Rowdy Ruth Ginsburg awarded Berggruen Prize for human rights work, will donate $1M to charity

Ruth ‘I’m just resting my eyes’ Ginsburg.
I think she should donate the million into saving innocent victims' lives who die at the cruel hands of their mother in association with a professional hit man or woman, the abortion doctor.

They've set back America 60 million citizens who should have been at least granted their own lives.

I don't understand why bleeding hearts Democrats close their hearts entirely to the weak, and the unable to fight for themselves little ones who just want to live.

I know they want to live, because I saw a video of them a few years ago that we cannot publish here, showing a fetus trying like made to avoid the witch doctor abortionist's killing equipment. It scooted all around the uterus like a poor little animal trying to escape being slaughtered by a butcher.

Human beings are who they are when they have a set of DNA properties that replicate faithfully into a breathing human being, although they are fully human when they attach themselves to the uterus, their DNA in full replication mode for the stage of life when the most growth takes place.

Stage of life of human beings. That's what the complete human zygote is. We should respect that life, and not turn our young women into killer moms. If the kids are two years old and the mom has them killed, she goes to prison for life for being a booby trap monster.

Why are an adult's dna more important than a different person's who only shares part of the mother's DNA. There are some merciless people around who think their right to a life free of working for their children is less important than their date with a guy who hates parental responsibilities too.

Abortion is eating away at morality and human responsibility and caring for other people. It's a horrible thing to do, and it flies in the face of the Ten Commandments for not killing other people.

Fetuses ARE other people than their mothers. If she doesn't want babies, she should stay away from men who want gratification from a woman.

Abortionists literally throw the baby away along with the bathwater. It's hell on the human race, and taking a life should be the same for the innocent as it is for the child who has breathed fresh air. That first breath is not the first sign of human life. The human zygote that attached itself to it's mother's uterus is.

Who's going to represent the 60 million innocents who were murdered inside their own mother's body where they deserve to be left alone from harm?

Oh, wait. President Trump is going to represent the 60 million innocents all by himself, and the Democrats are out for his blood at all costs. Grrrrrrr!
Ruth ‘I’m just resting my eyes’ Ginsburg.
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She disobeyed her doctor's order to take a few days off and rest after her chemotherapy. I notice her hands still have skin colored like blood pools under the skin from where the needles went in to put the cancer-killing drugs into her body when she went for treatment. That's why she was faithfully there, because her job is important, even though she was having a tough time with getting well due to the poisons in chemotherapy that often take the life of the victim instead of take the life of the cancer. It takes skill to deliver chemotherapy in a way that doesn't kill the sufferer, only the cells overreplicating bad stuff that causes swelling and tumors. I forgive her for disobedience to her doctor, considering her devotion to her job.

I just wish she'd see the injustice of abortion, that's all. Abortion is bad for the future of the human race in America. It's like we're reliving the days of evil queen Jezebel who worshipped baby-killing as her ticket to child-free existence and buying a whole lot of jewels you can't take with you when you die. We're reliving the past by allowing this heinous crime against our future to perpetrate itself which relieves the mother from having to grow up and be an adult after having sex with a man, who provided the sperm that united with her egg.

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