Rosenstein DOJ exploring ways to more easily spy on journalists


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Rosenstein seeks to make legal what Obama did illegally during his Presidency.

During his Presidency evidence shows Obama, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey illegally spied in Americans, reporters, the media, U.S. Senators, and even USSC Justices.

Under President Trump, Deputy Director Rosenstein himself knowingly signed FISA warrant paperwork in an act he himself called criminal.

During testimony under oath Rosenstein explains a FISA application is a warrant to spy on someone and must, according to the law, be based on confirmed evidence. Anyone who violates this, he explained, must pay the consequences.

Rosenstein signed the last FISA document knowing it was based on the unverified Russian-authored dossier purchased by Hillary Clinton from the Russians through a Trump-hating foreign spy who was working for the FBI.

By his own admisdion and explanation of the law, Rosenstein broke the law by engaging in the Conspiracy against Donald Trump. By his own admission and explanation he must pay the consequences for his own crime.
I don't doubt it.....linky?
Link to what?
Rosenstein explaining a FISA document is a warrant that is required by law to be based on fact / evidence or that Rosenstein signed the last perjurous / false document the DOJ and FBI conned the GISA court with, who h has already been posted numerous times on this board?
"In order to get a FISA search warrant, you need an affidavit signed by a career federal law enforcement officer who swears that the information in the affidavit is true and correct to the best of knowledge and belief. And that is the way we operate, and if that is wrong, sometimes there is, if you find there is anything incorrect in there, that person is going to face consequences," he continued, noting that the DOJ has "people who are accountable."

Rosenstein knocks Republicans who want to impeach him: 'They can't even resist leaking their own drafts'
I don't doubt it.....linky?
Link to what?
Rosenstein explaining a FISA document is a warrant that is required by law to be based on fact / evidence or that Rosenstein signed the last perjurous / false document the DOJ and FBI conned the GISA court with, who h has already been posted numerous times on this board?
Yeah....Rosenstein has claimed that he didn't read them...So in the end he can cop to dereliction and negligence, instead of conspiracy.
Comey, Yates, McCabe, Rosenstein All Signed Off On Misleading FISA Apps

"A number of top FBI and Justice Department officials neglected to provide essential information to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) when applying for a warrant to surveil former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, according to the House Intelligence Committee memo produced Friday."

Evidence has already proven the Intel Community Assessment and Report were all based on the unverified Russian-authored Dossier Brennan illegally used to con Congress into opening the investigation and to appoint conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel and the Dossier the FBI and Rosenstein used to illegally deceive the FISA Court to illegally acquire warrants to spy on Trump and his team during the election.
Yeah....Rosenstein has claimed that he didn't read them...So in the end he can cop to dereliction and negligence, instead of conspiracy.

"In order to get a FISA search warrant, you need an affidavit signed by a career federal law enforcement officer who swears that the information in the affidavit is true and correct to the best of knowledge and belief. And that is the way we operate, and if that is wrong, sometimes there is, if you find there is anything incorrect in there, that person is going to face consequences," he continued, noting that the DOJ has "people who are accountable."

Rosenstein has committed several crimes knowingly during this conspirzcy, to include perjury and obstruction in refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena.

In his smug testimony above Rosenstein told Congress that the process for acquiring a FISA Warrant includes a career federal law enforcement officer / official who SWEARS the information in the document is 100% true, verified, fact.

One does not 'pencil whip' a request to spy on a Presidential election candidate and his team during an election. To suggest otherwise is ludicrous.

Rosenstein has never faced the consequences of his crimes - none of them.
I get it...I'm just sayin'....You can be as big a creepy crook as there can be, if you're bearing water for the commie moonbats.
It must be disappointing for the Trump cultists, the way their conspiracy fables never go anywhere. Yet they keep trying. At least it keeps them off the streets.
Rosenstein seeks to make legal what Obama did illegally during his Presidency.

During his Presidency evidence shows Obama, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey illegally spied in Americans, reporters, the media, U.S. Senators, and even USSC Justices.

Under President Trump, Deputy Director Rosenstein himself knowingly signed FISA warrant paperwork in an act he himself called criminal.

During testimony under oath Rosenstein explains a FISA application is a warrant to spy on someone and must, according to the law, be based on confirmed evidence. Anyone who violates this, he explained, must pay the consequences.

Rosenstein signed the last FISA document knowing it was based on the unverified Russian-authored dossier purchased by Hillary Clinton from the Russians through a Trump-hating foreign spy who was working for the FBI.

By his own admisdion and explanation of the law, Rosenstein broke the law by engaging in the Conspiracy against Donald Trump. By his own admission and explanation he must pay the consequences for his own crime.

What evidence? There is absolutely NO credible evidence that these things happened. Get serious.

I'd like to see a link to Rosenstein saying the FISA warrants he signed were criminal. That is a flat out lie. Rosenstein has said nothing of the kind.

The Dossier has been verified, and the portion of it used in the FISA Application had been confirmed information that the FBI already had from other confirmed sources. All of Dossier has now been verified, except the pee tape. So again, you're lying. Only 1 page of the 70 page warrant application reference a portion of the Dossier, so no, the warrant application was not based on the Dossier.

Trump is caught. He's a Russian asset, which we always knew, and the proof is all over the newspapers. His only hope of keeping himself and his children out of jail is to resign.
Rosenstein seeks to make legal what Obama did illegally during his Presidency.

During his Presidency evidence shows Obama, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey illegally spied in Americans, reporters, the media, U.S. Senators, and even USSC Justices.

Under President Trump, Deputy Director Rosenstein himself knowingly signed FISA warrant paperwork in an act he himself called criminal.

During testimony under oath Rosenstein explains a FISA application is a warrant to spy on someone and must, according to the law, be based on confirmed evidence. Anyone who violates this, he explained, must pay the consequences.

Rosenstein signed the last FISA document knowing it was based on the unverified Russian-authored dossier purchased by Hillary Clinton from the Russians through a Trump-hating foreign spy who was working for the FBI.

By his own admisdion and explanation of the law, Rosenstein broke the law by engaging in the Conspiracy against Donald Trump. By his own admission and explanation he must pay the consequences for his own crime.

The concept here at USMB is that you post links to back yourself up.
You didn't. What kind of troll farm are you working for anyway? If I were you, I'd demand a better resource center.
So, anyways,, how about a link.
Oh and your Post 4, the link from is from eight months ago and irrelevant. Whatever happened to the Rosenstein impeachment?
Answer: Not enough nutjobs to move it forward.
I have a question for you easyt, are a couple other trolls using your user name? It seems like you are on here 24/7. It's either that or you are cruising on uppers.
What evidence? There is absolutely NO credible evidence that these things happened.
You are a liar. I posted links 2 posts later. Links / evidence have been posted dozens of times yet you continue to LIE. Like Pelosi, you reject FACTS.
The concept here at USMB is that you post links to back yourself up.
You didn't.
Actually I DID. Providing evidence is a concept snowflakes and Democrats ignore because they are creatures of emotion, not fact.

You demand links and evidence, get them, ignore / reject them, demand them again later, and never provide any to back up YOUR false narratives and claims...

No matter how many times I post links and evidence I always get sheep like you attacking me personally and LYING, falsely accusing me of doing what Democrats / snowflakes do...

Obama, whose administration prosecuted and spied on reporters, claims Trump is very bad for criticizing newsrooms

"Former President Barack Obama is right when he says his administration’s attacks on the press can't be compared to President Trump's current crusade against the news media.

The Obama White House was far worse for press freedoms."

Opinion | Seizing journalists’ records: An outrage that Obama ‘normalized’ for Trump

'FBI's secret rules to spy on journalists and hunt their sources'
--FBI's secret rules to spy on journalists and hunt their sources

Why did the Obama administration spy on the Associated Press?

This is a small sampling of links and evidence you could find yourself in seconds...if you wanted to.

You have no desire to. Snowflakes are blind, Democrat-bullshit-gulping sheep who are easily emotionally manipulated and easily proven ignorant...because they CHOOSE to he.
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I don't doubt it.....linky?
great. Trumpeteers hate the media!

let us spy on them
this is where i just have to look at people and go "god damn, you got more stupid than you should have".

what obama did to the media is notorious to anyone who's not got an axe to grind against trump for their own hate. cause if you really hate what trump is doing to the media cause it's a "free media" and all, then how can you excuse all the crap obama did OF WHICH his DOJ is now in court for breaking into and spying on sharyl attkissons computer.

why? cause she broke fast n furious, benghazi bullshit video stories and the like.

but hey - you live to get trump shots in so you don't really care about the rest of the world. THAT is why you got trump as a president.
Rosenstein seeks to make legal what Obama did illegally during his Presidency.

During his Presidency evidence shows Obama, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey illegally spied in Americans, reporters, the media, U.S. Senators, and even USSC Justices.

Under President Trump, Deputy Director Rosenstein himself knowingly signed FISA warrant paperwork in an act he himself called criminal.

During testimony under oath Rosenstein explains a FISA application is a warrant to spy on someone and must, according to the law, be based on confirmed evidence. Anyone who violates this, he explained, must pay the consequences.

Rosenstein signed the last FISA document knowing it was based on the unverified Russian-authored dossier purchased by Hillary Clinton from the Russians through a Trump-hating foreign spy who was working for the FBI.

By his own admisdion and explanation of the law, Rosenstein broke the law by engaging in the Conspiracy against Donald Trump. By his own admission and explanation he must pay the consequences for his own crime.

What evidence? There is absolutely NO credible evidence that these things happened. Get serious.

I'd like to see a link to Rosenstein saying the FISA warrants he signed were criminal. That is a flat out lie. Rosenstein has said nothing of the kind.

The Dossier has been verified, and the portion of it used in the FISA Application had been confirmed information that the FBI already had from other confirmed sources. All of Dossier has now been verified, except the pee tape. So again, you're lying. Only 1 page of the 70 page warrant application reference a portion of the Dossier, so no, the warrant application was not based on the Dossier.

Trump is caught. He's a Russian asset, which we always knew, and the proof is all over the newspapers. His only hope of keeping himself and his children out of jail is to resign.
dossier NOT verified. please provide a link that says it was. in the comey testimony he said he knew it wasn't verified but he allowed it anyway.

Comey: ‘Even Though It Was Salacious and Unverified…We Knew Media Was About to Publicly Report’
James Comey Signed FISA Applications Utilizing Same Dossier He Publically Called ‘Salacious and Unverified’
Comey: Dossier Was Unverified Before and After FBI Used It To Obtain Spy Warrants
Baier to Comey: If Dossier Was "Salacious," Why Did You Use It To Get FISA Warrant?!
Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia

but hey - you hate trump so you'll believe anything that validates that. even though it contradicts everything you're saying.
No matter how many times you provide DL with facts, evidence, and links, her self-imposed ignorance can not be shaken.

Like Pelosi, she rejects facts.
No matter how many times you provide DL with facts, evidence, and links, her self-imposed ignorance can not be shaken.

Like Pelosi, she rejects facts.
she did run away like brave sir robin, didn't she?
It must be disappointing for the Trump cultists, the way their conspiracy fables never go anywhere. Yet they keep trying. At least it keeps them off the streets.
Who buys the loony conspiracy fable that Cheeto is a Russian asset?

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