Rossby waves

He never said any such thing. The most likely cause of the Rossby waves is the exceptional warming of the Arctic - so, AGW.

Care to prove that assertion?....or is AGW just hiding under every rock and behind every bush for you?
You're reading WAAAY too much into this.. It's a natural LONG EXISTING phenomenon. Influenced and coupled to circulation all the way to the tropics.

Did you just discover that the Jet Stream MOVES? and that "Arctic Oscillations" are a part of life on the planet?? Or are you providing yet another excuse to keep your cause alive?

For the most part I'm arguing against the flood of ignorance pouring out of your side of this as denier folks try to use this winter's weather in the US midwest and northeast to convince themselves that the world isn't getting any warmer.

Healthy skepticism of AGW bolstered by observation and scientific fact is ignorance in your mind...that explains a lot about you.
You're reading WAAAY too much into this.. It's a natural LONG EXISTING phenomenon. Influenced and coupled to circulation all the way to the tropics.

Did you just discover that the Jet Stream MOVES? and that "Arctic Oscillations" are a part of life on the planet?? Or are you providing yet another excuse to keep your cause alive?

Lordy, lordy, you dumb fucks are so predictable. Flap yap, and nothing else. Here is what is going on.

Speaking of predictable dumb fucks...when you going to stop posting that claptrap?
Another laughable thread about temperatures.

Since reality is 95% perception and most Americans have spent the last 9 weeks freezing their balls off, its called a PR nightmare for the k00ks. The irony is, "global warming" wouldn't even exist except for the hordes of misinformed dummies who have been duped by this crap whenever a hail storm hit their town in the last 20 years or watched a hurricane on TV being linked to global warming. But now with their balls turned blue like never before, the AGW camp's established narrative looks like the hoax it is and nobody is giving a shit about "global warming". Except, of course, the k00ks.

How many people out in America today are calling their representative to demand action on climate change?

Perhaps 17?

And 16 of them are k00ks.
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For the most part I'm arguing against the flood of ignorance pouring out of your side of this as denier folks try to use this winter's weather in the US midwest and northeast to convince themselves that the world isn't getting any warmer.

Iam sure your heroes will find enough missing heat to keep your hopes alive... Snow will be rare occurrence soon. Thats what the geniuses at Hadley have spoken.

if you want to counter the weather as climate idiocy, you should at least pick a set of equations that werent derived in the 30s....

The calculus to deal with them was derived by Liebnitz and Newton. Should we throw that out as well?

My "heroes", the working scientists of the world, have found is that the character of this US winter is a result of - not a refutation of - AGW. As far as I have read, that is a point of which you've all been repeatedlyinformed yet not a ONE of you has made ANY sort of logical response to the point. All we get are more weather reports from Duluth, International Falls and the tip of Mt Washington.

Must have missed the Consensus report that says this winter IS DEFINITELY a result of Global Warming and the 0.5degC change in your lifetime. You THINK you've heard that said, but you haven't.. What you've heard is a lot of CouldBees, MightBees, and Possiblees.. But Rossby Waves did not start in this Century -- and even PrayerWoman from Rutgers that OldYRocks keeps posting has only studied the amplification of Rossby Waves for the last 3 decades with any serious data set..

One of Dr Francis conclusions in that lecture was that the amplitude of these waves has MINIMALLY increased (by a fraction of a degree of lattitude per decade) over the past 20 years. BUT -- the increase has been due largely to shifts of the POLEWARD SIDE of the waves -- NOT the southern extents. And all this ARM-TOSSING that she does is not based on REAL data -- but "REANALYZED" data derived from SPARSE WEATHER BALLOONS prior to the satellite era..

Like I said --- you're reading WAAAAAAAAAAAY too much into FEAR -- and not enough into ANALYSIS of what folks are actually CONVINCED of...
Only 3 decades of study. How shallow.

How much study has gone into the nearly universal denier opinion that this winter refutes AGW?
Only 3 decades of study. How shallow.

How much study has gone into the nearly universal denier opinion that this winter refutes AGW?

I'm using 8 millennia of historical and paleo data that says what is happening now is not unusual. You're using computer generated fiction.

I know how a thinking, non propagandist will respond to that.
I'm using 8 millennia of historical and paleo data that says what is happening now is not unusual.

You 8 milennia of data show NO instance when CO2 was higher and show NO instance when temperatures or CO2 levels rose as fast as they are rising now.

You're using computer generated fiction.

An unsubstantiated assertion. And do you think your paleo data involved no calculations using arbitrary factors or numerous attempts to deal with significant uncertainties and error margins? Or do you think someone was just digging a hole and found god's log of Earthly temperatures for the last 8,000 years?

I know how a thinking, non propagandist will respond to that.

They would tell you you're full of shite? Spot on!
For the most part I'm arguing against the flood of ignorance pouring out of your side of this as denier folks try to use this winter's weather in the US midwest and northeast to convince themselves that the world isn't getting any warmer.

Yeah, sure. I guess you'll have to tell those "deniers" over at NOAA that the 17.5 year period of no warming is a figment of their imagination.

You propagandists are soooo predictable.

Funny, I don't see where I've made any mention of the hiatus or NOAA. You've failed to respond to what I actually said.

More lies being posted, although you may not have mentioned it in this thread, but I bet you have in others.

So you going to up to you lie or continue on like it didn't happen like you do with your AGW religion?
I'm using 8 millennia of historical and paleo data that says what is happening now is not unusual.

You 8 milennia of data show NO instance when CO2 was higher and show NO instance when temperatures or CO2 levels rose as fast as they are rising now.

You're using computer generated fiction.

An unsubstantiated assertion. And do you think your paleo data involved no calculations using arbitrary factors or numerous attempts to deal with significant uncertainties and error margins? Or do you think someone was just digging a hole and found god's log of Earthly temperatures for the last 8,000 years?

I know how a thinking, non propagandist will respond to that.

They would tell you you're full of shite? Spot on!

WOW You really do hate science and dismiss the empirical scientific evidence for the AGW propaganda.
Another laughable thread about temperatures.

Since reality is 95% perception and most Americans have spent the last 9 weeks freezing their balls off, its called a PR nightmare for the k00ks. The irony is, "global warming" wouldn't even exist except for the hordes of misinformed dummies who have been duped by this crap whenever a hail storm hit their town in the last 20 years or watched a hurricane on TV being linked to global warming. But now with their balls turned blue like never before, the AGW camp's established narrative looks like the hoax it is and nobody is giving a shit about "global warming". Except, of course, the k00ks.

How many people out in America today are calling their representative to demand action on climate change?

Perhaps 17?

And 16 of them are k00ks.
Only 3 decades of study. How shallow.

How much study has gone into the nearly universal denier opinion that this winter refutes AGW?

I'm using 8 millennia of historical and paleo data that says what is happening now is not unusual. You're using computer generated fiction.

I know how a thinking, non propagandist will respond to that.

The last definitive article that I have read states that beyond 1600 years ago, we do not have the resolution to find determine that a warming or cooling took the time period we are seeing the present one taking place in.

Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2,000 Years

However, we know for sure that the CO2 levels have not been this high in the last few million years.
Only 3 decades of study. How shallow.

How much study has gone into the nearly universal denier opinion that this winter refutes AGW?

I'm using 8 millennia of historical and paleo data that says what is happening now is not unusual. You're using computer generated fiction.

I know how a thinking, non propagandist will respond to that.

The last definitive article that I have read states that beyond 1600 years ago, we do not have the resolution to find determine that a warming or cooling took the time period we are seeing the present one taking place in.

Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2,000 Years

However, we know for sure that the CO2 levels have not been this high in the last few million years.

Got to keep that AGW religion alive somehow....
He never said any such thing. The most likely cause of the Rossby waves is the exceptional warming of the Arctic - so, AGW.

Care to prove that assertion?....or is AGW just hiding under every rock and behind every bush for you?

Arctic amplification, the Jet stream and Extreme weather in Northern Hemisphere | Climate IMC International

Polar Vortex, Jet Streams, Stratospheric Warming events, Rossby Waves, and Arctic Blasts

Killer heatwaves and floods linked to climate change

Linking Weather Extremes to Global Warming ? Greg Laden's Blog

Make sure you read that first one. It has some interesting comments.
I'm using 8 millennia of historical and paleo data that says what is happening now is not unusual. You're using computer generated fiction.

Could we see your 8 millenia of historical and paleo data or is it personal?
He never said any such thing. The most likely cause of the Rossby waves is the exceptional warming of the Arctic - so, AGW.

Care to prove that assertion?....or is AGW just hiding under every rock and behind every bush for you?

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Arctic amplification, the Jet stream and Extreme weather in Northern Hemisphere | Climate IMC International

Polar Vortex, Jet Streams, Stratospheric Warming events, Rossby Waves, and Arctic Blasts

Killer heatwaves and floods linked to climate change

Linking Weather Extremes to Global Warming ? Greg Laden's Blog

Make sure you read that first one. It has some interesting comments.

Seriously, far left blog sites as your facts? Seriously? I mean the known far left daily kos as your facts? Please!

Once again the far left mentality on full display here.
The last definitive article that I have read states that beyond 1600 years ago, we do not have the resolution to find determine that a warming or cooling took the time period we are seeing the present one taking place in.

I'm sure you saw all the discussion on this point here and elsewhere in response to Shakun's and Marcott's pieces. One of the frequent comments was that although there certainly was not sufficient resolution to see what we've experienced in the last 150 years, there is NO known physical mechanism - particularly given the equilibrium response time for CO2 changes - that could reverse the last 150 years of climatic warming in the next 150. What we WILL experience in the next two centuries, given current CO2 levels and growth rates, WOULD have been visible had it happened at any point during the Holocene, as revealed by their two studies.
The last definitive article that I have read states that beyond 1600 years ago, we do not have the resolution to find determine that a warming or cooling took the time period we are seeing the present one taking place in.

I'm sure you saw all the discussion on this point here and elsewhere in response to Shakun's and Marcott's pieces. One of the frequent comments was that although there certainly was not sufficient resolution to see what we've experienced in the last 150 years, there is NO known physical mechanism - particularly given the equilibrium response time for CO2 changes - that could reverse the last 150 years of climatic warming in the next 150. What we WILL experience in the next two centuries, given current CO2 levels and growth rates, WOULD have been visible had it happened at any point during the Holocene, as revealed by their two studies.

And still no links to any type of datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate.

AGW is not science no matter how much you AGW hacks want it to be.
I'm using 8 millennia of historical and paleo data that says what is happening now is not unusual.

You 8 milennia of data show NO instance when CO2 was higher and show NO instance when temperatures or CO2 levels rose as fast as they are rising now.

You're using computer generated fiction.

An unsubstantiated assertion. And do you think your paleo data involved no calculations using arbitrary factors or numerous attempts to deal with significant uncertainties and error margins? Or do you think someone was just digging a hole and found god's log of Earthly temperatures for the last 8,000 years?

I know how a thinking, non propagandist will respond to that.

They would tell you you're full of shite? Spot on!

Untrue. There was a study that olfraud posted a couple of years ago that showed how CO2 levels rose higher after a period of warming...then the temperatures dropped and rose again, all the while the CO2 levels remained elevated. This occurring over a period of 1000 years.

No, it's you and your anti science deniers who have a lot of explaining to do.

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