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I can't say I'm 100% solidified in my support, but it's getting pretty darn close.

I've got nothing against Jeb, but unfortunately, he seems to have some deficits in campaigning leadership his brother excelled in. His strategy of letting the hot air balloons have their day is sound. I trust his rolodex is formidable enough to staff an administration well enough and the iside (iSideWith.com) website says we're 88% in tune. But he's blowing it. Maybe he's playing possum and if so maybe his timing his perfect. But I'm not so sure. His flubs have been novice and unprepared. The petulant vibe he's putting out is painting him into the popular mythic corner of "entitled royal" he can ill-afford. Maybe he cut the right deals on the golf course to leverage a big spring in a couple of months that chokes out the rest of the field. But I'm not so sure. It looks to me he's going to have to go more negative to pull it off than he can really afford. I think he should have been more prepared for the press and less frustrated with the party that he's asking to govern.

Walker was the perfect candidate on paper. He's got real executive skills in the hot seat. He has a remarkable record of affecting real policy and staying on the bull. But he showed up to the big stage unprepared. He squandered his mystique by flopping around like a fish on policy positions one would expect a prospective leader of the free world to have given some thought to beforehand. I could forgive him the first couple of times, but this past round of refining your policy and talking points in public view is starting to feel insulting. Now he's mouthing off about China in a way that reminds me of Romney's hyperbolic naiveté 4 years ago. (To his credit, his ‘China’ article in the Journal this morning didn’t self-inflict any wounds.) I still like him and his future, but I’m not seeing him ready to be president.

Rand Paul is right about a lot. He has a vision and skill in leading national attention to that which deserves it. He's on the front lines of pushing out the big tent, where I hope we follow him even if it takes decades to earns returns on the effort. But this Senator needs some executive experience before he can sit in the big chair with a full deck of cards to play for a successful presidency.

Perry & Jindal deserves more of a chance than they're getting, but the window for a redemptive breakout has probably already closed. The same may be said of most of the rest of the field--whose careers and qualifications deserve more attention than I'll give them here.

The novelties and rabble rousers come and go. (Some I'll be happier to see go.)

Folks, it's Rubio.

Yeah he's a Senator and a freshman one at that. Here on the red team that's a minus, not a plus. But he's handled his time there with seriousness and sobriety. I'd much prefer a governor with executive experience, but the fact is nobody's eye is the on the ball and has the skill to point to it as good as he does. He knows how to speak like foreign ministries are listening to him. He stuck his neck out on immigration reform, and even those of us who disagree with the legislation have to admire how deftly he respected the opposition, listened to the objection with fairness, took his lumps, and is capable of championing a winning coalition today. He's incisive, measured, and clear. He's a consensus builder with an eye on governing, not just hiding behind polarized politics and waiting for his GQ cover. He demonstrates an attitude of respect and responsibility greater than any governor in the race.

I keep waiting for a flub and he just won't give me one. When he does, I'll rethink my position. I haven't sized up the spouses yet and they matter. But at this point, my gut tells me the rest of the competition can't catch up.

If a pollster calls me up before the next debate, I'll say "Fiorina" so maybe she can get on the big stage.

But I'm saying, absent some shocking scandal (i.e. greater than a speeding ticket every few years)--it's Rubio for the win.

Do you all have collective amnesia? Barack Obama a freshmen yea--nay--present Senator won in 2008. No executive experience--on the job training.

Marco Rubio is the exact same thing, and the ONLY reason he, along with Ted Cruz are running for POTUS during their freshman term as senators is because they know they aren't going to win their senate seats back in 2018. They both live in heavily populated Hispanic states, and they both have backfired on immigration stances.

Executive experience is the difference of being the employer or just one of the employees.

Carly Fiorina is the most QUALIFIED candidate in this race, and frankly she is the only candidate that is capable of defeating Hillary Clinton. This Republican "raining men" platform has already collapsed. You are going up against the 1st WOMAN Presidential nominee--and women rule this country today at 54%. Wake the f... UP.

Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong - CNNPolitics.com


Last edited:
Not fit to serve. No resect for civil rights, the constitution or the separation of church and state:

Six GOP Hopefuls Vow To Enshrine Anti-Gay Discrimination Into Law Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Friday, 12/18/2015 1:38 pm In the wake of the Supreme Court's gay marriage ruling, anti-gay Religious Right groups rallied around a piece of legislation known as the First Amendment Defense Act, which would prohibit the federal government from "taking discriminatory action against a person on the basis that such person believes or acts in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction that: (1) marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, or (2) sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage." In essence, the law would give individuals and businesses a license to openly discriminate against gay people and others in the name of "religious liberty," so naturally anti-gay groups have lined up in support of the legislation. Today, several of these groups — the American Principles Project, Heritage Action for America, Family Research Council Action — announced that six GOP presidential hopefuls have all signed a pledge to, if elected to the White House, push for the passage of the FADA within their first 100 days in office:

American Principles Project has joined together with Heritage Action for America, the action arm of the Heritage Foundation, and FRC Action, the legislative affiliate of the Family Research Council, to invite each of the candidates running for President to sign the following pledge:

“If elected, I pledge to push for the passage of the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) and sign it into law during the first 100 days of my term as President.”

So far, six candidates have signed the pledge:

• Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas)

Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida)

• Dr. Ben Carson

• Carly Fiorina

• Former Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pennsylvania)

• Former Governor Mike Huckabee

- See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/conte...i-gay-discrimination-law#sthash.Ae6sZDO3.dpuf
NOT FIT TO SERVE as President of a secular, Constitutional Republic

Marco Rubio: 'Ignore' Gay Marriage Decision Because 'God's Rules Always Win' Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 11/25/2015 11:40 am In an interview today with David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Sen. Marco Rubio said that the Supreme Court’s rulings on marriage equality and abortion rights in the Obergefell and Roe decisions, respectively, are “not settled law.” The Republican presidential candidate said that states should “do everything possible within the constraints that its placed upon us” to curtail abortion rights, before insisting that government officials “ignore” Supreme Court rulings if they believe they conflict with “God’s rules.” - See more at: Marco Rubio: 'Ignore' Gay Marriage Decision Because 'God's Rules Always Win'

Marco Rubio's Planned Parenthood Whopper Places Him In Far-Right Fringe Submitted by Miranda Blue on Tuesday, 9/22/2015 12:02 pm There have been several layers of lies that have grown out of the smear campaign that anti-choice groups are currently waging against Planned Parenthood. The first is the baseless allegation found in the heavily edited tapes that activists calling themselves the Center for Medical Progress have been slowly releasing: That Planned Parenthood violated federal laws by profiting from its voluntary fetal tissue donation program. (Or, in CMP’s words, is “selling aborted baby parts for profit.”) Those allegations do not hold water. CMP’s videos edited out many instances of Planned Parenthood employees making clear that the organization does not profit from fetal tissue donated to medical research. Several states launched investigations into Planned Parenthood after the videos were released, and every investigation to conclude so far has found no wrongdoing. - See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/conte...ces-him-far-right-fringe#sthash.872wj6H4.dpuf

Marco Rubio Reiterates His Opposition To Rape Or Incest Exceptions Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Monday, 8/17/2015 1:44 pm Sen. Marco Rubio called into Glenn Beck's radio program today and reiterated his position that abortion ought to be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest, predicting that within 100 years, people will look back on legal abortion with disbelief. "I believe a human being is entitled to life, irrespective of the circumstances in which that human being was conceived and so forth," the Florida Republican said. "Now I recognize that other people don't hold that view and in order to save lives in this country, I have supported bills that had to have exceptions in them, and I know a lot of people who are pro-life but support exceptions because they feel it goes too far." "I personally feel very, very strongly that every human life is entitled to the protection of our laws," he continued. "If we as a society start deciding which lives we're going to protect and which lives we're not, we've put ourselves on a very slippery, dangerous slope. I actually think in a hundred years or so, or less, future generations are going to look back at this time in history and say that it's really unbelievable that so many unborn human beings, their lives were ended simply because they didn't have a birth certificate, couldn't hire a lawyer, didn't vote, or we couldn't see them yet." - See more at: Marco Rubio Reiterates His Opposition To Rape Or Incest Exceptions

PFAW And Allies Call On GOP Presidential Candidates To Distance Themselves From CPAC’s White Nationalist Sponsor Submitted by Miranda Blue on Wednesday, 2/25/2015 12:35 pm Today, People For the American Way, America’s Voice and ColorOfChange.org called on GOP presidential candidates to distance themselves from Conservative Political Action Conference’s ties to ProEnglish, a group led by white nationalist Robert Vandervoort. As we reported last week, ProEnglish is sponsoring a booth in the event’s exhibit hall, which costs $4,000. ProEnglish has been allowed to sponsor the event for the past several years, despite Vandervoort’s well documented ties with white nationalist groups. Nearly every major Republican presidential contender is scheduled to speak at the event this weekend. Here is the full text of the open letter from PFAW, America’s Voice and ColorOfChange.org: -

Dear Gov. Jeb Bush, Dr. Ben Carson, Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Sen. Rand Paul, Gov. Rick Perry, Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Rick Santorum, and Gov. Scott Walker: We understand that you are scheduled to speak at this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference, an event which is being partially sponsored by ProEnglish, a group led by white nationalist Bob Vandervoort. We urge you to decline to speak at CPAC unless it cuts ties with ProEnglish and Vandervoort. - See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/conte...-cpac-s-white-nationalis#sthash.bUakXX25.dpuf

Marco Rubio: The Tea Party's Prodigal Son Returns Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 3/24/2015 3:55 pm As the GOP embraces the reactionary politics and anti-government zealotry of the Tea Party, it is steadily purging “moderates” and empowering extremists. Nothing shows this trend more clearly than the lineup of potential Republican presidential candidates. In this new series, we’ll be looking at the records and promises of the Republican Party’s leading presidential prospects. Next up is Marco Rubio: The Republican Party has been increasingly willing to cave to far-right purists who want to drive out anyone who they deem to be ideologically impure. The career of Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is a case in point. - See more at: Marco Rubio: The Tea Party's Prodigal Son Returns
NOT FIT TO SERVE as President of a secular, Constitutional Republic

Marco Rubio: 'Ignore' Gay Marriage Decision Because 'God's Rules Always Win' Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 11/25/2015 11:40 am In an interview today with David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Sen. Marco Rubio said that the Supreme Court’s rulings on marriage equality and abortion rights in the Obergefell and Roe decisions, respectively, are “not settled law.” The Republican presidential candidate said that states should “do everything possible within the constraints that its placed upon us” to curtail abortion rights, before insisting that government officials “ignore” Supreme Court rulings if they believe they conflict with “God’s rules.” - See more at: Marco Rubio: 'Ignore' Gay Marriage Decision Because 'God's Rules Always Win'

Marco Rubio's Planned Parenthood Whopper Places Him In Far-Right Fringe Submitted by Miranda Blue on Tuesday, 9/22/2015 12:02 pm There have been several layers of lies that have grown out of the smear campaign that anti-choice groups are currently waging against Planned Parenthood. The first is the baseless allegation found in the heavily edited tapes that activists calling themselves the Center for Medical Progress have been slowly releasing: That Planned Parenthood violated federal laws by profiting from its voluntary fetal tissue donation program. (Or, in CMP’s words, is “selling aborted baby parts for profit.”) Those allegations do not hold water. CMP’s videos edited out many instances of Planned Parenthood employees making clear that the organization does not profit from fetal tissue donated to medical research. Several states launched investigations into Planned Parenthood after the videos were released, and every investigation to conclude so far has found no wrongdoing. - See more at: Marco Rubio's Planned Parenthood Whopper Places Him In Far-Right Fringe

Marco Rubio Reiterates His Opposition To Rape Or Incest Exceptions Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Monday, 8/17/2015 1:44 pm Sen. Marco Rubio called into Glenn Beck's radio program today and reiterated his position that abortion ought to be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest, predicting that within 100 years, people will look back on legal abortion with disbelief. "I believe a human being is entitled to life, irrespective of the circumstances in which that human being was conceived and so forth," the Florida Republican said. "Now I recognize that other people don't hold that view and in order to save lives in this country, I have supported bills that had to have exceptions in them, and I know a lot of people who are pro-life but support exceptions because they feel it goes too far." "I personally feel very, very strongly that every human life is entitled to the protection of our laws," he continued. "If we as a society start deciding which lives we're going to protect and which lives we're not, we've put ourselves on a very slippery, dangerous slope. I actually think in a hundred years or so, or less, future generations are going to look back at this time in history and say that it's really unbelievable that so many unborn human beings, their lives were ended simply because they didn't have a birth certificate, couldn't hire a lawyer, didn't vote, or we couldn't see them yet." - See more at: Marco Rubio Reiterates His Opposition To Rape Or Incest Exceptions

PFAW And Allies Call On GOP Presidential Candidates To Distance Themselves From CPAC’s White Nationalist Sponsor Submitted by Miranda Blue on Wednesday, 2/25/2015 12:35 pm Today, People For the American Way, America’s Voice and ColorOfChange.org called on GOP presidential candidates to distance themselves from Conservative Political Action Conference’s ties to ProEnglish, a group led by white nationalist Robert Vandervoort. As we reported last week, ProEnglish is sponsoring a booth in the event’s exhibit hall, which costs $4,000. ProEnglish has been allowed to sponsor the event for the past several years, despite Vandervoort’s well documented ties with white nationalist groups. Nearly every major Republican presidential contender is scheduled to speak at the event this weekend. Here is the full text of the open letter from PFAW, America’s Voice and ColorOfChange.org: -

Dear Gov. Jeb Bush, Dr. Ben Carson, Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Sen. Rand Paul, Gov. Rick Perry, Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Rick Santorum, and Gov. Scott Walker: We understand that you are scheduled to speak at this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference, an event which is being partially sponsored by ProEnglish, a group led by white nationalist Bob Vandervoort. We urge you to decline to speak at CPAC unless it cuts ties with ProEnglish and Vandervoort. - See more at: PFAW And Allies Call On GOP Presidential Candidates To Distance Themselves From CPAC’s White Nationalist Sponsor

Marco Rubio: The Tea Party's Prodigal Son Returns Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 3/24/2015 3:55 pm As the GOP embraces the reactionary politics and anti-government zealotry of the Tea Party, it is steadily purging “moderates” and empowering extremists. Nothing shows this trend more clearly than the lineup of potential Republican presidential candidates. In this new series, we’ll be looking at the records and promises of the Republican Party’s leading presidential prospects. Next up is Marco Rubio: The Republican Party has been increasingly willing to cave to far-right purists who want to drive out anyone who they deem to be ideologically impure. The career of Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is a case in point. - See more at: Marco Rubio: The Tea Party's Prodigal Son Returns

Rubio gonna win in Washington/Boston/New York who are New Jersey ?

Then nothing more than one state.

:muahaha: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: :muahaha:
NOT FIT TO SERVE as President of a secular, Constitutional Republic

Marco Rubio: 'Ignore' Gay Marriage Decision Because 'God's Rules Always Win' Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 11/25/2015 11:40 am In an interview today with David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Sen. Marco Rubio said that the Supreme Court’s rulings on marriage equality and abortion rights in the Obergefell and Roe decisions, respectively, are “not settled law.” The Republican presidential candidate said that states should “do everything possible within the constraints that its placed upon us” to curtail abortion rights, before insisting that government officials “ignore” Supreme Court rulings if they believe they conflict with “God’s rules.” - See more at: Marco Rubio: 'Ignore' Gay Marriage Decision Because 'God's Rules Always Win'

Marco Rubio's Planned Parenthood Whopper Places Him In Far-Right Fringe Submitted by Miranda Blue on Tuesday, 9/22/2015 12:02 pm There have been several layers of lies that have grown out of the smear campaign that anti-choice groups are currently waging against Planned Parenthood. The first is the baseless allegation found in the heavily edited tapes that activists calling themselves the Center for Medical Progress have been slowly releasing: That Planned Parenthood violated federal laws by profiting from its voluntary fetal tissue donation program. (Or, in CMP’s words, is “selling aborted baby parts for profit.”) Those allegations do not hold water. CMP’s videos edited out many instances of Planned Parenthood employees making clear that the organization does not profit from fetal tissue donated to medical research. Several states launched investigations into Planned Parenthood after the videos were released, and every investigation to conclude so far has found no wrongdoing. - See more at: Marco Rubio's Planned Parenthood Whopper Places Him In Far-Right Fringe

Marco Rubio Reiterates His Opposition To Rape Or Incest Exceptions Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Monday, 8/17/2015 1:44 pm Sen. Marco Rubio called into Glenn Beck's radio program today and reiterated his position that abortion ought to be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest, predicting that within 100 years, people will look back on legal abortion with disbelief. "I believe a human being is entitled to life, irrespective of the circumstances in which that human being was conceived and so forth," the Florida Republican said. "Now I recognize that other people don't hold that view and in order to save lives in this country, I have supported bills that had to have exceptions in them, and I know a lot of people who are pro-life but support exceptions because they feel it goes too far." "I personally feel very, very strongly that every human life is entitled to the protection of our laws," he continued. "If we as a society start deciding which lives we're going to protect and which lives we're not, we've put ourselves on a very slippery, dangerous slope. I actually think in a hundred years or so, or less, future generations are going to look back at this time in history and say that it's really unbelievable that so many unborn human beings, their lives were ended simply because they didn't have a birth certificate, couldn't hire a lawyer, didn't vote, or we couldn't see them yet." - See more at: Marco Rubio Reiterates His Opposition To Rape Or Incest Exceptions

PFAW And Allies Call On GOP Presidential Candidates To Distance Themselves From CPAC’s White Nationalist Sponsor Submitted by Miranda Blue on Wednesday, 2/25/2015 12:35 pm Today, People For the American Way, America’s Voice and ColorOfChange.org called on GOP presidential candidates to distance themselves from Conservative Political Action Conference’s ties to ProEnglish, a group led by white nationalist Robert Vandervoort. As we reported last week, ProEnglish is sponsoring a booth in the event’s exhibit hall, which costs $4,000. ProEnglish has been allowed to sponsor the event for the past several years, despite Vandervoort’s well documented ties with white nationalist groups. Nearly every major Republican presidential contender is scheduled to speak at the event this weekend. Here is the full text of the open letter from PFAW, America’s Voice and ColorOfChange.org: -

Dear Gov. Jeb Bush, Dr. Ben Carson, Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Sen. Rand Paul, Gov. Rick Perry, Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Rick Santorum, and Gov. Scott Walker: We understand that you are scheduled to speak at this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference, an event which is being partially sponsored by ProEnglish, a group led by white nationalist Bob Vandervoort. We urge you to decline to speak at CPAC unless it cuts ties with ProEnglish and Vandervoort. - See more at: PFAW And Allies Call On GOP Presidential Candidates To Distance Themselves From CPAC’s White Nationalist Sponsor

Marco Rubio: The Tea Party's Prodigal Son Returns Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 3/24/2015 3:55 pm As the GOP embraces the reactionary politics and anti-government zealotry of the Tea Party, it is steadily purging “moderates” and empowering extremists. Nothing shows this trend more clearly than the lineup of potential Republican presidential candidates. In this new series, we’ll be looking at the records and promises of the Republican Party’s leading presidential prospects. Next up is Marco Rubio: The Republican Party has been increasingly willing to cave to far-right purists who want to drive out anyone who they deem to be ideologically impure. The career of Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is a case in point. - See more at: Marco Rubio: The Tea Party's Prodigal Son Returns

Rubio gonna win in Washington/Boston/New York who are New Jersey ?

Then nothing more than one state.

:muahaha: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: :muahaha:
Eat od McDonalds? That explains a lot.

McDonald's is best food in world. And tasty.

After lunch we driving home 2 english miles from home.
NOT FIT TO SERVE as President of a secular, Constitutional Republic

Marco Rubio: 'Ignore' Gay Marriage Decision Because 'God's Rules Always Win' Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 11/25/2015 11:40 am In an interview today with David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Sen. Marco Rubio said that the Supreme Court’s rulings on marriage equality and abortion rights in the Obergefell and Roe decisions, respectively, are “not settled law.” The Republican presidential candidate said that states should “do everything possible within the constraints that its placed upon us” to curtail abortion rights, before insisting that government officials “ignore” Supreme Court rulings if they believe they conflict with “God’s rules.” - See more at: Marco Rubio: 'Ignore' Gay Marriage Decision Because 'God's Rules Always Win'

Marco Rubio's Planned Parenthood Whopper Places Him In Far-Right Fringe Submitted by Miranda Blue on Tuesday, 9/22/2015 12:02 pm There have been several layers of lies that have grown out of the smear campaign that anti-choice groups are currently waging against Planned Parenthood. The first is the baseless allegation found in the heavily edited tapes that activists calling themselves the Center for Medical Progress have been slowly releasing: That Planned Parenthood violated federal laws by profiting from its voluntary fetal tissue donation program. (Or, in CMP’s words, is “selling aborted baby parts for profit.”) Those allegations do not hold water. CMP’s videos edited out many instances of Planned Parenthood employees making clear that the organization does not profit from fetal tissue donated to medical research. Several states launched investigations into Planned Parenthood after the videos were released, and every investigation to conclude so far has found no wrongdoing. - See more at: Marco Rubio's Planned Parenthood Whopper Places Him In Far-Right Fringe

Marco Rubio Reiterates His Opposition To Rape Or Incest Exceptions Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Monday, 8/17/2015 1:44 pm Sen. Marco Rubio called into Glenn Beck's radio program today and reiterated his position that abortion ought to be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest, predicting that within 100 years, people will look back on legal abortion with disbelief. "I believe a human being is entitled to life, irrespective of the circumstances in which that human being was conceived and so forth," the Florida Republican said. "Now I recognize that other people don't hold that view and in order to save lives in this country, I have supported bills that had to have exceptions in them, and I know a lot of people who are pro-life but support exceptions because they feel it goes too far." "I personally feel very, very strongly that every human life is entitled to the protection of our laws," he continued. "If we as a society start deciding which lives we're going to protect and which lives we're not, we've put ourselves on a very slippery, dangerous slope. I actually think in a hundred years or so, or less, future generations are going to look back at this time in history and say that it's really unbelievable that so many unborn human beings, their lives were ended simply because they didn't have a birth certificate, couldn't hire a lawyer, didn't vote, or we couldn't see them yet." - See more at: Marco Rubio Reiterates His Opposition To Rape Or Incest Exceptions

PFAW And Allies Call On GOP Presidential Candidates To Distance Themselves From CPAC’s White Nationalist Sponsor Submitted by Miranda Blue on Wednesday, 2/25/2015 12:35 pm Today, People For the American Way, America’s Voice and ColorOfChange.org called on GOP presidential candidates to distance themselves from Conservative Political Action Conference’s ties to ProEnglish, a group led by white nationalist Robert Vandervoort. As we reported last week, ProEnglish is sponsoring a booth in the event’s exhibit hall, which costs $4,000. ProEnglish has been allowed to sponsor the event for the past several years, despite Vandervoort’s well documented ties with white nationalist groups. Nearly every major Republican presidential contender is scheduled to speak at the event this weekend. Here is the full text of the open letter from PFAW, America’s Voice and ColorOfChange.org: -

Dear Gov. Jeb Bush, Dr. Ben Carson, Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Sen. Rand Paul, Gov. Rick Perry, Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Rick Santorum, and Gov. Scott Walker: We understand that you are scheduled to speak at this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference, an event which is being partially sponsored by ProEnglish, a group led by white nationalist Bob Vandervoort. We urge you to decline to speak at CPAC unless it cuts ties with ProEnglish and Vandervoort. - See more at: PFAW And Allies Call On GOP Presidential Candidates To Distance Themselves From CPAC’s White Nationalist Sponsor

Marco Rubio: The Tea Party's Prodigal Son Returns Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 3/24/2015 3:55 pm As the GOP embraces the reactionary politics and anti-government zealotry of the Tea Party, it is steadily purging “moderates” and empowering extremists. Nothing shows this trend more clearly than the lineup of potential Republican presidential candidates. In this new series, we’ll be looking at the records and promises of the Republican Party’s leading presidential prospects. Next up is Marco Rubio: The Republican Party has been increasingly willing to cave to far-right purists who want to drive out anyone who they deem to be ideologically impure. The career of Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is a case in point. - See more at: Marco Rubio: The Tea Party's Prodigal Son Returns

Rubio gonna win in Washington/Boston/New York who are New Jersey ?

Then nothing more than one state.

:muahaha: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: :muahaha:
NOT FIT TO SERVE as President of a secular, Constitutional Republic

Marco Rubio: 'Ignore' Gay Marriage Decision Because 'God's Rules Always Win' Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 11/25/2015 11:40 am In an interview today with David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Sen. Marco Rubio said that the Supreme Court’s rulings on marriage equality and abortion rights in the Obergefell and Roe decisions, respectively, are “not settled law.” The Republican presidential candidate said that states should “do everything possible within the constraints that its placed upon us” to curtail abortion rights, before insisting that government officials “ignore” Supreme Court rulings if they believe they conflict with “God’s rules.” - See more at: Marco Rubio: 'Ignore' Gay Marriage Decision Because 'God's Rules Always Win'

Marco Rubio's Planned Parenthood Whopper Places Him In Far-Right Fringe Submitted by Miranda Blue on Tuesday, 9/22/2015 12:02 pm There have been several layers of lies that have grown out of the smear campaign that anti-choice groups are currently waging against Planned Parenthood. The first is the baseless allegation found in the heavily edited tapes that activists calling themselves the Center for Medical Progress have been slowly releasing: That Planned Parenthood violated federal laws by profiting from its voluntary fetal tissue donation program. (Or, in CMP’s words, is “selling aborted baby parts for profit.”) Those allegations do not hold water. CMP’s videos edited out many instances of Planned Parenthood employees making clear that the organization does not profit from fetal tissue donated to medical research. Several states launched investigations into Planned Parenthood after the videos were released, and every investigation to conclude so far has found no wrongdoing. - See more at: Marco Rubio's Planned Parenthood Whopper Places Him In Far-Right Fringe

Marco Rubio Reiterates His Opposition To Rape Or Incest Exceptions Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Monday, 8/17/2015 1:44 pm Sen. Marco Rubio called into Glenn Beck's radio program today and reiterated his position that abortion ought to be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest, predicting that within 100 years, people will look back on legal abortion with disbelief. "I believe a human being is entitled to life, irrespective of the circumstances in which that human being was conceived and so forth," the Florida Republican said. "Now I recognize that other people don't hold that view and in order to save lives in this country, I have supported bills that had to have exceptions in them, and I know a lot of people who are pro-life but support exceptions because they feel it goes too far." "I personally feel very, very strongly that every human life is entitled to the protection of our laws," he continued. "If we as a society start deciding which lives we're going to protect and which lives we're not, we've put ourselves on a very slippery, dangerous slope. I actually think in a hundred years or so, or less, future generations are going to look back at this time in history and say that it's really unbelievable that so many unborn human beings, their lives were ended simply because they didn't have a birth certificate, couldn't hire a lawyer, didn't vote, or we couldn't see them yet." - See more at: Marco Rubio Reiterates His Opposition To Rape Or Incest Exceptions

PFAW And Allies Call On GOP Presidential Candidates To Distance Themselves From CPAC’s White Nationalist Sponsor Submitted by Miranda Blue on Wednesday, 2/25/2015 12:35 pm Today, People For the American Way, America’s Voice and ColorOfChange.org called on GOP presidential candidates to distance themselves from Conservative Political Action Conference’s ties to ProEnglish, a group led by white nationalist Robert Vandervoort. As we reported last week, ProEnglish is sponsoring a booth in the event’s exhibit hall, which costs $4,000. ProEnglish has been allowed to sponsor the event for the past several years, despite Vandervoort’s well documented ties with white nationalist groups. Nearly every major Republican presidential contender is scheduled to speak at the event this weekend. Here is the full text of the open letter from PFAW, America’s Voice and ColorOfChange.org: -

Dear Gov. Jeb Bush, Dr. Ben Carson, Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Sen. Rand Paul, Gov. Rick Perry, Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Rick Santorum, and Gov. Scott Walker: We understand that you are scheduled to speak at this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference, an event which is being partially sponsored by ProEnglish, a group led by white nationalist Bob Vandervoort. We urge you to decline to speak at CPAC unless it cuts ties with ProEnglish and Vandervoort. - See more at: PFAW And Allies Call On GOP Presidential Candidates To Distance Themselves From CPAC’s White Nationalist Sponsor

Marco Rubio: The Tea Party's Prodigal Son Returns Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 3/24/2015 3:55 pm As the GOP embraces the reactionary politics and anti-government zealotry of the Tea Party, it is steadily purging “moderates” and empowering extremists. Nothing shows this trend more clearly than the lineup of potential Republican presidential candidates. In this new series, we’ll be looking at the records and promises of the Republican Party’s leading presidential prospects. Next up is Marco Rubio: The Republican Party has been increasingly willing to cave to far-right purists who want to drive out anyone who they deem to be ideologically impure. The career of Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is a case in point. - See more at: Marco Rubio: The Tea Party's Prodigal Son Returns

Rubio gonna win in Washington/Boston/New York who are New Jersey ?

Then nothing more than one state.

:muahaha: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: :muahaha:

I ranked Cruz in tenth place when I did not know his chance in the election campaign but then I changed him into the top -4 and thought the whole time that he had something with the final victory in the campaign to end win against Hillary , Bernie or O'Malley but O'Malley is my way out the winner of the socialists democracy candidate because I like him as cruel and handsome Catholic, it is estimated , but only if he manages to win and Cruz where I change my mind again and Rubio and later Kasich , Trump and Huckabee these four republicaner and a socialist, democrat O'Malley is now up 1 + 4 candidates in elections this year . Is equal to five candidates . Changed me as said by Cruz Rubio now. Rubio has chances against Hillary and if there is the will there Rubio as the overall winner .

Did my time last night in Sweden there I didn't believe on Rubio but now it swings on wingers and I wanted Rubio, Kasich , Trump , O'Malley and Huckabee now. 1 of 5 will be new president what I want's.
Now I thinking Kasich as Goverment and Rubio as president if he win all election over Trump. It is Trump or Rubio or Huckabee how in capitalism then against Hillary or Bernie. O'Malley I hopes by socialists but only if american voite for him instead for Trump or Huckabee.
:beer: :beer: Congratuations next president! My top - 4 candidates how are 1 of 4 as president for US 2016 ending year world most powerful human in world.... :beer: :beer:

:coffee: :salute:

Fuck Middle east and China.


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