Rose Bowl gives California and Newsome the middle finger

How long are the residents of New York and California going to put up with their mini wannabe dictators?

The state is out of ICU beds with patients waiting in hallways and parking lots waiting for one and the state decides against yet another super spreader event? dare they!!

All that DESPITE the draconian lock down measures ment to prevent it.

But far be it for me to think you might be capable of reading between the lines

The surge is because of people like you..anti-safety measure- anti-maskers who then crow about how these draconian measures don't work.

There is no explaining facts to the RWNJs, Not with FOX Noise propaganda screaming in their ears 24/7.


Truth over facts?
Science over fiction?
Baddacathcar for all?

It certainly is gratifying when a RWNJ like yourself, helps prove my point. Your FOX Noise indoctrination is showing.


With everyone everywhere wearing masks, why is it still spreading?
Everyone is social distancing. Your blue states have the toughest lockdowns... yet seem to be suffering the worst from the yellow death.
Please explain. Try not to blame trump

'With everyone everywhere wearing masks'..right there you start off with a misconception. Not everybody is trying to adhere to safety guidelines claiming they 'don't have to give up their rights' to a bunch of dictators telling them how to live etc. You have enough non-conformists out there to keep the virus spreading. We are now seeing the surge resulting from people doing what they wanted during the Thanksgiving holiday.

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Pandemic countermeasures-deniers...

Nature de-selects a high proportion of such a$$hole$...

Awe I'm glad you care. Lol, I won't be getting the vaccine.
The Kung Flu is 100 times more deadly than the flu?


The flu kills 12,000 a year. TRUMP PLAGUE has killed 320,000 so far, with all the precautions taken.

You are a truly STUPID PERSON.

First of all, that's not how you calculate how deadly a virus is, Idiot. You use death rate.

Second, there were 34,200 estimated flu deaths in the US in 2018-2019, not 12,000.

But lets ignore those two lies and use your flawed math to expose what a true idiot you are.

12,000 x 100 = 1,200,000. We don't have 1.2 million dead in the US from the Kung Flu, Moron.

Man, you sure can pack a ton of bullshit and lies into a single post. :laughing0301:
First of all, that's not how you calculate how deadly a virus is, Idiot. You use death rate.

Second, there were 34,200 estimated flu deaths in the US in 2018-2019, not 12,000.

yeah, guy, but that's all flu strains, not just one flu strain. The 12,000 was for H1N1, the guys you claimed was the worstest ever when Obama was in charge.

TRUMP PLAGUE has killed 323,000 as of today, and it's only been nine months.

How long are the residents of New York and California going to put up with their mini wannabe dictators?

To be fair, everyone should move out of California. They should nuke it, wait a thousand years for radiation levels to come down, and then maybe start to move in again.

You jealous ?
Best state in the US, biggest economic, most populous, entertainment, technology capital.
Best national parks, best beaches, mountains you name it has.
We have been sending people to other states and shifting their color from red to blue :)
You dont want too many of us to move to texas for example do you ?
Bowl games are a joke at best period. The CFP needs to implement a real playoff system like everyone else has in their sports...

I agree with that. Settle it on the field not some sportscaster voters ranking teams in some biased poll.
Why? How many national champs didn't deserve it? Tournament like that would take forever....and you would still end up with the we was robbed seeding you have in basketball
All of them didn't deserve it since they didn't play all the tops teams in the class 4A conference.
look how long it takes the's unworkable at college level with so many teams
you have the winners of the conferences play for the championship. would take forever.
The bowl games are spread over two months it can be done over two months..

What does science say? You people have been saying to listen to science yet you provided no science. Maybe it can be over tomorrow.
Trump did magnificent, Fauci screwed the pooch. Oh and all the Democrat governors. New York alone is the reason for the high death rate.

Well, no, we've had 323,000 deaths from TRUMP PLAGUE, of those only 36,000 were in New York.

So less than 12%?
From one liberal shithole, you get California, Detroit, Chicago, Seattle. What's the percentage then?
How is it that Texas can have fans at games and California is kicking teams and bowl games out of the state? The Governor of CA has already proven he can’t stay home and has no problem attending parties of 10 or more. Should we bring up Pelosi? California is full of shit.
And right now they are probably overcounting COVID deaths, while Flu deaths are only an estimate due to them probably assigning other causes of death to really sick people who also have the flu.

So in the case of the flu, if you have it and you are terminal with lung cancer, they probably list the lung cancer as the cause of death. With COVID, if you have the same terminal lung cancer and have COVID, they are probably counting you as a COVID death.

Wow, Granny was going to die anyway!!! You guys keep going with that. MEANWHILE IN THE REAL WORLD.

Or someone terminal with cancer who was 30.
Bowl games are a joke at best period. The CFP needs to implement a real playoff system like everyone else has in their sports...

I agree with that. Settle it on the field not some sportscaster voters ranking teams in some biased poll.
Why? How many national champs didn't deserve it? Tournament like that would take forever....and you would still end up with the we was robbed seeding you have in basketball
All of them didn't deserve it since they didn't play all the tops teams in the class 4A conference.
look how long it takes the's unworkable at college level with so many teams

The FCS has had a 16 team playoff for years and they seem to manage. I would also add that many of the schools at this level are more highly regarded academic institutions so the “they would miss too much school” argument falls on its face. Remove conference championship games and have them play an 11 game regular season schedule. This means. That means that the 2 teams that play for the national title in a 16-game playoff would only play ONE more game than they do currently. (11 regular season games+round of 16+round of 8+round of 4+ championship game=15 total games vs current system which has 12 regular season games+semi-final BCS game+championship game=14 total games)

Playoffs like this is the answer, otherwise the same teams will be winning year after year. This year, it will be Clemson vs Bama AGAIN because Notre Dame and Ohio State don’t stand a chance in the semi-finals. I can name at least 6-8 other teams in the country that would have done what Notre Dame and Ohio State did in the regular season if they played their schedules.
From one liberal shithole, you get California, Detroit, Chicago, Seattle. What's the percentage then?

What is this weird thing where you want to pretend America isn't her cities, where most of her people live?

If any part of America should be discounted, it's all the rural areas where your family trees don't fork.
Florida isn't doing too bad and it has more people than new york.
From one liberal shithole, you get California, Detroit, Chicago, Seattle. What's the percentage then?

What is this weird thing where you want to pretend America isn't her cities, where most of her people live?

If any part of America should be discounted, it's all the rural areas where your family trees don't fork.

America’s heartland matters. If you want to live like ants, move to Europe where virtually everyone lines in an urban area with population densities through the roof. Part of the American charm is the ability to spread out a little. If you want to buy a large swatch of land in the country you can. In some countries in Europe that is prohibited unless you are going to farm. BTW, there is a difference between huge cities like Chicago and NYC vs much smaller “urban” areas. The places
From one liberal shithole, you get California, Detroit, Chicago, Seattle. What's the percentage then?

What is this weird thing where you want to pretend America isn't her cities, where most of her people live?

If any part of America should be discounted, it's all the rural areas where your family trees don't fork.
Florida isn't doing too bad and it has more people than new york.

If Florida can stay a predominately red state, it is the place to be. The problem is all the Northeasters moving down to get away from the high taxes and the weather and brining their politics with them. Stupid, but well, that is a Democrat for you.
Trump did magnificent, Fauci screwed the pooch. Oh and all the Democrat governors. New York alone is the reason for the high death rate.

Well, no, we've had 323,000 deaths from TRUMP PLAGUE, of those only 36,000 were in New York.

So less than 12%?
6% of the US population has 12% of the Kung Flu deaths, then.

Nice job, Cuomo the Killer.
First of all, that's not how you calculate how deadly a virus is, Idiot. You use death rate.

Second, there were 34,200 estimated flu deaths in the US in 2018-2019, not 12,000.

yeah, guy, but that's all flu strains, not just one flu strain. The 12,000 was for H1N1, the guys you claimed was the worstest ever when Obama was in charge.

TRUMP PLAGUE has killed 323,000 as of today, and it's only been nine months.
Funny how you like to edit posts...........

But lets ignore those two lies and use your flawed math to expose what a true idiot you are.

12,000 x 100 = 1,200,000. We don't have 1.2 million dead in the US from the Kung Flu, Moron.

Man, you sure can pack a ton of bullshit and lies into a single post. :laughing0301:
America’s heartland matters. If you want to live like ants, move to Europe where virtually everyone lines in an urban area with population densities through the roof. Part of the American charm is the ability to spread out a little. If you want to buy a large swatch of land in the country you can. In some countries in Europe that is prohibited unless you are going to farm. BTW, there is a difference between huge cities like Chicago and NYC vs much smaller “urban” areas. The places

Actually, there's no charm in this..


The pure stupidity is that we have a system where this very small slice of the population, the dumbest, most inbred, bible thumping moron part of the population, has outsized political influence due to the Senate and Electoral College.

If Florida can stay a predominately red state, it is the place to be. The problem is all the Northeasters moving down to get away from the high taxes and the weather and brining their politics with them. Stupid, but well, that is a Democrat for you.

I think people move down for the nicer weather, and then find the politics down there being kind of stupid, and wanting to change it.

Florida will be a Blue State eventually and so will Texas, and we will be better off for it.
12,000 x 100 = 1,200,000. We don't have 1.2 million dead in the US from the Kung Flu.

Well, not yet... Trump is working on it, though. That we've had 328,000 deaths is actually, you know, really bad.

Someone who was president and let that happen must have been pretty incompetent by Right Wing Standards set for Obama when he only lost 12,000, mostly because you have morons who don't take their shots.

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