RT Is Dead

And your point is exactly?

I guess there is a boatload full of RT threads that I've missed :rolleyes-41:
One thing in life is certain, idiots are always going to idiot.
There's a boatload of links to RT and also complaints about using such a biased propaganda source.

But I guess mods never look at such things
There's a boatload of links to RT and also complaints about using such a biased propaganda source.

But I guess mods never look at such things
Lesh, I tend to ignore shit except when I step in it.
When ever you walk into a room, everyone takes a sniff and looks at the bottom
of their shoes.
I don't look at every post on the board. And, I have never heard of RT until today. True story, so suck on it.
Lesh, I tend to ignore shit except when I step in it.
When ever you walk into a room, everyone takes a sniff and looks at the bottom
of their shoes.
I don't look at every post on the board. And, I have never heard of RT until today. True story, so suck on it.
You're either ignorant or dishonest...


Makes no difference to me
I need to get out more, apparently.

Nah. You're good.

The clones can celebrate censorship all they want. Really, they only isolate themselves from the intellectual level of understanding and discourse that seems to just come natural to the rest of the world.

Ultimately, an idea, any idea, cannot be stopped by any army or any government. If they think it can be, well, someone must have had way too much to dream last night.
And, I have never heard of RT until today.
Strange. You posted links to RT here:

And here:

So wait.. are you saying you don't actually read the links you post?

I am shocked. Shocked, I say!
Strange. You posted links to RT here:

And here:

So wait.. are you saying you don't actually read the links you post?

I am shocked. Shocked, I say!
That's funny

Cutting off differing views!


So free and liberal!

Let's cut off everyone and everything that we don't agree with this week...

then we will pick a new group of things and people and places we don't and cut them off next week...

and then eventually we will have our perfect utopia...cut off from any differing views...yyyyyaaaaaay.

View attachment 609707
It is unsetting the numbers of Americans supporting censorship and silencing of dissenting opinions. This in a nation that prides itself on freedom and the First Amendment.

As its been said, the first casualty of war is truth. You’d think after all the wars Americans have witnessed since 9/11 and all the lies they’ve been told they’d all see the scam being perpetrated on them, but they don’t.
Tim Miller of The Bulwark started publicly shaming the carriers of Putin's propaganda site RT.

Ordinarily, a carrier will pay a network to be on their service, but RT actually paid the services to carry them!

The public shaming has worked. DirecTV dropped RT, then Roku dropped RT. Washed up celebrity Dennis Miller announced he is dropping his show on RT.

Where, oh where, will Putin's useful idiots on this forum get their talking points now?
Chank can paint himself yellow and get a job as a mobile speed bump
It is unsetting the numbers of Americans supporting censorship and silencing of dissenting opinions. This in a nation that prides itself on freedom and the First Amendment.

As its been said, the first casualty of war is truth. You’d think after all the wars Americans have witnessed since 9/11 and all the lies they’ve been told they’d all see the scam being perpetrated on them, but they don’t.
Between the service...the war of terror...convid...and now this I have ZERO...ZERO faith in my fellow man.

They are mouth breathing idiots.

The ones that are not, do not number enough to even make a difference.

A ship of fools, and I am stuck in steerage.
Between the service...the war of terror...convid...and now this I have ZERO...ZERO faith in my fellow man.

They are mouth breathing idiots.

The ones that are not, do not number enough to even make a difference.

A ship of fools, and I am stuck in steerage.
They are very likely to lead us to nuclear destruction.
RT is no different than BBC (which is funded directly by a tax license fee on Brits).
They are very likely to lead us to nuclear destruction.


It's like a nightmare of idiocy.

Not just the US...the 'west.'

Yet people will self censor, self regulate, tell on others, turn others in, ruin peoples lives...for differing opinions.

The INSANE levels of stupidity, lack of introspection, examination, comparison, or realization regarding historical events and their actions today, is astounding.

The ability of man to think that given the exact same conditions that things will turn out differently is maddening.

I am not just some guy bitching from a trailer park in Paducah.

I am invested in this nation.

We are home owners, and business owners.

I am a 25 year veteran of multiple wars and operations as well.

I have seen the result of citizen inaction, and acquiescence.

Letting D.C. just do what they want.

Fuck it...nuke the bitch..no intelligent life here anyway.
Strange. You posted links to RT here:

And here:

So wait.. are you saying you don't actually read the links you post?

I am shocked. Shocked, I say!
And, I have never heard of RT until today. True story, so suck on it.
That shut Meister up pretty quick.

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