Rosenstein Indicts 12 Russians

The indictment reveals that a congressional candidate asked the Russians for dirt on an opponent, and that the Russians seemed to be following Trump’s lead.

Last but not least, on Aug. 15, 2016, a “candidate for the U.S. Congress” requested stolen documents from the Russians posing as Guccifer 2.0. They obliged, and “sent the candidate stolen documents related to the candidate’s opponent.” The congressional candidate in question hasn’t been identified.

The Top Bombshells In Robert Mueller's Indictment Of Russian DNC Hackers

Hmmm, I wonder who the unnamed congressional candidate is?

The HuffingPaintPost?
dimocrap scum are missing the absurdity of this whole thing......

Mueller can never, not ever, never-ever-ever get these people to trial.


Only a stupid dimocrap scumbag would believe the Russians would allow 12 of their Intelligence Agents to be arrested and brought to trial in the United States.

This indictment is a joke.

But dimocrap scum are too stupid to understand that.

Because they're dimocraps.

And they're stupid.

And scum

The Top Bombshells In Robert Mueller's Indictment Of Russian DNC Hackers

The G-Man is coming...

cause we know huffpost is unbiased. :)

What does HuffPo have to do with anything? They just posted excerpts from the actual indictment. Have you even read the 29-page indictment?

Grand Jury Indictment
The timing of Rosenstein's indictments is 100% political and it just reinforces the point that the Russian Collusion investigation is totally political.

Yet there are still those who believe that Russia didn't try to interfere in our elections....

Everybody interferes in everybody's elections.

Now go back to watching Sponge Bob
That's what amerca keeps telling himself.

"I'm not a bad boy if I surround myself with bad boys."

Meh....I've given you all the time I'm willing to give for you to come up with an even somewhat intelligent post.
Decades? Perhaps. But many of the alt right were "willing American accomplices" and were "doing this shit" in 2016 with the Russians. Many of the Alt Right on the board have denied deliberately the obvious duplicitous interaction of Alt Right and Ruskies. There will be a reckoning.
Everything does not point to Clinton's unsecured email server
Yeah, everything on the server being forwarded to a foreign entity was just a coincidence, right?.
That is your interpretation, and it is a wrong one. You just are wondering.


The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found an “anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list,” Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said during a hearing with FBI official Peter Strzok.

“It was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia,” he added.

Gohmert said the ICIG investigator, Frank Rucker, presented the findings to Strzok, but that the FBI official did not do anything with the information.

Gohmert: Watchdog Found Clinton Emails Were Sent To ‘Foreign Entity’

Decades? Perhaps. But many of the alt right were "willing American accomplices" and were "doing this shit" in 2016 with the Russians. Many of the Alt Right on the board have denied deliberately the obvious duplicitous interaction of Alt Right and Ruskies. There will be a reckoning.

But it was all good when barry knew the Russians were trying to hack us.
"an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia"

My bold
Decades? Perhaps. But many of the alt right were "willing American accomplices" and were "doing this shit" in 2016 with the Russians. Many of the Alt Right on the board have denied deliberately the obvious duplicitous interaction of Alt Right and Ruskies. There will be a reckoning.

But it was all good when barry knew the Russians were trying to hack us.
He kept quiet because the hacks were to benefit Trump and to make a big deal of it would have been seen as "tipping the scales" in the election. But he did ask for sanctions.
Decades? Perhaps. But many of the alt right were "willing American accomplices" and were "doing this shit" in 2016 with the Russians. Many of the Alt Right on the board have denied deliberately the obvious duplicitous interaction of Alt Right and Ruskies. There will be a reckoning.

But it was all good when barry knew the Russians were trying to hack us.
He kept quiet because the hacks were to benefit Trump and to make a big deal of it would have been seen as "tipping the scales" in the election. But he did ask for sanctions.

No,he kept quiet because he thought hillary was a shoe in.
And, now, OKTexas is making up nonsense about that great man, James Clapper.

Keep ignoring the facts oh senile one.
James Clapper believes that without Vladimir Putin's assistance, that Trump would not be President today.

As a private citizen, I had no doubt they influence at least some voters. Looking at the savvy ways Russians targeted specific user groups -- for instance, buying advertisements on Facebook promoting Clinton's support of the Black Lives Matter movement and ensuring those ads ran only on the pages of white conservative voters in swing states... Looking at how they created lies that helped Trump and hurt Clinton and promoted these falsehoods through social media and state=sponsored channels to the point that the traditional US media were unwittingly spreading Russian propaganda... and at how they ran a multifaceted campaign and sustained it at a high level from early 2015 until Election Day 2016... Of course, the Russian effort affected the outcome. Surprising even themselves, they swung the election to a Trump win. To conclude otherwise stretches logic, common sense, and credulity to the breaking point,"
Trump won the election by a mere 76K accumuated votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states, while losing the popular vote by 3 million. Clapper states that it is very reasonable to presume that 76K voters in those and other states were indeed influenced by Russian propoganda.

Clapper: No Evidence Russians Changed Votes in Presidential Election, But They Tried to Interfere With Propaganda

Clapper: No Evidence Russians Changed Votes in Presidential Election, But They Tried to Interfere With Propaganda

I can still remember the day when Conservatives still pretended to want to defend America from Russian attack.......

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