Rs still trying to control vaginas

Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.) released a labor, health and education spending bill on Tuesday that would defund Planned Parenthood and Title X, block the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, allow any employer to deny women birth control coverage under the ACA for "moral reasons" and increase spending for abstinence-only education.

Absolute rightwing idiocy. The contempt conservatives have for the Constitution and Americans’ civil liberties is astounding – not surprising, but astounding nonetheless.

Meanwhile millions of Americans continue to suffer while republicans play partisan games.
True. GObP= Party before country :(
Planned Parenthood has done a lot of referrals and mammograms over the years. Guess Allie doesn't care about that stuff

Planned Parenthood does mammograms? Even if they do, and I doubt they do, there are plenty of other places that do mammograms. Mammograms are mostly a waste of resources, anyway, because they're highly ineffective and inaccurate.

Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.) released a labor, health and education spending bill on Tuesday that would defund Planned Parenthood and Title X, block the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, allow any employer to deny women birth control coverage under the ACA for "moral reasons" and increase spending for abstinence-only education.

Absolute rightwing idiocy. The contempt conservatives have for the Constitution and Americans’ civil liberties is astounding – not surprising, but astounding nonetheless.

Meanwhile millions of Americans continue to suffer while republicans play partisan games.

certainly there are no democrats playing partisan games, are there?

hack :lol:
Planned Parenthood has done a lot of referrals and mammograms over the years. Guess Allie doesn't care about that stuff

Planned Parenthood does mammograms? Even if they do, and I doubt they do, there are plenty of other places that do mammograms. Mammograms are mostly a waste of resources, anyway, because they're highly ineffective and inaccurate.
Mammograms save a lot of people's lives, Ariux.

Did it ever occur to you that the red snowballs in your rep area might have to do with the toxic things that you type out. :eusa_whistle:

Swedish 30-year Study finds that Mammograms reduce cancer deaths
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Mammograms save a lot of people's lives, Ariux.

Did it ever occur to you that the red snowballs in your rep area might have to do with the toxic things that you type out. :eusa_whistle:

Recently, a US Government Task Force revised the government recommendation for mammograms. It was yearly, starting at 40. They said it should be every other year, starting at 50. Basically, they looked at evidence that mammograms are in net worthless and then they compromised with what hysterical women want.

Routine mammograms almost make no difference in when cancer is found and their false positives result in unnecessary cancer treatment.

The efficacy of mammograms is irrelevant. Planned Parenthood doesn't do mammograms.

My red snowballs are rewards for winning debates.
They should just stop. But they won't. They feel "entitled". Like Mitt. He feels "entitled".
Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.) released a labor, health and education spending bill on Tuesday that would defund Planned Parenthood and Title X, block the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, allow any employer to deny women birth control coverage under the ACA for "moral reasons" and increase spending for abstinence-only education.

Absolute rightwing idiocy. The contempt conservatives have for the Constitution and Americans’ civil liberties is astounding – not surprising, but astounding nonetheless.

Meanwhile millions of Americans continue to suffer while republicans play partisan games.
Let's talk about contempt for the
Constitution. Obama suspended habeus corpus, without legal cause, to three US citizens, and executed them He denied them due process - an inherent right guarnateed to all of us and ONLY can be violated under strict ans specific conditions.

Obama is a totalitarian and violates the Constitution and does so illegally.
Without cause, makes him a triple murderer.
Planned Parenthood has done a lot of referrals and mammograms over the years. Guess Allie doesn't care about that stuff

Planned Parenthood does mammograms? Even if they do, and I doubt they do, there are plenty of other places that do mammograms. Mammograms are mostly a waste of resources, anyway, because they're highly ineffective and inaccurate.
Mammograms save a lot of people's lives, Ariux.

Did it ever occur to you that the red snowballs in your rep area might have to do with the toxic things that you type out. :eusa_whistle:

Swedish 30-year Study finds that Mammograms reduce cancer deaths

TUESDAY, July 17 (HealthDay News) -- Regular mammography screening has limited -- if any -- impact on breast cancer deaths, a new evaluation of Swedish women contends. And, then there is the cost of mammograms in terms of money and lives.
They should just stop. But they won't. They feel "entitled". Like Mitt. He feels "entitled".

If I don't feel like I should have to help pay for someone else's birth control and that person expects me to pitch in on it, -I'm- the one with the entitlement mentality? Because I feel entitled to my own shit? If I don't give the government control of my wallet, that's tantamount to me demanding control of vaginas? WTF are you people smoking?

Note that I actually support Planned Parenthood to some degree, but forcing taxpayers to shell out money for shit that they're morally opposed to is bullshit. I don't care how you try to dress it up as a women's health argument, demanding money isn't the same as demanding access. You're welcome to all the birth control you want, just buy it your God damned self, just like I have to buy my own shit.
Planned Parenthood has done a lot of referrals and mammograms over the years. Guess Allie doesn't care about that stuff

There are a host of women's (and men's!) reproductive (and general!) health services that PP provides. Making this about abortion ignores this, AND the fact that they are being de funded in order to give more to the abstinence programming favored by the religious right.

THIS is a church:




got it?
Damn hard things to tame...them vaginas...
Those Republicans need to get themselves a Vagina Whisperer!
We know men love vagina's, but why are they so interested in EVERY vagina? What would they say if women took an interest in what men did with their penis?
Its not like they HATE women.

They just hate WOMAN who imagine that they own their own bodies.

SLAVERS are like that, ya know?
Its not like they HATE women.

They just hate WOMAN who imagine that they own their own bodies.

SLAVERS are like that, ya know?

I think they hate the fact that women are allowed more control over their bodies than men.
Its not like they HATE women.

They just hate WOMAN who imagine that they own their own bodies.

SLAVERS are like that, ya know?

Abortion has always been used by slavers to control the reproduction of those they enslave.

Saying that republicans hate vaginas because they don't want to pay for someone's reproductive rights is like saying a man hates women because they won't hire a prostitute.

A woman's reproductive rights confer no more obligation on someone else to pay for them, than the right to eat filet mignon confers a right to be taken to lunch.
Not only that, referring to those who seek abortion as "vaginas" is pretty much indicative of the way pro-abortion wingnuts view women. They don't see them as people. They see them as walking sexual organs and money making machines.

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