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Marco Rubio’s real disqualification: New video outlines bizarre religious faith — and he wants to govern by it Marco Rubio’s real disqualification: New video outlines bizarre religious faith — and he wants to govern by it

........Moreover, faith-derangement syndrome afflicts the undeniably young and intelligent, and most notably, among the Republican contenders for the White House, Senator Marco Rubio. Rubio once converted to Mormonism but currently two-times with both the Catholic Church and the extremist, anti-gay, pro-exorcist Christ Fellowship. He has just put out a television campaign ad entitled “Marco Rubio on His Christian Faith.”

As a pianist taps out a somniferously bland tune that would befit an ad for a last-rites parlor, Rubio, seated against a dark backdrop, explains the delicate balance he strives to achieve in melding his faith and career as a lawmaker, as well as offering detailed, faith-inspired plans for governing the United States in a time of international turmoil and domestic discontent.

No, wait! He leaves out the plans and turmoil abroad and the discontent at home. He uses his campaign ad to talk only about religion. Aren’t campaign ads supposed to at least have something to do with politics?

Anyway, let’s dissect Rubio’s message line by line. He opens with a statement that is presumptive, irrelevant to the office he seeks, theologically contentious, and tritely tautological.

First of all, "progressives" cannot be patriots. The collectivist agenda you parasites promote is the antithesis of the nation as founded. Our Constitution limits (or is supposed to) the federal government to just a few simple tasks. Regressive policies cannot exist without a massive and intrusive authoritarian state.

Furthermore you used the term:

an idiot said:
faith-derangement syndrome

The term should actually refer to rabid, foaming at the mouth moonbats like you who regard anyone who has a faith in something your you're programmed to hate, with an irrational contempt.

Anti Christian bigots like you piss all over yourselves when people condemn moose limbs who kill their daughters for dating, and when a Christian promotes abstinence until marriage you howl about archaic morality.

How about you discuss the man's actual legislative record? You know, the issues that are relevant and not some bullshit agitprop you lifted off a Daily Kos hit piece.

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Dear T.W.,

Premiums are higher because of Rubio. That's the point of what he's doing.

That is the most asinine thing I have seen all week.

You win.

Dear T.W.,

Premiums are higher because of Rubio. That's the point of what he's doing.

That is the most asinine thing I have seen all week.

You win.

Rubio brags about this! He's run insurers out of business and forced premiums up in his misguided bid to "cripple" the ACA.

It won't work, but it sure is a pain in the ass for a lot of people. But if it helps Marco's presidential ambitions!
Marco Rubio’s real disqualification: New video outlines bizarre religious faith — and he wants to govern by it Marco Rubio’s real disqualification: New video outlines bizarre religious faith — and he wants to govern by it

........Moreover, faith-derangement syndrome afflicts the undeniably young and intelligent, and most notably, among the Republican contenders for the White House, Senator Marco Rubio. Rubio once converted to Mormonism but currently two-times with both the Catholic Church and the extremist, anti-gay, pro-exorcist Christ Fellowship. He has just put out a television campaign ad entitled “Marco Rubio on His Christian Faith.”

As a pianist taps out a somniferously bland tune that would befit an ad for a last-rites parlor, Rubio, seated against a dark backdrop, explains the delicate balance he strives to achieve in melding his faith and career as a lawmaker, as well as offering detailed, faith-inspired plans for governing the United States in a time of international turmoil and domestic discontent.

No, wait! He leaves out the plans and turmoil abroad and the discontent at home. He uses his campaign ad to talk only about religion. Aren’t campaign ads supposed to at least have something to do with politics?

Anyway, let’s dissect Rubio’s message line by line. He opens with a statement that is presumptive, irrelevant to the office he seeks, theologically contentious, and tritely tautological.

First of all, "progressives" cannot be patriots. The collectivist agenda you parasites promote is the antithesis of the nation as founded. Our Constitution limits (or is supposed to) the federal government to just a few simple tasks. Regressive policies cannot exist without a massive and intrusive authoritarian state.

Furthermore you used the term:

an idiot said:
faith-derangement syndrome

The term should actually refer to rabid, foaming at the mouth moonbats like you who regard anyone who has a faith in something your you're programmed to hate, with an irrational contempt.

Anti Christian bigots like you piss all over yourselves when people condemn moose limbs who kill their daughters for dating, and when a Christian promotes abstinence until marriage you howl about archaic morality.

How about you discuss the man's actual legislative record? You know, the issues that are relevant and not some bullshit agitprop you lifted off a Daily Kos hit piece.

I am just going to respond to one part of this considerably large load of equine excrement for now......"progressives can't be patriots" This is an OP-ED that I recently had published:

Conservatives Do Not Have the Exclusive Right to be called Patriots 12.11.15 by Redacted

I have, of late, been derided by conservatives for daring to say that I am patriot. They are angered that I, a liberal, a progressive and a Democrat would dare utter such heresy. It was even said that “progressive patriot is an oxymoron - which I find highly offensive. Therefore, in this season of increasingly rancorous, partisan jousting, I thought that it would be appropriate to discuss what being a patriot means, and perhaps more importantly- with the current crop of Republican presidential contenders and their supporters in mind - what it is not.

It is true that I have for a long time had been hesitant to call myself a patriot, associating the label with “conservative “one who blindly adheres to the status quo , resisting change ,or worse, seeking to reverse progress. However, I will no longer allow conservatives to claim the mantle of patriotism while resisting positive change in our country.

I submit to you that neatly packaging the problems that we have as a nation into sound bites about things like immigration, taxing and spending, (and the spending part only applies if it’s being done by a Democrat) while ignoring the wider issue of what a truly great nation should represent does not make anyone a patriot. Similarly, deriding social programs as socialism and pretending that anyone can get by in today’s America if only they would try harder does not make anyone a patriot, nor is spinning news stories, or outright lying for political gain and to spread fear.

In addition, denying that religious freedom, enshrined in the constitution that they claim to love, applies equally to people of all faiths, or no faith at all, is not patriotic, and in no way in keeping with the vision of the founders. Along the same lines, adopting an interpretation of the Constitution that would result in such limited federal powers as to revert the role of government to the era of the Federalist Papers-creating a loose “federation” of states, is not patriotic. In their America, states would be free to flout the equal protection mandate of the constitution, the bill of rights, the voting rights act and the civil rights act - as some surely would. That may be the country that these self-anointed “patriots” want, but not I.

Seeking to subjugate women, teaching children pseudoscience, and relegating those who are different to second class status does not make anyone a patriot. Pursuing a foreign policy based on fear, domination, arrogance and jingoism does not make one a patriot. Putting politics and ideology before the good of the country is not patriotic, nor is advancing conspiracy theories against the UN and blocking treaties that protect the environment, women and disabled people that should not even be political. And finally, disrespecting the president and first lady with absurd charges and derogatory words does not make them patriots. Quite the contrary, they are dangerous, and subversive because all of these things weaken America economically and morally, undermine national security, and bring scorn and ridicule upon the country. Today I declare that I, and others like me are the true patriots because we have a vision of this country being truly great in all ways for all of our people. I’m a patriot because I want America to be respected in the world as a leader in science, diplomacy, and the evolving standards of human decency. Patriotism is progress and progress is patriotism. So conservatives, please tell me again how you are the true patriots and why I am not.
How do you explain it made costs go up? I

Rubio's legislation to "cripple" the ACA? It monkeyed with the risk model, which makes people's premiums go up. Not to mention driving smaller, start-up insurers that were competing with the established giants out of the market. That's what he considers "success," since if it's bad for families it's good for Rubio's ambition.
I am just going to respond to one part of this considerably large load of equine excrement for now......"progressives can't be patriots" This is an OP-ED that I recently had published:

Where was that bullshit "published"? The democrook underground? Prog douchebags like you are either vacuous unwitting tools of the international marxist agenda, or you're a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath willfully undermining the foundation of this country. The politics you promote create dependency, poverty, ignorance and tyranny. In short, North Korea.

The policies you seek to thwart are those which allowed Americans to create the most prosperous industrial behemoth in the world. We have been in greater decline every step of the way since Wilson, because of regressive moonbats parasites like you.

How do you explain it made costs go up? I

Rubio's legislation to "cripple" the ACA? It monkeyed with the risk model, which makes people's premiums go up. Not to mention driving smaller, start-up insurers that were competing with the established giants out of the market. That's what he considers "success," since if it's bad for families it's good for Rubio's ambition.
We have nothing to go on but your opinion but I'm skeptical. The state here drove out all the smaller players because no one could afford the mandates that were piled on. Not to mention, small insurance companies can't play the obamacare game, the laws were written by the big boys in the industry for a reason. And it wasn't to help you get cheaper prices. Rubio bad for health insurance, obama good? Bull effin shit!
I can't say I'm 100% solidified in my support, but it's getting pretty darn close.

I've got nothing against Jeb, but unfortunately, he seems to have some deficits in campaigning leadership his brother excelled in. His strategy of letting the hot air balloons have their day is sound. I trust his rolodex is formidable enough to staff an administration well enough and the iside (iSideWith.com) website says we're 88% in tune. But he's blowing it. Maybe he's playing possum and if so maybe his timing his perfect. But I'm not so sure. His flubs have been novice and unprepared. The petulant vibe he's putting out is painting him into the popular mythic corner of "entitled royal" he can ill-afford. Maybe he cut the right deals on the golf course to leverage a big spring in a couple of months that chokes out the rest of the field. But I'm not so sure. It looks to me he's going to have to go more negative to pull it off than he can really afford. I think he should have been more prepared for the press and less frustrated with the party that he's asking to govern.

Walker was the perfect candidate on paper. He's got real executive skills in the hot seat. He has a remarkable record of affecting real policy and staying on the bull. But he showed up to the big stage unprepared. He squandered his mystique by flopping around like a fish on policy positions one would expect a prospective leader of the free world to have given some thought to beforehand. I could forgive him the first couple of times, but this past round of refining your policy and talking points in public view is starting to feel insulting. Now he's mouthing off about China in a way that reminds me of Romney's hyperbolic naiveté 4 years ago. (To his credit, his ‘China’ article in the Journal this morning didn’t self-inflict any wounds.) I still like him and his future, but I’m not seeing him ready to be president.

Rand Paul is right about a lot. He has a vision and skill in leading national attention to that which deserves it. He's on the front lines of pushing out the big tent, where I hope we follow him even if it takes decades to earns returns on the effort. But this Senator needs some executive experience before he can sit in the big chair with a full deck of cards to play for a successful presidency.

Perry & Jindal deserves more of a chance than they're getting, but the window for a redemptive breakout has probably already closed. The same may be said of most of the rest of the field--whose careers and qualifications deserve more attention than I'll give them here.

The novelties and rabble rousers come and go. (Some I'll be happier to see go.)

Folks, it's Rubio.

Yeah he's a Senator and a freshman one at that. Here on the red team that's a minus, not a plus. But he's handled his time there with seriousness and sobriety. I'd much prefer a governor with executive experience, but the fact is nobody's eye is the on the ball and has the skill to point to it as good as he does. He knows how to speak like foreign ministries are listening to him. He stuck his neck out on immigration reform, and even those of us who disagree with the legislation have to admire how deftly he respected the opposition, listened to the objection with fairness, took his lumps, and is capable of championing a winning coalition today. He's incisive, measured, and clear. He's a consensus builder with an eye on governing, not just hiding behind polarized politics and waiting for his GQ cover. He demonstrates an attitude of respect and responsibility greater than any governor in the race.

I keep waiting for a flub and he just won't give me one. When he does, I'll rethink my position. I haven't sized up the spouses yet and they matter. But at this point, my gut tells me the rest of the competition can't catch up.

If a pollster calls me up before the next debate, I'll say "Fiorina" so maybe she can get on the big stage.

But I'm saying, absent some shocking scandal (i.e. greater than a speeding ticket every few years)--it's Rubio for the win.
Rubio sounds good, but he's part of the establishment. He's just another Obama. Sounding good, but offering little substance. The worst thing about him is the simple fact that he's for Amnesty. I'm sorry, but for me, that's a non-starter. Rubio: Law-abiding undocumented immigrants could stay
Not to mention, small insurance companies can't play the obamacare game, the laws were written by the big boys in the industry for a reason.

If you're talking about the changes Rubio has pushed, you're right. He's been working hard to sabotage the pieces designed to give smaller, new market entrants a shot at competing against the big national carriers. Hence the market exits after he "succeeded." He's either dumb or malicious, but either way he can't vacate that Senate seat soon enough (though in practice I guess he already has vacated it in every aspect other than continuing to draw the paycheck).
Marco Rubio’s real disqualification: New video outlines bizarre religious faith — and he wants to govern by it Marco Rubio’s real disqualification: New video outlines bizarre religious faith — and he wants to govern by it

........Moreover, faith-derangement syndrome afflicts the undeniably young and intelligent, and most notably, among the Republican contenders for the White House, Senator Marco Rubio. Rubio once converted to Mormonism but currently two-times with both the Catholic Church and the extremist, anti-gay, pro-exorcist Christ Fellowship. He has just put out a television campaign ad entitled “Marco Rubio on His Christian Faith.”

As a pianist taps out a somniferously bland tune that would befit an ad for a last-rites parlor, Rubio, seated against a dark backdrop, explains the delicate balance he strives to achieve in melding his faith and career as a lawmaker, as well as offering detailed, faith-inspired plans for governing the United States in a time of international turmoil and domestic discontent.

No, wait! He leaves out the plans and turmoil abroad and the discontent at home. He uses his campaign ad to talk only about religion. Aren’t campaign ads supposed to at least have something to do with politics?

Anyway, let’s dissect Rubio’s message line by line. He opens with a statement that is presumptive, irrelevant to the office he seeks, theologically contentious, and tritely tautological.

First of all, "progressives" cannot be patriots. The collectivist agenda you parasites promote is the antithesis of the nation as founded. Our Constitution limits (or is supposed to) the federal government to just a few simple tasks. Regressive policies cannot exist without a massive and intrusive authoritarian state.

Furthermore you used the term:

an idiot said:
faith-derangement syndrome

The term should actually refer to rabid, foaming at the mouth moonbats like you who regard anyone who has a faith in something your you're programmed to hate, with an irrational contempt.

Anti Christian bigots like you piss all over yourselves when people condemn moose limbs who kill their daughters for dating, and when a Christian promotes abstinence until marriage you howl about archaic morality.

How about you discuss the man's actual legislative record? You know, the issues that are relevant and not some bullshit agitprop you lifted off a Daily Kos hit piece.

I am just going to respond to one part of this considerably large load of equine excrement for now......"progressives can't be patriots" This is an OP-ED that I recently had published:

Conservatives Do Not Have the Exclusive Right to be called Patriots 12.11.15 by Redacted

I have, of late, been derided by conservatives for daring to say that I am patriot. They are angered that I, a liberal, a progressive and a Democrat would dare utter such heresy. It was even said that “progressive patriot is an oxymoron - which I find highly offensive. Therefore, in this season of increasingly rancorous, partisan jousting, I thought that it would be appropriate to discuss what being a patriot means, and perhaps more importantly- with the current crop of Republican presidential contenders and their supporters in mind - what it is not.

It is true that I have for a long time had been hesitant to call myself a patriot, associating the label with “conservative “one who blindly adheres to the status quo , resisting change ,or worse, seeking to reverse progress. However, I will no longer allow conservatives to claim the mantle of patriotism while resisting positive change in our country.

I submit to you that neatly packaging the problems that we have as a nation into sound bites about things like immigration, taxing and spending, (and the spending part only applies if it’s being done by a Democrat) while ignoring the wider issue of what a truly great nation should represent does not make anyone a patriot. Similarly, deriding social programs as socialism and pretending that anyone can get by in today’s America if only they would try harder does not make anyone a patriot, nor is spinning news stories, or outright lying for political gain and to spread fear.

In addition, denying that religious freedom, enshrined in the constitution that they claim to love, applies equally to people of all faiths, or no faith at all, is not patriotic, and in no way in keeping with the vision of the founders. Along the same lines, adopting an interpretation of the Constitution that would result in such limited federal powers as to revert the role of government to the era of the Federalist Papers-creating a loose “federation” of states, is not patriotic. In their America, states would be free to flout the equal protection mandate of the constitution, the bill of rights, the voting rights act and the civil rights act - as some surely would. That may be the country that these self-anointed “patriots” want, but not I.

Seeking to subjugate women, teaching children pseudoscience, and relegating those who are different to second class status does not make anyone a patriot. Pursuing a foreign policy based on fear, domination, arrogance and jingoism does not make one a patriot. Putting politics and ideology before the good of the country is not patriotic, nor is advancing conspiracy theories against the UN and blocking treaties that protect the environment, women and disabled people that should not even be political. And finally, disrespecting the president and first lady with absurd charges and derogatory words does not make them patriots. Quite the contrary, they are dangerous, and subversive because all of these things weaken America economically and morally, undermine national security, and bring scorn and ridicule upon the country. Today I declare that I, and others like me are the true patriots because we have a vision of this country being truly great in all ways for all of our people. I’m a patriot because I want America to be respected in the world as a leader in science, diplomacy, and the evolving standards of human decency. Patriotism is progress and progress is patriotism. So conservatives, please tell me again how you are the true patriots and why I am not.
I love to hear what you had to say about the office of the presidency during the Bush years. You are highly partisan so when you claim your version of patriotism is superior to someone else's due to their ideological outlook, it looks silly. And admit it, you want to watch Rubio fuck your wife.

You are a nasty little shit weasel! That remark about my wife has been reported.

As far as my post goes, if you had any fucking brains, you would know that it is about values and attitudes. It's about policies and programs and who they benefit and who they screw. My version of patriotism is indeed superior and I fully explained why. If it's all beyond you ability to comprehend, it's not my problem . Deal with it.
I am just going to respond to one part of this considerably large load of equine excrement for now......"progressives can't be patriots" This is an OP-ED that I recently had published:

Where was that bullshit "published"? The democrook underground? Prog douchebags like you are either vacuous unwitting tools of the international marxist agenda, or you're a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath willfully undermining the foundation of this country. The politics you promote create dependency, poverty, ignorance and tyranny. In short, North Korea.

The policies you seek to thwart are those which allowed Americans to create the most prosperous industrial behemoth in the world. We have been in greater decline every step of the way since Wilson, because of regressive moonbats parasites like you.

I am proud and delighted to see how I can upset people like you. I must be doing something right. It warms my heart! Progressivism is what made this country great!! :asshole:

I am proud and delighted to see how I can upset people like you. I must be doing something right. It warms my heart! Progressivism is what made this country great!! :asshole:


You don't upset me at all. You're an insignificant parasite. What does upset me is how people as vapid as you managed to survive childhood, and you only did so because of child resistant lids and warning labels. It seems to me like you're the one getting all emotional.

BTW, your political regressivism has NOTHING to do with what made this country great. This country became great because useless pukes like you starved to death in the gutter, while productive people were allowed to flourish. Progress in this country has been grounded to a halt because of efforts to keep genetic garbage like you alive in spite of natural selection.


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