RT Is Dead

Tim Miller of The Bulwark started publicly shaming the carriers of Putin's propaganda site RT.

Ordinarily, a carrier will pay a network to be on their service, but RT actually paid the services to carry them!

The public shaming has worked. DirecTV dropped RT, then Roku dropped RT. Washed up celebrity Dennis Miller announced he is dropping his show on RT.

Where, oh where, will Putin's useful idiots on this forum get their talking points now?
You putin useful idiots will continue to get your information from the democrat communist party.
Tim Miller of The Bulwark started publicly shaming the carriers of Putin's propaganda site RT.

Ordinarily, a carrier will pay a network to be on their service, but RT actually paid the services to carry them!

The public shaming has worked. DirecTV dropped RT, then Roku dropped RT. Washed up celebrity Dennis Miller announced he is dropping his show on RT.

Where, oh where, will Putin's useful idiots on this forum get their talking points now?

We just need the State approved version, all else is irrelevant and should be banned
no I believe he's saying you supporters of putin get your talking points from the democrat commuinst news network

So, in a thread where people with commons sense are happy that a Putin propaganda channel is getting the boot you feel this is the time to tell them they are getting their talking points from Putin?

That is so brilliant in how stupid that makes you sound.
So, in a thread where people with commons sense are happy that a Putin propaganda channel is getting the boot you feel this is the time to tell them they are getting their talking points from Putin?

That is so brilliant in how stupid that makes you sound.
Anyway you twist it you biden supporters will continue to get your fake news from the democrat communist news network.
RT seems to be up and running fine. I just popped on there and read this op-ed, for example...

The right must declare war on progressives’ intolerant wokeness

"It is crucial to the survival of civilized norms for conservatives to impose conservative values and form a bulwark against the encroachment of degeneracy, depravity, and the decay of social standards.

Allowing progressives to continue edging themselves further into deviancy, completely unchecked, will only have a ripple effect on younger generations who will see this as a new “normal.” The decay must be halted in its tracks.

So-called “character building” – rolling over, turning the other cheek, and taking punches – is never a good strategy in any battle, let alone a war. It’s not only okay to stand up for yourself: it’s crucial. conservatives must grow some balls and swing back against people who will never accept them for who they are. These are people who want you dead. And beyond that – who cares about gaining their acceptance?...

Being “principled” only works if both sides engage in the same practice. The left does not, and it never has. Therefore the only way to win is to fight fire with fire and turn progressives’ own weapons against them...''

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The Bulwark is a site founded just to attack Trump. It is made up of failed neocons like Bill Krystal, George Will and other Trump haters. Any information from them is lying narrative.

I'd pay to see Kristol, Will, and others, nuked to the bones and then watch their bones turn to ash that fly's away in the nuke wind.
No, you moron. That’s what I’m denying. Your sources are communist propaganda. You are the useful idiots.

Damn, but your stupid.

Got it, you didn't understand my post. I thought it was clear. Maybe turn off the RT and pay attention.
Damn, but your stupid.

Who told you that, rube?

We’re done talking about infrastructure weeks.

We’re going to have an infrastructure decade.

It is going to transform America and put us on a path to win the economic competition of the 21st Century that we face with the rest of the world—particularly with China.

As I’ve told Xi Jinping, it is never a good bet to bet against the American people.


Every Administration says they’ll do it, but we are actually doing it.

We will buy American to make sure everything from the deck of an aircraft carrier to the steel on highway guardrails are made in America.

But to compete for the best jobs of the future, we also need to level the playing field with China and other competitors.

That’s why it is so important to pass the Bipartisan Innovation Act sitting in Congress that will make record investments in emerging technologies and American manufacturing.


Make more cars and semiconductors in America.

More infrastructure and innovation in America.

More goods moving faster and cheaper in America.

More jobs where you can earn a good living in America.

And instead of relying on foreign supply chains, let’s make it in America.
That’s why it is so important to pass the Bipartisan Innovation Act sitting in Congress that will make record investments in emerging technologies and American manufacturing.

Cool...the US Middle Class get to pay Corporate America to buy from Corporate America.
How about taxing the shit out of MNCs that abuse globalism?

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