Rosie O'Donnell Attacks Trumps 10 Year Old Son Asking This On Twitter: "Barron Trump Autistic?"

This thread proves there is no level too low for liberals to stoop. They're in the gutter with this one and it's not surprising that's where we find pogo.

Ah, so it's "low" to read the fucking OP article and actually comprehend what it's about?

You shouldn't be so bitter that you can't read. You should just ---- learn the fuck to read.

I didn't know jack shit about Barron Trump until I watched that video and some others. I hadn't watched the whole Alfred Hitchcock show that Rump put on in his All-About-Me massive wank at the Republican convention so I didn't see what Barron was doing and wasn't aware of all those telltale signs -- the hand clapping with no contact, the wild facial movements, his perplexity and obvious discomfort with what to do on stage -- so I also wasn't aware he was being laughed at on (anti)social media for those actions, until somebody figured out it's autism. Which by the way was figured out months ago.

That's why I *did* watch the video, and read the background, and examined those statements from Rump himself on the topic. Because I prefer not to be an ignorant fuck wallowing in a bubble, played like a three-dollar banjo by a bullshit headline I was too fucking lazy to vet. So I vetted, and found out what this is really all about. Apparently this Rosie O'Donnell did too, and made a valid point, indeed echoing what Melania Trump says about it in the same video.

And you could do that too if you weren't a partisan hack who's content to climb on the back of a ten-year-old with autism so you can score your little pissy points and think you won the internets.

Grow the fuck up already.
Here's a suggestion, dick. Instead of pretending you didn't say something disgusting and acting like poor little pogo was just misunderstood, why don't you be a fucking man and apologize for suggesting the boy should have never been born? You might even get a little bit of respect, which at this point, is pretty much non-existent. Or you could just slither back under your rock and STFU.

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