Roseanne Barr Seeks Green Party Presidential Nomination

What Ms Barr said:

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Comedienne and actress Roseanne Barr had a strong message for bankers who contributed to the economic crisis: Return the profits or be beheaded.

The comedienne and self-proclaimed presidential candidate appeared on the RT television program "Keiser Report" and said if she were president, she would bring back the guillotine as a form of capital punishment for the "worst of the worst of the guilty."

"I, first, would allow the guilty bankers to pay back anything over $100 million (in) personal wealth, because I believe in the maximum wealth of $100 million," Barr said. "If they're unable to live on that amount, they should go to re-education camps. And if that doesn't work, they should be beheaded."

Gets her point across.

White collar criminals destroy people's lives everyday and should be in jail. Meanwhile their lavish life styles roll on with republican consent and monster support.
So instead of bring them up on criminal charges? Just 'behead' them Gracie?

And what of those "Reducation Camps" comment?


Is that too much punishment for extreme white collar crooks? THEY seem to be reckless managers of other people's money. I say "Barr" them from ever working the financial industry ever again and lock them up to make it work!!!
She hasn't a Nader didn't under the same banner. She's a nutjob. Nothing to see here.

BTW Roseanne Barr is not stupid not by a long shot.

The "stupid ones" have been on the campaign trail for years now. Many of them on tax dollar payrolls or with employed by large sums of corp special interest money such as consultation firms and think tanks.

The only life they have ever known is corruption of sorts.

Howdy fellow goat sucker!
My above comment. “Barr is real low now”
Meant that she has overall limitations to enter the jungle.
Smart or not? Hmm.. Please post scale to what? In general
I look at people around her (hacks in politics) to see scales as
what acceptable or not for baseline of smarts. Than I can have
input to this question. BTW.. Drop by and bring some goats..
There is no other candidate that is any better than Ms Barr. No one any smarter most certainly.

The candidates running are re-runs still with their hands in the special interest money pie that which prevents change for the better and the 99%.

How can anyone say they won't vote for her based on what they know about her or her platform?

Making up phoney shit doesn't fly in fact it fits in perfectly with the type of campaigns currently on the table!

What phoney shit did I make up? I actually posted a video where she talked about instituting a divine matriarchy (aka theocracy) and running for Prime Minister of Israel at the same time she is running for President of the United States. Those two things alone tell me I will not vote for her, and listening to the rest of her speech convinced me the rest of her platform is even worse.

As for her intelligence, should I point out that she repeatedly said the party she is seeking the nomination of is the Green Tea Party?
I don't think much of President Obama. But he is clearly much smarter. Even if they shared positions, he isnt stupid enough to announce that he wants to kill people. I dont think he does.

Her platform includes beheading people. You think that's smart? Then we need to lock you up.

Roseanne says guilty bankers should be beheaded

Do the greenies really support this?

merrill must.

Merrill just takes stupid to a level never before seen. He is the best argument for eugenics that I have ever seen.
What Ms Barr said:

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Comedienne and actress Roseanne Barr had a strong message for bankers who contributed to the economic crisis: Return the profits or be beheaded.

The comedienne and self-proclaimed presidential candidate appeared on the RT television program "Keiser Report" and said if she were president, she would bring back the guillotine as a form of capital punishment for the "worst of the worst of the guilty."

"I, first, would allow the guilty bankers to pay back anything over $100 million (in) personal wealth, because I believe in the maximum wealth of $100 million," Barr said. "If they're unable to live on that amount, they should go to re-education camps. And if that doesn't work, they should be beheaded."

Gets her point across.

White collar criminals destroy people's lives everyday and should be in jail. Meanwhile their lavish life styles roll on with republican consent and monster support.

Considering the number of lives that bankers have destroyed Ms Barr might just find plenty of support for her thinking. I say send these creeps to hard time!

So rather than show the video, like the rest of us did, in context, you prefer to quote an unnamed source without the context?

So are you actually denying that she is going to behead people that dont agree with her?
Sheesh. Tom arnold musta had to use lotsa viagra!!!!!roll in flour just to find the wetspot!!!and sweeten her up with sugar!!

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