ROTFLMFAO...Lesbian Activist Faces Leftist Fury After 'Misgendering' a Male Rapist

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The LGBT community can't even escape the fury that comes with the incorrect use of gender pronouns.

Julia Beck, a lesbian activist and former member of the LGBTQ Commission for the mayor of Baltimore, got in a “little trouble” after she called a male rapist “he” when "he" actually considered himself a transgendered woman.

During a conservative discussion panel at the Heritage Foundation on Monday, Beck told the story she described as “unbelievable and absurd as it is common place.”

“I got kicked off of the Baltimore mayor’s LGBTQ Commission as the only lesbian, simply for stating biological facts,” she said. “After a months long witch hunt I was found guilty of ‘violence.’ My crime? Using male pronouns to talk about a convicted male rapist who identifies as transgender and prefers female pronouns.”

Beck went on to expose the foolishness of the(snip)commission for their concern of using correct gender pronouns as opposed to their concern for a male rapist infiltrating a female prison based on how he identifies.

“It doesn’t matter that he sexually assaulted two women in a women’s prison after being transferred there on account of his ‘gender identity,’ she continued. “Oh no, it is far more criminal for me to call a male rapist “he” than it is for him to rape.”

The lesbian activist was brought before the Baltimore Transgender Alliance to have her “fitness as a leader” assessed and she describes her experience as “worse than you can imagine.” The president of the BTA, who is a man that identifies as a woman and a lesbian, accused Beck of “transphobia” and everything went down from there.

“Biological sex was a thing of the past,” she described one man in the meeting as saying.

Her response: “How can we be homosexual, if sex is fake?”

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Irony of a lesbian

The irony is that her tactics are being used against her and she is outraged.

Now she realizes anger that normal sane people feel!

Each day we eclipse the crazy of the day before.

You have to wonder if the crazy goes full circle, until it's sane again. :laughing0301:
Robert Heinlein wrote about this time, the early 21st century. He called it the crazy years. The crazy years would just get crazier until the people accepted a brutal theocratic dictator that forcibly restored order.

There have been people that had crazy years in the past. The years have always ended with a dictatorship. The French revolution resulted in Napoleon. The degenerate excesses of the Weimar Republic gave the world Hitler. Now it is our turn.
At last the situation gets to the extreme that reveals it for what it always was.
Each day we eclipse the crazy of the day before.

You have to wonder if the crazy goes full circle, until it's sane again. :laughing0301:
Robert Heinlein wrote about this time, the early 21st century. He called it the crazy years. The crazy years would just get crazier until the people accepted a brutal theocratic dictator that forcibly restored order.

There have been people that had crazy years in the past. The years have always ended with a dictatorship. The French revolution resulted in Napoleon. The degenerate excesses of the Weimar Republic gave the world Hitler. Now it is our turn.

True, and nobody on the LEft or Right are going to be happy with the outcome of a society too weak to resist being dragged down by the sicko loons it's indulging now with this idiotic 'NAMBLA logic'.
The LGBT community can't even escape the fury that comes with the incorrect use of gender pronouns.

Julia Beck, a lesbian activist and former member of the LGBTQ Commission for the mayor of Baltimore, got in a “little trouble” after she called a male rapist “he” when "he" actually considered himself a transgendered woman.

During a conservative discussion panel at the Heritage Foundation on Monday, Beck told the story she described as “unbelievable and absurd as it is common place.”

“I got kicked off of the Baltimore mayor’s LGBTQ Commission as the only lesbian, simply for stating biological facts,” she said. “After a months long witch hunt I was found guilty of ‘violence.’ My crime? Using male pronouns to talk about a convicted male rapist who identifies as transgender and prefers female pronouns.”

Beck went on to expose the foolishness of the(snip)commission for their concern of using correct gender pronouns as opposed to their concern for a male rapist infiltrating a female prison based on how he identifies.

“It doesn’t matter that he sexually assaulted two women in a women’s prison after being transferred there on account of his ‘gender identity,’ she continued. “Oh no, it is far more criminal for me to call a male rapist “he” than it is for him to rape.”

The lesbian activist was brought before the Baltimore Transgender Alliance to have her “fitness as a leader” assessed and she describes her experience as “worse than you can imagine.” The president of the BTA, who is a man that identifies as a woman and a lesbian, accused Beck of “transphobia” and everything went down from there.

“Biological sex was a thing of the past,” she described one man in the meeting as saying.

Her response: “How can we be homosexual, if sex is fake?”

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Irony of a lesbian

The irony is that her tactics are being used against her and she is outraged.

Now she realizes anger that normal sane people feel!

This is where liberal lunacy is taking us.
The Worst Part
Is Someone Thought Of It
And Enough An Article Was Written About It

There's No Pouting Over Bees And Ants

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