Rose Bowl gives California and Newsome the middle finger

So if flu numbers are reducing, why is Covid going up?

because Covid is 100 times more contagious and deadly, dummy.

The vast majority of pneumonia cases seem to be labeled as "covid" as well. Pneumonia is a very Popular disease out there, my grandfather died of pneumonia in 1982.

That's because pneumonia isn't a disease, it's a symptom of another disease. There are dozens of diseases that can cause pneumonia, including Covid.
The Kung Flu is 100 times more deadly than the flu?

...Because people show up at fans houses and force them to attend at gun point.
Nope. Because stupid people make stupid choices. And that is their right. UNTIL their stupid choices risk infecting dozens or scores of other people.

By cancelling the game, we take away one possible stupid choice - multiplied by thousands - that would otherwise risks lives amongst the innocent.
But if the smart people wear their masks, aren’t they protected?
Arent just the dumb ones at risk?
Are you trying to save the dumb ones from themselves?
The 6 month methods of masks and quarantines and distancing does work. The answer? Do it twice as much.

This is Air people, Covid and many other dangerous things are floating about. Hiding is futile. Leave liberty alone.
Yes ... Californians should move to Texas ... one of the best places on Earth, I can't say enough about Texas and living there is a dream come true ... (let someone else get Californicated this time) ...
Do you live there? That’s ironic that you mention that because my whole life until this past year,I wanted to move to California but Texas is where I have my heart set in now.

Oh hell yeah ... start in San Angelo ... God graced that land, one look and your heart will yearn to roam no more ... growing up, raising kids, retirement ... the perfect place for all that ... once Californians start filling up the neighborhoods there, you can have the best of both worlds ... open hearted Texas and warm sweet California all rolled into one ...

Now there ain't no better than Eden, but San Angelo is the best any mortal man could hope for ... yee-haw ...

How long are the residents of New York and California going to put up with their mini wannabe dictators?

The state is out of ICU beds with patients waiting in hallways and parking lots waiting for one and the state decides against yet another super spreader event? dare they!!

They going through all that, but had the strictest lock downs. Maybe they shouldn't of legalized pedophilia.

How long are the residents of New York and California going to put up with their mini wannabe dictators?

The state is out of ICU beds with patients waiting in hallways and parking lots waiting for one and the state decides against yet another super spreader event? dare they!!

All that DESPITE the draconian lock down measures ment to prevent it.

But far be it for me to think you might be capable of reading between the lines

The surge is because of people like you..anti-safety measure- anti-maskers who then crow about how these draconian measures don't work.

There is no explaining facts to the RWNJs, Not with FOX Noise propaganda screaming in their ears 24/7.


Truth over facts?
Science over fiction?
Baddacathcar for all?

It certainly is gratifying when a RWNJ like yourself, helps prove my point. Your FOX Noise indoctrination is showing.


With everyone everywhere wearing masks, why is it still spreading?
Everyone is social distancing. Your blue states have the toughest lockdowns... yet seem to be suffering the worst from the yellow death.
Please explain. Try not to blame trump

'With everyone everywhere wearing masks'..right there you start off with a misconception. Not everybody is trying to adhere to safety guidelines claiming they 'don't have to give up their rights' to a bunch of dictators telling them how to live etc. You have enough non-conformists out there to keep the virus spreading. We are now seeing the surge resulting from people doing what they wanted during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Means this hoax doesn't even kill more than the regular flu. But that's alright, once Harris is sworn in I'm sure the media will forget about it.

yeah, it's a hoax that all the companies in this country are going along with because they don't want the liability of an outbreak in the office.
You got over a 99% chance of surviving it. Those trophies you loons gave out in the 90's for participating isn't working out all that great. Is it?
The Kung Flu is 100 times more deadly than the flu?


The flu kills 12,000 a year. TRUMP PLAGUE has killed 320,000 so far, with all the precautions taken.

You are a truly STUPID PERSON.

Nice job undercutting. It's amazing how you lie when you don't have to.

Past Seasons Estimated Influenza Disease Burden | CDC

And right now they are probably overcounting COVID deaths, while Flu deaths are only an estimate due to them probably assigning other causes of death to really sick people who also have the flu.

So in the case of the flu, if you have it and you are terminal with lung cancer, they probably list the lung cancer as the cause of death. With COVID, if you have the same terminal lung cancer and have COVID, they are probably counting you as a COVID death.
Bowl games are a joke at best period. The CFP needs to implement a real playoff system like everyone else has in their sports...

College football have various levels. Pac 10 teams have the resources of big time NFL teams, while smaller schools don't have the resources to compete at that level. The bowl games are championships for the various levels of college football.

You want to be American soooooo bad. Its hilarious.
Your stupidity is certainly appreciated by your fellow RWNJs. Not the most respectable bunch to be impressing.

Hardly. The group you talk about is so small it’s irrelevant. Everyday I see people with masks. Damn near everyone. You can’t go in anywhere without one. Out and about... masks everywhere.
And it seems this year that the standard flu is nearly non-existent. Go look at the numbers for the yearly flu, it’s practically gone. So how do you explain that?

Sure. It's not getting that much attention. I'm still see advertisements for flu shots... of course, it's equally likely that all the precautions we are taking for Covid is also reducing flu numbers.
Covid is spiking because people aren't wearing masks.
Seasonal flu is going down because people are wearing masks.
Excellent example of leftist logic.
So if flu numbers are reducing, why is Covid going up?

because Covid is 100 times more contagious and deadly, dummy.

The vast majority of pneumonia cases seem to be labeled as "covid" as well. Pneumonia is a very Popular disease out there, my grandfather died of pneumonia in 1982.

That's because pneumonia isn't a disease, it's a symptom of another disease. There are dozens of diseases that can cause pneumonia, including Covid.
Please show wear covid is 100 times more contagious than the flu.
You cant so you wont.
Hardly. The group you talk about is so small it’s irrelevant. Everyday I see people with masks. Damn near everyone. You can’t go in anywhere without one. Out and about... masks everywhere.
And it seems this year that the standard flu is nearly non-existent. Go look at the numbers for the yearly flu, it’s practically gone. So how do you explain that?

Sure. It's not getting that much attention. I'm still see advertisements for flu shots... of course, it's equally likely that all the precautions we are taking for Covid is also reducing flu numbers.
Covid is spiking because people aren't wearing masks.
Seasonal flu is going down because people are wearing masks.
Excellent example of leftist logic.
You got over a 99% chance of surviving it. Those trophies you loons gave out in the 90's for participating isn't working out all that great. Is it?

Again, nobody would be cool with, "here's a 100 M&M, once of them is laced with cyanide".

even if you don't die, you are still going to be fucking miserable.

Look, man, I know you guys are butthurt because Trump FAILED in addressing this crisis, but pretending it wasn't a crisis isn't going to change anything. We told you all along he was unfit, and when the day came when the rubber met the road, he failed.
And right now they are probably overcounting COVID deaths, while Flu deaths are only an estimate due to them probably assigning other causes of death to really sick people who also have the flu.

So in the case of the flu, if you have it and you are terminal with lung cancer, they probably list the lung cancer as the cause of death. With COVID, if you have the same terminal lung cancer and have COVID, they are probably counting you as a COVID death.

Wow, Granny was going to die anyway!!! You guys keep going with that. MEANWHILE IN THE REAL WORLD.


How long are the residents of New York and California going to put up with their mini wannabe dictators?

The state is out of ICU beds with patients waiting in hallways and parking lots waiting for one and the state decides against yet another super spreader event? dare they!!

All that DESPITE the draconian lock down measures ment to prevent it.

But far be it for me to think you might be capable of reading between the lines

The surge is because of people like you..anti-safety measure- anti-maskers who then crow about how these draconian measures don't work.

There is no explaining facts to the RWNJs, Not with FOX Noise propaganda screaming in their ears 24/7.


Truth over facts?
Science over fiction?
Baddacathcar for all?

It certainly is gratifying when a RWNJ like yourself, helps prove my point. Your FOX Noise indoctrination is showing.


With everyone everywhere wearing masks, why is it still spreading?
Everyone is social distancing. Your blue states have the toughest lockdowns... yet seem to be suffering the worst from the yellow death.
Please explain. Try not to blame trump

'With everyone everywhere wearing masks'..right there you start off with a misconception. Not everybody is trying to adhere to safety guidelines claiming they 'don't have to give up their rights' to a bunch of dictators telling them how to live etc. You have enough non-conformists out there to keep the virus spreading. We are now seeing the surge resulting from people doing what they wanted during the Thanksgiving holiday.

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Pandemic countermeasures-deniers...

Nature de-selects a high proportion of such a$$hole$...
You got over a 99% chance of surviving it. Those trophies you loons gave out in the 90's for participating isn't working out all that great. Is it?

Again, nobody would be cool with, "here's a 100 M&M, once of them is laced with cyanide".

even if you don't die, you are still going to be fucking miserable.

Look, man, I know you guys are butthurt because Trump FAILED in addressing this crisis, but pretending it wasn't a crisis isn't going to change anything. We told you all along he was unfit, and when the day came when the rubber met the road, he failed.
Trump did magnificent, Fauci screwed the pooch. Oh and all the Democrat governors. New York alone is the reason for the high death rate.

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