet was just stupid, unnecessary, but had it been about Trump, let's face it, she'd still be on the air and ABC wouldn't be calling anyone up to apologize.

Amazing how this country has come to be so afraid of WORDS, and whatever was in Roseanne's mind, she seems a bit off her rocker with poor judgement, but the way everyone has overreacted to a crack about a sci fi movie and some little known politician most people never heard of till today, I don't blame her anger the way all these cast are dumping on her like she pushed a school bus full of blind children off a cliff. Amazing how sensitive people have become fearful of WORDS.

Seems to me there was tension brewing on the set of Roseanne and this has just brought it to a head---- ---- the experiment to bring Roseanne back to the airwaves of 2018 with its 1980s humor has imploded, the world is far too PC for a person like Roseanne now and all these people whose careers she MADE FOR THEM are now knifing her in the back, and I don't think any other network will be picking up the show, I think the wind has gone out of the sails of these people to ever work together again.

I guess Michael Fishman never got that THE POINT of 'Roseanne' was to challenge the mores of conventional thinking by flouting controversial issues! Well, apparently it is no longer acceptable in America much less funny to be controversial. And comparing someone to the planet of the apes, well, you'd think she killed someone . . . . if Fishman and Gilbert and ABC think THAT is "abhorrent" and "reprehensible," then God help them if they had lived through something REALLY abhorrent, like WWII. America, now land of the cream-puff pussy snowflakes. Afraid of WORDS.

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