RT Is Dead

I'd pay to see Kristol, Will, and others, nuked to the bones and then watch their bones turn to ash that fly's away in the nuke wind.
We believed these people at one time. Supposed integrity. It is an indictment on us also. Morning Joe murdered someone for gosh sakes. All of the prog reporters who are older.
Because it just ain't no darned good without an audience.
Ok. But then it doesn’t make any sense to say that others are too stupid to bother with.

So, here’s the thing. When we post here, except in very rare cases, we aren’t moving the needle of anything in terms of public policy. We are barely having enough impact to change the mind of an opponent who is too stubborn, ignorant or just plain stupid to even admit a claimed “fact” has been disproved.

I read the posts of others to glean a new insight. I have been know to change my view on a few things. I suspect others have the same ability. Some folks are just trolls and they don’t even care about persuasion or accuracy. But some folks here (on different ends of the political spectrum) do try to provide useful information and offer logical thinking. Being wrong isn’t a sin. Being close minded might be.
Ok. But then it doesn’t make any sense to say that others are too stupid to bother with.

So, here’s the thing. When we post here, except in very rare cases, we aren’t moving the needle of anything in terms of public policy. We are barely having enough impact to change the mind of an opponent who is too stubborn, ignorant or just plain stupid to even admit a claimed “fact” has been disproved.

I read the posts of others to glean a new insight. I have been know to change my view on a few things. I suspect others have the same ability. Some folks are just trolls and they don’t even care about persuasion or accuracy. But some folks here (on different ends of the political spectrum) do try to provide useful information and offer logical thinking. Being wrong isn’t a sin. Being close minded might be.

This board is read by more influential people than you and I will ever know!
The Bulwark is a site founded just to attack Trump. It is made up of failed neocons like Bill Krystal, George Will and other Trump haters. Any information from them is lying narrative.

George Will warned America about Trump and he was right. Trump was everything and worse. I wonder what that plumber thought about being called out every week to unplug the toilets in the White House.....
Never heard of RT before seeing this thread interesting how it seems to be the left here that pays the most attention to things like these.

You've probably never heard of Al Jazeera or the Guardian or the Global Times, either.
How is it an indictment on us?
A fool like me believed these people when younger. Reporters who real views are Prog and went that way when opinion news went full tilt. Back then though, there is a real accusation that the major networks would show news of Prog views in a favorable way and on anything not that direction would show it at the same time on national 6: 30 P.M. news.
I kind of doubt that. But, it’s a pleasant thought in some ways.

I've been a member for a long time. I've seen some arguments presented here by both sides of the aisle become Party narratives before they became narratives.
I can't prove it but when a new Party narrative has appeared, there have been numerous cases over the years when I would swear that I read given points here days, weeks, or months before those points were included in a narrative.
It's either a coincidence or I've been here too long.
It also applies to international ones, too.
Tim Miller of The Bulwark started publicly shaming the carriers of Putin's propaganda site RT.

Ordinarily, a carrier will pay a network to be on their service, but RT actually paid the services to carry them!

The public shaming has worked. DirecTV dropped RT, then Roku dropped RT. Washed up celebrity Dennis Miller announced he is dropping his show on RT.

Where, oh where, will Putin's useful idiots on this forum get their talking points now?
RT is a MUCH better news source than the propaganda of CNN & MSLSD

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